REEL F605/KSHS Microfilm Collection


Fulton Independent
July 1885 through September 1886

Bourbon County’s Fulton Independent was a weekly newspaper. The first issue, dated August 8, 1884, was published on a Friday; beginning August 30, 1884, issues were published on Saturdays. A. W. Felter was Editor/Publisher. These extracts have been copied as accurately as possible, but errors may still occur. Minor printing errors have been corrected, but otherwise the information is presented as it originally appeared. Please consult the individual reels to verify an item. I do not have any further information about these individuals or families. Contributed by Ellen Bisson (

Fulton Independent

Jul 18, 1885 - pg 3, col 4

Died: Wm. M. Reynolds, in Barton County, Mo., on Thursday, July 2, 1885; aged 81 years and 5 days. William was born in Gutherie County, Iowa. About four years ago he came with his father’s family to Kansas, settling at Fulton, Bourbon County, where he continued to reside until his removal to Cherokee, about one year ago, beloved and respected by all who knew him. His occupation was that of fireman on the K.C., F.S. and G. railroad, a hazardous post of duty that he continued faithfully to fulfill with marked fidelity and punctuality to his employers until the occurrence of the fatal accident which so suddenly and unexpectedly ended his earthly career, and robbed earth of one of its brightest ornaments, an honest and conscientious man, depriving a loving and devoted wife the companionship of a true and faithful husband and four bright little children of a loving father’s counsel and protection. Billy, as he was familiarly called, was loved and respected by all who knew him, and during his short residence in Cherokee, he and his estimable wife made many friends who all unite in extending to the heart-broken family of the deceased, their condolence and sympathy in this their dark hour of affliction and distress, and commend them for consolation to Him who robbed death of its venomous sting and the grave of its boasted victory. Farewell, Billy; no more on earth will Maudie and the little boys listen with attentive ears for papa’s familiar footsteps or mama’s smiles of welcome when papa comes home. No more will Billy’s familiar face appear at the "lookout on the left" on his old favorite No. 47 as of yore when under this faithful guardianship she was always ready for duty. No more shall we be permitted to enjoy his companionship here, but by and by, when life and its conflicts are ended, we shall meet with the loved ones in the blooming paradise of God, where death and suffering never enter to mar or disturb the re-united ones of earth. To the sorrowing ones we would say, dry your tears, for a brighter day will soon dawn upon you; look forward with an eye of faith to the meeting that shall ere long greet you on the other shore. Farewell! (Cherokee Cyclone) [In the July 11, 1885 Independent @ pg 3, col 2, there is an extensive article, "Fatal Railroad Disaster," about the accident which claimed the life of William Reynolds.]

Jul 25, 1885, pg 2

col 1

Died: A most distressing case of accidental death by drowning occurred at the residence of Anderson Carter, living 5 _ miles southeast of Fulton, on Tuesday afternoon last. From the meager details we are enabled to obtain in regard to this matter, it seems that quite a number of the neighboring women and children had assembled at Mr. Carter’s residence to engage in a "quilting bee." The little ones were permitted to go out to play, with an injunction not to go near the ponds. Three of the boys, however, disregarded the orders they had received and went to a pond to go in swimming. One of these boys was Mr. Carter’s son, aged 5 years, and another was the son of William Stevens, of Vernon County, Mo., aged 6 years. The name of the third boy we could not ascertain. The carter and Stevens boys went in swimming, while their companion stayed upon the bank. They soon managed to get beyond their depth and disappeared beneath the water. The little boy on the bank tried to get them out, but could not, and then started to the house to convey the sad tidings of their death to their parents and friends. Meantime the ladies at the house, becoming uneasy on account of the long absence of the children, started out in search of them and met this little boy on his return to the house. The story was soon told. The bodies were recovered as speedily as possible, and every effort was made to restore them to life, but Death had claimed them for his own. A messenger was dispatched to Fulton for medical aid. Dr. A. J. Roberts was summoned and lost no time in getting to the scene of the accident, but the bodies were rigid and in death when he arrived. The entire community deeply sympathizes with the bereaved parents in their sad affliction.

col 2

Married: At the residence of the Justice, Judge Tim Hackett, on Sunday, Jul 12th, Mr. Milton Kite to Miss Hattie Himes. This notice should have appeared in last week’s paper, but was inadvertently overlooked, for which we crave pardon of our friends. Mr. Kite is a young man of considerable promise, being a first class machinist, as well as a good mechanic, and a genial sort of fellow. The bride is well known to all our people as a quiet, good tempered, good looking and well informed young lady. The Independent wishes them peace, prosperity and happiness in their new relations.

Married: At the residence of A. W. Abrams, Esq., in Fulton, on the 22nd, at 2 o’clock p.m., by W. J. Stone, J. P. William Applegate, of Linn County, to Mrs. E. R. Douthit, of Fulton. The wedding was strictly private, none but members of the family being invited. The Independent wishes the happy couple a prosperous career.

Jul 25, 1885 - pg 3, col 1

Died: Calvin Milligan, of Timber Hill township, Bourbon county, Kansas, departed this life July 18, 1885, aged 66 years, 6 months and 16 days, leaving an aged companion, one son and daughter-in-law, with some grandchildren to mourn his loss. He rests well. (Fort Scott Monitor)

Aug 1, 1885, pg 2, col 3

Died: Miss Caroline Bortzfield died July 10th, after a very brief illness. She was buried at Osage Cemetery alongside of her father and mother. She leaves five brothers and sisters and a large circle of friends to mourn her loss. (Xenia Xylographics)

Aug 18, 1885, pg 3, col 3 & 4

Died: Chas. W. Libby - Again it becomes our sad duty to chronicle the departure of another highly esteemed and honorable citizen. Chas. W. Libby was born at North Windom, Maine, February 7th, 1819, and died at his home near Xenia, this county, on Wednesday, August 5th, 1885, at the ripe age of 66 years, 5 months and 28 days. About the year 1840 he removed to the then wild West in the State of Illinois, and settled in Boone County. There he remained engaged in agricultural pursuits until the year 1856, when he again took up his line of march toward the setting sun, and this time located in Goodhue County, Minnesota. Here he labored as a farmer and stockraiser until the year 1868, when the favorable reports that reached him concerning the wonderful fertility of the soil and the marvellous [sic] salubrity of the climate of Southern Kansas induced him to remove hither. He located near the town of Xenia and remained upon the same farm until his death. He was a member of Xenia Lodge No. 47, A. F. and A.M. from the time of his arrival here and had filled almost all the official positions in his lodge. He leaves a widow and six children - most all grown - to mourn his death. Four of the children reside in Bourbon County, one at Blue Mound, Kans., and one at Roscoe, Minn. He was for many years sadly afflicted with disease, and had not been really well enough to perform manual labor for ten or a dozen years. He bore his affliction with meek patience and Christian forbearance, and when the hour of his final dissolution arrived, passed off quietly from the stage of human action in the presence of all his family except one daughter who, as aforesaid, resides in Minnesota. Deceased was a man well known to most of our readers in this vicinity for his quiet and gentlemanly demeanor and his upright, honest life. In his death the community has sustained a sad loss and his aged widow and affectionate children a sad bereavement. Yet when we consider that his suffering while here was intense and his life clouded constantly with ill health, we must believe that in leaving earth and friends behind him he has at last gained a haven of rest and quiet that surpasses our understanding.

Aug 15, 1885, pg 3, col 3

Married: Uncle Bobby Fore was married to a young, bewitching and modest widow at Oswego, Labett County, Kans., on August 5, 1885. Uncle Bob is a man well and favorably known throughout this section as an honorable and conscientious old man, and requires no further comment at our hands. And now that the marriage rite is over and a calm has come upon the first flutter of excitement attending it, we have the final wish for our old and experienced friends: that the rest of their days be one continued season of that blissful period inaugurated by their courtship. May all their misfortunes be little ones.

Aug 22, 1885, pg 3, col 3

Died: "By Her Own Hand, A Beautiful and Accomplished Young Lady Hurls Her South into Eternity by taking Strychnia." This community was shocked last Thursday morning to learn of the tragic death [on Wednesday] of a well known young lady who had voluntarily taken a dose of strychnia. The name of the young lady was Miss Mary E. Mason, aged twenty-five years, daughter of Mrs. Janet Mason, a widowed lady who resides about 4 miles southeast of our city, and who owns two excellent and well improved farms in this county...The remains were interred at the Jolly Cemetery at 9 o’clock Friday morning, the funeral ceremonies being conducted by the Rev. S. Keyes, of this city. [This article is quite extensive so only the details have been extracted; for complete text please consult Microfilm #F605.]

Aug 29, 1885, pg 3, col 4

Died: At 4 o’clock, Monday morning, August 23d, 1885, Isaac J. Curtis, in this city; aged 45 years. Deceased was born in Cayuga County, Ohio, in 1840. He came to this State about 20 years since, and settled on a farm 6 miles south of Uniontown. When the war commenced he enlisted in 1861, in Company B, 52d Ill. Vol. Infantry, and when his first term of service had expired, re-enlisted in 1864 in the first Missouri Battery. He was honorably discharged in 1865. He was married in 1865 to Selina Frizur. He leaves a wife and nine children to mourn his loss. He was a member of the Masonic Fraternity, although this fact was not officially communicated to the lodge at Fulton. His disease was consumption. His remains were interred at Barnesville Cemetery on Tuesday, August 25th. His brother, A. T. Curtis, resides at this place. [On Sep 5, 1885, pg 3, col 4: Mrs. Mary Case, of Medina Co., Ohio, sister of I. J. Curtis, deceased, and A. T. Curtis, of this place, arrived two days too late to attend her brother’s funeral. She came in response to a telegram.]

Sep 5, 1885, pg 3

col 1

Born: To Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Carter, last Thursday morning, a daughter. Dr. J. W. Reynolds attended and reports the mother doing well.

col 4

Married: At four o’clock p.m., Thursday, August 27, Mr. Thomas Hamilton to Mrs. Eliza Hessong, both of Mapleton. We were not able to learn the name of the officiating clergyman. The happy couple came to Fulton last Sunday and embarked for Western Park, in Elk County, Kans. Mr. H. is one of the old settlers in his neighborhood. He owns an excellent and well improved farm and is in every way one of nature’s own noblemen. The bride is well known to many of our citizens for her many estimable qualities of head and heart and is held in the highest esteem by her neighbors. The Independent wishes them a happy and prosperous career.

Sep 12, 1885, pg 5, col 2

Married: At the bride’s home, near Avondale, Sept. 6th, 1885, by Rev. J. M. Iliff, Mr. Samuel F. Miller, Fulton, and Miss Alice A. Maxwell, of Bourbon County. The happy couple have the hearty congratulations of the Independent, and may their married life be happy and useful.

Sep 19, 1885, pg 2, col 1

Married: A very pleasant wedding was held at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lanyon, Jr., in this city, wherein their daughter, Miss Ella Lanyon, was given in marriage to Mr. Henry E. Vaughan, of Fulton, Kansas; Rev. E. E. Clough, officiating. The ceremony was held at about a quarter past ten o’clock, and was witnessed by a large number of invited guests. The house was profusely yet tastefully decorated with flowers. In the parlor was erected a beautiful floral arch, under which the young couple stood while the nuptial knot was being tied. The couple were preceded by the bride’s little sisters, Misses Mirtie and Daisy, who united the knot before the arch, and allowed the bride and groom to take positions under it. Miss Clara Gillmann was bridesmaid, and Mr. Lawrence Spratler was groomsman. Prof. S. T. Osborne played the wedding march on the piano. The ceremony was conducted in a very impressive manner, and at its conclusion good wishes were extended to the bride and hearty congratulations tendered to the lucky groom. The presents to the bride were very many and exceptionally fine and appropriate. The company were most cordially entertained, and were pleasant and sociable. After the extending of congratulations a most bounteous and tempting wedding dinner was served, and was partaken of by the entire company. After bidding relatives and friends good-bye, the happy couple took the 1:30 train for a wedding trip, which will end at their home in Fulton, Kansas, where the groom is now engaged in business. The earnest good wishes of a host of friends for future happiness and prosperity follow them. [Mineral Point (Wis.) Democrat] The Independent extends most cordial greeting to the young and happy couple, and on behalf of its many readers, welcomes the newly elected bride to our little city, where all will be pleased to meet her and form her acquaintance. In conclusion, may life’s choicest blessings be showered upon you both and may you be prosperous and happy.

Sep 26, 1885, pg 4, col 2

Married: At the residence of the Justice of the Peace, at Mill Creek, on Sunday, [Sep] 20th, at 4 o’clock p. m., by A. K. Hall, J.P., Mr. Thomas A. Morgan, of Fulton, Kas., to Miss Addie M. Joslin, of Kinderhook, Mich. Thomas certainly deserves great credit for having captivated so bewitching and amiable a young lady as Miss Addie, while she deserves to be congratulated upon the very excellent choice she has made in selecting a life partner. We are glad to see Tom assume the responsibilities of a Benedict, and feel confident that he will faithfully discharge all the duties that may devolve upon him by reason of the new position he is now called upon to fill. The best wishes of the Independent for a long, prosperous, useful and happy career are extended to them.

Oct 24, 1885, pg 4, col 5

Married: At the residence of the bride’s parents, by Rev. D. E. Sands, at 9 o’clock a.m., October 6th, Mr. C. S. Hall, of Ft. Scott, Kansas, and Miss Mary E. Elder, of Upper Grove, Iowa. The newly married couple took the train for St. Louis soon after their marriage, where they visited the great fair then in progress, after which they came to this city, where Mr. Hall’s parents live. After spending a short time visiting here they will leave for their farm near Fort Scott. The best wishes of the Independent and its hosts of readers follow them to their new home and may the bright sunshine of conjugal affection keep them company as they journey through life.

Oct 31, 1885, pg 4, col 3

Married: At the residence of the bride’s parents, in Osage township, Bourbon County, Kans., Oct 24th, by Rev. G. H. Hinton, of the U. B. Church, Mr. Alfonso J. Seaman and Miss Minnie Funk. The wedding was a quiet, enjoyable affair, the ceremony being performed in the presence of the families of contracting parties only. After enjoying a sumptuous repast, the evening was spent in social converse, after which the company dispersed, leaving with the newly married pair their best wishes and kindest regards. May their lives be long and happy. The Independent joins the glad throng of friends in wishing them happiness and joy in the future and may their friends ever prove true and affectionate to them.

Nov 7, 1885, Supplement, pg 1, col 2

Married: At the residence of the bride’s parents, by Rev. M. W. Campbell, on Thursday, Nov. 29th, at 4 o’clock p. m., Mr. Frank Gunsaullus and Miss Belle Fitzpatrick. There were present about 40 invited guests, mostly members of the families of the contracting parties. A fine supper was spread which was heartily enjoyed by all present.

Nov 7, 1885, pg 4, col 2

Married: At 10:30 today, at the residence of the bride’s parents in this city, Mr. Samuel Hackett, Jr., and Miss Mattie Brockman were united in the holy bonds of matrimony, by Rev. H.S. Shangle, of the M.E. Church (South). The ceremony was witnessed by the families of the contracting parties and quite a number of intimate friends. The young couple are both well and favorably known throughout the city, and have the best wishes of hosts of friends. The bridal party left by the noon Gulf train for Fulton, Kansas, where they will remain with relatives of the groom until Sunday next, when they will return to this city which they will make their future home. (Rich Hill Herald)

Nov 14, 1885, pg 4, col 7

Died: On Sunday morning, the 8th, of typho-malarial fever, Miss Mary Burton. Deceased was the daughter of the treasurer of Linn County, and was attending Normal College at Ft. Scott when she was stricken down. Kind and anxious friends and skillful physicians did all in their power to save the fair young flower, but all their efforts were in vain. Mary was a careful student and dearly beloved by all who knew her. The remains were removed to Mound City for interment.

Nov 21, 1885, Supplement, pg 1, col 1

Born: To Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Inskip, on Monday night, the 9th, a daughter.

Born: To Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Baker, on Friday morning, the 13th, twin daughters.

Nov. 28, 1885, pg 3, col 1

Married: In Dayton, Mr. Furgeson and Miss Abey Samons were married November 19th.

Born: To Mr. and Mrs. John Hughes, on Saturday evening, November 14th, a daughter. Mother and child doing well and "Dock" is extremely happy.

Dec 5, 1885, pg 3, col 1

Married: We are informed that Mr. L. L. Cox and Miss Belle Clendenning were married last Tuesday [Dec 1], by Rev. Fisk, of Ft. Scott. We congratulate the happy couple, and wish them happiness and prosperity.

Dec 12, 1885, pg 3

col 1

Died: Mr. and Mrs. Clarence McIlhenny buried an infant at the Wright Cemetery on Sunday last. Their many friends sympathize with them in their bereavement.

col 6

Died: At 7 o’clock on Sunday morning last, Bertie, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Green. The funeral was preached at the M. E. Church on Monday afternoon at 1 o’clock, by Rev. Iliff. The remains were interred at the Wright cemetery. The afflicted parents have the tender sympathies of the community.

Jan 1, 1886, pg 3, col 4

Died: It is with sincere sorrow and deep regret that we learn of the death of little Mable Wiltse, daughter of our friend Buradore Wiltse, of Mill Creek township, this county. She died on the first day of the year, from pneumonia, having been sick but a few days. Little Mable was as bright and sparkling as a sunbeam, affectionate in her disposition, and her winning ways endeared her, not only to her family, but to all who knew her. It is only those who have lost a little one who can fully realize the depth of sorrow or the extent of the bereavement which death is such cases inflicts. The family had been looking forward to the first of the year to a joyous reunion, but instead of that, it proved to be a sorrowful one - one whose memory will be tinged with sadness and called up with regret. They have the consolation, however, of knowing that with the departure of the old year the spirit of little Mable took its flight, and with the day dawn of the new it crossed the threshold of eternity into immortal bliss. [Memorial poem follows] The funeral services were held at the Centerville church, on Saturday, and were attended by a large number of friends. Elder Duncan officiated. (Ft. Scott Tribune)

Jan 16, 1886, pg 3, col 5

Died: On Saturday evening, Jan. 9th, 1886, at 6 o’clock, at her home in Fulton, Mary A. Ruble, aged 54 years, 8 months and 25 days. The funeral took place from the M. E. Church on Monday, [the] 11th, at 10 o’clock a.m., Rev S. Keyes officiating, assisted by Rev. J. M. Iliff. The remains were interred at the Barnesville cemetery. Deceased was an old resident of this community and was highly esteemed by all who knew her. The sorrowing relatives have the sympathy of the entire community in their sad bereavement. [Memorial poem follows. See earlier Ruble extracts on this page and also the Fulton business profiles for more information on this family.]

Jan 23, 1886, pg 2, col 1

Married: "Double Wedding" - On Wednesday, Jan. 20th, Mr. Alex. Mayfield, was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Mrs. Jane McGee, at the residence of the bride, by his honor Judge G. M. Waters; also at the same time and place, Mr. Frank Williams and Miss Laura Mayfield. The Independent joins with their many friends in wishing them a happy and prosperous journey through life.

Died: "Death of Mrs. Mary Hackett" - When information concerning the death of this aged lady at Wellsville, Utah Territory, Dec. 31st, 1885, reached her sons, it was arranged to have a family reunion at this place on the 14th. The brothers present were John, James, Timothy, Pierce, Samuel and Richard Hackett, those absent being Thomas, George, William and Christopher. The principal object of the meeting was to decide as to the last resting place of the remains of their beloved parents. The remains of the father were interred near Foster, Mo., in 1858, and during the war the fence around the cemetery and the railings around the graves were destroyed by the soldiers, so that it will be rather a difficult matter to locate the grave and identify the remains; but if this can be done the remains of both father and mother will be removed to the Catholic cemetery at Kansas City, where a suitable monument will be erected in their memory.

Also: In Wellsville, Utah Territory, at 5 o’clock Thursday morning, Dec. 31, 1885, Mrs. Mary [Felker] Hackett, aged 80 years. With the closing day of the past year, closed a long and useful life. How fitting that such a life should be thus finished on earth to walk in newness of life with the dawning of another year. She has gone where there is no night or sorrow, but where all is joy, light and love. The subject of this memoir was born in Liverpool, England, married at an early date to Pierce Hackett. To them were born, in England, thirteen sons, ten of whom are now in the full vigor of manhood and living monuments of a mother’s love, devotion and goodness. They came from England, having been preceded a few years by their four oldest sons, and settled in Missouri, where they resided until the death of the father and husband in 1858. We parted the snow that shrouded our mother earth, and to her bosom, kind and low, we yielded our gift of precious clay. A soul went to swell eternally with the God who gave it; a noble woman in this world to live forever a nobler and a higher life; a fond devoted mother to look, from the stars above, as an angel of mercy, upon the mothers who dwell here; an earnest worker had lain down the labors of this world to enjoy rest in the "Mansions in the skies." She had taken up the yoke, learned of Him, and found rest unto her soul. (Kansas City, Mo., Jan 18th, 1886) [Note other references in these newspaper extracts to Mary Hackett’s sons.]

Jan 23, 1886, pg 3, col 2

Born: Mr. Editor - It is a girl at Irvin Findley’s, and the cigars are first class. (Xenia, Jan 1, 1886)

Feb 6, 1886, pg 3, col 6

Died: At her home near Fulton, at half-past 12 o’clock p. m., on Monday, Feb 1st, Lucy T. J. Stone, wife of R. C. Stone, aged 28 years, 2 months, and 19 days. The funeral took place from the family residence on Wednesday, [Feb] 3rd, at one o’clock p. m. The remains were interred at the Fulton cemetery. [Memorial poem follows. Deceased leaves four small children and a loving, faithful husband to mourn her untimely loss. She was a consistent member of the United Brethren Church, and all who knew her were her friends. The bereaved husband and the motherless little ones have the sympathy of the entire community in this hour of their sad affliction.

Feb 13, 1886, pg 3

col 1

Died: Gen. W. S. Hancock died very suddenly at 2:30 p. m. on [Feb] 9th, of a malignant carbuncle on the back of his neck. Thus the nation again mourns the loss of an honored son.

col 2

Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Ruben VanBuskirk, on [Feb] 7th, a girl, weight 10 pounds. Mother and child are both doing well. ("Mapleton murmurings" section)

Feb 20, 1886, pg 3

col 1

Born: Mrs. J. B. Lewis presented her husband with an 8 _ pound valentine, life size, masculine gender, last Sunday night, and we fear that not less than two boxes of first-class cigars will suffice for the many friends who are ready to shake hands with Jim in honor of the event.

col 2

Died: At the residence of J. A. Stone, in Fulton, at 9 o’clock, a. m., on Tuesday morning, [Feb] 16th, W. E. Fuller, aged 26 years and 4 days. Deceased, while in the employ of the Gulf railroad last March, working upon a bridge near Memphis, was seriously injured by having a heavy timber fall across his breast and crushing him to the earth. He was removed to his home at Ft. Scott, where he was under medical treatment for a long time. He so far recovered as to be able to walk about some, but his injuries were so serious as to again prostrate him, and he was removed to the residence of his grandfather, about a month since, and gradually grew weaker until that fell destroyer of human life, consumption, set in and carried him away. The funeral took place from the U. B. Church on Wednesday, and the remains were interred at Zion cemetery, 4 miles southwest of this city. He was, we learn, in all respects an exemplary young man.

Died: At the family residence in Fulton, at 9 o’clock last Thursday morning, [Feb] 17th, Annie, wife of Richard Simpson, departed this life in the 21st year of her age. The funeral took place from the M. E. Church at 1 o’clock p.m., on Friday, [Feb] 19th, Rev. Keyes, of this city, officiating. Ever since the death of her mother [Mary Ruble, see obit above], on the 9th of January last, we learn that Mrs. Simpson’s health had been poor; and after the birth of her child, recently, she gradually sank until the hour of her death. Little more than a year ago deceased stood the marriage altar [see Marriage above], a handsome, blooming bride, full of hope and joy. Today friends are weeping over a spot in the cemetery that contains all that was mortal of an obedient daughter, an affectionate an dutiful wife, and - saddest of all - a newly-made mother. The friends and relatives of the deceased have the sympathy of the community, while the prayers of all Christians will ascend to the throne of All Grace in behalf of the poor, motherless and helpless infant, for whose life she yielded up her own.

Feb 27, 1886, pg 3, col 1

Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shirley on [Feb] 14th, a girl. We are rather late in noticing this fact, but the news traveled slowly, and it was only by dint of hard questioning that we wrung the facts from the very reluctant but happy father. The Independent wishes the newcomer a long and useful life, and may the measles, whooping cough, croup, chicken pox and numerous other infantile ailments deal lightly with the young fair flower. [See marriage of Frank Shirley to Claudia Roberts above.]

Mar 6, 1886, pg 3, col 1

Married: At Fulton, Sunday, Feb 28, by Father Watron, of Fort Scott, Mr. John Brown of Prescott, and Miss_____ Davis, of Fulton. [Bride’s first name was omitted in the article]

Mar 13, 1886, pg 3, col 4

Married: On Saturday, [Mar] 6th, at the office of Probate Judge Cheney, at Ft. Scott, Mr. Geo. Lounsbury and Miss Morrel, both of this county. The Independent wishes the young couple a pleasant voyage down the stream of life, and may they live to a ripe old age and always have peace and plenty.

Mar 20, 1886, pg 3

col 1

J. E. Rader is the father of a bright bouncing boy. This fact was concealed from the Independent last week, but on Wednesday of this week John sauntered into our sanctum, and his looks at once betrayed the fact that he was about to divulge a secret that would leak out sooner or later anyhow, and he revealed to us the above fact.

col 2

Married: L. B. Gardner and a Miss Smith were married at Pleasanton last week. Mr. Gardner is a blacksmith by trade, and has been working for T. Hackett for the past four months. He is a sober and industrious young man; and as for the bride, well we have confidence enough in the groom’s judgment to believe that he got a good wife, one that will prove faithful and true as long as life shall last. And may we not miss our guess.

Married: At the residence of the bride’s mother, at Olathe, Kas., Sunday last, Mr. Fred S. Hall and Miss Alice Dayhuff, both of Fulton. It is not often the happy lot of the weary journalist to chronicle a bit of news that will read so pleasantly to many listening ears as does the simple announcement at the head of this article. From an intimate personal acquaintance of both the high contracting parties, we are sure they are both worthy and deserving of the happiness in store for them. Mr. Hall has occupied the position of cashier of the Bank of Fulton ever since his arrival at this place, and by his uniform courtesy and upright dealing has become a favorite with all and enjoys the fullest confidence of the public. Miss Dayhuff has been in a position to form many acquaintances among the people here, and by the constant exercise of the excellent qualities of head and heart she possesses, has gained the respect and esteem of a very large circle of friends and acquaintances. The young couple start out upon life’s journey with very pleasant and successful prospects before them, and the Independent only echoes the sentiments of the entire community in wishing them unalloyed happiness and a full measure of success in life, and may their years be many and their lives crowned with good deeds. [See Fulton Business Profiles on this site for more information about Mr. Hall]

Apr 17, 1886, pg 3, col 3

Died: We are sorry to chronicle the death of the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sterl Low. (Mapleton)

Died: Also, the death of a little grandchild of ‘Squire Jones of this place. (Mapleton)

May 15, 1886, pg 3, col 1

Born: A new 10 pound boy took up his abode with Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Seaman, near Barnesville, recently, and will probably remain to gladden their hearts for the next 21 years.

Jun 5, 1886, pg 3, col 4

Married: A select few gathered at the home of Professor Sanders last evening to witness the marriage of Mr. F. C. Raney and Miss Ada Caldwell. Mr. Raney is one of our Bourbon County boys, formerly a student of the Normal and for the past two years principal of the Anthony schools. Miss Caldwell is from Ohio, and has been attending the Normal for the last three years. During the past year she has been devoting most of her time to painting and elocution. Each has many friends here, as the many elegant presents would indicate. They start this morning for Anthony, their future home, where Mr. Raney will enter the profession of law. Judging from his success in the moot court of the K. N. C., his excellent social qualities and frank, genial nature, we predict a high degree of success for him in the near future. They leave hosts of friends behind them, who with them all the joy that they themselves could wish. (Ft. Scott Monitor) And continuing: A special correspondent of the Independent at Ft. Scott says of the affair: The company did not depart until a late hour on account of its being a Rainey evening. Mr. Raney is well known in the educational work of this county, where he has by well-directed and persistent efforts pushed himself to the front. He is a graduate of the Kansas Normal College, from which he went to Anthony as principal of the schools at that place. Frank, by his ability to work and win has won for himself a host of friends. Mr. Raney will enter upon his chosen profession with Judge Love, of Anthony, one of the best lawyers in Harper County. Thus our genial friend Frank has consummated two love schemes in the short space of one week. The well wishes of all in the College (and everyone else who know them) go with them in their new home, and may their efforts in the future, as they have been in the past, be ever upward and onward.

Jun 12, 1886, pg 3, col 4

Married: At the residence of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Payton, on Sunday, [June] 6th, by Rev. J. M. Iliff, of Fulton, Mr. Charles W. Burns of Rich Hill, Mo., and Miss Della Payton, of Hammond, Kansas. Mr. Burns is a young man of excellent character and has a host of warm friends, while his beautiful and accomplished bride is a universal favorite with both young and old. A generous supply of the wedding cake found its way to the Independent office, and we congratulate Mr. Burns upon his choice, for we feel assured that he has found an excellent housekeeper as well as a loving mate. The young couple have our best wishes and may they live long and be prosperous and happy.

Jun 19, 1886, pg 3, col 4

Birthday: "Wonderful Surprises" - Last Saturday, the 12th, being Mr. George Green’s birthday, quite a number of his personal friends, without previous warning, waited upon him and his estimable lady at their family residence near Glendale and after taking the place by storm and running things generally in a high-handed manner, spread a rich feast for the whole company, of which the genial host and hostess formed a part. Mr. G. was completely surprised on turning his plate to discover beneath it a handsome silver watch, presented by his friends. Rev. Iliff abruptly rose from his seat at the table at this juncture of affairs, and in a few well chosen words delivered the presentation speech. Mr. G. attempted to reply, but a something rose up in his throat that would not down at his bidding and — well, his speech was delivered mostly in pantomime. All present with whom we have talked on the subject acknowledge having had an excellent time. Below we give the names of those present as they were taken down by our special reporter: Mr. & Mrs. J. Kirk, Ft. Scott; Mr. & Mrs. J. M. Iliff, Fulton; Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Bishop and son; Dr. & Mrs. A. J. Roberts; Mr. & Mrs. D. W. McGuire; Mr. & Mrs. Geo. Amoy, Glendale; Mr. & Mrs. R. A. Williams, Glendale; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Nuzam, Glendale; Mr. & Mrs. Robt. Cissna, Glendale; Mr. & Mrs. Jas. Cissna, Glendale; Mr. C. J. Cissna, Glendale; Miss Rose Cissna, Glendale; Mr. Walter Benham, Glendale; Mr. & Mrs. C. Young, Washburn; Mr. & Mrs. H. Hixon, Dayton; Mrs Jason Hixon & family, Dayton; Mrs. Theodore Hixon, Dayton; Miss Effie Hixon, Dayton; Mr. John Graham, Dayton; Mr. Mark Patterson, Fulton; Miss Lou Johnson, Mill Creek.

Jul 17, 1886, pg 3, col 2

Died: At about 1:30 o’clock on Sunday morning last, after a brief illness, Richard S. Graham, son of Jonathan Graham, aged 33 years, 10 months and 6 days. The funeral took place from the M. E. church a 6 o’clock p.m., on Sunday, July 11, Rev. Iliff officiating. The remains were interred at the Chapman cemetery.

Died: At 8 o’clock a.m., Thursday, Jul 15, an infant son of Mr. and Mrs. L. Taylor of Fulton.

Jul 24, 1886, pg 3

col 1

Married: On Wednesday evening, [Jul] 11th, at 8 o’clock by W. J. Stone, Esq., Nathan T. Lewis and Miss Mary Poore, both of Fulton.

Born: To Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Braden, on Thursday, [Jul] 22nd, a son, weight 10 lbs. Milt is the happiest man on the Osage and wears a broader smile than ever.

col 4

Married: Mr. James Brown and Miss Genevia Querrei were married on [Jul] 21st.

Jul 31, 1886, pg 3, col 2

Died: At 6 o’clock Sunday evening last, at the residence of A. T. Curtis, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Pierce, aged about 15 months. The remains were interred at a cemetery on Sugar creek, in Linn county, last Monday.

Died: At 11 o’clock a.m., Wednesday, [Jul] 28th, of cholera infantum, Mary, daughter of William Funkhouser (colored), aged 12 years. Deceased had been a hopeless cripple for the past eight years. The remains were interred at the Chapman cemetery Thursday.

Aug 7, 1886, pg 3

col 1

Died: Mr. and Mrs. John Reynolds buried an infant son last week.

col 2

Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Kindle, on Tuesday night [Aug] 3d, a son, weight just 9 pounds.

Born: Word reaches us this week that Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hall are proud parents of a promising young daughter.

Aug 14, 1886, pg 3, col 1

Died: At 8 o’clock a.m., on Tuesday, August 10th, Myrtie, daughter of Rhoda Smith, aged 2 years, 4 months, and 16 days. Funeral took place from the M. E. church at 9 o’clock a.m., Wednesday, [Aug] 11th, Rev. J. M. Iliff officiating.

Aug 21, 1886, pg 3, col 2

Died: At 8 o’clock p.m, Sunday, [Aug] 15th, after a lingering illness, a child of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Moran, of Fulton, aged 4 months. The funeral took place on Monday, the remains being interred in the Wright cemetery.

Aug 28, 1886, pg 3

col 3

Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ball, on Saturday last, [Aug] 21st, a son of 13 lbs weight. (Pleasant View news)

col 4

Died: At six o’clock a.m., on Tuesday, [Aug] 24th, Eddie, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Rader, aged 5 months and 15 days. The remains were interred at the Prescott cemetery at 6 o’clock p.m. on the 24th.

Married: At Ft. Scott, on [Aug] 20th, Mr. Albert Greenfield and Miss Mattie Vandola, both of Mapleton. We wish them every happiness. (Mapleton news)

Sep 4, 1886, pg 2, col 1

At the residence of her relatives, in Tusola, Ill., at 4 o’clock a.m., on Saturday, August 28th, May, daughter of J. D. and M. S. Culbertson, aged 19 years, 2 months and 16 days. Mr. Culbertson received a telegram from Ill. last Friday forenoon announcing May’s serious illness, and Mrs. C. departed on the afternoon train that day for the bedside of her sick daughter. On Saturday, Mr. C. received another telegram announcing his daughter’s death. He also started for Illinois on the first train. Sad to say, neither of the parents reached their destination in time to see their daughter alive. The funeral took place on Monday after Mr. C. arrived there. Deceased had been in poor health for more than a year past. Her disease baffled the skill of the medical attendants and she gradually grew worse until about a month since, she seemed to improve in health. It was then believed by her friends that a change of climate would result favorably to her health, and she was therefore induced to visit friends and relatives in Illinois. After her arrival there, and only a few days before her death, she informed her parents by letter that she was improving. Vain delusion! The king of terrors had already marked her for his own, although in her weakness she knew it not, and the sudden announcement of her serious illness, followed almost immediately by the sad intelligence of her death, was a most serious shock to her friends and associates. In their great bereavement the parents and little brothers of the deceased will have the sympathy of al the community, but there will ever be a vacant place in that little home circle and fond hearts will throb with anguish for the loss of the pet of the household.

Sep 11, 1886, pg 3, col 3

Died: On Saturday, [Sep] 4th, an infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Rose, aged about one year.

Married: At the residence of John McNeil, Sen., on Sunday, Sept. 5th, at 3 o’clock p.m., by Wm. Hinton, J.P., R. D. Tevault, of Fulton, and Emma C. Brown, of West Liberty.

Married: At Fort Scott, Wednesday, [Aug] 8th, at 2 o’clock p.m., by E. W. Hulbert, J. P., James T. Randel and Miss Alma Hays, both of Fulton. The many friends of the young couple wish them a long and happy career.

Sep 18, 1886, pg 3, col 1

Married: At the residence of Lafayette Oldham, Esq., by W. J. Stone, justice of the peace, on Sunday, September 12th, at 12 o’clock p.m., Mr. Ward Shadley to Miss Mary Oldham. "Dutch" is a good, steady and industrious boy, and the Independent wishes him and his handsome bride grand success and happiness in life.

Sep 25, 1886

pg 2, col 1

Married: At Baxter Springs, on Tuesday, Sep. 21st, 1886, Mr. Edward C. Gates, of Fulton, Kas., and Miss Sadie Wright, of Baxter Springs, Kas. The wedding was a surprise to most of the people of this community, although some few had intuitively guess that there was "something in the air." Mr. Gates brought his handsome bride to her new home in Fulton Tuesday afternoon, where she met a host of friends and received a hearty welcome. The arrangements had all been made for housekeeping and everything had been put in complete running order by the loving hands of the mother and sister of Mr. Gates, so that they have been at their own home ever since the wedding, and have glided so easily and naturally into housekeeping that they scarcely realize the great change from a state of single blessedness to one of wedded bliss. They have the best wishes of all who know them for future happiness and prosperity. The Independent congratulates the young couple on their newly found happiness and wishes them many pleasant years, and may their friends always prove true and constant.

pg 3, col 3 - Mapleton news

Died: Mr. Miller, who had been lingering in the last stages of consumption for some time past, died Friday night at the residence of A. C. Tippie.

Died: [On the same day, Friday] The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Norris died of dysentery.

Born: To Mr. and Mrs. John Lynch, on [Sep] 3rd, a son. Mother and child are both doing well.

pg 3, col 4

Died: Mr. Solomon Kinder’s family lost a child last week, about 2 and a half years old, the cause of its death being summer complaint. (Pleasant View news)

Born: Mr. Wall Armstrong is happy over a fine new boy at his house. (Hoover news)

Born: Mr. John Webber says he would much rather have a girl than a boy. Their little girl is only six days old. (Hoover news)


October 1886 through May 1887

Tom & Carolyn Ward
Columbus, KS

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