Barton County

Great Bend Kansas

section of the
1912 Polk's Kansas State Gazetteer
and Business Directory


(Chicago, R.S. Polk & Co., [published 1911], pages 351-356)

Great Bend........ Population, 4,622 (U.S. Census 1910). County seat of Barton County, an icorporated city on the Arkansas river and on the A. T. & S. Fe and M. P. Rys. (depots 1 mile apart), 285 miles southwest of Kansas City. It dates Its settlement from 1870, is lighted by electricity, has water works, fire department, sewerage system, 8 churches, up-to-date public school system, a college, public library, local and long distance telephone facilities, opera house, a daily and 2 weekly newspapers, first class hotels, 4 banks, flouring mills, grain elevators, creamery, ice plant, mattress works, broom factory, etc. Clay is found 31/2 miles north in veins from 15 to 18 feet in thickness and 3 miles northeast there is a bed of rock salt of excellent quality. Stage daily to Hoisington. Tel., Postal and W. U. Exp., W., F. & Co.
Theodore Griffith, postmaster.

--A & A Drug Store, Lyman Dodge manager.
--Aitken Andrew (St John), W L Smyth mngr, lumber.
--ALDRICH C A, Cashier German American State Bank.
--Alfalfa Milling Co.
--Aliphin Clyde, lawyer.
--Amend Bros (Eldon R and Walter A), dentists.
--American Hotel, Fred Kasselman proprietor.
--Ashpole Henry D, auto livery.
--Bailey Oliver S, jeweler and sporting goods.
--Bailey & Hance, Electrical Supplies.
--BAKER WARREN, Mngr Tribune Publisbing Co.
--Bales & Markey (John Bales, Philip H Markey), sale stables.
--Banta & Aliphin, lawyers.
--BARTON COUNTY ABSTRACT AND TITLE CO .(W L Bowersox, M V Fryberger), Complete Abstracts of Title Written for All Lands and Town Lots in Barton County.
--BARTON COUNTY DEMOCRAT (Weekly), W P Feder Propr and Editor.
--BARTON COUNTY FLOUR MILLS CO THE, C L Gunn Pres, W L Gunn, Vice Pres, L L Gunn Sec and Treas, Our Brands-Kansas Seal, Queen Quality and Empire Blue Seal.
--Barton Hotel, Mrs Louisa Thies propr.
--Batchman Bros (Frank and Jacob), threshers.
--Beightle John, automobiles.
--Bell S P, implements.
--Bondurant Price, hardware.
--Born Henry, general store.
--Boston Store, Chas Lundblade mngr, grocers.
--Boyd Andrew, live stock.
--Breeden & Dodge (Louis C Breeden, Wallace H Dodge), real estate.
--Briggs E C, propr Hotel Briggs.
--Brinhman J George, pres J V Brinkman Co and notary.
--Brinkman J V Co Bank (cap $50,000, surplus $25,000), J George --Brinkman pres, Charles V Brinkman v-pres, F W Brinkman cashr.
--BRINKMAN MORTGAGE CO, J Geo Brinkman Pres, Chas V Brinkman Vice Pres, Arthur E Taylor Sec and Treas. Thirty-five Years Experience in Farm Loans, Brinkman Bank Bldg Brinkman & Peck (J George Brinkman, George E Peck), live stock breeders.
--Brougher Ira D, cattle breeder.
--Button Edward S, phys and corner [sic! coroner?].
--Carroll Chas, lawyer.
--Case J I Threshing Machine Co, Joel 0 Heaps mngr.
--Cash Feed Store The (Travis & Co). We handle Grain, Feed, Flour and Produce. Car lots a Specialty, Cor 10th and Main.
--Chapman Edward L, cashr First NatI Bank and notary.
--Charles Reuben A, lumber.
--Cheney & Russell, vet surgeons.
--Citizens National Bank (Capital $50,000, Surplus $20,000), E R Moses Pres, Robt Merten Vice Pres, R H Moses Cashier, F A Moses Asst Cashier.
--Clark Ira H, real estate.
--Clarke James W, lawyer.
--Clayton James, Real Estate, Loans, Insurance and Notary Public McBride Bldg.
--Colegrove H C, typewriters' exchange.
--Connett Aaron H, physician.
--Crawford A D, sand.
--Crowley C 3, plumber.
--Currier J A Mrs, bakery.
--Daily Michael, livery and sheriff.
--Dawson Ora W, mayor.
--Dawson & Zutavern (O W Dawson, Lewis Zutavern), real estate.
--Deighton Bina, librarian, Great Bend Library.
--Dirks A E, photographer.
--Dodge Charles E, abstracts.
--Duncan & Winsted, bottling works.
--Elite Theatre, Carl Kumner mngr, moving pictures.
--Epperson E E, register of deeds.
--Eppstein Meyer, shoes.
--Fair Theodore P, lumber.
--Feder W P, Propr and Editor, Barton County Democrat.
--First National Bank (cap $50,000, surplus and undivided profits $50,000), R L Hamilton pres, 0 B Chapman v-pres, Edward L Chapman cashr.
--Flory W L, Real Estate. Office 10th and Main.
--Focht A E, optician.
--Foster E, cleaner.
--Frankhauser & Koopman, plumbers.
--Frazier Isabelle Mrs, restaurant.
--Frazier Oscar N, men's furnishings.
--Friedman A R, automobiles and reprs.
--Gano Simeon, live stock.
--Gant Bros (Noah and James), threshers.
--Gardner B Avery, dentist.
--German American State Bank, (Capital $100,000, Surplus $5,000), E W Moses Pres, C R Aldrich Cashier. Special Attention Given to Collections.
--Gould W D & Co (Wm D Gould, J. George Brinkman), jewelers and opticians.
--Great Bend Commercial Club, Porter Young sec.
--Great Bend Concrete Co, Paul Cooprider mngr.
--Great Bend Furniture Co (James W and James L Cox), furniture and undertakers.
--Great Bend Hardware & Implement Co The (Fred Zutavern).
--Great Bend Fuel & Storage Co; Geo L Seeley mngr.
--Great Bend Library, Miss Bina Deighton librarian.
--Great Bend Mills, C H Hulme propr. Great Bend Monument Works (Floyd Haigin).
--Great Bend Telephone Co, Henry E Lindas mngr.
--Great Bend Water and Electric Co, W G Smith mngr.
--Griffith Theodore, postmaster.
--Grueber Josenh, thresher.
--Gunn Lewis 3 (Gunn-Wattson Press).
--Gunn-Wattson Press The (Lewis 3 Gunn, Pobert K Wattson), Doers of Quality Printing, Monotype, Type and Composition, 2008 Forest Av.
--Hall Harry, probate judge.
--Harvey House, J E Hesser propr.
--Hayes & Edman, grocers.
--Hemker Fred, hardware.
--Hiss John J & Co, John J Hiss mgr, harness.
--Hoffmeister Wm, live stock. Holmes Clarence, drugs. Hooper Drug Co, C A Hooper mgr, drugs, books and musical goods.
--Horine Wm H, veterinary surgeon.
--Horubeck Allen W, produce.
--Hotel Briggs, E C Briggs Propr, Modern House, Steam Heat, --Electric Lights and Bath. Headquarters for Commercial Men, Large Sample Rooms, Rates $2.00.
--Hulme George H, general store and flour mill.
--Jennison John H, lawyer.
--Johnson Alfred, restaurant.
--Johnson John S, live stock.
--Jones & Harvey, general store.
--Jordan C F, grocer.
--Kasselman Fred, propr American Hotel.
--Keister's Ladies' Tailoring College, Miss Maggie Bitner Mgr, --McBride Bldg.
--Keith M Mrs, milliner.
--Kendall Addison, physician.
--Kendall Hotel, Charles Pelter propr.
--Kern Frank, vehicles.
--Kirk J, confectioner.
--Knagg H, restaurant.
--Krause Adam, shoes.
--Lampe Bros, implements.
--Leewright R S, dray.
--Lewis John F' (John F Lewis & Co).
--Lewis John F & Co (John F Lewis), real estate.
--Lewis L D, dentist.
--Lindas Henry E, mgr Great Bend Telephone Co.
--Lindas Lumber Co, G J Rudolph mgr. Lisehesky Dry Goods Co, --Charles Lischesky mgr.
--Lobdell James A, blksmith.
--Lundblade & Nystrom, grocers.
--Lyda Woodward L, osteopath.
--McBride Ezekiel, live stock.
--McCracken Frank H, tailor.
--McCracken & Holmes, cleaning.
--MeKinney F G, live stock.
--McLaughlin Produce Co.
--McMullen Benjamin F, cigars and tobacco.
--MeNown & Hayes (Edgar G McNown, Wm Hayes), meats.
--Markey Philip, live stock.
--Marsh F L, sec Business Men's Assn.
--Marx & Berscheidt (Edward S Marx, Nicholas J Berscheidt), clothing.
--Mead & Russell, physicians.
--Merritt-Schwier Creamery Co The, W G Merritt pres, W F Schwier mgr.
--Meyer John H, grocer.
--Miller Fred H, apiarist.
--Miller Lewis C, cigar mfr.
--Mitchell Fred S, tailor.
--Moore George W, baker and confr.
--Morrison Elmer E, physician.
--Moses Bros Mill & Elevator Co.
--Moses Bros & Clayton (C L and E W Moses, Thomas Clayton), live stock dealers.
--Moses E R, Mercantile Co The, E R Moses Pres, E R Moses jr VicePres and Sec, D J Lewis Treas, Hardware, Implements, Furniture, Pianos, Carpets, Curtains, Jewelry and Undertakers.
--Moses Frank A, asst cashr Citizens Natl Bank, notary and city clerk.
--Moses Reuben H, cashr Citizens Natl Bank and notary.
--Mote Charles, 2d hand goods.
--Naylor T H, house mover.
--Neweombe Calvin Q, nursery.
--Nixon W A, physician.
--Nutteman Fred Co, sheet metal wks.
--Osmond & Cole (Wm Osmond, Elrick C Cole), lawyers.
--Pacific Express Co, F M Memnes agt. Palace Theatre, Wm Aldrich mgr, vaudeville and moving pictures.
--Patton & Tankhauesee, coal and transfer line.
--Pelter Charles, propr Kendall Hotel.
--Piper J W, photographer.
--Pritchard James A, automobiles.
--Prudential Building & Loan Assn, W L Bowersox sec.
--Putnam Emmett 0, restaurant.
--Q Z Store (G A Hawley), racket store.
--Reser J E & Co, real estate.
--Richardson Fred, tinsmith.
--Riverside Steam Laundry, Joseph McMullen propr.
--Robe Silas, livery.
--Roberson Edward, thresher.
--Rock Milling & Elevator Co The, J R Baker pres and mgr, George E Gano sec-treas, flour, grain and coal.
--Rothgarn Charles H, harness.
--Russell R C, county attorney.
--Russell & Russell (F Vernon and R Coe), Attorneys-at-Law, Notaries in Office, Office Over First National Bank.
--St Mary's College.
--St Rose Hospital, Sisters of St Dominick in charge.
--Samuels C Co, Leo Wilcek mgr, general store.
--Sanders J W, photographer.
--Savage James E, books.
--Schaeffer & Keleher, meats
--Scheufler, Shady & Co, automobiles.
--Schridde Misses (Retta and Sophie T), milliners.
--Selle Ferdinand, bicycle repairer.
--Shepard Stephen A, photographer.
--Sieverling Machine Works, repair shop.
--Smith Flora A, milliner.
--Smith & Robison (Flavious G Smith, John H Robison), dentists.
--Spaugh Clarington D, general store.
--Sprague & Heiser, livery.
--Standard Oil Co, A Allen agent.
--Stinson B L, physician.
--Stoke & Stoke, florists.
--Stone-Grovier Produce Co The, E J Grovier mgr.
--Strobel Gottfried, cabinetmaker.
--Sunflower Oil Co, John Mering agent.
--Taylor Arthur E, real estate.
--Taylor Richard, cattle breeder.
--Thatcher George W, real estate and insurance.
--Thies Louisa Mrs, propr Barton Hotel. Torrey Wm, insurance.
--Townsley Wm L, Editor The Tribune.
--Travis Charles, Real Estate and Insurance, cor 10th and Main
--Tribune Publishing Co (Win L Townsley, Warren Baker), Publrs Daily and Weekly Tribune.
--Tribune The, Tribune Publishing Co Pubirs.
--Troillet Lillian, cigar mfr and confr.
--Turner D & Son (David and George), grocers.
--Valley House, H Welch propr.
--Vancil Charles, bill poster.
--Wagaman E E, men's furnishings.
--Walnut Creek Milling Co, Charles V Brinkman pres and treas, Nicholas Smith sec.
--Wattson Robert K (Gunn-Wattson Press).
--Welch Jack, restaurant.
--Welch Herman, propr Valley House.
--Weitner Donald A, bottler.
--Western Ethel Mrs, oculist.
--Whitcomb & Werhahn, real estate.
--Wilcox Leonard B, implements.
--Whiner's Grand Opera House, John F Lewis mgr.
--Wilson & Hart, cleaners.
--Wood Ervin L, harness.
--Worden I L, auctioneer.
--Young Porter, Real Estate and Investments, Office First National Bank Bldg, Phone 224.
--Younkin C F, County Clerk.


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