REEL #M802/KSHS Microfilm Collection
This reel includes The Barber County Index from Thursday, December 16, 1880 through April 20, 1883. M.L. Sherpy was editor until July 1882; he was succeeded by E.W. Payne. In February 1883, publication changed from Thursdays to Fridays. Information has been copied as accurately as possible, but errors may still occur. Minor printing errors have been corrected, but otherwise the information is presented as it originally appeared. Please consult the individual reel to verify an item. I do not have any further information about these individuals or families. Contributed by Ellen Knowles Bisson
Jul 14, 1881, pg 3, col 1
Died: In t his city, Monday, July 11th, 1881, Fanny, daughter of Joseph and Alice Fowler. Aged one year.
Aug 4, 1881, pg 3, col 2
Died: The infant child of N.B. Sherlock died Wednesday morning. The mother is steadily improving.
Aug 11, 1881, pg 4, col 4
Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smith on Saturday afternoon, a bouncing big boy. Joe, of course, feels a pardonable pride in his achievement.
Aug 18, 1881
pg 3, col 2
Married: At the residence of the bride’s father, by S.J. Shepler, probate judge, Mr. Oscar Turney to Miss Belle Braswell. All of this place.
pg 3, col 4
Married: J.L. Keller was recently married to a Miss Watkins, of Sun City. Owing to the extreme modesty of the young man, we could learn none of the particulars further than that he had “gone and done it.”
pg 3, col 4
Married: At Lake City, on Friday evening, August 12th, 1881, Mr. John W. Pettijohn, of Comanche county, to Mrs. Rhoda Simons of this county. In order to give the newly married couple a start towards housekeeping, their friends presented them with the following useful articles: E.F. Kinchloe, glassware; T. Collins, cups and saucers; R. Gregory, knives and forks; J. Snearly, plates and sugar bowl; John Larkins, two pitchers; T. Ferguson, platter; Monroe Bush, smoking cap; R. Lake, a lamp, and Mrs. Lake a box of starch. After the ceremony was over, the boys indulged in social glasses of soda pop and “sea foam.” Our best wishes are extended to the couple for future happiness and prosperity, and may their life be long in the land.
Aug 25, 1881, pg 3, col 1
Married: Caddy Benton, son of Mrs. M.W. Brand, was recently married to an estimable young lady at East Rockford, Ohio. Caddy is little more than a youth, but his mother says that the girl he wedded is refined and has plenty of this world’s goods and the change is undoubtedly for the better.
Sep 1, 1881
pg 3, col 1
Died: An infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Slaterly, residing on Mule Creek, died on Sunday evening.
pg 3, col 1
Born: To Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Murdock on yesterday morning, a ten pound girl baby. Last accounts, mother and child were doing well.
pg 3, col 2
Married: On last Thursday, August 25th, by S.J. Shepler, Probate Judge, Mr. Florence [sic] O’Leary, of Arizona Territory, to Miss Anna Elizabeth Denton, of this county. Miss Denton was what one might with truth call a maiden lady - her age being about forty-five years - but her appearance would lead to the impression that she was much younger. She is spoken of as a very estimable lady. It is not stated whether the groom is a near relative of the champion pedestrian but it is presumed that he is or he would not have traveled so far after a wife.
Sep 15, 1881
pg 3, col 1
Died: Mr. and Mrs. Duncan lost an infant child on last Thursday. There has been considerable sickness among children.
pg 3, col 2
Married: At the residence of Rev. Wm. Friedley, on Thursday, September 8th, 1881, Mr. Jesse Murphy, of this county, to Miss Minerva Morris, of Kingman county. When the loving twain left their respective homes, it was not their intention to “hitch” on that occasion. But during the journey down, a great wave of thrilling, unutterable love surged over and through them, and upon their arrival here, they straightaway marched to the minister and were spliced.
Sep 22, 1881
pg 3, col 3
Died: On Sunday morning, Sept. 18th, 1881, of diphtheria, Nellie Dunmire, daughter of Mrs. Phillip Hartzell, by a former marriage, aged about fourteen years. The deceased had been suffering with a sore throat for some weeks, but was not considered dangerous until last Saturday afternoon she suddenly began to grow worse and despite all that medical skill could do, died at 10 o’clock Sunday morning with what the attending physician calls a clearly defined case of that much-to-be-dreaded disease, diphtheria.
Sep 29, 1881, pg 3, col 2
Engaged: Invitations are out for the wedding of Dr. W.H. Smethers, of Moline, Kansas, and Miss Iva Brattain, of this place - the ceremony to be performed at the residence of the bride’s father, on Sabbath evening, October the second.
Oct 6, 1881
pg 3, col 3
Married: Today, by S.J. Shepler, Probate Judge, Mr. E. Cockle, aged 35 years, to Mrs. E.P. Knowels, aged 51 years. It is hope that they may yet produce Cockle, although the snows of many winters have passed over their heads.
pg 3, col 3
Married: On Sabbath evening, Oct. 2nd, at the residence of the bride’s father, by S.J. Shepler, Probate Judge, Dr. Wm H. Smethers, of Moline, Kansas, to Miss Iva N. Brattain, of this place. A few friends of the bride were invited to witness the ceremony and partake of a splendid repast which had been prepared for the occasion. This event has not been unlooked for. The groom is a practicing physician in the town of Moline, and is spoken of as a gentleman of splendid character. The bride is well and favorably known through the county, and her friends unite in wishing the happy couple a long life of prosperity and happiness. [See Jan 5, 1882 for death of Iva Brattain Smethers.]
Oct 13, 1881
pg 3, col 2
Birthday: Last Sabbath [probably Oct 9th] was Mead C. Stolp’s twenty-ninth birthday and a few friends of the family wee invited out to the farm to partake of a fine repast and enjoy themselves rambling about viewing the beautiful scenery. During the years of his life that have passed, Mead has shown himself to be a thoroughly honorable boy and man, and his many friends wish him and his family many more long years of prosperous life.
pg 3, col 2
Married: On Sunday, Oct. 9th, 1881, at the M.E. Church, by Rev. Axline, Mr. Richard C. Williams, to Mrs. Mary J. Forsythe. Although Uncle “Billy” has lived in this “vale of tears” about fifty-three years, the romance of his life had not been entirely clouded. He is one of the few men whose natures are such that they never make enemies. He is respected alike by old and young. The lady whom he takes as his life partner is well and favorably known in this community and it is the wish of their friends that they may be as happy as turtle doves.
pg 3, col 4
Married: On Sunday, at the residence of the bride’s father, by Rev. Axline, Mr. E.A. VanSlyke to Miss Stella M. Denn, both of this place. It is an old and often true saying, that the course of true loved never runs smooth, but in this case it has proven to be untrue. From the time the bride and groom set eyes upon each other, they were mutually attracted, and their affection has grown and strengthened with each succeeding week. Os is a quiet, social fellow, with a good business capacity, and is always found at this post of duty, and above all he is a man who will not speak ill of his neighbors. The bride is a young lady of many personal attractions, while her home life has been a very exemplary one. The natures of the bride and groom are so similar in many respects that the quarrels and wrangles that turn so many households into a Hades will never visit them. A long life and happiness is the wish of the Index.
Oct 27, 1881
pg 3, col 1
Died: A child of Hillory Weidner, aged about four years, was buried on Tuesday [prob Oct 25, 1881].
pg 3, col 3
Married: At Wellington, Thursday evening, Oct. 20, 1881, B.S. Kauffman, of this place, to Miss Grace G. Long, of Wellington. The Index extends its heartiest congratulations and wishes the happy couple a prosperous journey through life.
pg 3, col 3
Married: At the residence of the bride’s father, Sunday, Oct. 23rd, by Judge S.J. Shepler, Henry Blickhahn to Anna Ayer, all of this county. Henry and his wife have very many friends in this community, who cordially desire for them a long lifetime of usefulness and pleasure.
pg 3, col 3
Married: On Monday, Oct. 24, 1881, by Judge S.J. Shepler, M.M. Jordan to Miss S.E. Frazer, all of this county. May their ways be ways of pleasantness and their paths be paths of peace. Mr. J. will shortly remove to Hutchinson, where he goes to enter into the harness business. He is a good fellow in any place.
Nov 3, 1881
pg 3, col 1
Born: To Mr. and Mrs. John Keys, one day last week, a son, the weight of the infant being standard, of course.
pg 3, col 3
Married: At Lake City Township, by Rev. J.M. Adams, Mr. P. Larkins to Eliza Flohr. No cards. Pat. has done gone and got married at last. In common with all who know him, we extend our [hand] to wish him and his better half all the happiness possible.
Nov 17, 1881, pg 3, col 2
Anniversary: This week we printed some nice invitations for the 15th anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Cook’s wedding day. Mr. and Mrs. C. are very popular wherever known and no doubt will received some beautiful presents. [See Dec 1, 1881 for complete details.]
Dec 1, 1881
pg 3, col 2
Married: To the surprise of her Barbour county friends, Miss Ella Iliff was married at Atchison on Nov. 7th, to a gentleman by the name of Wrenwick. We’ll guarantee there is more than one young man in this community who now wishes that he had made more persistent efforts to induce Miss Ella to remain here permanently, as she was respected and loved by all of her acquaintances. The Index wishes the couple complete and unalloyed happiness.
pg 3, col 3
Died: The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. A.G. Smith will be surprised and pained to learn of the death of their little daughter, aged about one year. She will be remembered as an unusually bright
and winsome child, and was the picture of health when the parents left here. That much to be dreaded disease, typhoid fever, seized upon the little innocent, and death, with his somber wings, wafted its spirit to that blissful realm where reigns the King of all Kings, who has said, “Suffer little children to come unto me.” Mrs. Smith has been very ill with the same disease, but is now better and as soon as she is able to travel, they will start for their Barbour county home.
pg 3, col 3
Born: To Mr. and Mrs. B. Cochran, on the 22nd, a bouncing girl baby.
pg 3, col 3
Anniversary: “Crystal Wedding of Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Cook” - The celebration of the 15th anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Cook, held at their residence in this city on Tuesday evening, Nov. 29th, was the most enjoyable affair of the kind ever held in Barbour county. Their spacious dwelling was filled to overflowing with the beauty, wealth and chivalry of Medicine Lodge and vicinity. It would have surprised a stranger from the east to have stepped into the gathering Tuesday evening and seen a sample of the society, “away out on the frontier”! We venture the assertion that there is no another town west of the Mississippi River three times the size that can boast of as splendid a class of society as Medicine Lodge. After the guests had assembled, the ceremony was performed by Rev. Geo. H. Reed. Those present pronounced it the most appropriate thing of the kind they ever heard. After the hand shaking, good wishes and congratulations were extended, supper was announced and the look of expectancy that o’er spread the countenances of all, made the oysters “tremble in their boots.” It was a feast of plenty, and if there is anything that will cause an individual to feel at peace with his Maker and all mankind, it is a good supper when you are feeling sort of a goneness in the region of your belt. After the feast, half an hour was spent in social chit-chat, after which Rev. Axline, in a very neat and appropriate speech, presented the gifts to the bride and groom of 15 years. Mr. Cook then feelingly returned his sincere thanks for the kind remembrances, after which Rev. Mulkey, in a few and well chosen remarks, thanked the donors for their beautiful gifts in behalf of Mr. and Mrs. C. The presents were nearly all costly ones and will always be treasured as mementoes of the happy event. The walls of the room were ornamented with evergreen and red buds by the willing and tasteful hands of Mrs. Geo. Geppert, in the following mottoes: “1869–Welcome–1881.” Following is a [partial] list of the presents: Ink stand, J.C. Orner; Fruit dish, Mr. and Mrs. Axline; Pair of vases, Mr. and Mrs. C.B. Curry; Smoking set, W.P. Ewing; Ice cream set, H.H. Whitney; One set engraved glassware of 42 pieces containing one doz goblets, 1 pitcher, 1 tea set, 1 fruit bowl, 1 celery, 1 comport and 1 dozen sauce dishes, D.E. Good, Carl L. Howe and Chas. W. Howe (Atchison); silver and glass pickle dish, Mother; Centre table lamp, Mr. and Mrs. F.P. Waters; Set of engraved goblets, Mr. and Mrs. D.A. Greever; Bronze and statuary clock, Mr. and Mrs. Youmans, Mr. and Mrs. Standiford, Mr. and Mrs. John E. Chapin, Mr. and Mrs. Blickhahn, Mr. and Mrs. P.H. Chapin, Mr. and Mrs. Holcomb, Mr. and Mrs. Geppert.
Dec 8, 1881, pg 3, col 3
Married: On Wednesday, Dec. 7th, 1881, by Rev. A. Axline, John McGrath to Miss Phoebe Lockard, both of this county.
Dec 22, 1881
pg 2, col 1
Died: On Dec. 18th, W.H. Curtis, aged 38 years. Funeral took place at his residence, about 12 miles down the river. Deceased was wounded in the head at the Battle of Chicamauga and a piece of the skull was taken out and replaced by a silver plate. His death was caused by a fresh injury.
pg 3, col 1
Born: Little Mr. Cobb, of Sun City, was presented with a ten pound girl by his wife the other day. [See Feb 2 for death of this child.]
Dec 29, 1881, pg 3, col 4
Married: “The Merry Wedding Bells” - On Christmas night, the wedding bells pealed forth their softest, sweetest tones announcing the marriage of Ambrose Allen and Miss Ella Higgins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Higgins of this place. The ceremony took place at the residence of the bride’s parents, in the presence of near relatives and the elite of the city, Rev. Geo. Reed officiating. Miss Ella, the bride, is one of Medicine Lodge’s most charming young ladies, and possesses many womanly virtues that render her entirely worthy of the strongest and lasting affections of so worthy and excellent a husband. Mr. Allen is [the] tinner in the hardware store of Geo. Geppert and enjoys the reputation of being the best and most efficient in the country. We are so unfortunate as not to receive an invitation to the ceremony, but hear the fest spoken of in the very highest terms. The table fairly groaned under its weight of delicacies - nearly everything that could tickle the palates of the hungry was spread thereon. This couple are peculiarly fitted for each other. Their temperaments are such that they will glide hand in hand down the current of life to a ripe old age, with scarcely a jar or discord. [Poem follows][See Nov 3, 1882 for birth of daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Allen.]
Jan 5, 1882
pg 3, col 1
Born: Word has been received from Frank Valodin that his wife recently presented him with a bouncing boy baby at their home near Oakland, Ill. Congratulations, Frank.
pg 3, col 3
Died: On last Saturday morning, Dr. Brattain and wife received the sad intelligence of the sudden death of their daughter, Mrs. Dr. Smethers, of Moline, Kansas. Death comes to us all, sooner or later. The lisping infant, knowing no sin, dies and its innocent spirit is wafted to the Father who gave it being; the white haired old man, whose feeble limbs can scarcely support his frame, falls peacefully into the sleep that knows no waking here below, but such an event is no unexpected and therefore causes no shock. But death coming to a bride of but a few months, in the full flower of womanhood, and surrounded by all that the heart could reasonably wish for, is expressibly sad. Mrs. Smethers was, apparently, a healthy woman, but in her girlhood she had been troubled with heart disease and that is what snapped the brittle cord asunder.
pg 3, col 3
Died: On Monday evening, December 24th, Mrs. B.F. Kauffman, of this place, received word through Grimes, the stage driver, that a telegram was received at Harper that day stating that her sister, Miss Lillie Long, had died at her home in Sumner County the day before. No telegram or letter was received up to last Friday, and she had come to the conclusion there was a mistake about the matter. Last Friday, however, the report was confirmed by the Wellington Press. On Monday, Mr. K. received a postal card relating to the deceased that was mailed at Wellington on the 24th of last month. Now, the question naturally arises, where is the telegram or letter that the stage driver saw at Harper and where has that postal card been since it was mailed? When Mrs. Kauffman reached the home of her parents, she found that her sister had been buried nearly a week and she but 75 miles away.
Jan 19, 1882, pg 3, col 3
Born: To Mr. and Mrs. L.W. Moore, this morning, a good-sized boy baby. Set ‘em up, Lem.
Feb 2, 1882
pg 3, col 1
Died: On Wednesday, January 24th, 1882, of pneumonia, an infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cobb, of Sun City.
pg 3, col 2
Married: Our highly esteemed fellow citizen, T.L. O’Brien, returned to the Lodge on Sunday evening after an absence of about two months. T.L. was married about the 15th of last month to Mrs. Nannie Long, of Forest City, St. Francis county, Arkansaw [sic]. He has rented the residence recently occupied by T.A. McCleary, and his wife will be here in a short time. We extend our heartiest congratulations to T.L. and his bride and trust that all of happiness there is in this life may be theirs.
Feb 9, 1882
pg 3, col 2
Married: Geo. Ellis and wife, née Miss Florence Chapin, arrived at the Lodge on last Friday evening. The couple were united in the holy bonds of wedlock at Kirkwood, Ill., on the 29th of last month. Mr. Ellis is an old resident of Barbour county, having come here when it was no uncommon sight to see large herds of buffalo grazing upon the surrounding hills. He possesses a great deal of ability and is one of the most companionable young men of our acquaintance. The bride spent some months here a year ago last winter and by her lady-like and charming manner, made friends of all with whom she came in contact. The Index extends warmest congratulations and trusts that this couple may be permitted to walk on flowery paths of ease during their matrimonial life. And also: Speaking of the marriage of Geo. Ellis and Miss Chapin, the Kirkwood (Ill.) Leader has the following: Mr. Ellis is a rising young lawyer of Bonanza, Col. Of Miss Chapin, we need only to say that Kirkwood society loses one of its best and most accomplished lights - one who has always given her influence for social improvement. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis departed Wednesday evening for Medicine Lodge, Kans. They will take up their residence in Col. in the spring.
pg 3, col 3
Married: At Sun City, on Monday evening, Feb. 6th, 1882, Mr. Geo. Bailey, of Sun City, to Miss Mary Patterson, of Lake City.
pg 3, col 4
Married: Mr. Martin and Mrs. ______ [name not provided] were married Thursday at Sun City, by Esq. Whitaker. The youthful couple will spend their honeymoon at Mrs. M’s country residence.
Feb 16, 1882, pg 3, col 2
Died: At Kiowa, Feb. 12th, at 1 o’clock A.M., Katie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Carter, aged 5 months and 29 days.
Feb 23, 1882, pg 3, col 2
Married: J.T. Gahan, of Elgin, Ill. and Miss Edith Gilchrist were married by the Probate Judge on last Thursday evening. We had an invitation to be present but illness prevented.
Mar 23, 1882, pg 5, col 2
Married: Dr. R.F. Johnson and Miss Lou Clinkscales were married at the M.E. Church by Rev. A. Axline on last Thursday evening. The building had been nicely decorated with evergreens and a large and beautiful arch was constructed for the bride and groom to stand beneath, emblematical of the good luck that their many friends trust may follow them through life. Dr. Johnson is a young man of fine talents and is highly respected by all who know him. Miss Clinkscales is an accomplished and highly respected young lady and her friends are a host. The Index always feels an interest in the happiness of all its friends, but this couple have our heartiest congratulations.
Apr 6, 1882, pg 5, col 3
To Mr. and Mrs. C.T. Rigg, on April 1st, a girl baby.
To Mr. and Mrs. M. Strong, on the 23rd, a boy.
To Mr. and Mrs. C.B. Currie, on the 28th, a girl.
To Jack Fishburn and wife, of Sun City, on April first, a boy.
To F.V. Shepler and wife, on the 2nd of April, a girl.
Apr 20, 1882
pg 5, col 2
Married: At the residence of J.W. McWilliams, N.W. Young to Miss Aggie Omey, Friday, April 14th, 1882. Billey [sic] is our popular young furniture dealer, and Miss Omey is one of the handsomest ladies in the county. We wish them the greatest happiness and trust their troubles may all be little ones.
pg 5, col 2
Married: At Marshall, Kansas, April 16th, 1882, Wallace Rouse to Miss May Saunders. Last week our young treasurer packed his grip and silently stole away. None knew where he had gone nor when he would return. Monday eve, when, with a beautiful and accomplished woman hanging on his arm, he quietly slipped into this little burg, then we knew he had “gone and done it” without ever saying a word to us. Mrs. Rouse has lived here before and her return will be gladly hailed by all of her old friends. We wish this couple every joy. [See Mar 23, 1883 for birth of baby boy to Mr. and Mrs. Rouse.]
May 4, 1882
pg 5, col 1
Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lindsey, on Monday evening, a bouncing girl baby. As a matter of course, Wm. feels proud of the new infant.
pg 5, col 2
Died: On Tuesday evening, of cholera infantum, infant child of Mr. and Mrs. A.W. Little. It had only been sick a couple of days when God called its innocent spirit home. The sorrowing parents can find comfort in the thought that the little one is much better off in the sheltering arms of its Maker than it would be in this cold heartless world.
pg 5, col 3
Married: We are in receipt of a printed invitation to be present at the marriage of J. Ed Allen, of Wichita, and Miss Emma N. Murrell, of Neodasha [sic], which took place at the residence of the bride’s father on Tuesday evening. Mr. Allen is one of the very finest young men of our acquaintance, and has a heart in his bosom as large as a cocoa nut. We have not had the pleasure of an acquaintance with the bride but trust that she is in every way worthy of so good a husband. The Index extends warmest congratulations.
May 11, 1882, pg 5, col 2
Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Orville Olds, a girl. Mother and child doing well.
May 25, 1882, pg 5, col 2
Died: On yesterday evening, of cholera infantum, infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Mort Strong, aged about three months.
Jun 8, 1882, pg 5, col 2
Born: On last Friday, to Dr. and Mrs. Burney, a girl. [See Jan 5, 1883 for death of this child.]
Jun 15, 1882, pg 5, col 1
Married: At the McLulu House, this morning, by S.J. Shepler, Probate Judge, Mr. D.W. Phye to Miss Dora B. Hicks, of Harper.
Jul 28, 1882, pg 5, col 1
Born: It was announced yesterday morning that John Nelson had a new boy baby. Many doubted the report until they saw John and then they were satisfied. He is doing as well as could be expected.
Aug 11, 1882
pg 5, col 3
Married: The many friends of Frank Whittaker of Sun City will be pleased to learn that he has abandoned the life of a bachelor, and now has a most estimable lady to share life with him, having been married a few days since at Hutchinson to Miss Minnie Gerlough, late of Ohio. The couple passed through here Tuesday and received the congratulations of many friends. The Index extends the best of wishes and hopes that no clouds may ever pass over the lives of this young couple.
pg 5, col 4
Died: There was a general feeling of sadness when it was announced Sunday afternoon the 6th that Mrs. Updegraff was dead. The news, though sad, was not unexpected for the good lady had been a sufferer for ten long weeks and for days her life had been despaired of. But like all we love and cherish, it was hard to believe that one so pure and good, one so generally loved by everyone in the community, one who was the mother to the motherless and a friend to every one, would not be spared to still further years of usefulness. It had to be, however, and when the bright sun was slowly sinking in the western sky, the spirit went to the God who gave it, and the gray haired old man whose comfort had been in the pure and devoted wife, the children who loved her as only they could love a mother, and the friends around whom she had so often been a ministering angel only looked at the empty casket that had contained the soul of a devoted wife, a loving mother, and a faithful friend. Mrs. Martha Updegraff was 53 years old at the time of her death. Her maiden name was McCormick, and she was born in Indiana. She was first married to Mr. McWilliam and by that marriage had two children, Mrs. Collins of Hutchinson, and Mrs. Widner of this place. She was married to Judge Updegraff in Iowa 32 years ago and 30 years of that time she had been living with him in Kansas. By this marriage she had three children, who are still living, they being Alfred, Mary and Minnie who have been raised principally in this county, the Judge being the earliest settler here. The immediate cause of her death was uremic poisoning caused by disease of the kidneys. She was first taken with an ulcer of the stomach and an abscess of the lower lobe of her left lung and suffered extremely for more than eight weeks. She was buried Thursday, the funeral procession being the largest ever seen in the county. All of the old residents were present and in fact nearly all of our citizens were present to show a last mark of respect to the memory of a worthy woman.
Aug 18, 1882, pg 5, col 1
Born: Mrs. E.F. Kinchelowe gave birth to a nine pound girl Monday and now the happy father can boast of a pair.
Aug 25, 1882, pg 5, col 2
Married: Last Monday evening, August 28th, a Yates & Greeg’s ranch on Mule Creek, Mr. David Greeg and Miss Sarah Satta were united in marriage by Justice McWilliam. The groom is an old prospector from Colorado, but had to come to this county to find his mine of wealth.
Sep 15, 1882
pg 5, col 1
Birthday: E.W. Payne was 35 years old yesterday and several of his friends broke bread with him.
pg 5, col 2
Married: Yesterday, Judge Shepler performed the ceremony that united in the holy bonds of wedlock Mr. William Lockhard and Mrs. Emma V. Mattson. The bride has heard the songs of birds for 57 summers and the winds of 62 winters have whistled around the sprightly groom.
Sep 22, 1882, pg 5, col 1
Born: Dr. Davis reports a ten pound boy at the residence of Mr. Beach, near the city, Mr. and Mrs.Carpenter being the parents. The event occurred Tuesday morning.
Sep 29, 1882
pg 3, col 2
Born: The McLulu House got a permanent boarder Tuesday evening, the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. McCanless, the proprietors. All doing well.
pg 3, col 2
Married: Yesterday, in the parlors of the Medicine Lodge House, a quiet wedding occurred that was a surprise to even the inmates of the house. Away back in Johnson county, Missouri, a few years ago, Mr. H.D. Hughes, a wealthy young stock dealer from Kentucky, met, wooed and won Miss Lulu M. Caldwell, a bewitching brunette, the admired of many gallant beaux. The fortunate young man was not permanently located and postponed the happy event until he could be. So when he was permanently located on a large ranch at Longmont, Colorado, with his herds grazing on a hundred hills,, and when the cornucopia indicated a rich harvest, the young man concluded that it was not well for man to be alone. His promised bride, in the meantime, had taken up her residence in this county with her aunt, Mrs. J.P. Hall, near Lodi. Mr. Hughes came in from Colorado this week and yesterday was set as the wedding day. Through a misunderstanding, the services of a minister could not be secured, but a substitute was found in the person of the obliging Probate Judge, Hon. S.J. Shepler, and at exactly noon, in the presence of the bride’s uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Hall, and a few witnesses, the conjugal knot was tied. The party sat down to a rich repast prepared for them and one hour later were speeding over the prairie towards Harper, on the “Cyclone,” at the rate of three miles an hour. They will be at their Colorado home by Sunday.
Oct 20, 1882, pg 5, col 1
A boy to Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Coyle who reside below the city on the Medicine. [Dr. Johnson]
A 12 pound girl to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Osborn, who live near this city. Dr. Barney.
A boy at Mr. A.G. Smith’s house. Dr. Kessler.
A boy to Thos. Stockstill and wife. Dr. Burney.
A boy to Bunk and Mrs. Ward.
To Uncle Billy Williams and wife, a girl. Dr. Kessler.
To Dr. and Mrs. Yant, a girl. Dr. Kessler.
Oct 27, 1882, pg 5, col 2
Born: Kerby Smith is proud of a baby girl at his house since last Saturday.
Nov 3, 1882, pg 5, col 1
Born: Am. Allen has a nine pound girl at his house which Dr. Burney found this morning.
Nov 10, 1882, pg 5, col 3
Married: At Verona, Lawrence county, Missouri, Rev. L.A. Dunlap officiating, October 19, 1882, Mr. J.N. Bibb, of Sun City, Kansas, and Miss Mary E. Weadlum, of Verona. The happy couple have the best wishes of the Index and no doubt of the many friends of the groom in this county.
Nov 17, 1882
pg 5, col 2
Born: According to Dr. Burney’s register, and it is always correct, Mr. and Mrs. Dal Morris have a ten pound boy at their house. It came in on Tuesday’s express.
Nov 24, 1882, pg 5, col 1
Marriage: Cards are out announcing the marriage of D.E. Morris of this city to Miss May McCanlass of Carrollton, Mo., on Wednesday the 29th. His many friends here will welcome the return of Mr. Morris with his bride.
Dec 15, 1882, pg 5, col 1
Born: Mr. and Mrs. A.W. Little are rejoicing over the advent of a new boy at their house, the affair being last Tuesday.
Dec 22, 1882
pg 5, col 2
Died: The funeral of George W., infant son of John F. and M.J. Keyes, of North Elm Creek, occurred Wednesday at this place. The child had been sick but a short time. The parents have the sympathy of their many friends in this county. Also on Jan 12, 1883, pg 5, col 3: “Obituary” - Died in Pratt county, Kansas, December 18, 1882, George M., youngest child of J.F. and M.J. Keyes, aged 1 year, 1 month, 3 weeks and two days. [Note: In this latter column, the child is identified as George M. Keyes.]
pg 5, col 2
Died: Last night, at her home near this city, Mrs. Anna Ramsey departed this life, aged 56 years. She was the wife of Uncle John Ramsey, one of our old and respected citizens and he has the sympathy of this community. The funeral will occur this afternoon.
Dec 29, 1882
pg 5, col 1
Married: A quiet wedding occurred in t his city last Sunday, it being the marriage of Mr. F.F. Bergman, of Harper, and Miss Ella Meigs, of this city. Judge Shepler performed the ceremony in the presence of a few intimate friends of the young couple.
pg 5, col 1
Anniversary: There will be a Golden Wedding in this city tomorrow evening, at the Christian church, the parties to it being Grandfather Olds and wife. They have been married fifty years tomorrow, Saturday, [Dec] 30th. And on Jan 5, 1883 on pg 5, col 3: This town is a young one to have a Golden Wedding occur in it, but one did occur last Saturday night. The parties to it were Mr. Channey Olds, aged 73, and his wife, Mira Olds, aged 75. This couple was married in the state of New York fifty years ago, a long time it appears, yet both are in good health and liable to see many more years of wedded bliss. They are both devout members of the Christian church and attend services when there are any. The ladies of the church concluded to give the old couple a nice supper and reception, and they did it. The Christian church was crowded with the friends of the bride and groom and the ceremony was performed in regular order by Rev. Hill, of the M.E. church. After congratulations, the friends were seated to a nice supper prepared by the ladies and spread in the church. Instead of gold presents, the friends contributed a nice sum in cash, which was presented to Mr. and Mrs. Olds after the ceremony.
Jan 5, 1883, pg 5, col 3
Died: Mary Ethel, aged 7 months, the infant child of Dr. and Mrs. Burney, died yesterday morning and was buried this morning at 10 o’clock, the funeral services being conducted by Rev. Axline at the house. The little one had been a sufferer for months, and could no longer bear the trials of this world and quietly passed to a better [one]. The family have the sympathy of many friends.
Jan 12, 1883
pg 5, col 1
Died: At Sun City, Sunday, [Jan] 14th, Rev. Cole will preach the funeral of Jacob Hookstra, lately deceased. [Note: Sunday’s date would have been January 15th, not the 14th.]
pg 5, col 1
Died: Mr. and Mrs. John McGrath buried their infant son Roy here last Saturday. The little one was born August 25, 1882.
pg 5, col 1
Married: By S.J. Shepler, Jan. 11, Mr. Geo. Bunch and Miss Gussie Champion, all of this county.
Jan 26, 1883
pg 5, col 2
Married: At Sun City, Sunday, January 21, 1883, Mr. Jas. Nurse, of Red Creek, and Miss Jennie Fishburn, of Sun City, Rev. Adams officiating.
Feb 2, 1883
pg 5, col 2
Married: At Sun City, January 25, 1883, by Justice T.S. Proctor, D.D., L.L.D., A.M., Q.X., W.H. Howell of Iuka, Pratt county, and Miss Harriet Pyle, of this county.
pg 5, col 3
Died: A sudden death occurred yesterday afternoon. Mr. Frank W. Babin, a stockman who lived two miles west of here, had been suffering with an abscess of the lung for several months, but not until a few weeks since was he confined to his room, and only then at times. He would appear better and only a week ago was in town. Yesterday, however, he became worse and complained frequently. He was sitting in a chair and became weak and asked to be put to bed. He sat on the bed a few minutes and when laid on the pillow he sank rapidly and died in a short time. In the meantime, a messenger came to town for medical assistance, when Dr. Johnson and Dr. Burney started out, but the sufferer died before they got there, though they were in sight of the house. His family and a neighbor were the only ones present at the death. Mr. Babin, who was about 38 years old, came here from Wisconsin four years ago and had since been engaged in the stock business, handling a nice bunch of cattle. He was a good citizen and liked by all his acquaintances. He leaves a wife and four children who have the sympathy of a large number of friends. Deceased was a member of the order of the Odd Fellows and the members of the order here took charge of the body immediately after death and will bury it this afternoon at 1 o’clock at the City cemetery.
Feb 9, 1883
pg 5, col 1
Died: The wife of W.P. Lacey, of Red Creek, died Monday night, after an illness of several weeks.
pg 5, col 2
Died: Al. Updegraff died at Dodge City last Friday of pneumonia, after a sickness of a few days’ duration. His father, Judge Updegraff, of this city, received a dispatch Saturday announcing the death of his son, but not until Tuesday did he hear the particulars by letter. Deceased was 37 years old and was among the first settlers in this county. He was generally liked here at his old home.
Feb 16, 1883, pg 5, col 4
Died: In Medicine Lodge, February 11, William M. Burney, aged 13 years and 7 months, son of B.R. and M.E. Burney. The disease that carried Willie off was congestion of the liver and lungs. His sickness was not of long duration. He was a bright boy, with many friends, and his death is mourned by all who knew him. His devoted parents and loving brothers and sisters have the sympathy of a large circle of friends. The funeral was preached Sunday afternoon by Rev. Axline, and the largest procession that ever assembled in this town followed the body to the grave. [Memorial poem follows.]
Mar 2, 1883
pg 5, col 1
Died: Mrs. Shepard, mother of Mrs. George Orner and Mrs. J.C. Orner, died at Carthage, Missouri, February 14th.
pg 5, col 1
Died: Mrs. L.F. Pearson this week received the sad news of the death of her sister, Mrs. Lou Christian, formerly Miss Harris, which occurred at Rich Hill, Mo., last Friday. She and Mrs. Pearson were married on the same day, three years ago, and were much attached to each other.
Mar 9, 1883, pg 5, col 1
Married: Mr. John K. Melrose was married last Thursday to Miss Grace Beebe, at the residence of the bride’s parents, Rev. Axline officiating.
Mar 16, 1883, pg 5, col 1
Born: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Julian have a new boy at their house.
Mar 23, 1883
pg 5, col 1
Born: Dr. Davis reports a new boy baby at the residence of Mr. Morehead;
Born: Dr. Johnson reports a daughter for Mr. and Mrs. O.V. Lyttle.
pg 5, col 1
Born: Wallace T. Rouse, County Treasurer, was being congratulated this week on being the father of a fine boy.
Mar 30, 1883, pg 5, col 1
Born: Dr. Johnson reports a new girl baby at the residence of Mance Nichols.
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