Barton County

Barton County Kansas

Newspaper Gleanings

Short stories from Barton County newspapers gleaned for your edification and entertainment


Hoisington Dispatch -- Thursday, January 2, 1890
--The stockholders of the Hoisington Butter and Cheese Factory met last Saturday and organized by electing the following officers: President, Henry SMITH; Treasurer, A. S. COOKE; board of directors, Henry SMITH, W. W. CARNEY, W. W. TRUXAL, S. S. SHATTUCK, W. H. RICE, Henry BOYLE, and A. SCHRIWISE. Henry FORD was given the contract to furnish ice, $1.25 a ton being paid. It will likely take 200 tons to fill the ice room. A charter has been applied for and will be obtained in a short time. The company has elected a good corp of officers and will see that the factory is made a success.
`--Mr. G. M. CHAMPION, of Mattoon, Illinois, is visiting the family of his uncle, Mr. D. W. LINDER.
--Oscar and Charlie O'BLENNISS of Claflin, are in town to-day. Oscar will soon begin the publication of a newspaper in Claflin.
--J. W. EISENMAN was down to Oklahoma during the holidays. He was very much taken with that contry and has, we understand, secured a piece of land near Oklahoma City.
--Miss CRESSWELL, of Gove, is here visiting her sister, Mr. [sic!] F. M. CAMPBELL (from Claflin news section)
--H. A. C. HARTMAN and daughter Louisa left Tuesday morning for Topeka where they will spend the holidays in visiting friends and relatives. (from Claflin news section)
--Mr. Ed. RHEIMER has given up his position in the bank at this place and left Monday morning for Lyons where he will visit with relatives and friends throughout the holidays and then go to Wichita where he has accepted a position in a bank. We wish him good success. (from Claflin news section)

Hoisington Dispatch -- Thursday, January 9, 1890
--from Claflin news items section:

--Mrs. M. C. ELMORE is quite sick.

--S. H. CHATTEN of Ellinwood was up last week.

--Ralph BAILEY of Great Bend was over several days last week.

--Rev. J. M. WICKHAM spent New Year in Lyons visiting friends.

--Miss Bessie WILLIAMSON and Miss Julie YENISH were down to Sterling last week.

Hoisington Dispatch -- Thursday, January 16, 1890
--Mr. F. L. COPENING has resigned his position as station agent at this place. He will engage in the produce commission business at some point in Colorado. We are sorry to lose him from among us.
--Reader, did you borrow this paper? If so this is a gentle hint that you should make no delay but subscribe at once. 2 1/2 cents per week is not such a very big price for your local paper.
--The wheat crop is in excellent condition and bids fair to make an excellent yield at the coming harvest. Although the price has been rather low this year our farmers claim that they can make money raising wheat at 40 and 50 cents a bushel if the crop yields as well as it did this year.

Hoisington Dispatch -- Thursday, January 23, 1890
--The following persons have been drawn as jurors for the March term of court: G.W. CARR, D.O. GRAY and D.W. LINDER of Albion; John BYERS of Buffalo; Andrew GIEL of Clarence; Chas WILLMS and Ben SWARTZ of Comanche; P.P. LORIMOR of Eureka; D.C. BARROWS and A. EMERY of Fairview; D.F. ROBINSON, C.P. TOWNSLEY, and D.C. LUSE of Great Bend; J.K. ANDERSON of Homestead; M.C. ELMORE of Independent; C.Q. BULLOCK of Lakin; Andrew KATZMAIER of Liberty; W.R. TILLOTT of Logan; Parley WILLIS, Eli BOWMAN, and F.N. LOONEY of Pawnee Rock; A. KELLAR of Walnut; W.H. VERAH of Wheatland.
--The electric light plant at Great Bend has been sold at mortgage sale. The plant was bought by the original stockholders who will furnish the city with light as soon as the papers for the transfer can be made out.
--A convention of delegates from each Farmers and Laborers Alliance in Barton county will be held at the school house in Hoisington on Saturday, February 1st, for the purpose of more fully completing the county organization.
--Mr. and Mrs. Arthur WEARE, of St. Joseph, are here visiting Mrs. WEARE's parents, Mr. and Mrs. SCHILKE.
--James HENNESSY, formerly an engineer located at this place but late of Texas, has returned to Hoisington and has his old run again.
--D. W. INVERIARTY, of Oskaloosa, Kans., who recently traded for the BURNAU property east of town, is here this week looking after the property.
--W.C. COLLINS of Gaylord, Ks., succeeds Mr. COPENING as station agent. Mr. and Mrs. COLLINS and three children arrived Sunday night and will go to housekeeping in a short time.
--Hon. A. J. HOISINGTON is spending the day in the city of his own name. He is much engaged with his bank publishing business at Kansas City and business interests at Garden City, that he rarely has time to visit us.

Hoisington Dispatch -- Thursday, April 24, 1890
--Miss Lucy HARVEY left Thursday morning for Memphis, Mo., after a visit with relatives here.

Hoisington Dispatch -- Thursday, May 1, 1890
--Mrs. Laura JOHNSON and Mrs. Mary BABCOCK, daughters of I. BICKNELL, are here from Wauka, Wisconsin, on a visit.
--Paul LEE has secured the contract for carrying the U.S. mail from Hoisington to Dorrance at $260 per annum.
--Mrs. Henry SMITH has returned from Lexington, Mo.

Hoisington Dispatch -- Thursday, May 8, 1890
--Geo. VALERIUS has put in some good stone hitching posts in front of his blacksmith shop.
--D. W. HUMPHREY, Joseph CUE and A. S. HOUCK, of Homestead township, are drawn as jurors for the June term of court.
--Miss McCALL is located upstairs in the Shriwise building, east side Main street and is prepared to do dressmaking.
--C. L. JONES, on the Cheyenne, had a valuable horse bit on the nose by a rattlesnake Tuesday of this week. [copied from the Great Bend Democrat]

Hoisington Dispatch -- Thursday, May 15, 1890
--Mrs. R. A. WILKINSON, of Falcon, Colorado, has been visiting her father, Mr. VINCENT, at this place for the past ten days. From here she will go to Solomon where her husband has lately obtained the position of agent for the Rock Island Railway.
--Mr. S. L. BOXWELL left Monday morning for his home in Virginia.
--A. H. BAKER, our rustling real estate agent, reports the sale of fourteen Hoisington city lots and one farm in the past ten days. A little more activity in real estate circles is noticeable

Hoisington Dispatch -- Thursday, May 22, 1890
--The new railroad well is nearing completion, fifteen feet of the wall being finished. Foreman HERBOLSHEIMER deserves credit for the economical and excellent manner the well is being put in.
--T. E. MALLORY has lately purchased a few fine rigs for his livery stable. He has also made some improvements in the stable. Hoisington can funish as good turnouts as any of our neighboring cities.
--Olmitz is to have a flouring mill. Karl KREISEL has bought a mill at Walker, Mo., and will remove it to Olmitz and get it in shape to handle wheat this fall. He has broken gound for the foundation already. (copied from the Great Bend Democrat)
--Frank MILLARD was down from the north side Monday. He reports crops in excellent condition.
--Henry ROTH returned from St. Louis Saturday. His mother died six hours before his arrival there.
--J. M. HELLINGS of Lakin, Kansas, has located in Hoisington and formed a partnership with A. MASSEY & Co. in the butchering business. We wish the gentleman success in his new location.

Hoisington Dispatch -- Thursday, May 29, 1890
--Dan CURTIS and bride came in from the west this morning.
--Court MORSE, of La Crosse, is assisting H. CARLANDER in the harness shop.
--A. McTAGGART was over from South Bend Thursday evening of last week.
--J. W. SWIGART, brother of Mrs. John TYPER, arrived from Carthrage, Illinois, Friday. He expects to remain for some time.
Hoisington Dispatch -- Thursday, June 5, 1890
--A. H. BAKER reports the following sales of city real estate:� � Dr. DeLaVERGNE, Josephine TRAMER [?? difficult to read], Mrs. Mary J. EAVES, Hugo CARLANDER, N. B. SCROGGIN, J. O. C. RATHBUN, J. E. TITUS, John ROWLEY, W. R. RUSSELL, and Conrad GEHRER [compiler's note: we have left out amounts paid and lots purchased]
--The new GROVER building is now complete, the family of Mr. Wm. YOUNG now occupy it.
--D. O. GRAY had some pictures of his farm taken last week by our photographer, Mr. CHILDS.
--Jimmy WILSON is now messenger boy for the Western Union Telegraph company at this place.
--The road between this place and Great Bend has been greatly improved by some grading on the bluffs near CARNEY's.
--D. E. DEVER, of Indiana, has located in Hoisington in the jewelry business. This gives us two jewelers.
--Mrs. U. H. HOLDER and children leave to-morrow (Friday) for Oakland City, Indiana, to visit relatives for a few months.
--A pleasant surprise party was given Mr. and Mrs. SCHILKE Monday evening by their many friends, it being the 30th anniversary of their marriage. It was a complete surprise and was very much enjoyed by all. Many nice presents were tendered Mr. and Mrs. SCHILKE in honor of the occasion.
--Unclaimed Letter List: � � The following is a list of letter remaining uncalled for in the post office at Hoisington, Kansas, June 1, 1890. J. T. FLINT, Mr. S. H. HEDRICK, Frank LOGAN, H. OEDEN, Wm PIKE (2), Nellie STUART, Simon & SPERER, J. B. SMITH, SCOTT & SCOTT, J. C. WILKINS. Persons calling for an of the above letter will please any "advertised." U. H. HOLDER, P.M.

Hoisington Dispatch -- Thursday, June 12, 1890
--The upstairs of the SAMUELS building is being plastered.
--W. W. SOWARDS made the address at Ellinwood on Decoration day.
--Barton county lands are now in demand. More farms are being sold at present than for some time.
--J. C. DICKERSON is on the jury at Great Bend.
--Mrs. L. CROSBY's mother returned to Ottawa last week after a brief visit at this place.
--Mr. H. P. JOSLIN, of near Odin, was a caller Saturday and ordered the Hoisington paper sent to his address.
--Joe JONNSTON and family left this morning for Gaylord, Kansas. Dick JONES took them across in a spring wagon.

Hoisington Dispatch -- Thursday, June 19, 1890
--Mrs. J. H. MORRISON, of Salida, Colorado, is visiting her sister, Mrs. A. S. COOKE, at this place.
--C. TINDALL is in town to-day. He is just returning from a trip to Indiana and says Kansas is the best state yet.
--Dr. GOIT moved his household goods to Great Bend yesterday.

Hoisington Dispatch -- Thursday, June 26, 1890
--G. BAKER has moved to Council Grove.
--Geo. YATES has returned from Oklahoma.
--Mrs. R. WEHR has returned from her eastern visit. She was called home on accounty of the sickness of her daughter.
--August WOLFE, formerly of this place but now living at Horace, was in town the first of the week. He will soon move back to Hoisington.

Hoisington Dispatch -- Thursday, July 3, 1890
--J. A. GARGES, our jeweler, has received a fine show case in which he will display his jewelry goods.
--Drs. CHESTER, MAFFET, CONNETT and DeLaVERGNE last performed a difficult surgical operation on a young son of Herbert SWIFT's who broke a thigh bone some two years ago. (copied from the Great Bend Democrat
--Monday night W. H. KING, who was assisting in putting up a header and getting ready for the harvest field, was suddenly taken with hemmorrhage of the bowels, while at JOHNSON's stable, and now lies very weak. (copied from the Great Bend Democrat
--August SCHULTZ was down from Horace Monday.
--Geo. PARKER came in from the west yesterday.
--Mrs. J. N. DYER has returned from her visit in the east and in Texas.

Hoisington Dispatch -- Thursday, July 10, 1890
--L. P. JOSLIN was in from Odin Friday and reported a very heavy hail storm in his vicinity the night before. Much damage was done to wheat, corn and fruit. Mrs. JOSLIN lost about fifty little chickens and twenty-five turkeys by the storm.
--J. C. RICHARDSON is having his wheat cut this week. He has 150 acres which is turning out from 12 to 15 bushels per acres.

Hoisington Dispatch -- Thursday, July 17, 1890
--H. CARLANDER has fenced in his lot, is having a well bored, an awning put up and other improvements made.
--Mabel PUTNAM gave a party to a number of her friends Tuesday evening, it being her eleventh birthday.
--Wm WANTLAND living northeast of town had a hand badly lacerated Tuesday while feeding a threshing machine. It was necessary to amputate two fingers, which was done by Drs. SHAW, GOIT and PECK.
--Rathbone Lodge, K. of P., installed the following officers last week: P.C.--A. J. ASHEN; C. C.--R. P. TYPER; V. C.--A. S. COOKE; P.--N. E. GAILEY; K. of R. and S.--Geo. A. ORR; M. of F.--M. H. FAES; M. of E.--R. WEHR; I. G.--John HUSTON; O. G.--T. E. MALLORY. J. L. SLAWSON, D.D.G.C., was the installing officer.
--Anton SIMON met with a serious accident Thursday evening at Mr. BOYLES west of town. He was feeding a threshing machine and caught his hand in the cylinder mangling it fearfully. Drs. SHAW and GOIT drove over Thursday night and amputated the hand. He is now getting along as well as could be expected.
--We hear of a great many accidents happening to feeders of threshing machines this fall. No less than ten or twelve persons have reported have been reported as having a hand caught by the cylinder. All the accidents happen with the new Advance threshers. The teeth of which set several inches nearer the feeder than the other kinds.
--Andrew HENRY, a young man, while feeding a threshing machine, Wednesday morning on John McMULLIN's place in Liberty township, got his hand into the cylinder and had it horribly lacerated. It is reported that the entire hand was torn off. Dr. CONNETT was called but up to the hour of our going to press he had not returned with a report of the particulars. (copied from the Great Bend Democrat)
--Ash NAIRN threshed on Monday and brought a load to town the first new wheat for which he received 60 cents. It tested 58. The average for his poorest is about fourteen bushels per acre, so he says. (copied from the Pawnee Rock Leader)

Hoisington Dispatch -- Thursday, July 24, 1890
--John JOHNSTON is having an addition built to his residence.
--Will Renick has been promoted to the position of hostler in the yards here.
--Pricilla SCHILKE visited at Great Bend last week.
--John WILSON and family have moved to Geneseo.
--Morgan CARAWAY was in town Saturday on business.
--C. TINDALL has moved from Utica to this city. He is employed by the railroad company in the water service department.
--There will be no preaching at the Methodist Episcopal Church for one month from date. It has been thought best for the preacher and congregation to take a short rest during the heated season.
--John MILLER and his father will move to Claflin Monday to engage in the harness business, John has been running a shop at Fairport, Russell county, for some time. (copied from the LaCrosse Clarion)
--A train on the Santa Fe set fire to and burned up 13 stacks of wheat and 8 stacks of straw Thursday afternoon two miles west of town. 11 stacks of the stacks of wheat belonged to Ed CLARK, 2 of them to Scott PAYTON and the straw stacks to Reuben HOUDYSHELL. It is estmated that the wheat burned would amount to 1,800 bushels. (copied from the Pawnee Rock Leader)
--At the Republican primary Saturday evening the following delegates and alternatives were selected to attend the county convention at Great Bend next Saturday:
Delegates: R. P. TYPER, Ira H. CLARK, J. W. FORD, Dr. PECK, C. K. GRIMES, W. W. CARNEY, D. W. PFESTER, R. WEHR, Sylvester WILSON, Joe MEEKER.

Hoisington Dispatch -- Thursday, July 31, 1890
--A bevy of dogs have taken it upon themselves to make the nights hideous in the vicinity of Main street. Their howls and barks are so exasperating that a man seeking revenge with a double barreled shot gun would be fully justified.
--James HOOPER's family arrived from Ottawa this week.
--Geo. HERBOLSHEIMER and family were down from Frederick Sunday.
--H. J. PECK, formerly in business here, was in town Saturday. He is now at Salina.
--A very pleasant surprise party was given Mr. S. B. AMIDON at his residence in this city on Tuesday evening, it being his 50th birthday.

Hoisington Dispatch -- Thursday, August 7, 1890
--A young man named Volney RICKETTS, living in the western part of the county, had two ribs broken last week while wrestling.
--Cal REED, formerly city marshal of Pawnee Rock, late of Hoisington, is back at his old position working for W. S. McDOUGAL. (copied from the Pawnee Rock Leader).
--The Arkansas river was as dry as a powder horn one day last week and the next morning there was a big flow of water, not a bit of rain either.
--U. H. HOLDER has been employed as principal of the Hoisington schools for the coming year.
--Mr. QUINLIN, living north of Olmutz, lost almost his entire crop of wheat last Saturday by fire. It was set by a Mo. Pacific engine.
--On September 1st J. C. RICHARDSON, the stockman, will open a meat market in Hoisington.

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