Barber County Kansas

Louisita M Lee

Lee Cemetery

Gravestone of Louisita M. Lee.

Lee Family Cemetery, Barber County, Kansas.

Photo by Nathan Lee.
Gravestone of Louisita M. Lee, 1912 - 1971
At peace on the land she loved
Lee Cemetery, Barber County, Kansas.
Photo by Nathan Lee, December 2006.

This is a picture of my son, Landon William Lee, at the gravesite of my paternal grandmother Lousita Moffett Lee, 1912-1971, mother of William Francis Lee (my Dad), Thomas Moffett Lee of Lewistown, MO, and Candace McDowell of Parkville, MO. Landon is her great-grandson. Photo taken in June, 2004.

"Zita", as she was known, was the daughter of Thomas S. (T.S.) Moffett, who founded this place which we now call "Lee Ranch."

The epitaph reads "At peace on the land she loved."

-- Nathan Lee, 5 December 2006 e-mail to Jerry Ferrin.

Thanks to Nathan Lee for contributing the above photo and information to this web site!

(There is, in December 2006, one burial in this family cemetery.)

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