The   Hardtner   Press.
Hardtner, Barber County, Kansas. Friday, February 15, 1918

Wayne ACHENBACH accompanied by Aymer ACHENBACH went to Kiowa Sunday morning to have some dental work done.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. ACHENBACH entertained the following guests at dinner Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McNETT, Mr. and Mrs. Ointa McNETT, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer OLSON and family, and Mr. TALBOTT of Wichita.

Cashier J.M. MOLZ of the Hardtner State Bank was in the city yesterday, gettting pointers from the Internal Revenue expert in regards to filling out properly income taxes blanks. - News Review

Faye DENNIS and Velma ACHENBACH had dental work done at Medicine Lodge last Saturday.

Several relatives and friends enjoyed a fine dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. ACHENBACH, Sunday. They were Mr. and Mrs. Jacob ACHENBACH, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. MOLZ, Mr. and Mrs. John STUTZMAN, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph ACHENBACH and M.C. PRATER.


P U B L I C   S A L E

I have sold my ranch and bought the Hardtner Drug
Store; I will sell at the old George ECKERT ranch 15 miles
northwest of Hardtner, 18 miles south of Lake City and
7 miles east of Aetna on

Thursday, February 21
Beginning at 10 o'clock a. m. the following:
All my personal property including
128 head of Cattle
11 head of Horses
65 head of Hogs
All farm machinery, household furniture and other
Terms of Sale:
6 months with bankable note, bearing 6 percent interst. 3 per-
cent off for cash. Sums of $10.00 and less, CASH. No proper-
ty to be removed until settled for.

W.L. ECKERT, Owner.

COL. PETE POWELSON Auctioneer.                                  J.M. MOLZ, Clerk.


Land  For  Sale

Fine quarter section, 6 miles
northeast of Hardtner and 6
miles northwest of Kiowa

120 acres in cultivation; 90
acres in wheat; 40 acres in
pasture. All under fence;
fair improvements; living
spring water

HARDTNER                                                     KANSAS


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