Barton County

Ellinwood and Hoisington

sections of the
1912 Polk's Kansas State Gazetteer
and Business Directory


(Chicago, R.S. Polk & Co., [published 1911], pages 351-356)

Ellinwood...... Population, 976 (U.S. Census 1910). Incorporated city on the Arkansas River and A., T. & S. Fe Ry, in Barton County, 10 miles east of Great Bend, the county seat. Has 5 churches, 2 banks and a weekly newspaper. Tel., Postal and W. U. Exp., W., F. & Co.
Theodore Iten jr. postmaster.

---Andre, Charles, live stock.
---Bartlett, Mrs. Berk, milliner.
---Bartlett & Logan, meats.
---Beckett, E, propr Hotel Wolf.
---Blockley, Chas, real estate.
---Bock, Christian, live stock.
---Bock & Manglesdorf, H. D. Bock mgr, general store.
---Bummert, Wallace, garage.
---Chatten, Stanley H, A. L. Miller mgr, lumber and coal.
---Christoph, John, photographer.
---Citizens' State Bank (Capital $15,000, Surplus $30,000), E. L. Smith Pres and Cashier, Robert Shouse Asst Cashier.
---Dick, Anthony, restaurant.
---Dick, Matthias, propr Ellinwood Tel Exchange.
---Edwards & Fair (Wm C. Edwards, Theodore P. Fair), H. H. Ziegenbush mgr, lumber, coal and hardware.
---Ellinwood Furniture Co, J. D. Gayer manager.
---Ellinwood Grain & Supply Co, Martin Musil pres, K. R. Mohn sec and mgr, grain and coal.
---Ellinwood Leader, J. R. McMullen editor and propr.
---Ellinwood Mill & Elevator Co, P. B. Kimple propr.
---Ellinwood Telephone Exchange, Matthias Dick propr.
---Gafford, D. M, physician.
---Grant, Freda, milliner.
---Haas, Alfred R, physician.
---Helfrich, H. J, thresher.
---Hermes, Christ. W, creamery.
---Hotel Wolf, E. Beckitt Propr, Electric Light, Steam Heat, The Only Commercial Hotel in the City, Good Sample Rooms, Rates $2.00 Per Day.
---Howard, W. A, real estate.
---Johnson & Mellies (D. C. Johnson, Chas Mellies), real estate and ins.
---Jung's Military Band, Wm Jung leader.
---Kansas Grain Co.
---Kimpler, Peter B, propr Ellinwood Mill & Elevator Co.
---Koch, G. F, poultry breeder.
---Koehler, Fred, harness.
---Kruger, C. R, veterinary surgeon.
---Litle, F. W, confectioner,
---McCracken, J. C, cement blocks.
---McMullen, J. R, editor and propr Ellinwood Leader.
---Meiles, H. R, hardware and implements.
---Park House, Joseph Blaisar propr.
---Peoples' State Bank The (Capital $25,000), J. H. D. Bosse pres, C. Bock v-pres, D. C. Johnson cashier.
---Robison, Homer B, dentist.
---Schrepel, Fred H, horse breeder.
---Seward, Obed, live stock.
---Shouse, Robert, Asst Cashier This Citizen's State Bank.
---Smith, Edward L, Pres and Cashier The Citizens' State Bank and Hardware.
---Speirs, George O, physician.
---Spiers, Roscoe C, drugs [note: Speirs/Spiers appear as printed in directory]
---Sprinker, Joseph, wagonmaker and auctioneer.
---Stansel, W. B, cleaner.
---Stepanek, Mary Mrs., confectioner.
---Stephan & Isern (Fred Stephan & Edward D. Isern), general store.
---Tenker, Kate, milliner.
---Thomas, Samuel K, livery.
---Thul & Gerlof, meats.
---Trump, George, drugs.
---Turck, Harry E, jeweler.
---Voth, Henry P, dray.
---Walnut Creek Mill & Elevator Co, A. T. Redmon mgr, grain.
---Weber, John P, real estate.
---Winkleman, Otto, restaurant.
---Wolf, Fred (Wolf Milling Co.).
---Wolf, John (Wold Milling Co), and live stock.
---Wolf Milling Co, (John and Fred Wolf), flour.

Hoisington........ Population, 1,975 (U.S. Census 1910). An incorporated city on the M. P. Ry., in Barton County, 11 miles n. of Great Bend, the county seat, and 283 miles from Kansas City. Has 5 churches, 2 banks and a weekly newspaper. Tel., W. U. Exp., W., F. & Co.
P. C. Kopplin, postmaster.

---Almond, J. E, wall paper and paints.
---Anderson, N. A, automobiles.
---Arlington Hotel, John Jones propr.
---Baker, Andrew H, real estate and insurance.
---Baker, Bert, stone quarry.
---Baker, John C, shoes.
---Banman Bros, gents' furnishings.
---Barton County Hospital.
---Beckett Bros., bakers and confrs.
---Bereman, Dr, osteopath.
---Boyle, Charles, thresher.
---Brannin, J. W, machine shop.
---Burton, Thomas C, physician.
---Carriker, C. L, bottling works.
---Childs, Edward, hardware and implts.
---Coffey, C. E, cigar mnfr.
---Commercial House, J. A. Cantrell propr.
---Cooney, G. W., livery.
---Cornelius Roy, publr Hoisington Dispatch.
---Crystal Theatre, Johnson & Pizinger mngrs.
---Degen, Joseph, general store.
---Depp, Leon, confectioner.
---Diel, A. A, real estate and insurance.
---Disch, A, shoes.
---Duling, Charles A, horses.
---Elite Theatre, Wilkinson Bros proprs.
---Farmers Grain and Supply Co, Fred Dundas mngr.
---Farmers' & Merchants' State Bank (Capital $25,000), Chas Hall pres, T. M. Keegan cashr.
---Farnsworth Drug Co, Ben Crocker mngr.
---Fenno Bros, contractors.
---First National Bank (Capital $10,000), M. C. Elmore Pres, C. P. Munns Cashr.
---Ford, Henry, horse and swine breeder.
---Grovier Produce Co poultry.
---Hall, E. G, feed yard.
---Hall, James, livery.
---Harper, I. A, real estate.
---Hartman, John H, real estate and insurance.
---Heltemes, W. M & Co, harness.
---Hoisington Dispatch (weekly), Roy Cornelius, publr.
---Hoisington Drug Co, D. M. Woodburn mngr.
---Hoisington Electric Light & Ice Plant, J. R. Murphy mngr.
---Hoisington Lumber Co.
---Hoisington Mill and Elevator Co (Lee J. Barrett, Mack C. Elmore).
---Hoisington Telephone Co, F. V. Rosier mngr.
---Howell George M. & Son, meats.
---Ivey G. E, dentist.
---Jenkins, Edgar, contractor.
---Johnson & Stipes, 2d-hand store.
---Jones, B. F, photographer.
---Jones, J. L, garage.
---Kinkel's Cash Store, dry goods.
---Klug, R. F, meats.
---Koch, George L, physician.
---Kolydonis, C, confectioner.
---Kopplin, Phillip C, lawyer, real estate and postmaster.
---Laube, A. E, Mrs, millinery.
---Lind's Hospital and Training School, Rev. W. J. Lind propr.
---Linder, D. W, live stock.
---Logan, J. W, live stock.
---Lucas, Wm B, insurance.
---McCauley, F. L, physician.
---Meyers & Sullivan, grocers.
---Millard, C. E, contractor.
---Morrison Bros, dry goods and clothing.
---Moses, E. R. Mercantile Co, David J. Lewis, Mgr, General Store.
---Murphy Bros, grocers.
---North, F. C, paints.
---Nuss, George, hardware & furniture.
---Ochs Grain Co, Philip Ochs jr mgr.
---Ochs Lumber Co, Philip Ochs jr mgr.
---Opera House, C. C. Johnson mgr.
---Page, W, physician.
---Pacific House, Wm Stelleren propr.
---Peoples' State Bank (cap $10,000), E. R. Moses pres, W. B. Lucas cashier.
---Pieper, J. L, ladies' furnishings.
---Pizinger, James, jewelry.
---Prose, Joseph B, lawyer.
---Railroad Y M C A Library.
---Rollon, L. D, photographer.
---Russell-Meyer Grocery Co.
---Smith & Krug, grocers.
---Turner Bros, grocers.
---Vaniman, Jasper S, dentist.
---Van Noy Hotel, M. N. Hall mgr.
---Yenser, I. W. & Co, gents' furnishings.

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