These extracts have been copied as accurately as possible, but errors may still occur. Minor printing mistakes have been corrected, but otherwise the information is presented as it originally appeared. Please consult the individual reels to verify an item. I do not have any further information about these individuals or families. Contributed by Ellen Bisson (
Fulton Independent January 24, 1885 through February 21, 1885
(KSHS Microfilm #F605)
STAUFFER, J.J. Fulton Independent, Jan 24, 1885, pg 2, col 1 (KSHS Microfilm #F605)
Born in Snyder County, Pa., February 23, 1834. He received a common school education by attending the subscription school in the neighborhood. In 1848, he came to Illinois and engaged in business for himself at Pekin, as a shoemaker. He subsequently pursued a checkered career, sometimes the favorite of fortune and then again the slave of indigence, until the year 1855, when he came to Kansas and bought real estate in this county. His experiences of early life in this country would fill a volume. He made several removals back and forth from Illinois to Kansas, but finally got so securely anchored here and became so much attached to the Great West that he could not be induced to roam any more, and in 1874, he pitched his tent in our beautiful little city, where he has since remained and is today dealing out sugar and coffee to his numerous customers.
Return to TopRUBLE, H.S. Fulton Independent, Jan 24, 1885, pg 2, col 1 (KSHS Microfilm #F605)
The senior partner in the firm of Ruble & Son was born in Mifflin County, Pa., Sept. 15, 1831. His educational advantages were few and his early life was spent at hard labor on a farm. In 1858, he went to Henry County, Mo., where he remained two years, and then came to Osage township, this county, where he has since lived. The first four years he spent in Kansas he resided on the north side of the Osage, and then removed to his present residence. He has been successfully engaged in farming and stock raising, and by dint of hard labor and economy has saved up a handsome competency to support him in his declining years. He was married in July, 1854, to Mary FELKER, at Lewistown, Pa. He has been a member of the Free Will Baptist Church for 10 years past, and is universally esteemed by his neighbors. Hebron F. Ruble, the junior member of the firm, was born in Mifflin County, Pa., July 24, 1855. He attended the district schools a portion of each year. In 1879 he concluded to try his fortune in search of silver and gold, and consequently went to Colorado, where he remained two years and made some money by working the mines. He then returned to his father's home and shortly afterward engaged in business, along with his father, on the corner where the new bank building now stands. This was in the fall of 1881. They subsequently purchased ground and erected the new building now occupied by them. Hebron was married in December, 1882, to Nelia GUNSAULUS, of this county. Among the business houses of the city none stand upon a more secure footing than does this hardware and furniture establishment. From a very moderate outlay of capital at the outset, this firm has built up a good paying business and now carries a large and handsome stock of hardware, tinware, furniture and undertakers' goods. Their straightforward way of doing business is justly appreciated by their numerous customers.
Return to TopMOTT, A.J. Fulton Independent, Jan 24, 1885, pg 2, col 1 (KSHS Microfilm #F605)
Mr. Mott was born in Duchess [sic] County, New York, July 8, 1820. His father removed from there to Yates County, N.Y., when A.J. was 9 years old. He remained there, working on his father's farm in summer and going to the district school in winter time, until he reached his nineteenth year, when he left home and spent a year in Ohio, after which he drifted into Pennsylvania, where in his 25th year he was married to Sarah YOUNG. Shortly afterward he removed to New York and remained there until 1852, when the "gold fever" seized him and hurried him to the Pacific coast, where he remained until 1855, when he returned to his native State and his family. In 1855 he removed to Moline, Ill., sold plows for that old pioneer John Deere, and then took up his line of march for Iowa. Here he lived 27 years; but becoming restless, he again sallied forth in quest of adventure, and landed at Fulton in 1883, where he is now engaged in pegging away at the soles of the weary scores of his customers. May his last work be the noblest of all, and may his end hold out for eye.
Return to TopHALL, JOHN Fulton Independent, Jan 31, 1885, pg 2, col 2 (KSHS Microfilm #F605)
John Hall, the senior member of (the Bank of Fulton) was born in Worcester County, Mass., Sept. 29, 1827. When 18 years of age he went to Franklin County, Vt., where he remained until 1846, engaged in farming. From there he removed to Fondulac County, Wis., and engaged in manufacturing doors and sash. He remained at his place 5 years. He then removed to Winnebago County, Wis., and pursued the same business about 4 years. His next removal was to Waushara County, Wis., still pursuing his manufacturing business until 1860, when he was elected County Treasurer, which office he held for a term of two years. In 1864, he removed to Portage, Wis., and became a lumberman in the pineries. This business he followed for a period of two years, when he removed to Eldora, Iowa, and engaged in the lumber and coal trade. At this point he remained, engaging in various business pursuits, until February, 1883, when he removed to our city and engaged in the banking business in partnership with his two sons, Fred S. and Charles S. Hall. He was married in Waushara County, Wis., in 1854 (?), to Mary E. MAXSON, who is still living. [See also Charles S. Hall and Fred. S. Hall]
Return to TopHALL, CHARLES S. Fulton Independent, Jan 31, 1885, pg 2, col 2 (KSHS Microfilm #F605)
Another partner in (the Bank of Fulton) is a young man 28 years of age. He was born in Waushara County, Wis. He attended the common schools in Eldora, Iowa, until 1876, when he entered the Iowa State University at Iowa City and after a four years' course of study, graduated as a Civil Engineer. After his return from the University, he was engaged at various times in the capacity of civil engineer on the following railroads in Iowa: Northwestern, W.I. & N., B.C.R. & N. He has not yet fully determined whether he will remain in Fulton or engage in his profession at some other point. [See also John Hall and Fred. S. Hall]
Return to TopHALL, FRED. S. Fulton Independent, Jan 31, 1885, pg 2, col 2 (KSHS Microfilm #F605)
One of the junior partners of (the Bank of Fulton) is a young man 26 years of age; was born at Wautoma, Wis. He attended the common schools at Eldora, Iowa, until he was 16 years of age, when he entered a commercial school at Iowa City, where he spent two years. After his return from college he spent about a year and a half with his father, at Eldora, assisting in his business, and then engaged in banking at Madison, Dakota Territory, at which place he remained about a year and a half. He next engaged in the banking business at Forestburg, Dakota, where he remained about six months, when he returned to his home in Eldora. There, in partnership with his father, he engaged in stock breeding, and remained in this business until he came with his father to Fulton and engaged in banking. Fred is a very popular young man and possesses excellent business qualifications. He is a member of Samaritan Lodge, I.O.O.F. at this place. The bank is one of our solid institutions and is building up a thriving business. The public has confidence in the integrity of each member of the firm and the stability of the institution. They have occupied their new stone building since last November, and have a well arranged business house, it have been constructed with special reference to the business for which it is now occupied. [See also John Hall and Charles S. Hall]
Return to TopSHAFFER, W. Fulton Independent, Jan 31, 1885, pg 2, col 2 (KSHS Microfilm #F605)
[He] was born in Coshocton County, Ohio, in 1837. He left there at the age of 14 and went to McLean County, Ill., where he remained about 20 years, engaged in the capacities of hotel and dry goods clerk, and farming a portion of the time. He next removed to Fayette County, Iowa, where he remained a number of years and learned his trade as a harness maker. He removed back and forth from Iowa to Illinois several times, and in 1863 enlisted in the 3d Illinois Cavalry and served until the close of the war, when he returned to his home in Iowa, but not to stay; for he soon removed to McLean County, Ill. again and engaged in his business of harness making, and continued there until November, 1880, when he removed to Fulton and established the first harness shop here. He has by industry and business tact succeeded in building up a good business, and his outlook for the future is cheerful and full of hope. "Doc," as he is familiarly called, has many warm friends and is sure to have his fun wherever he goes.
Return to TopPRICE, J.B. Fulton Independent, Feb 7, 1885, pg 2, col 2 (KSHS Microfilm #F605)
Born in Huntington County, Indiana, in 1846. His early life was spent in farming pursuits. In 1871 he removed to Olathe, Kans., and engaged in the grain business. Here he remained until the fall of 1879, when he removed to Fulton, where he continued to handle grain about a year and a half. [See also S.D. Osborn; J.B. Price was partner in the firm, Price & Osborn.]
Return to TopOSBORN, S.D. Fulton Independent, Feb 7, 1885, pg 2, col 2 (KSHS Microfilm #F605)
Born in Fayette County, Iowa, in March, 1851. He followed the life of a farmer. At the age of 16 years he removed to Lenexa, Kans., where he continued to reside on a farm until the spring of 1879, when he went to Kansas City and engaged in the livery business. Buying and selling horses was also a part of his business while there. In June, 1881, he removed to Fulton and shortly afterwards the business firm of Price & Osborn was established. They have had a prosperous trade ever since they embarked in business, and have great faith in the future of our city and their particular lines of business, which are dry goods, boots, shoes and groceries. They carry a good stock at all times and customers can always rely on getting a kind word and a smile in addition to the worth of their money. They are live, energetic businessmen and will succeed in holding a good share of the public patronage. They expect to erect a commodious business house, 25x69 feet, during the present year, and have secured an eligible lot for that purpose on the south side of Osage Street, adjoining Dr. Rader's lot. In addition to the mercantile business they are buying and shipping large quantities of livestock to Kansas City and other markets. [See also J.B. Price.]
Return to TopWILSON, A. Fulton Independent, Feb 7, 1885, pg 2, col 2 (KSHS Microfilm #F605)
Born in Columbia County, Ohio. He resided several years in Illinois, and from there removed to Bourbon County, Kans., in 1858. He was for a number of years engaged in farming and stock raising, near Xenia. In March, 1881, he came to Fulton and engaged in business. He served three years in the Union army, and has a rick stock of reminiscences of army life, some of them very serious and some very laughable. Mr. Wilson is assisted is his present business by his brother, M. Wilson, a man of good business methods and a good salesman. This firm handles a general stock of dry goods, clothing, boots, shoes and groceries. They have a good trade and are [optimistic] for the future both of the city and their business.
Return to TopIRVIN, M.J. Fulton Independent, Feb 7, 1885, pg 2, col 2 (KSHS Microfilm #F605)
Born in Watertown, N.Y., in ?. At the age of 17 years he went to Chicago, where he remained a year at school, and then settled in McLean County, Ill., on a farm, which pursuit he followed about 12 years. He came to Fulton in March, 1883, and entered into the business in which he is now engaged, by purchasing his uncle's interest in the firm. [See also J.B. Lewis, partner of M.J. Irvin.]
Return to TopLEWIS, J.B. Fulton Independent, Feb 7, 1885, pg 2, col 2 (KSHS Microfilm #F605)
Born in Fleming County, Ky., in 1858. When he was a year old his parents moved to McLean County, Ill., where he continued to reside until his removal to Fulton, in February 1884. Upon his arrival here he entered into partnership with Mr. Irvin, the name of the firm being then changed to Irvin & Lewis. They carry a good stock of farming implements and builder's hardware. This firm has succeeded in establishing a good trade, and their careful manner of doing business is a guarantee that the public will sustain them. They consider the outlook for the city and for their business very flattering. Both Mr. Irvin and Mr. Lewis married daughters of our townsman, O.S. McINTIRE, both marriages taking place on the 6th of October, 1881. [See also M.J. Irvin, partner of J.B. Lewis.]
Return to TopDORSEY, JAMES H. Fulton Independent, Feb 7, 1885, pg 2, col 2 (KSHS Microfilm #F605)
Born near the city of Dublin, Ireland, in April, 1846. He came to America when only three years old, with his father's family, and settled at Louisville, Ky. Here he remained until he was 13 years old, and then came to Kansas and settled in Linn County, in July, 1859, on the farm which now belongs to him. In partnership with Mr. Hennessy, he began business at his present stand May 13, 1884. He married May 27, 1867, to Joanna HENNESSY. [See also Maurice Hennessy, partner of James Dorsey.]
Return to TopHENNESSY, MAURICE Fulton Independent, Feb 7, 1885, pg 2, col 2 (KSHS Microfilm #F605)
A member of the above firm [with James H. Dorsey]. Born in County Cork, Ireland, in the year 1846. When 7 years old he emigrated with his parents to the United States, and settled in Howard County, Mo. When the war broke out he entered the employ of the Government and continued thus until the war closed, and then located in Bourbon County, Kans. He was Married in the year 1872 to Katie KENNEDY. The firm carries a general stock of dry goods, clothing, boots, shoes and groceries. They are doing a good business, and think the future prospects, both for the city and themselves, most flattering indeed. They are both prudent, safe businessmen and have hosts of friends. [See also James H. Dorsey, partner of Maurice Hennessy.]
Return to TopMcDONALD, JOHN Fulton Independent, Feb 14, 1885, pg 2, col 1 (KSHS Microfilm #F605)
Born in Queens County, Ireland, in 1830. He came to the United States when about 10 years of age and settled in Chicago, where a great portion of his life has been spent. He was in the mercantile business about 25 years, in Whitesides County, Ills. Has been for a number of years a member of the Chicago board of trade. He first came to Fulton about three years ago, as the partner in a Chicago firm, for the purpose of buying farm products, and spends about six months of each year here in charge of the elevator. Mr. McDonald is very pleasant and an intelligent gentleman, and as a business man has very few equals. He is a close student of the daily papers and is thoroughly alive on all questions of politics and trade. He feels assured that our town has only just started to grow and will in a few years be a very important place.
Return to TopMcINTIRE, C.S. Fulton Independent, Feb 14, 1885, pg 2, col 1 (KSHS Microfilm #F605)
Born in McLean County, Ill., in September 1838. He remained at this place 2 years. He then removed to Chenoa, in the same county, and followed the life of a farmer for 8 years. He removed back near Bloomington and farmed about two years, and then removed to Saybrook, in the same county, and remained upon a farm until his removal to Fulton, in November 1883. In the spring of 1884 he purchased a stock of lumber, &c., and opened a yard at his present location. He was married at Bloomington September 29, 1859 to Margaret A. SHAFFER. Mr. McIntire is a man of good judgment in business matters, and very plain and matter of fact in his dealings with all mankind. He has succeeded even better than he anticipated in building up a good, substantial business, and has a host of friends in town and county. The future prospects of the town he considers hopeful while in the rapid development of the surrounding country and improvement in the methods of farming and stock-raising he has the utmost confidence.
Return to TopQUIRK, JOHN H. Fulton Independent, Feb 14, 1885, pg 2, col 1 (KSHS Microfilm #F605)
Born at Little Falls, Herkimer County, N.Y., March 29, 1839. When his parents removed to Waukesha, Wis., John was about two years old. John's father died about the year 1854, and the support of the widowed mother and several children henceforth devolved upon the lad, then in his fifteenth year. He removed to Chicago in 1860, and served as yard master for the Illinois Central railroad three years, and subsequently for the Chicago and Northwestern, also the Chicago, Bur. And Quincy, and the Michigan, Southern and Northern Indiana railroad. He remained at Chicago until the spring of 1875, when he came to Bourbon County, and located upon the farm now owned by him 2 1/2 miles southwest of our city, He remained upon this farm six years, and then removed to Fulton and engaged in the drug business, in partnership with Dr. RADER. In 1882, he purchased his partner's interest in the establishment, and has since that time been doing business alone. He served about 14 months in the Union army and came out sound. His early educational advantages were very limited, as he had to leave school at the age of 15, and labor hard to support his mother's family. He was married in Chicago in Sept., 1865, to Mary A. SCULLY. Mr. Quirk has a good business, and his store is well stocked with drugs, patent medicines, books and stationery. There is a very marked contrast between his present store and stock and the building and stock where he first began business.
Return to TopJOHNSTON, D.A. (& CO.) Fulton Independent, Feb 14, 1885, pg 2, col 2 (KSHS Microfilm #F605)
The senior member of this firm, Mr. Johnston, was born in 1853, at Delaware, Ohio. He left there when 27 years old and came to this town, where he remained one year, engaged in farming near town, and then removed to a farm one mile west of Ft. Scott. He remained on that farm one year and then removed to Mill Creek township, where he has resided ever since, engaged in farming and stock raising. He was married in 1879, to Maud E. McGUIRE, at Fish Creek. He received a common school education in his youth, and has succeeded well in putting into practice the lessons of his younger days. He has a handsome, well-improved farm, and is in easy circumstances.
Return to TopWILTSE, GEORGE Fulton Independent, Feb 14, 1885, pg 2, col 2 (KSHS Microfilm #F605)
Born in Erie county, N.Y., in 1851. He left there when 20 years old, came to Bourbon county and located on a farm in Mill Creek township. He was educated at Parker Institute, Clarence, N.Y. He was married Dec. 30, 1885, to Cynthia REYNOLDS.
Return to TopROBERTS, Dr. A.J. Fulton Independent, Feb 14, 1885, pg 2, col 2 (KSHS Microfilm #F605)
Born in Fairfield county, Ohio, in December 1852. His father's family removed to Hancock count, Ohio, when he was five years old. Here his youth was spent in attending school and such other labors as usually fail to the lot of a farmer's boy. When he had reached the proper age, he took a three years' course at Tufts College, Findlay, Ohio. After graduating he taught school three years and then entered the Columbus Medical College at Columbus, Ohio, where after hard study and close application to books, he graduated in his profession and was awarded his diploma. He came to Kansas in August, 1881, and located at Mill Creek, in this county, where he continued his studies and engaged also in the practice of medicine. He came to Fulton in October [1884], and in company with D.A. JOHNSTON and Geo. WILTSE purchased the building and stock of drugs from Dr. RADER, and thus formed the firm D.A. JOHNSON & Co. This firm keeps a good assortment of drugs, chemicals, patent medicines, &c. In stock, and are doing a good business. They are of the opinion that our town will continue to improve, and that all branches of business will correspondingly increase. [See also D.A. Johnston and George Wiltse.]
Return to TopGREEN, GEO. D. & GREEN, EZRA D. Fulton Independent, Feb 21, 1885, pg 2, col 2 (KSHS Microfilm #F605)
The Green Bros. conducted the City Meat Market. Geo. D., the senior of the firm, was born in McLean County, Ill., in 1857. His early life was spent on a farm. In 1879, he removed to Missouri, and followed farming four years, when he again "folded his tent"and silently wended his way to the green, grassy plains of sunny Kansas. He followed teaming about eighteen months and then started the City Meat Market. Ezra D., the junior partner, was born in McLean County, Ill., in 1861, where he remained until his removal to Fulton in September [1884]. He became a member of this firm shortly after his arrival here. These boys have lots of push and energy and have built up a good business. The Market has become one of the institutions that our city cannot dispense with.
Return to TopDAY, MRS. Fulton Independent, Feb 21, 1885, pg 2, col 2 (KSHS Microfilm #F605)
Proprietor of No. 77 Restaurant. Born in Clark County, Mo. She has resided at various times in Putnam, Adair and Grundy Counties, Mo., Harper County, Ks., and also in the State of Iowa. She came here and began business the 14th of December [1884]. The restaurant is well managed, and the traveling public, as well as the local custom [sic], is well provided for. A choice stock of candies and confectionary can always be found here.
Return to TopLOY, E.N. Fulton Independent, Feb 21, 1885, pg 2, col 2 (KSHS Microfilm #F605)
Proprietor of the Boot & Shoe Shop. He came here in November [1884] from Catholic Mission, Kas., has been doing fair business, and this branch of industry will eventually become one of considerable importance here.
Return to TopSTAPLETON, M. A. & GREEN, W.H. Fulton Independent, Feb 21, 1885, pg 2, col 2 (KSHS Microfilm #F605)
Proprietors, M.A. Stapleton & Co. This firm commenced business in December, 1874, on the site of their present location, in a frame building 20x10 feet. In 1877, an addition 20x20 feet was built thereto, and in 1883 a shed room 14x60 feet was added; again last September [1884] another addition 20x30 feet was made, thus giving to this business house nearly 2800 square feet of floor room. This firm carries a general stock of dry goods, groceries, clothing, boots, shoes, hats, caps, notions, etc. The business is managed chiefly by W.H. Green, who from a long business experience is well qualified to properly control the important interests confided to him. Mr. Green was born in Clinton County, Mo., in 1833. He remained a resident of that State, and most of the time of that county, until 1862. When war's deadly blast was blown, he became a member of the Missouri Home Guards and consequently had a little taste of military life. The summer of 1862 he spent at Fort Leavenworth. He first came to Bourbon county in 1863. In 1864 he embarked in the mercantile business at Fort Lincoln, this county, and remained there four years. Mr. Green has held several important official positions at various times. He at present holds the office of County Commissioner. The prospects for the upbuilding of he city, he considers very flattering, and thinks there will be even more improvement here during the coming year than there was during the past year. Mrs. M.A. Stapleton is occupied the principal portion of her time with the post office business and consequently devotes but little time to the store. James Stapleton and Frank Ferry both assist in dispensing goods to customers and in the handling of mails. This house is doing a good business, and although the beginning was a very humble one, there is now a large and valuable stock of goods on hand.
Return to TopSCOTT, ISAAC A.H. Fulton Independent, Feb 21, 1885, pg 2, col 2 (KSHS Microfilm #F605)
Born in East Tennessee in 1840. At the age of 13 years he went to Northern Missouri, where he resided 13 years. In 1866 he came to this county and settled on the south side of the Little Osage, about two and a half miles east of Fulton, on the farm now owned and occupied by Geo. B. Scott. Here he remained until April, 1882, engaged in farming, when failing health induced him to seek a home in a more favored clime. With this end in view, he went to Colorado and roamed over a considerable portion of that State, without receiving any permanent benefits from a change of climate. After thoroughly convincing himself that a longer stay in that health paradise would be of no benefit to him, he returned to this county last August [1884], and subsequently commenced business in Fulton on a small stock of groceries, etc. His trade has been much better than he imagine and in consequence thereof he will soon add to his present stock, with a view of remaining in the business permanently. Mr. Scott believes in the future destiny of our city, and thinks our population will not be very long in doubling its present number. Notwithstanding his physical infirmities, Mr. S. is a genial and cultured man, and has strong hopes of ultimately regaining his health, and of doing a good business here.
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