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Hiattville News
May 1909 through December 1909

May 7, 1909, pg 8, col 1

Born: The birth of a daughter to Mrs. Maycumber Campbell of Muskogee, Okla., formerly of this place, on April 23, was reported to us last week. [Note: See marriage above @ May 7, 1908]

May 14, 1909, pg 8, col 3

Married: Edward N. Danner and Miss Raden Brumley were married at Springfield, Mo., 556 W. Webster St., May 1, 1909, at 3 p.m., by Justice of the Peace, C. R. Pickering. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Brumley of Willard, Mo., who lived in Springfield until about four years ago and where she received her education. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. S. Danner, of this city where he is well and favorably known. Mr. and Mrs. Danner will make their home in this city. They have the best wishes of their many friends for a long and happy life.

Married: Mr. Fred L. Burns and Miss Jessie Hartman, both of Kansas City, were united in marriage Saturday evening, April 24, Rev. Nay, pastor of the First Christian church, of Kansas City, Kans., officiating. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Burns, who reside north of this city. He has been in the drug business for the past five years. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hartman, of Kansas City, and is a refined and beautiful young lady. Mr. and Mrs. Burns arrived in this city Tuesday evening, April 27, and went to the home of Mr. Burns’ aunt, Mrs. Effie Burns, where a fine supper was served. They will be at home after May 15, at 1027 Anne Ave, Kansas City, Kansas. (Walnut news)

May 21, 1909

pg 1, col 2

Married: Mr. Clifton Wayne Strode, the post master and one of the most prominent and respected business men of the town and Miss Mary Lovisa Wheeler were united in marriage by Rev. W. Y. Allen, past of the First Christian Church of Ft. Scott. The ceremony was performed at the church parsonage Monday morning and the bride and groom were unattended, it being their wish that the wedding be an extremely quiet one. Mr. and Mrs. Strode left Monday morning at 10:30 for Denver, Colorado Springs and other points. They will be at home to their many friends after June 15. Mr. Strode is one of the successful business men of our town, a son of T. J. Strode, a well to do farmer and stockman of Garland, but his prominence is not due to the prominence of his parents, but to his own individual efforts, honesty, determination and worth of character. Mr. Strode is a young man twenty eight years of age, whose life, since he has been doing for himself, has been before the public eye, having been for years a teacher in the public schools of Bourbon Co., and having taught four consecutive terms as principal of the Hiattville schools, and since that time has been in the general mercantile business in this town. His bride is a native of Missouri. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Wheeler of Golden City, Mo., who are farmers at that place. His bride is a cultured and accomplished young lady and a star in the social circles of Hiattville, whose presence was always requested at all social functions of the village and one worthy to be the wife of the noble man she has won for a husband. She also was a teacher and is one whose presence in their home will make it a home of happiness. The News, with their many friends wish them a pleasant pursuit of happiness in this life and everlasting glory in the life to come. And: Jun 4, 1909, pg 1, col 2: Serenade - The friends of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Strode with the Hiattville Band serenaded them Friday evening. It was necessary to lead Mr. Strode home as he suspected what was coming and after his bride was found Mr. Strode made a little speech which was full of consolation to the old maids and bachelors and then he and his bride accompanied the crowd to Yager’s ice cream parlor where he treated them to ice cream.

pg 1, col 3

Died: A. P. Riddle, the noted politician and attorney, was killed in an automobile accident near Salina Wednesday night. He was also a prominent news paper man in the earlier days and at one time was publisher of the Girard Press. The funeral was preached in Girard Sunday afternoon. His wife, who is a sister of Judge Arthur Fuller, survives him besides three children.

Birthday: A pleasant surprise was given Price Ewing Saturday evening, in honor of his sixteenth birthday. About forty of his friends were present and enjoyed the evening with games, laughter and social conversation. The guests departed for their several homes at a late hour wishing Price many happy returns of the day. Mr. Ewing was presented with several books as a token of good wishes from his friends and in honor of the occasion. Refreshments of ice cream and cake were served. (Walnut news)

pg 8, col 2

Anniversary: Mr. and Mrs. Mason, of Hepler and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Long, of Hiattville, spent the 8th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Finley with them at their beautiful country home seven miles east of Hepler Sunday, May 16, 1909. (Hepler news)

pg 8, col 3

Married: Miss Martha Harris, one of Hepler’s prominent and best school teachers, and Charles Reece, one of the popular young farmers, went to Ft. Scott Thursday, May 6 and were quietly united in the holy bonds of wedlock by the Probate Judge. They returned on the afternoon train and went to the home two and one fourth miles east of Hepler that the groom had already furnished and in readiness for his bride. They are both well known and highly respected young people. The groom is a member of the Hepler Cornet Band. The bride has just closed a successful school in the second room of the Hepler schools, where she had been employed the past two years. The [Hepler] Enterprise joins with their many friends in wishing them a happy and successful journey through life. (Hepler news)

Jun 4, 1909

pg 1, col 2

Engaged: Invitations are out for the wedding of Mr. C. E. Williams, son of R. T. Williams and Miss Lela Clellan, daughter of E. Clellan, for June 9.

pg 1, col 3

Born: A son was born to Dr. and Mrs. C. Crawford, May 31. (Hepler news)

Born: Dr. Crawford reports a son born to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Coghill, Sunday morning, May 30. (Hepler news)

Jun 11, 1909

pg 1, col 2

Married: Mr. C. E. Williams, son of R. T. Williams, an old and respected resident and business man of this place and Miss Lela Clellan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Emry Clellan, were united in wedlock Wednesday evening June 9 at 8 o’clock by Rev. True at the home of the bride’s parents. Mr. Williams is a bright young man with every prospect of a happy future before him and his bride is a lovable and cultured woman. The News joins their many friends in wishing them a long, happy and prosperous life.

pg 8, col 2

Died: Mr. S. Isgrigg who lived for many years west of Hepler died at the home of his daughter near Porterville. The remains were laid to rest at the Hepler cemetery Tuesday afternoon.

Jul 2, 1909

pg 8, col 1

Died: The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Huss, who was so badly scalded a few weeks ago, died at their home at Pawnee Monday [probably June 29].

pg 8, col 2

Died: The seven weeks old baby of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent, who has been sick for some time, died Wednesday afternoon. Interment was made in the Hepler cemetery Thursday.

Jul 9, 1909, pg 4, col 2

Married: The marriage of Clara Koch and Fred Wonn of Hepler, Kansas, took place this afternoon at 3 o’clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Koch on Henrietta street. The marriage was a quiet home affair and was witnessed by the immediate relatives of the contracting parties. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mahle of the German M. E. church. A wedding supper followed and Mr. and Mrs. Wonn expect to leave this evening for their home in Hepler. The bride is a beautiful young lady. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Koch, and has a host of friends in this city. She graduated from the class of 1902 and is a member of the B. C. club of this city. The bride is possessed of many womanly qualities and has all the attitudes of a good woman, who will be an ideal wife to preside over a home. Mr. Wonn is a prominent business man of Hepler, Kansas. He conducts a general merchandise store in that city. He is prominent in business and social circles and is a rising young man. He has prepared a fine home in Hepler for his wife. The friends of both parties wish them a prosperous and happy wedded life. (The Peoria Ill. Daily Journal and The Hepler Enterprise)

Jul 30, 1909, pg 1, col 1

Died: "Funeral Tuesday, Remains of C. N. Furry interred at Springdale, Arkansas" - Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Wallace and daughter, Miss Anna, of Hiattville, and Henry Wallace of this city, returned home last night from Springfield, Ark., where they had been called by the death of C. N. Furry, a son-in-law of the elder Mr. Wallace. The service occurred Tuesday and was the largest funeral service ever held here. C. N. Furry was an old Bourbon county boy, having resided here for many years. He was born in December of 1872, and was united in marriage to Miss [Lillie] Wallace in August of 1894. For the past several years he has resided at Springdale, acting as agent for the Frisco there. It is a peculiar coincidence that at the time he was taken sick he was seated in the hammock with his wife making up a list of friends who were to be invited to attend their fifteenth wedding anniversary next month and that three months before and at the same day and hour that his funeral was in progress, he had attended the funeral of his mother in Fort Smith, Ark., which was preached by Rev. W. S. Sherman, pastor of First Methodist church, the same pastor who presided at his funeral. Mr. Furry had been a member of the Methodist church for 28 years. He was also a member and officer in the Springdale lodge of K. P.’s and the funeral service was under the auspices of that order. During the funeral service, as a mark of respect, all business houses of Springdale were closed. The floral offerings were numerous, the casket resting in a bank of flowers. Mrs. Furry, who is well known here, will continue to make her home at Springdale. (Fort Scott Republican) [Note: In a subsequent note @ Dec 24, 1909, Mrs. Furry’s first name is identified as Lillie. She was a sister of Anna & Bertha Wallace, all daughters of Mr. and Mrs. R. Wallace.]

Born: A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hoskins, July 10, 1909.

Aug 6, 1909

pg 1, col 1

Married: Mr. Jacob Jacobson and Mrs. Harris were united in the bond of matrimony by the probate judge in the court house at Ft. Scott on last Monday. Mr. Jacobson is a prominent farmer and holds the respect and confidence of this community, having grown to manhood about Hiattville. His bride [has] a lovable disposition, who has resided in the Garland neighborhood for some time. The News with their many friends congratulates them and wishes them a long, happy and prosperous wedded life.

pg 1, col 3

Died: Mrs. Lavinia Shackleton died at her home in this city Friday July 30, 1909. Interment was made in the Walnut cemetery Sunday morning. An obituary will be published next week.

pg 1, col 4

Died: Mrs. Frank Swinger died of a typhoid fever at her home east of the city Thursday afternoon, July 29. The funeral was held at the home Friday morning conducted by Rev. G. E. Kitchen and interment was made in the Walnut cemetery.

pg 8, col 3

Military Service: F. R. Smith left last Monday for a month’s visit at his old home in Kentucky. While gone he will attend the 48th anniversary of Co. C, 1st Kentucky cavalry, the reunion to be held on the ground where the company was organized, of which Mr. Smith was made second lieutenant. This is his first visit to Kentucky since the civil war. (Hepler Enterprise)

Aug 20, 1909, pg 1, col 2

Married: Lawrence Hiatt and Miss Grace Robinson were united in wedlock by the Probate Judge in Ft. Scott, July 3. Mr. Hiatt is a promising young man 22 years of age, the son of J. M. Hiatt, a prosperous and well to do farmer and stockman, living one mile north of town. Miss Robinson is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Robinson and is a charming and handsome young lady 19 years of age. This is the marriage the News hinted at in some issues back and now that it is verified we publish it and extend to them with their many friends our congratulations.

Married: Prof. J. D. Warren and Miss Anna Cordts were united in marriage by Rev. Y. V. Allen, pastor of the Christian church of Ft. Scott, at the parlor of the Tremont Hotel at high noon Wednesday, August 18, 1909. Prof. Warren is one of the prominent teachers of Bourbon County, who has grown in manhood in our midst; he has taught two successful terms as principal of the city schools of Hiattville and is now employed for the third term. Prof. Warren is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Warren. His father is a prominent stock raiser living west of this city. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cordts, who are engaged in farming northeast of the city. She is a charming and lovable young lady, who only needs to be known to be admired and one worthy of the name she has taken. Mr. and Mrs. Warren have started on a wedding tour during which they will visit friends and relatives at Sedalia and St. Louis, Mo., Havana, Pekin, Peoria and other points in Illinois. The News with their many friends join in wishing them a pleasant and peaceful pursuit of happiness in this life and everlasting glory in the life to come. And: Sep 10, 1909 @ pg 1, col 3: Prof. J. D. Warren and wife, who returned from their wedding trip last Friday are moving into the Munn property this week.

Died: The grim reaper has again visited [our] midst and claimed Stephen Donahue, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Donahue. Stephen Donahue was born June 23, 1876 at Baraboo, Wis. and died Aug. 15, 1909 at Coffeyville. He leaves to mourn his death a father, two brothers, John Donahue, of Chanute, and Jim Donahue, of Hepler, and six sisters: Mrs. Mary Duffey, of Chanute, Mrs. Jno. Landers, of Hiattville, Mrs. Anna Sweeney, of Coffeyville, Mrs. Margaret Driscoll, of Chanute, Mrs. Nellie O’Connor, of Hepler and Mrs. Agnes Kinsella, Bollinger, La. Stephen was well known in this community and about Hepler and bore his last illness, which was dropsy, with patience. He was laid to rest in the Catholic cemetery at Hiattville Monday afternoon.

Sep 9, 1909

pg 1, col 1

Born: Herman Roeske is now wearing the smile that won’t come off. A large 10 pound boy arrived at his place Sunday.

pg 1, col 2

Born: A fine baby girl arrived at the F. D. Steel home last Saturday morning. Mother and child are doing well.

Sep 17, 1909, pg 1, col 2

Died: The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. John Hall was buried in the Walnut cemetery Friday morning. (Porterville news)

Oct 1, 1909, pg 1, col 3

Born: Dr. Moseley reports a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Johnson September 21.

Oct 8, 1909, pg 1, col 3

Married: Henry Umphenour and Miss Ada Raber went to Girard Saturday Oct. 2, and were quietly married by the Probate Judge. Mr. Umphenour is a son of Mrs. Umphenour, who resides near Walnut. His bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Raber, of Hepler, and high respected citizens. We wish them wealth, health and happiness through life.

Oct 15, 1909, pg 1, col 3

Engaged: "Romance of a Box Supper" - A box supper was given by R. N. of A. of Hiattville last winter in Lander’s hall. At that supper C. W. Strode bid in by chance that box of Miss Lovisa Wheeler and Glover Mercer got Miss Beulah Symn’s box. Each of these couples started keeping company at that time and Mr. Strode and Miss Wheeler were married last summer and invitations are out for the wedding of Mr. Mercer and Miss Symns on Wednesday Oct. 20. We wish they would have another box supper soon.

Oct 22, 1909

pg 1, col 2

Died: Mrs. Harriett McAlister, wife of Jessie McAlister, living four miles northeast of Hiattville, and about six miles from Uniontown, died at 2:45 Monday morning at the family home of paralysis. She had a second stroke of paralysis about two weeks ago and since then there has been little hope of her recovery. She was 67 years old, and had lived in this county some forty one years, the family being one of the oldest and most widely known in the county. Surviving her are her husband and two sons. One son, Lewis, is agent for the Missouri Pacific at Mapleton and the other son, William, lives at home. The funeral was held at the home today and interment was made in the Dunkard cemetery, close to the home. Rev. Woods conducted the service. And: In the same paragraph - Lewis McCalister and wife who were called her by the death of his mother returned to their home in Mapleton where Mr. McCalister is employed as station agent. [Note: Surname is spelled in these two different ways.]

Born: A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wray Monday.

pg 1, col 3

Birthday: A large number of old friends and neighbors of Mrs. Mary Driscoll agreeably surprised her on her 65th birthday last Sunday by going to her home with well filled baskets. The days was one which Mrs. Driscoll will pleasantly remember for a long time and the local editor, who [was] lucky enough to be present and is by the way a good eatables can safely say he was never seated to a board more nobly spread with delicious and palatable victuals. Among those who were present were: Fred Strasser and family, R. M. D. Chambers and family, Patrick Landers and family, T. J. Kelly and family, Wm. Kidney and daughter.

"In Cupid’s Realm":

Married: Miss Ethel Robinson was united in marriage to Lewis Hess at Wyreka, Cal., Oct. 9. The groom is an ambitious young man who for a number of years was the principal of the schools at Galt, Mo., but of late years has been in the clerical department of the civil service in the Panama canal work at a salary of $150 per month, and has been transferred to the forestry department in California at his own request. Miss Ethel Robinson is the eldest daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Robinson. She is an accomplished musician and has given music lessons to a large class in this county. Miss Robinson will be a queen in the household to crown their home with happiness.

Married: Mr. John Gartz and Miss Eary Vesta McCollum were united in marriage by the Rev. Roycart at the parsonage in Redfield Oct. 14. Mr. Garts is a promising young man twenty-three years of age, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gartz, a farmer and stockman. Mr. Gartz follows the same occupation as his father. Miss McCollum is a young lady eighteen years of age, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Taylor McCollum. She has grown in womanhood in our midst and is loved by all who know her.

pg 1, col 4

Married: Mr. Glover Mercer and Miss Beulah Symns were united in wedlock at the home of the bride’s parents, Wednesday evening October 20, by the Rev. Ray S. True. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mercer, who are engaged in farming and stock raising northeast of town. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Symns, who are engaged in farming east of Hiattville. They received many beautiful and useful presents which time and space forbid us to enumerate.

The News joins the friends of these couples in extending to them our congratulations and wishes for their future success and happiness.

Oct 29, pg 1, col 1

Family Reunion: A family reunion held at the home of E. J. Freedman, five miles southwest of here, was attended by many members of the family, including representatives of four generations, Mrs. Tresia Gotz Freedman, nine of her children, nineteen grand children and two great grand children, aside from many other relatives. One son whose present whereabouts are unknown and eight grand children were not present. Those present were: Mrs. Tresia Gotz Freedman, Baxter Springs, Ks.; E. J. Freeman and family, Hiattville; L. Freedman and two children, St. Paul, Ks.; F. S. Freedman and family, Denver, Col.; R. S. Freedman and wife, Hiattville; Mrs. Emma Blaise, Higbee, Mo.; Mrs. R. L. Newton and family, Parsons, Ks.; W. H. Dempsey and family, Kansas City; Mrs. Tena Whitaker and family, Hiattville; Mrs. Myrtle Blaise, Caldwell, Idaho; H. J. Sullivan and family, Hiattville; Miss Ethel Freedman, Kansas City; Harry Dempsey, Kansas City; C. Yager and family; F. Strasser and family; Mrs. Fanny Talbott and family, and Henry and Olive Baker, Hiattville.

Nov 19, 1909

pg 1, col 2

Died: Grant Andis was born in Hancock County, Ind. in 1867, and died at Joplin, Mo., Nov. 12, 1909, of blood poisoning after a short illness and was buried in the Hiattville cemetery Sunday Nov. 14, 1909. The funeral was preached by the Rev. Shuman, of Ft. Scott, at the M. E. church. Mr. Andis is survived by a father and mother, three brothers: Robert Andis, D.C. Andis and Wm. Andis, and one sister, Mrs. Sarah Barker, to mourn his loss.

pg 1, col 4

Anniversary: A surprise party was given Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Johnson in honor of their fifth wedding anniversary. The surprise was planned by the relatives and about thirty-five guests were present. At a late hour a general supper was served consisting of everything good to eat. The guests departed at a late hour wishing Mr. and Mrs. Johnson many more wedding anniversaries. Signed "A Guest"

Married: Mr. Bert Burns and Miss Pauline Fink were quietly married at Fort Scott Tuesday, returning on the 10 o’clock train when they were met by a crowd of Heplerites with rice, bells, horns, drums and guns. Things were rather lively for a time but the bride and groom were equal to the occasion and led the crowd to Ord’s where they were treated to candy, bananas, oranges, and those who wanted cigars, to cigars. This is one of Hepler’s best young couples. The groom is the rising young veterinary of Hepler and is an exemplary young man. The bride is an accomplished and refined young lady and Mr. Burns is to be complimented upon his choice for a companion. The Enterprise joins their many friends in wishing them a long and happy life. They began housekeeping at once as the groom had a home already furnished for their reception.

Nov 26, 1909, pg 1, col 2

Died: R. Tillard Williams was born Nov. 21, 1854, at Centralia, Mo. In 1874 he came to Kansas, locating at Rockville in Miami county. He came to Bourbon county, north of Fort Scott, in 1877 and to Hiattville in 1882. He was married to Julia Wilcox May 16, 1882. To them were born three children, C. Earl, Clara and Nora E. Nora was born Dec. 19, 1887, and died Dec. 4, 1896. The other two, with the mother, survive their great loss. R. T. Williams died Saturday, Nov. 20, 1909, after a short illness of typhoid pneumonia and was laid to rest in the Hiattville cemetery. The funeral was held Monday afternoon at 3 o’clock from the Methodist church conducted by Rev. R. S. True of that denomination, and was one of the largest funerals held at Hiattville recently. A large concourse of friends assembled to pay their respects to one who had been a leader among them for a quarter of a century. The deceased was a member of the Masonic order, I. O. O. F., Tripple Tie and others. Each had a delegation of their members at the service. For twenty-five years it had been the ambition of the late R. T. Williams to erect a monster grain elevator and encourage the most extensive growing of grain in that vicinity. Only recently he thought himself able to accomplish his aim and work was started on an elevator. It had reached the height of 60 feet and was still under way when Mr. Williams was called from this life of usefulness. His son Earl, who has been actively in charge of the hardware and grain business for some time, will continue the business. The relatives from a distance who attended the funeral were two sisters, Mrs. M. P. Pool, Hiattville; Mrs. S. Orchard, Centralia, Mo.; two brothers, C. and H. Williams of Centralia, Mo.; three nieces, Mrs. P. W. Furry, Van Buren, Ark.; Mrs. D. Griffin and family and Mrs. M. Baker and family of Fort Scott; two nephews, Paul Pool, Ft. Scott, and Will Pool, Chanute. Other relatives were Griffin and Beatrice Pool, Mr. and Mrs. C. Hagewood and Columbus Wilcox. In the death of Mr. Williams, Hiattville loses one of its leading business men. His many sterling qualities, his unfailing good nature, his unimpeachable honesty, were all qualities endearing him to those who knew him well. And in the same column, a "Card of Thanks" signed by Mrs. R. T. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Williams and Clara Williams. On Dec 3, a Resolution of Condolence is printed on pg 1, col 2 from Hiattville Lodge 182 A.O.U.W.

Dec 3, 1909

pg 1, col 2

Died: Daniel Guenrick died last night at 9:15 at his home at 1427 South Ransom street, after an illness of several weeks. The deceased had been in very poor health for the past several years. He was 74 years of age and had resided in Ft. Scott since 1882, coming here soon after he came to this country from Germany, his native country. He is survived by a widow. No arrangements have yet been made for the funeral (Fort Scott Republican) Also: The Kennel brothers and sisters went to Ft. Scott Monday to attend the funeral of their uncle, Daniel Guenrich, who died in Peek’s Villa, Ft. Scott, Friday and was buried in the National cemetery Monday. [Note: Surname is spelled both ways in these two separate articles.]

Died: Clinton Dewill Messenger was born September 3, 1837 near Cincinnati, O. His father was a doctor. At the age of 7 his father moved to St. Charles, Mo., where he lived until he was of age. There were five boys and one girl, Clinton being the youngest of the family. When he was 12 years old he joined the M. E. church. He was married to Miss Martha C. Osborn, of Montgomery County, Ill. About this time he bought a farm near that place, where they resided until 1885, when they moved to Bourbon County locating on a farm four miles west of Ft. Scott. They had three children, who grew to young manhood and womanhood: George, who died a soldier in the Cuban War; Lucy, who is the wife of Geo. Hixon, and Jesse L., a grocer at Lawrence. He died Nov. 25, 1909 at the home of his daughter, Lucy, near Redfield, having gone over there on Nov. 21 to visit a few days and spend Thanksgiving. He retired at 9 o’clock feeling as well as ever, went to sleep and woke up about 2 a.m. in Heaven. He leaves a wife, one daughter and one son to mourn his loss. The wife will close up her house and visit with the children during the winter and will return in the spring to the old home place. Also: In the same column, a "Letter of Thanks" signed by Mrs. M. C. Messenger, J. L. Messenger, Lucy Hixon and George Hixon.

pg 1, col 4

Died: John Jacob Fink was born in Wurtemberg, Germany, Nov. 16, 1835 and died in the hospital at Ft. Scott Nov. 28, 1909. He was christened in the German Lutheran church as was the custom and later confirmed as a member of the same. In the days of the Civil war he fought valiantly as a Union soldier in an Illinois Regiment of light artillery. In fulfillment of a promise he made to his parents on his departure from Germany he returned to the old country a few years after the war. On the 18th of June, 1873, he was married to Eliza Caroline Haag. Six children came to bless this union. Soon after the birth of the youngest, the mother died leaving the care and training of the family on the hands of the father. Faithfully he performed his part so that the children survive him together with a brother and sister. He was at one time a member of the Ancient Order of Odd Fellows and at the time of his death was a member of A. O. U. W. Thus has fallen another of the soldiers who fought for the flag in the sixties. The ranks are thinning as the days pass by and before long the last one shall have answered the last roll call. Many friends are left to mourn with the relatives because of the death of this their neighbor and friend. The funeral services were held from the Hepler M. E. church Tuesday afternoon, Ray S. True officiating. Interment was made in the Hepler cemetery.

Dec 10, 1909, pg 1, col 2

Born: A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hardin, December 6, 1909. (Hepler Enterprise)

Dec 17, 1909, pg 1, col 2

Died: Nelson S. Kinyon died Tuesday November 30, 1909, at his home in Bolivar, Mo., aged 80 years, 4 months and 18 days. He was born in Madison county, N.Y., July 12, 1828, and was married to Louisa Smead, January 20, 1853. Three children were born to them, two daughters and one son. The son died about ten years ago. The daughters are Mrs. Beatrice Bison, of Bolivar, and Mrs. Carrie Engle, of State Center, Iowa. His wife also survives him. He has been a Christian for about 43 years and joined the Methodist Church at State Center, Ia. He has been afflicted for about thirty years so that he was unable to walk, but he bore his affliction with great fortitude and patience. With his wife and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bisom he came to Bolivar about a year ago from State Center, Iowa. He was singularly cheerful under this affliction and made friends of all whom he met. Mr. Kinyon was the last to die of a family of ten brothers. The funeral services were held Wednesday at 2 p.m. at the family residence on Springfield street. The services were conducted by Rev. J. W. Alexander, pastor of the Baptist Church, assisted by J. C. Bennett, pastor of the Christian Church. Mr. Kinyon was also an Odd Fellow and the body was buried in Greenwood Cemetery under the auspices of Osage Lodge No. 91, I.O.O.F., about fifty members of the Lodge being present. Judge T. G. Rechow acting as Noble Grand and Rev. J. C. Bennett as Chaplain. Chas. And Theodore Pisen, grandsons, of Springdale, Ark., were present at the funeral. [Note: The three spellings, Bison/Bisom/Pisen, are transcribed as spelled in the article.]

Dec 24, 1909

pg 1, col 2

Died: Minnie Day Turney was born in Knox County, Ohio, Aug. 27, 1872 and moved with her parents to Kansas in 1884. In 1890 she was converted and united with the M. E. church in a meeting held by Rev. Coleman in Hiattville. She was married to Frank S. Armstrong Sept. 12, 1894, and three sons were born to this union, all of whom survive her, Burr, aged 14, Harry 12 and Opal only 6 years. Besides the children, she leaves an aged father and mother, four brothers and one sister and a host of other relatives and friends to mourn the loss, which came as a great shock to the community Monday morning, Dec. 20, 1909 when [she died] after an illness of only a few days. An autopsy was held which revealed that no medical aid or human help could have availed anything. All was done that could be to alleviate her suffering. She had lived in or near Hiattville for so many years and always had a kind word and pleasant smile for every one. She had friends by the score and was well and favorably known. Her family was thought of during her life for she became a member of the R.N. of A. one year ago this month. Realizing her time was short upon earth and being conscious to the end, called her loved ones to her bedside and gave a parting remembrance of her many trinkets to each and told them goodbye, said she was ready and not afraid to die, but dreaded leaving her little ones without a mother, and made all arrangements regarding her funeral which were carried out to the letter. She selected the 23rd Psalm as her funeral text and Rev. True to conduct the services besides selecting the music. Interment was made in the Hiattville cemetery Wednesday. (Signed by "A Friend") And @ Dec 31, 1909, pg 1, col 2: Milton Turney and wife, of Altoona, Pa., who were visiting a few days with relatives, received word Saturday that Miss Ella Douglas of Nile, Ohio, sister of Mrs. Turney, was burned to death Friday night; and in pg 1, col 3, a "Card of Thanks" signed by Frank S. Armstrong and Family, W. T. Turney and family, and E. B. Armstrong and family.

pg 1, col 4

Died: A telegram was received Wednesday morning announcing the death of John Clayfield. He formerly resided here.

Died: Mr. Blake, who resided near Garland, died last Friday. He was a brother of Mrs. Jacob Jacobson and she and her husband attended the funeral at that place Saturday.

Dec 31, 1909

pg 1, col 2

Died: Joseph Mitchell answered to the last earthly call last Friday morning at 8 o’clock at the home of Mr. Barg near Garland and was buried in the Clarksburg cemetery. Many professed Christians have during life pointed the finger of scorn toward Mr. Mitchell in the period when his weakness for strong drink had manifested itself and it is to be hoped that now, since he has appeared before the infinite Judge of heaven, earth and all things, that the finger may not be pointed in that direction again. Mr. Mitchell was an artist with the paint brush with an unquestioned ability and many of his paintings will be in existence in decades to come to remind us that he once lived and painted. We have never known of any crime charged to Mr. Mitchell, he was always worse to himself than anyone else. And it is to be hoped that his soul rests in peace. As to our earthly part, we will some day be his equal brothers to the insensible rock and heirs to the six foot of soil, no more no less.

pg 1, col 3

Married: D. C. Williams and family attended the wedding of his sister, Lura, to Perry L. Kelly Wednesday evening in Fort Scott.

January 1910 through February 1910

Tom & Carolyn Ward
Columbus, KS

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Last updated 2/27/2005

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