Roll of Attorneys of the State of Kansas. Topeka, Kan. : Clerk of the Supreme Court)
ALLPHIN, Clyde, Great Bend.
BANTA, D. A., Great Bend. (Judge district court)
CARROLL, Chas. L., Great Bend.
CLARKE, James W., Great Bend.
CLAYTON, James, Great Bend.
COLE, E. C., Great Bend.
JENNISON, J. H., Great Bend.
LOBDELL, C. E., Great Bend.
OSMOND, Wm., Great Bend.
PROSE, J. B., Hoisington.
RUSSELL, Coe, Great Bend.
RUSSELL, F. V., Great Bend.
ALLPHIN, Clyde, Great Bend.
BANTA, A. C., Great Bend.
BANTA, D. A., Great Bend. (Judge district court)
CARROLL, Chas. L, Great Bend.
CLARKE, James W., Great Bend.
CLAYTON, James, Great Bend.
COLE, E. C., Great Bend.
FERRIS, A. L., Hoisington.
JENNISON, J. H., Great Bend.
KOPPLIN, P. C., Hoisington.
LOBDELL, C. E., Great Bend.
McMULLEN, R. J., Stafford. [listed with Barton County attorneys]
OSMOND, Wm, Great Bend.
PROSE, J. B., Hoisington.
RUSSELL, Coe, Great Bend.
RUSSELL, F. V., Great Bend.
ALLPHIN, Clyde, Great Bend.
BANTA, Daniel A., Great Bend. (Judge district court)
CARROLL, Charles L., Great Bend.
CLARKE, James W., Great Bend.
COLE, E. C., Great Bend.
KELLY, T. B., Great Bend.
LOBDELL, C. E., Great Bend. (Washington, D.C.)
OSMOND, Wm, Great Bend.
PROSE, J. B., Hoisington.
RUSSELL, R. C., Great Bend.
WEBER, W. J., Great Bend.