REEL F606/KSHS Microfilm Collection


Fulton Independent
June 1887 through December 1887

Bourbon County’s Fulton Independent was a weekly newspaper. The first issue, dated August 8, 1884, was published on a Friday; beginning August 30, 1884, issues were published on Saturdays. A. W. Felter was Editor/Publisher. These extracts have been copied as accurately as possible, but errors may still occur. Minor printing errors have been corrected, but otherwise the information is presented as it originally appeared. Please consult the individual reels to verify an item. I do not have any further information about these individuals or families. Contributed by Ellen Bisson (

Fulton Independent

Jun 11, 1887, pg 3

col 1

Died: We learn that the wife of Thos. Brittingham, living one mile north of Prescott, died last week, leaving a large family. When one of the daughters was informed of her mother’s death, she became insane with grief.

Died: Caleb Deming’s wife died at 7:30 o’clock Wednesday evening, June 1st, aged about 40 years. The body was entombed at the Prescott cemetery the Thursday afternoon following her decease. The funeral services will be held at Prescott on Sunday, 12th (tomorrow).

col 2

Born: To Mr. and Mrs. George R. Moffett, Tuesday evening, [Jun] 7th, a son. Mother and child doing well.

Died: At Kansas City last Sunday, [June] 5th, at the age of 74, John Ragan. The remains arrived at Hammond on the midnight train last Monday evening and were conveyed to the family residence, 5 miles northeast of Hammond, where the funeral was preached by Rev. Keyes, of this city, on Tuesday, at 10 o’clock a.m. He left a family consisting of his wife and six children, all grown.

Jun 25, 1887, pg 3, col 2

Married: On Friday, June 17th, by Judge Waters, at his office in Ft. Scott, Mr. Ed. Back and Miss Lucy Brown. Mr. Black has but recently become one of Fulton’s young business men, and like all true Westerners, desires to have a home of his own and an object to labor for, rather than longer endure [six] the harrowing tortures and inconveniences attendant upon a bachelor’s career. The Independent wishes him happiness in life and success in business.

Jul 9, 1887, pg 3, col 1

Died: E. C. Baker’s infant daughter, aged about 2 years, died last Saturday night.

Jul 16, 1887, pg 3

col 2

Died: At one o’clock a.m., Wednesday, [Jul] 13th, in the 76th year of her age, Catherine Rockhill. The funeral took place at one o’clock on Thursday last, the remains being placed in the Fulton cemetery. Rev. Evans, of Mound city, was called upon to officiate. Deceased was born in Clinton county, Ohio, and was an old resident of this county.

col 3

Married: N. R. Phenix and Miss Hattie Southerland were married at the residence of the bride’s father on Sunday, [Jul] 10th, by Rev. Thomas Stevenson. Long life and happiness to them

Born: On [Jul] 10th, Mrs. F. A. Baldwin gave birth to a boy and girl which weighed collectively 36 lbs. All doing well at last accounts except the proud father whose excessive joy may well nigh prove fatal to him. (Prescott news)

Jul 23, 1887, pg 3, col 3

Died: At the family residence, 5 miles southwest of Fulton, very suddenly, of heart disease, on Monday, [Jul] 18th, Hannah, wife of Isaac Latta, aged about 28 years. The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon at 4 o’clock, the remains being interred at Zion cemetery. She seemed to be in usual health up to within a few minutes of her death, and although a messenger was at once despatched for medical aid, she was a corpse when the doctor arrived. She leaves an infant aged only about ten days. Her sudden death has cast a gloom over the entire community and her many friends can as yet scarcely realize that she is gone.

Jul 30, 1887, pg 3, col 2

Died: On Sunday, [Jul] 17th, at his residence near Barnesville, John Shade, aged about 25 years. Deceased leaves a young wife to whom he had been married but about six weeks.

Aug 6, 1887, pg 3

col 1

Married: H. P. Scott, of the Rich Hill marble works, was married to Mrs. Emma Roy, of Prescott, last week.

col 3

Married: At the residence of Rev. S. Galloway, near Prescott, July 28th, 1887, by Rev. J. M. Iliff, Mr. E. M. Iliff and Miss E. C. Galloway. Mr. Illif’s coup d’etat was a surprise to his most intimate friends, and while his bachelor associates sadly deplore his withdrawal from their ranks, yet they all rejoice in his success in capturing one of Linn county’s fairest and most popular maidens. Mr. Iliff is a close, hard student in his chosen profession (Medicine), and has already made much progress therein. He will continue his studies under the instruction of Dr. A. J. Roberts, and we hope ere long to see him firmly established in a successful practice. The Independent received a generous supply of choice cakes from the happy couple and tenders in return its best wishes for their future welfare.

Aug 13, 1887, pg 3, col 3

Died: At 2:30 o’clock on Friday, [Aug] 5th, Harvey A., infant son of J. N. and Mollie Burcham, aged 10 months. The funeral took place from the M. E. church on Saturday [Aug 6], at 3 o’clock, Rev. J. M. Iliff officiating. Interment took place at Wright’s cemetery.

Died: At 9 o’clock on Monday morning, [Aug] 8th, after a very brief illness, Rosa, wife of George Hartley, aged about 28 years. The funeral took place from the family residence, about 5 miles northwest of Fulton, on Tuesday, August 9th, at 10 o’clock a.m., Elder Kimsey, of Prescott, officiating. Remains were interred at Prescott cemetery. Deceased leaves a family of four little children ranging from 4 to 10 years of age.

Aug 20, 1887, pg 3, col 1

Died: At 6 o’clock a.m., Saturday, [Aug] 13th, at his home in Vernon county, Mo., Cornelius O’Brien, aged 57 years. The funeral took place at the family residence on Sunday, [Aug] 14th, Rev. J. M. Iliff, of Fulton, officiating, and the remains were interred at Jolly cemetery, in Osage township, Kansas. Something like three months prior to his decease Mr. O’Brien had his right ankle crushed by being run over by a runaway team, and this ultimately caused his death, notwithstanding his leg was amputated some four weeks since, an account of which appeared in the Independent at the time. His suffering was indeed long and very painful but he bore his affliction without a murmur and confidently expected to recover until a very short time prior to his death. He had been a consistent member of the M. E. church for more than twenty years, and was a true and devoted Christian gentleman, as is abundantly attested by his neighbors and acquaintances. He came to Missouri in 1867 and settled upon the farm where he died. Supposing for a long time that he was a resident of Kansas, he became identified with the interests of Bourbon county and, although a resident of Missouri, a portion of his farm was in this state, and he attended church and educated his children in this state. He married Rebecca Clendenning about the year 1867. Eight children are the fruits of this union, two of whom are grown up young ladies, while the youngest child is about two years of age. He was an excellent farmer an a good neighbor, and his death has cast a gloom over the entire community. His funeral was conducted by the Masonic fraternity, and [he] was an honored member of the Nevada lodge, which, in conjunction with members from Hume, Fulton and Fort Scott, placed the cold and clod upon his breast and dropped the sympathetic tear over his grave. [Memorial poem follows.]

Died: At 11 o’clock a.m., Sunday, [Aug] 14th, at the home of her son, living north of this place, Mrs. Inga Bloom, aged 72 years. The funeral took place from her son’s residence on Monday, [Aug] 15th, at 10 o’clock, Rev. Feemster officiating. Interment took place at the Presbyterian cemetery northwest of Fulton. Deceased came to America about three years ago from Sweden.

Died: At 2 o’clock p.m., Wednesday, [Aug] 17th, of consumption, Christina, wife of Jacob Slade, aged about 50 years. The funeral took place from the family residence Thursday morning at 11 o’clock, the remains being interred at Jolly cemetery.

Married: At the residence of the bride’s parents, at Hepler, Kas., on Wednesday, [Aug] 10th, by Rev. W. H. VanCleve, Mr. W. W. Witt, of Freedom township, and Miss Emma Thomas, of Hepler. The newly married couple departed on the 4 o’clock evening train for their home in Bourbon county, where they arrived on Thursday. A reception was held at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Witt on Thursday evening which was attended by about 40 persons. Among the presents made the young couple we may mention the following: From Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Flynn, a handsome silver butter dish; Rev. W. H. VanCleve, a glass set; Mr. and Mrs. J. Keating, complete lemonade set; Miss Mary Moran, cut glass cracker dish; Miss Mary Woghan, hand-painted velvet banner; Mr. and Mrs. John Deveraux, pickle dish; Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Stewart, complete set glassware; Miss Emma Witt, pickle dish; Thomas and Miss Maggie Keating, a beautiful cake basket. [On Sep 3rd, pg 3, col 3 corrects the listing of gifts: Mr. and Mrs. Deveraux, bread plate; Miss Genie Deveraux, pickle dish; Tommy and Laughlin Deveraux, castor; Miss Josie and Mary Gorman, elegant wash bowl and pitcher.]

Married: At Mrs. Boyd’s, in Fulton, Wednesday morning, [Aug] 17th, by Rev. J. M. Iliff, William A. Douthit and Miss Mary J. Boyd.

Married: At the residence of the bridge’s parents in this city, at 8 o’clock p.m., Thursday, [Aug] 18th, by Rev. J. M. Iliff, of the M. E. church, Mr. M. S. Leitch and Miss Sadie Shaffer, both of Fulton.

Aug 27, 1887, pg 2

col 1: Born - To Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McNeil, on [Aug] 16th, a son. Mother and child are both doing well and Will is all smiles.

Died: Matt Stewart on Friday, August 26th - A lengthy article follows describing the accidental death of Mr. Stewart when his wagon overturned as a result of a runaway team of horses. The Goodland Undertaking firm was in charge of embalming and other arrangements.

Sep 10, 1887, pg 3, col 2

Died: At his residence on Blue Creek, Hocking county, Ohio, August 13, 1887, at the advanced age of 85 years Mr. Harvey Fairman. Deceased was the father of our townsman, Mr. A. D. Fairman. He had lived for 34 years on the farm where he died, and in the language of the local paper of his county, "he who has always shown by his life and conversation that he was a true and devoted follower of the Master." He had been twice married, the fruits of the marriage being five children—four sons and one daughter. He was the oldest man in the first Ohio cavalry, and had four sons and a grandson in the federal army during the war of the rebellion. He was almost totally disabled in a charge by Morgan’s cavalry but never received a cent of pension from his government.

Sep 24, 1887

pg 3, col 3

Died: At Mapleton, Kas., September 15, 1887, at one o’clock p.m., William Baker, aged 82 years and 19 days. Deceased came to Kansas in 1857, and resided at Mapleton from that time until his death. He was an excellent citizen, well known in the county and highly respected.

Married: At the residence of the bride’s parents on Wednesday, [Sep] 21st, by Rev. S. Keyes, of Fulton, Mr. R. D. Stewart, of Uniontown, and Miss Alma Wyatt, of Osage township. A large number of invited guests did ample justice to the bountiful repast spread for the occasion.

Married: At the M. E. parsonage in Fulton, by Rev. J. M. Iliff, on Tuesday, [Sep] 20th, at 11 o’clock a.m., Mr. G. S. Post and Miss Flora E. Millikan, both of Avondale, this county.

pg 4, col 3

Died: Uncle Billy Baker died last Thursday morning at one o’clock, and was buried on Friday, with Masonic honors. A large concourse of people followed his remains to the grave. (Mapleton news)

Oct 8, 1887

pg 2, col 3

Died: Joseph Brown, an old and respected citizen, died last Saturday night and was buried Sunday. (Mapleton news)

pg 3, col 3

Died: At the family residence, 3 miles southeast of Fulton, on Wednesday, October 5th, 1887, John McNeil, aged 75 years. Deceased was born in Miami county, Ohio, in the year 1812. His immediate ancestors were among the American Revolution, his father being in Hull’s army at the time of his unfortunate surrender to the English. Young McNeil remained on the farm with his father’s family until he was 21 years of age, and in December, 1833, he married Miss Elizabeth Reed and moved to Champaign county, where he improved a farm. In 1837 we find him in Park county, Ind., clearing and improving a timber farm, which he shortly thereafter sold, and then removed to Vermillion county, Ind., and soon afterwards across the line into Vermillion county, Ills. Here he improved another farm which he soon sold and then removed to Mason county, Ills. From there he intended going to Jasper county, Mo., and event went so far as having his effects shipped to Jefferson City, but changed his mind and came to Bourbon county, Kas., instead, and erected his first humble hut on the banks of the Osage river. He then located on section 12, where he remained until 1866, when he located on section 36, which he occupied for the next five years and then sold. During the war period from 1861 to 1865, he was between the two armies and for two years slept in the fields or timber. At one time he was captured by bushwhackers, and was taken out for execution on three different occasions, but managed to escape from his captors each time. He had three sons in the Federal army. His first wife died in 1853, and on the 15th of August, 1856, he married Miss Maria A. Ross, with whom he lived happily until her death in September, 1872. His third and last marriage occurred on Dec. 10th, 1885, when he was united to Miss Rebecca Brown, who survives him. He in all 18 children, 7 of whom are now living in Linn and Bourbon counties, and one elsewhere. He became a member of the Masonic fraternity in 1873. His last illness lasted about two weeks. On the 27th of September last, Dr. Moody, of Ft. Scott, operated on him for cancer, but he had been too long a victim of its dreadful effects which, combined with his advanced age, made recovery impossible. The funeral took place from West Liberty church on [Oct] 6th, at 10 o’clock a.m., Rev. J. M. Iliff officiating, and his remains were interred at the Jolly cemetery. Uncle John, as he was familiarly called, was an industrious, upright man, respected by all who knew him, and in his death the community has sustained a serious loss. The bereaved widow and family have the sympathy and condolence of the entire community in their great affliction.

Died: On Saturday evening, Oct. 1st, at 5:30 o’clock, at the residence of J. N. Burcham, Mrs. Melinda Flesher, wife of Absalom Flesher, of Wyandotte, Kas. The funeral took place from the M. E. church at 4 o’clock Sunday afternoon, Rev. J. M. Iliff officiating. The body was interred at the Wright cemetery north of town. Deceased was born at Vandalia, Ill., in 1824, and was at the time of her death in her 64th year. She came with her husband to Wyandotte in the spring of 1885. She leaves nine children - 4 sons and 5 daughters - and a husband to mourn her loss. Two of the daughters, Mrs. J. N. Burcham and Mrs. A. J. Shipman, are residents of this place, an unmarried and two married daughters and three sons reside at Wyandotte, and one son at or near Rhinehardt, Mo. On the 24th of September, Mr. and Mrs. Flesher arrived here on a visit. She was ill when she came, and it was necessary to take her from the train to her daughter’s residence. She gradually grew worse until last Saturday morning, when she seemed much better. On Saturday evening she ate a hearty supper and within ten minutes afterwards she was a corpse. It was supposed to be a case of heart disease. She was more than twenty years a member of the M. E. church. Although medical aid was summoned on her arrival here and everything done that promised relief, and although sympathizing friends and relatives tenderly looked after her comfort and welfare, yet, her Master had summoned her to another field of usefulness and in obedience to His request, she quietly passed from earth’s scenes to the blest abode in the Eternal Kingdom.

pg 3, col 4

Died: At the residence of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Dean, on Sunday morning last, of consumption, Mrs. Arthelia Plumley, of Neodesha, Kas., aged 19 years. Funeral services were held at the M. E. church on Monday morning at 10 o’clock, Rev. J. M. Iliff officiating. The interment took place at the Barnesville cemetery.

Married: At the residence of William Sheeler, west of Fulton, on Tuesday, October 4th, 1887, Dr. D. W. Sheeler and Miss Lizzie Pickford, both of Fulton. They will make their future home at Devon, Kas.

Oct 15, 1887, pg 3, col 3

Died: At her home, north of this city, on Thursday, Sept. 29th, 1887, Mrs. John Powell. The funeral took place Friday.

Died: On Monday evening, Oct. 3, at her home south of this city, Miss Amelia Miller. The funeral took place on Tuesday.

Died: On Sunday, Oct. 2, at 12:15 a.m., at his home near this city, Mr. Joseph Brown, aged 73 years. Mr. Brown was born April 6th, 1814, and had been a resident of this county for the past 30 years. He was one of our most highly respected citizens. He was buried in the Mapleton cemetery on Sunday, in the afternoon. His wife died on the 21st of last April, and was buried in the same cemetery. They were separated for a short time, to be reunited in a better land. (Mapleton Telephone)

Oct 22, 1887, pg 2, col 3

Died: The wife of Chesley Jones, who had been ill a long time, died Sunday and was buried yesterday. (Mapleton news)

Nov 5, 1887, pg 3

col 1

Born: Wednesday, November 2d, 1887, to Mr. and Mrs. Walk, a daughter, 9 and one-half pounds. Mother and child are doing well and Will is the happiest man alive.

col 3

Died: As we go to press we learn of the death of Mrs. Krawl, a sister to our townsmen, the Walk Brothers. Mrs. Krawl died yesterday morning at 3 o’clock. Deceased is well and favorably known to many of our readers.

Married: At the residence of the groom’s parents in this city, on Saturday evening, Oct. 29th, 1887, Mr. John Lewis and Miss Alva Silver, Rev. Iliff officiating. The groom is a young man of good moral habits and is respected by all, while the bride is one of Kansas’ fairest daughters. We join in with the many friends in wishing them a happy future, and as they travel through life that their troubles may be only "little ones."

Nov 19, 1887, pg 3, col 3

Died: At her home in Osage township, this county, on Saturday, Nov. 5th, 1887, Mrs. Joanna Clendenning, aged 74 years. Deceased and her family were among the pioneers of this country, sharing with others the dangers and hardships of frontier life. But they lived to enjoy the peace and prosperity of later years. Several years since she was called to part with her husband by death, and since that time the cares of life have borne heavily and painfully on her failing strength and fullness of years, and the increasing infirmities of age were a burden patiently endured, but willingly exchanged for rest and a confident hope of eternal life beyond the grave. The funeral services were held at West Liberty church by Rev. S. Keyes.

Born: To Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Stapleton on Tuesday, [Nov] 15th, a son.

Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Wilson, on Monday, [Nov] 14th, a daughter.

Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gunsaullus, on Tuesday, [Nov] 8th, a son.

Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Nero Cox, on Friday morning, [Nov] 11th, a daughter.

Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Chas. D. Graham, on Tuesday of last week, a daughter.

Married: At the residence of the bride’s parents, in Mound City, Kas., on [Nov] 11th, by Rev. Lake, Mr. Chas. Porter and Miss Hattie, daughter of Capt. Burton. Miss Burton is a niece of Mr. Chas. Elliott, of Fulton.

Dec 3, 1887, pg 3, col 4

Married: At the residence of W. W. McFadden, near Hammond, on Sunday morning, Nov. 27th, at 10 o’clock, by Rev. J. M. Iliff, of Fulton, Mr. W. G. Anderson, of Fort Scott, and Miss Lilian L. McFadden, of Hammond.

Married: At the residence of the bride’s parents at Mapleton, at 8 o’clock, Wednesday evening, Nov. 30th, Mr. Thomas C. Johnson and Miss Martha D. Wilson, both of Mapleton.

Dec 10, 1887, pg 3

col 1

Married: We are informed that G. W. Hartley was married on Thursday of last week. We give our "old shoe" a toss for him.

col 2

The friends of Hon. R. W. Blue, of Pleasanton, will be pained to learn of the death of his 16-year old daughter, Gracie. She was a bright, amiable and accomplished young lady, and her death has cast a gloom over the community in which she lived.

col 3

Died: At the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Rockhill, six miles northwest of Fulton, on Thursday, [Dec] 1st, of congestive chill, David Wickersham, aged 81 years, 4 months and 17 days. The funeral took place from the residence of Mrs. Rockhill on Sunday, [Dec] 4th, Rev. Feemster officiating, and the body was interred in the Fulton cemetery. Deceased was born in Pennsylvania, in 1806, and his parents removed to Clinton county, Ohio, when he was only two years of age. He remained a resident of that county until his removal to Bourbon county, Kansas. He was county surveyor of Clinton county, Ohio, for twenty years or more. He was raised in the Quaker faith and was a member of that church. For a number of years past he had been both physically and mentally infirm, and was in consequence thereof unable to perform much labor. Every one that knew him respected him as an honorable, upright man, and had great sympathy for him on account of his feebleness. He leaves a wife and daughter and many friends to mourn his death, although the measure of his years was well nigh full when the pale horseman appeared on the opposite shore and beckoned him over to the haven of rest.

Dec 17, 1887, pg 3, col 2

Born: On Wednesday, [Dec] 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Dail, a son. Mother and child are doing well.

Married: At the residence of L. W. Stone, Esq., in Fulton, Kansas, on Sunday, Dec. 11th, by Thomas Jones, J. P., Mr. Daniel McNeil and Miss Nancy White, both of Barnesville. The Independent extends congratulations and best wishes for future happiness.

Dec 24, 1887, pg 3, col 3

Married: At Hammond, Kansas, December 14, 1887, at the residence of the bride’s parents, by Rev. Homer Eddy, Mr. C. W. Campbell, of Kansas City, and Miss Mary Bowers, of Hammond, Kas.

Dec 31, 1887, pg 3, col 3

Died: At the family residence, 6 miles west of Fulton, on [Dec] 24th, of membraneous croup, Carrie E., daughter of Thompson Rose, aged 6 years and 19 days.

Married: At the residence of the bride’s parents, two miles southeast of Fulton, on Sunday, [Dec] 25th, by Rev. H. L. Dizmang, Mr. Asa Meach, of Prescott, and Miss Laura, oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Hackett, of Fulton. The ceremony was performed in the presence of some twenty or more friends of the families. The happy young couple will begin housekeeping at once on A. H. Shaffer’s farm east of town. The Independent joins the numerous friends of the young couple in wishing them future success and happiness. [See below for death of Mrs. R. D. Hackett in Aug 1888; also birth of son on Oct 13, 1888.]

January 1888 through December 1888

Tom & Carolyn Ward
Columbus, KS

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