USGS Aerial Photo of Hazelton, Barber County, Kansas, 21 March 1996.
Scale: 1 pixel = 8 meters
USGS Aerial Photo of Hazelton Cemetery, Barber County, Kansas, 21 March 1996.
Scale: 1 pixel = 1 meter
The Kansas Gazeteer & Business Directory For 1888-1889 Hazelton . An incorporated city in Barber county, 18 miles southeast of Medicine Lodge, the county seat. It is a station on the SK Ry (Pan-handle ex) and on the Ft. S, W& W div MP Ry. It contains a church, a school, a bank, a flour mill and several stores, and a weekly newspaper, the Hazelton Express. Tel., W.U. Exp., W.F & Co. and Pacific. Population 600. Mail, daily. Mrs. M.E. Yoakum, postmaster.
(Contributed by Kim Fowles).
Hazelton Is a prosperous and growing little village located in the southeast corner of the county, on the Santa Fe and M.P. railways.
It was settled by people from the Keystone state [Pennsylvania] in the early eighties and their inherited habits of thrift, neatness and industry have made it a model town.
It has a good hotel, a bank, stores sufficient to accommodate the business of the town, it has a fine school building and more churches in proportion to its population than any town in the state. It is surrounded by an agricultural community in one of the most fertile sections of the county and the handsome, well kept farm houses and spacious barns and granaries are good to look upon, constantly reminding one of the state of Wm. Penn.
It is a great corn market and feeding point for stockmen in winter time, who hold their cattle in the grass regions where no grain is grown.
Upon the whole, judging from appearances, the people of Hazelton and vicinity are prosperous, progressive and under bonds to no one but themselves.
-- "Barber County Townships:, Medicine Lodge Cresset, March 2, 1900. Contributed by Ellen (Knowles) Bisson.
"Hazelton was settled largely by families from Mercer County, Pennsylvania, who were persuaded to come west by the town's founders, J.O. Hazelton and A.H. Peck. Once a thriving community that boasted the Hazelton Collegiate Institute, Hazelton was badly depleted by the Oklahoma Land Run when many houses, hotels, and businesses moved into Oklahoma."
1905 Standard Atlas of Barber County, Kansas: Hazelton Township. Two copies of this map appear on this page; an overview and a LARGE version.
Use your horizontal & vertical scroll bars to view the large version of the map.Hazelton Township 34S. Range XW of the 6th P.M., Barber County, Kansas
Kiowa Township 35S., Range XW of the 6th P.M. (this only covers the eastern part of Kiowa township)
Land Owners Identified on this Map: W.C. Alford, M.E. Ballard, O.N. & R.H. Ballard, Emma Bell, L. Bennett, John Betty, S.B. Blake, Bessie Brakey, Eli Buckles, M.C. Cavanaugh, Dan W. Circle, D.M. Circle, F.M. Circle, Quince A. Circle, J.N. Cox, Spencer Davis, E.C. Dennison, J.C. Dimmick, Jas. C. Dimmick, C.W. Dodd, B.L. Drake, Robert J. Dunbar, George J. Early, F.A. Eastman, D.M. Circle, Eli W. Elder, J.L.B. Ellis, L.B. Ellis, E.A. Fales, Ben Farney, J.P. Farney, W.T. Fausett, John C. Fisher, Jos. Flinn, M. Fox, J.E. Gamble, J.F. Gamble, John Garner, R.H. Garvin, W.W. Garvin, Charles George, Phebe Gleason, Annie L. Haberlein, Robert H. Haberlein, Simon Hacker, Mary J. Hall, J.C.B. Hargis, Hazelton Land Company, Hoover, Chas. Horton, C.A. Hyett, S.M. Kinkaid, S.S. Kinkaid, Chas. E. Knorp, Henry Knorp, J.L. Knorp, Wm. Knorp, Mollie Kuntz, L.M. Landreth, M.B. Light, T.R. Maltbie, Jas. W. Martin, H.E. Matthews, Jas. H. Matthews, Margaret L. Mayfield, W.H. McBlair, W.T. McCling, S.B. McKee, F.G. McLain, John McVay, J.B. Milan, Mundorff & Robinson, F.F. Murphy, R.J. Murphy, Edith E. Orr, Myrtle V. Orr, Jos. Pfaff, E. Porter Estate, W.L. Prock, Jasper N. Quick, Rader & Kibbon, A.H. Robinson, W.H. Robinson, Eliza Rodenbaugh, L.C. Rugg, H.L. Rule, Margt. Sanders, Rosina Schrock, L.D. Skilling, Carrie M. Smith, Jas. G. Smith, W.H. Smith, Wm. F. Stevenson, Helen Stewart, Edgar E. E. Sullivan, H. Taylor, J.H. & P.L. Thompson, J.M. Vannatta, C.B. Wainscott, O. Ward, Albert A. Wiggins, Thomas Wiggins, L. Wilcox, J.B. Wilson, Andrew F. Yourdan.
Compare the above 1905 map with a USGS Aerial Photo of Hazelton, Barber County, Kansas, 21 Mar 1996.
Thanks to Kimberly (Hoagland) Fowles for finding and scanning this map for this web site!
Hometown Locator: Hazelton, Kansas
Charley Bailus of Hazelton, Kansas.
Eli Buckles of Hazelton, Kansas. Confederate Civil War veteran, buried in Rose Hill Cemetery.
Elmer & Jane "Jennie" Woodworth of Hazelton, Kansas. (Photograph)
Clubs and Organizations
Churchs...Churches located in and around Hazelton
Genealogy...Genealogy information about some of Hazelton first families
Local People
Schools...Hazelton Schools
Cemeteries...Hazelton Cemeteries