Barton County

Barton County Kansas Birth Announcements

Barton County Kansas

Birth Announcements

The following birth announcements come from Barton County newspapers:

A son was born to Mrs. W. M. BEECHER on Friday.
Hoisington Dispatch -- Thursday, April 10, 1890

A son was born to Mrs. Henry BOWLER on the 14th.
Hoisington Dispatch -- Thursday, March 20, 1890

A ten pound daughter arrived at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. COOKE on Monday
Hoisington Dispatch -- Thursday, May 23, 1889

A ten pound son was born to Mrs. Nellie CROCKER on Wednesday, July 17th.
Hoisington Dispatch -- Thursday, July 18, 1889

A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Joe DEYER on Thursday of last week
Hoisington Dispatch -- Thursday, June 27, 1889
[compiler's note: A Joseph DYER appears elswhere in other issues of this newspaper]

A bouncing boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. R. C. GAILY this morning.
Hoisington Dispatch -- Thursday, July 11, 1889
[compiler's note: This surname appears as GAILEY in other issues of this newspaper]

Born... on Sunday, March 30th, to MRs. Dr. E. G. GOIT, an eight pound son.
Hoisington Dispatch -- Thursday, April 3, 1890

A daughter was born to Mrs. Phil HALEY on Friday, February 7. Phil passed the cigars Saturday.
Hoisington Dispatch -- Thursday, February 13, 1890

A child was born to Mrs. J. HOUSTON Wednesday.
Hoisington Dispatch -- Thursday, April 10, 1890

A son was born to Mrs. Frank LADENBERGER Tuesday night.
Hoisington Dispatch -- Thursday, August 1, 1889

A son was born to Mrs. Anton LUNDSNER, living seven miles northwest of town on Sunday. It will be remembered that Mrs. LUNDSNER was successfully operated on for removal of a large ovarian tumor June 12, 1888, by Drs. AYRES, GOIT, CONNETT and SHAW.
Hoisington Dispatch -- Thursday, October 3, 1889
[Note from compiler... We posted a message to the Barton County email list about this birth wondering if the editor wrote the name incorrectly and it might have been LINSNER. We received the following information from Loretta Ludwig Riedl: This family of Linsners did live northwest of Hoisington. My grandmother, Mary LINSNER DEBES would be a daughter to the child, Robert Linsner born in 1889. My mother Marjorie Debes Ludwig would be Anton Linsner's great-granddaughter. ---Loretta Ludwig Riedl (

A daughter was born to Mrs. John McCAULEY Saturday morning.
Hoisington Dispatch -- Thursday, April 10, 1890

A daughter was born to Mrs. T. M. MOORE Saturday, July 19th.
Hoisington Dispatch -- Thursday, July 24, 1890

A son was born to Mrs. W. RUDE Sunday the 23d.
Hoisington Dispatch -- Thursday, February 27, 1890

A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. A. C. SHAFFER on Wednesday morning, July 30th.
Hoisington Dispatch -- Thursday, July 31, 1890

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