REEL #G861/KSHS Microfilm Collection
Garland Gleaner - April 3, 1886
Dyer & Kendall
- This firm, composed of F. M. Dyer, a native of Illinois, and E. W. Kendall, of the same state, began business here the first of last January, buying out the firm of Rousey & Million, and by air dealing, honorable and gentlemanly treatment, they have built up a trade that many old firms might well be proud of. They carry a complete stock of General Merchandise. Both are young men of more than ordinary ability, full of go-aheaditiveness [sic], with broad and progressive views, use printers ink liberally, and consequently are on the high road to success. We would say here that The Gleaner is under some obligations to Dyer & Kendall, especially Mr. Kendall, for its becoming a Garland enterprise. Dyer & Kendall have an able assistant in Miss Lottie Mears who is well qualified for the position she holds. If ever two young men merited success, those two are Bert Kendall and Monroe Dyer. Success to you gentlemen. May the bright son of prosperity ever shine upon you in our prayer.E. E. Anderson, M.D.
- Dr. E. E. Anderson came to this place in 1884 and began the practice of medicine. The doctor is a graduate of the Rush Medical College, of Chicago, one of the best in the world, and is a first class physician and surgeon. In September, 1884, he formed a co-partnership with W. T. Snidow, carrying a full supply of drugs and druggists sundries. In September 1885, he purchased Mr. Snidows interest and now continues the business alone. He enjoys a good trade and is happy. Dr. Anderson is a fine moral gentleman, a good friend, and an honor to any town. We are under many obligations to him, and if we are here a thousand years, as we expect to be, we fear we shall not be able to repay him for his many acts of kindness toward us. Success to the doctor. May his shadow never grow less.Eugene Goss
- Mr. Goss came to Kansas from Wisconsin in the spring of 1869. He began work at his trade at the old town of Appleton where he continued until 1883, when he moved to this town where he has remained ever since. In 1884 he erected one of the finest buildings in the city which he occupies as a residence. He is the patentee of the celebrated Spoke and Felly Borer. He is one of the best blacksmiths that ever pounded iron and as a wagon maker his equal will be hard to find. He has one of the largest customs ever enjoyed by any blacksmith in a country town. L. H. Twombly is one of Mr. Goss assistants, and a good one he is, you bet. Mr. Goss is also a number one veterinary surgeon and has many calls in this line. Genes a ruslter from Rustleville, and dont you forget it. He is one of our good patrons and friends, and a true friend to all worthy public enterprises.Huffin & Woodard
- J. M. Huffine, of the firm of Huffine & Woodard, came here from Tennessee in 1866. He owns a fine farm across the State line in Missouri. He is a good financier and is doing a rushing business. T. Woodard, of the firm of Huffine & Woodard, came here from New York in 1868. He began business as a millwright which he followed until 1877, when he began the merchandise business and continued until he sold to Miller Brothers last year, selling his interest in the goods, but retaining an interest in the building. Mr. Woodward is one of the original town proprietors and owner of Woodards Addition, and one of the finest farms in this vicinity. The firm of Huffine & Woodard do a general land, loan, insurance and collection business, and are rapidly getting to the front in good shape.T. W. Lynn & Company
- T. W. Lynn & Co., proprietors of the Garland Elevator, Lumber Yard and Hardware Store, are going a first class business. The establishment is under the management of E. W. Kendall, which is a guarantee that all who patronize this firm will get a square deal.John D. Clopton
- Mr. Clopton is a good carpenter and builder, also a good musician.Huffine & Son
- This firm began business in the spring of 1881. Several changes have been made, but the present members of the firm are William T. Huffine and his son, J. I. Huffine. Both are as fine gentlemen as ever manipulated a yard stick or weighed a pound of coffee. They carry a complete stock of general merchandise and by doing a fair square, honorable and gentlemanly business they have built up a trade among the people of Garland and surrounding country that is second to none in this part of the country. We number Messrs. Huffine & Son among our warmest friends, and we hope and trust that we may so conduct ourselves and our paper that they will ever remain so. The senior member of this firm is a leading member of the Baptist church and is honored and respected by all. The junior member of the firm is one of the finest fellows in seven states. Success to them.Miller Brothers
- This firm is composed of J. F., S. D. and M. W. Miller. They handle Hardware, Groceries, Provisions, etc. They began business with Mr. Woodard in February, 1883, under the firm name of Woodard & Miller. Last July they purchased Mr. Woodards interest. Last November, J. F. was appointed postmaster, and has given universal satisfaction. They are all first-class gentlemen, kind and obliging. They have lately gone into the implement business quite extensively, and we are glad to know they are doing a good business. We know of no better or more manly set of fellows than Miller Brothers. Theyll treat you well if you deal with them.J. T. Holeman, M.D.
- Dr. Holeman hasnt been here since the memory of man runeth not to the contrary, but he has been here since 1876. He began the practice of medicine when he first came here, and was for a time engaged in the mercantile business, but finding his practice demanded his whole time and attention, he disposed of his mercantile business and since that time he has devoted his attention to his profession. He is a graduate of the St. Louis College of Physicians and Surgeons and has been practicing for the past fourteen years.The Garland Hotel
- W. H. Burk, proprietor of the Garland Hotel, and the livery barn in connection, took charge of the hotel last March. When you want a first class fee for yourself or team, give Mine Host Burk a call, and youll want to visit him again.W. R. Clyburn
- Mr. Clyburn, one of the original town proprietors, came here in 1859. He was the first postmaster the town ever had, and he continued to hold that position until last fall. Mr. Clyburn was engaged in business at different times in this town. He is a generous Christian gentleman, and has many friends among the Garlandites. He owns over 700 acres of elegant farming land.S. J. Bryant
- Mr. Bryant is the proprietor of the Garland Feed and Corn Mills, also of a fine farm near Clarksburg. He built his mills in 1876. He is a fine scholar, a great reader, and a good fellow generally. He does a fair and square business.Mead & Brother
- This firm began business here in the spring of 1884, as Mead & Stevens. A short time ago, Capt. E. R. Stevens sold his interest to Byron and Irving Mead, who compose the present firm. Both of these young men are energetic, go-ahead fellows, and are doing a good business. They handle Groceries, Flour, Notions, etc. Theyll make business hum this year you may be sure. Go in on your muscle boys, and may success ever attend thee is our wish.John Hamm
- Mr. Hamm, the old reliable carpenter and builder, and patentee of Hamms Patent Guage [sic], located in town in 1881, and has been here ever since. He is a number one workman and a good honest man, and parties needing carpenter work done should call on Mr. Hamm.W. Scott
- Mr. Scott is a coal miner and dealer just west of town."Uncle Ad" Huffman
- Uncle Ad came to this part of the country in 1858. He moved to town a short time ago, and his residence is one of the finest in town. He also owns other valuable property in town and an elegant 500 acre farm across the line in Missouri. Uncle Ad has been a mighty good friend o ye editor, and while one spark of life remains in this mortal tenement, we shall kindly remember him. "A friend in need is a friend indeed."E. R. Weddle
- Mr. Weddle began business in the grocery line. He afterward [took] charge of the hotel for a time, and has been identified with several other enterprises in town.J. L. Million
- Mr. Million came here in August 1879, taking charge of the railway station at that time and engaging in the mercantile business at the same time. He afterward formed a co-partnership with W. H. Rousey, and under the firm name of Rousey & Million they continued to do business until they sold out to Dyer & Kendall last January. The firm owns considerable property in town yet and we presume will engage in business in town again shortly. We hope so.I. S. Reeder
- I. S. Reeder, dealer in Notions, Cigars, Canned Goods, Cider, Confectionery, etc., has been in business here since last August. He is a good man to deal with, has a nice stock and has a good business.D. N. Phelps
- Mr. Phelps was one of the original town proprietors. He came here from Wisconsin in 1865. He owns an elegant farm adjoining the town, has a neat and comfortable residence and a splendid artificial grove near it.J. H. Littleton
- Mr. Littleton, the popular blacksmith and wagon maker, came here from Tennessee in the spring of 1882. He began work at his trade and now has a large patronage. Hes a dandy workman.E. Van Kleck
- Mr. Van Kleck is a first class stone mason, plasterer, brick layer and cistern builder. Hes a good workman.A. F. Burlingame
- Mr. Burlingame does first-class work as a stonemason, plasterer, brick-layer and cistern builder.Frank E. Stahl
- Mr. Stahl is the mild mannered young man who jerks lightning for the W. T. Telegraph Company, scares freight conductors and smashes luggage for the traveling public in his capacity as station agent for the Gulf company at this place. He came here from Ottawa, Ill. a short time ago, but has made a host of friends since he came to our town. He is said to be one of the best telegraph operators in the Gulf.Squire W. H. Metcalf
- Mr. Metcalf has been here several years. He is the Justice of the Peace in the East Precinct of this township.E. H. Denton
- Mr. Denton has been here a great many years. He was Justice of the Peace for several years in this township. He is an honest, good natured, whole souled gentleman, and an honor to any community. We are under many obligations to him for his untiring efforts in our behalf, and we trust the day is not far distant when we can in some manner repay him for his labor for us.
Garland Gleaner - Miscellaneous Business Advertisements - April 1886:
S. J. Bryant
- Proprietor of the Garland Feed & Corn MillEmmit Williams
- Garland City Tonsorial Artist, first door west of Dyer & KendallsE. Van Vleck
- Stone-Mason, Cistern-Builder & Brick-LayerA. F. Burlingame
- Stone Mason, Plasterer, Brick-Layer & Cistern BuilderMrs. C. A. Metcalf
- Dress-Maker, corner of Clyburn & McDonald StreetsW. Scott
- Coal Dealer, first house west of the school houseWeddle & Million
- Canned Good & ConfectioneriesP. D. Myers
- Attorney at Law and Conveyancer, insurance, notaryJohn Hamm
- Carpenter, contractor & builder, patentee of Hamms Patent Weather-Board marker, Square & BevelCol. A. Gove
- Proprietor of the Osawatomie "Cottage" HotelJames S. Condiff
- House, sign & Ornamental painter (Mulberry Grove, Crawford County)James Walls
- Dealer in Harnesses, Saddles & Bridles, 308 Market SquareCo. D. N. Phelps
- Proprietor, Phelps ParkGarland Gleaner and Garland Graphic
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