REEL #H1586/KSHS Microfilm Collection

St. Matthews

Hiattville Weekly Optic
16 June 1892 - 6 May 1893

Bourbon County’s Hiattville Weekly Optic was initially published on Thursdays. The first issue, dated Jun 16, 1892, and was published under the names of Harry E. Bird and Ralph Richards. By September 1892, publication was moved to Fridays and in December 1892, Mr. Richards became sole editor. The paper expanded its coverage from about four pages an issue to approximately eight pages an issue when it moved from Thursdays to Fridays. Publication was discontinued on May 6, 1893. These extracts have been copied as accurately as possible, but errors may still occur. Minor printing errors have been corrected, but otherwise the information is presented as it originally appeared. Please consult the individual reels to verify an item. I do not have any further information about these individuals or families. Contributed by Ellen Knowles Bisson (

Jun 30, 1892. pg 4, col 1

Died: Miss Alice St. Matthews, aged 23 years, whose parents reside near this city, committed suicide Monday evening, at the home of her sister, Mrs. W.N. Anderson, at Chanute, Kansas, by shooting herself through the head. Alice was well known in this section, having been reared here. She was a beautiful and intelligent young lady, respected and loved by all, and her rash act is a surprise and wonder to all who knew her. Despondency was the cause.

Jul 7, 1892

pg 1, col 2

Died: On last Sunday evening, July 3rd, Curtis James, son of Riley James, in company with other small boys, was swimming in a coal hole about three miles east of Cato. By some means young James strangled and as the other boys were too small to go to his rescue he was drowned. Curtis was 13 years of age. He was buried in Frogdon cemetery on the following day, July 4th, at noon

pg 1, col 4

Died: N.R. Kinyon, of Hiattville, Kansas, came to see his brother, M.S. Kinyon, but found him dead, he having died only one half hour previous to Nelson’s arrival. (Newton Herald, Iowa) And @ pg 4, also from the Newton Herald in Newton, Iowa: Last Monday, June the 27th, at 8 o’clock p.m., Mr. M.S. Kinyon breathed his last. He had been sick for over a year with dilation of the heart. He got better and was able to come to town and transact some business. About three weeks ago he was taken worse and his physician informed his friends that they could prepare for the worst. He gave minute instructions and had a vault built in our cemetery and last Sunday sent for Rev. Harrah and arranged for all the minutia of his funeral. Mr. M.S. Kinyon was born in Providence, Rhode Island, July the 15th, 1815. When three years old his parents moved to Madison county, New York. He was the second of nine sons, but one of whom survives him, N.S. Kinyon, of Hiattville, a former old and respected citizen of this county.

pg 4, col 3

Birthday: Last Sunday one of the pleasantest social gatherings held in this section for many years took place at the residence of J.A. Bales, who resides near Hepler, it being the occasion of the 64th anniversary of the birth of Mrs. Bales. A surprise had been planned for her, and in the morning she was induced against her will to go to church. When she returned home and entered the house she was astonished and bewildered to see the rooms literally swarming with her children and their families, neighbors and old friends. The surprise was so complete and her pleasure so great that she was moved to tears. After all had been explained the entire company congratulated her, wishing her many happy returns of the day. About sixty persons were present.

Aug 4, 1892, pg 4, col 3

Birthday & Anniversary: On last Saturday evening a jolly crowd of merry makers assembled at the Arlington House to celebrate the 25th birthday anniversary of W.S. Wallace, and the wooden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. W.S. Wallace. A grand good time was had by all in attendance. The evening was pleasantly spent in "tripping the light fantastique" and in social intercourse. The supper was grand and the ice cream excellent. We give below a list of presents: Mr. and Mrs. Chimpkey, Bible stand; Iola Neil, rattan rocking chair; Ida Murray, pair of towels; Jennie Arthur, pair of vases; Ward Huntington, lunch basket; Willie Chimpky [sic], hanging lamp; Mrs. M.L. Harris, hand painted plush banner; Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Landers, half dozen handkerchiefs; George Chimpkey, necktie; Annie and Nettie Elledge, chair tidy; Mr. and Mrs. R.M. Wallace, cane rocking chair; Lillian and Myrtle Wallace, twin sisters, quilt; Mr. and Mrs. R.T. Williams, wall bracket; James Rennick, wisk broom; M.L. Harris, pair of towels; Nellie Landers, work basket; Dr. and Mrs. Griffin, plush Bible, pin; Mrs. Tirzah Wallace, bath towels.

Aug 11, 1892, pg 4, col 2

Died: On July 28th, of cholera infantum, the youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. M.H. Webb, age about 6 months. [Maple Grove news]

Aug 18, 1892, pg 4

col 1

Birthday: A few invited friends assembled at the pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Landers on last Sunday afternoon, the occasion being the birthday anniversary of Mrs. Landers. The band boys attended in a body and enlivened the day with the strains of sweet music. Miss Jennie Arthur sang several beautiful ballads, while Miss Lois McNaughton, who is an accomplished performer on the organ, favored the company with several choice instrumental selections. Several others present gave aid in making this feature a pleasant one. Ice cream, lemonade and cake were served. Everything passed off pleasantly, and at the close of the festivities all present joined in wishing their hostess many pleasant returns of the day. Several presents were received, the most valuable being an elegant manicure toilet set in oxidized silver, a gift from the band boys.

col 2


Reported by Dr. Clark: Sunday, August 7th, to Mr. and Mrs. George Tripp, a boy.

Sunday July 30th, to Mr. and Mrs. M.C. Harris, a boy.

Sunday August 11th, to Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Norman, a boy.

Reported by Dr. Griffin: Tuesday, August 16th, to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Linn, a girl.

Sep 1, 1892, pg 4, col 3

Married: Aug. 18, by Rev. J.E. Whitehead, W.E. Murphy and Miss Jennie M. Hatfield, both of Hepler.

Married: Aug. 18, by Judge Albert Finger, Charles Martin, of Hepler, and Miss Jennie Whitman, of Walnut.

Sep 16, 1892

pg 2, col 2

Died: September 15th, Gracie May, daughter of W.S. and L. Wallace, aged three months and nineteen days, cholera infantum. And Sep 23, @ pg 2, col 2: September 15, Grace May, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.S. Wallace, aged 3 months and 21 days. Funeral services were held at the M.E. Church, Rev. Spahr officiating, on Friday at 2:40. The remains were interred in the Hiattville cemetery. [Memorial poem follows]

pg 3, col 1

Married: At East Liberty church Monday evening at six o’clock, Mr. Fred Gordon and Miss Rose Moore, Rev. Alson officiating. Mr. Gordon is the eldest son of A.B. Gordon and Son, dealers in implements at Hoover and Miss Moore is a young lady well known in society circles here. We wish the young people success.

Sep 30, 1892

pg 2, col 1

Born: Jesse Bayles is smiling ‘way back of his ears. It’s a big nine pound boy.

pg 6, col 3

Died: At her home, 408 South Broadway, Sunday, Mrs. Cora Drake, aged 32 years.

Died: Vangie, sixteen months’ old daughter of G.W. Rice and wife, Sunday, at 1717 East Wall Street.

pg 7, col 1

Married: At Hepler, Kan., on September 28th, 1892, Mr. Otto L. Settles, of Hiattville, to Miss Mertia Kendall, of Hepler, Rev. W.B. Poinsett, chaplain of the State Penitentiary, officiating. The groom is well and favorably known in this city where he is engaged in the drug trade, is one of our most prominent young business men, is a prominent member of the Knights of Pythias and the Modern Woodmen, and has a host of friends who all join us in congratulations. The bride is a handsome and accomplished young lady of more than ordinary ability, is highly educated, and greatly esteemed in the best society of that city.

Dec 17, 1892

pg 2, col 2

Married: At the residence of the bride’s father, Miss Maggie Turney and Emery Armstrong, Rev. Spahr officiating. Quite a number of the friends of the bride and groom were present and a bountiful repast was laid before the guests who seemed to appreciate it by the number of presents showered in upon the happy couple of which we had only enumerate a few. A beautiful and costly tea set was the joint present of the following ladies and gentlemen: A.M. Routh and wife, J.P. Routh and wife, G.W. Shrine and wife, Jessie Cales and wife, A.D. Armstrong and wife, Frank Armstrong and wife. A beautiful throw was presented by James Cullison; a bread plate, butter dish, glass set and basket by Frank, Willie and Lizzie Cochran. Other useful presents were given by James Cullison, Rose and Carrie Swank, John and Minnie Turney, and Charles Cullison.

pg 6, col 2

Birthday: Mr. Robert Perry of Clark St. celebrated his 19th birthday by giving a party to his many friends on last Wednesday evening at his home on Clark St. Games and music was the order of the evening after which all partook of an elegant supper. Those present were as follows: Misses Mabel Bryant, Belle Lake, Frankie Anderson, Mollie Simmons, Lena Schrorer, Anna Hafer, Lena Hafer, Mary Carlson, Mary Curns, Edith Curns, Mary Ford, May McElvain, Stella Antram, Nellie Ledgerwood, Gertie Chase, Daisy Perry and Miss Holster of Jamesville, Wisconsin and Miss Davis of Kansas City. Messrs. Otto Klingbeil, Frank Culbertson, Fred Bowen, Rob McFadden, Carl Chase, Alph Bellows, Harry Greely, Mr. Severs, Ed Bates, John Curns, and Sherman Conine. At a seasonable hour they all departed for their homes wishing Rob many more pleasant birthdays. [East Fort Scott news]

Jan 7, 1893

pg 2, col 1

Died: The wife of George Wallace living five miles Northeast of this place died last Saturday from inflammation of the stomach. Dr. Clark was called but she was sinking very rapidly and only lived twenty minutes after he got to her bedside.

Died: Grandma Ellis, mother of George Ellis, is dead and will be buried today, Thursday. And: Mrs. Clover died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. George Ellis, [Jan] 3rd. Was buried in Hiattville cemetery Wednesday. No one could have suffered more than she did the last few days of her illness. She bore her sickness with patience, trusting in the Lord. No children could have been better to a mother than Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ellis, also the neighbors were as kind as any one could ask in attending and staying with the sick. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Spark.

pg 6, col 1

Married: Lillian B. Gray, one of the most popular young ladies in town was on December twenty-ninth married to Dr. J.F. McGill, a surgeon at the National Military Home at Leavenworth. Dr. and Mrs. McGill will live in Leavenworth and will be at home after Jan. 1st, 1893. [Fort Scott news]

Married: On Thursday evening last occurred the marriage of Mr. Julius C. Letcher of this city to Miss Alice O’Maley of Denison, Texas. Mr. Ralph Bayless of Fort Scott, acting as best man. The bridal party arrived home on Friday and will be given a reception on Thursday evening next, at the residence of the groom’s mother, Mrs. S.F. Letcher. Mrs. Letcher visited here several times as Miss O’Maley and is a charming young lady. Julius Letcher is one of our best known young business men, generous and popular, but ambitious and energetic. We wish Mr. and Mrs. Letcher a long and prosperous, happy wedded life.

pg 6, col 2

Died: The funeral of the late little Georgie Barr aged six years and seven months, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Barr, of 115 South Wilson street, took place from the house Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Barr desire to express their heartfelt gratitude to the many friends who so kindly shared their grief and tendered their assistance during the illness of their loved one. [East Fort Scott news]

Anniversary: Mr. and Mrs. Bumcrot of Authur St. were greatly surprised Sunday by several of their friends dropping in on them in honor of their twenty-second wedding anniversary. Elegant refreshments were served. Among those present were Mrs. Heverly, Mrs. Archer, Mrs. Bryce, Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Culbertson, Mrs. Herald, Mrs. Hayes, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Bolever, Misses Emma Gordon, Anna Malone, Belle Schurling, Minnie Bryce and Mr. Malone, Frank and Thos. Bryce. [East Fort Scott news]

Jan 14, 1893, pg 4, col 2

Died: Samuel H. Kirkman, aged 23 years, of consumption, at the home of his father, 508 Margrave street, on last Thursday. The funeral took place at the U.B. Church Saturday at 11 o’clock, Rev. I.N. Baker officiating. The remains were placed in Evergreen Cemetery. [East Fort Scott news]

Jan 21, 1893, pg 3, col 1

Married: At 10 o’clock P.M. on Wednesday January 25th, at the residence of the bride’s parents in Yates Center will occur the marriage of Miss Etta McCann to Mr. Oscar R. Kindblade. Mr. Kindblade is the billing clerk at the Missouri Pacific freight depot here.

Jan 28, 1893

pg 3, col 1

Married: Mr. Wilbur Brandriff and Miss Ella Alverson, both of this city, were married today at the home of the bride, the Pastor of the Cumberland Presbyterian church officiating. They left this afternoon for Mound City, where they will visit with relatives of the bride for a short time. [Fort Scott news]

pg 3, col 3

Died: Margaret A. Harland departed from this life at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. A. McCallister at Hiattville, Kan., on January 21st at 7:15 p.m., aged 78 years, 8 months, 18 days. Her death was calm and peaceful, was more like one falling into a sweet sleep. She was a thorough and constant Christian, having accepted Christ as her savior some sixty years ago and has steadfastly kept the faith up to the time she fell asleep in Jesus. Her funeral services were held at the residence of her eldest son C.B. Harland at Oswego, Kans., in a quiet and unostentatious manner according to her request. All her children, six in number, were present, as well as immediate relations and friends including her only living sister, Mrs. Shumaker from Warrensburg, Mo.

Feb 4, 1893, pg 6, col 2

Died: The remains of Minnie Dodson, wife of James Dodson, were received on the train from Kansas City Wednesday night. The burial was from the residence of Mrs. O. Smith Friday.

Married: At the home of the groom, the Stewart house on North Hill street, at 8:30 Wednesday evening, John L. Stewart and Miss Emma Duck of Cato, Kansas. The marriage service was performed by Justice B.C. Garrison. This announcement of the marriage of our respected ex-mayor was no doubt a surprise to many of his friends who had not suspected his matrimonial intentions. But they will all join none the less hearty in congratulations to him and the lady he has chosen for his companion and well wishes for their happiness and prosperity. [Fort Scott news]

Died: At No. 20 Caldwell street, yesterday at 5 p.m., James Carroll, infant son of E.C. and Nellie Labrum. The funeral will occur at the residence at 2:30 p.m., today. Friends of the family are invited.

Feb 11, 1893, pg 4, col 2

Died: Judge Paxon died at his residence, corner Second and Holbrook, last Thursday morning after an illness of several months. The remains, accompanied by the family and Dr. W.C. Porter, were taken to Iola, his former home, for burial. The deceased was a member of the Presbyterian church, and funeral services were conducted in that church at Iola by Dr. Porter. Mr. Paxon was one of the early settlers of Kansas, locating in Allen county where he was Probate Judge for several years. When the Fort Scott & Wichita road was built, Mr. Paxon was the first mail agent appointed for that route, and shortly afterward removed to this city. He was of a retiring nature, faithful in the discharge of his duties and highly esteemed by those with whom he was associated in his daily labors. [Fort Scott news]

Died: The funeral of Mrs. J.W. Davis was held at the family residence Thursday morning at 10 o’clock. The ceremonies were conducted by Rev. L.O. Pinkerton of Carthage and Rev. W.C. Porter over the remains of one who was most dearly loved in life. The body rested in a handsome casket that was covered with exquisite floral offerings. The hearse was preceded by the clergymen, and pallbearers W.P. Dilworth, W.H. Stout, Z.A. Hornaday, C.A. Nelson, W.H. Clark and D.E. Sanders. Mrs. Davis was generally loved. She was one of the noblest, sweetest of women and her pure Christian life was a lesson to all. Her sufferings are over, and her pure spirit has winged its flight to a better world than this. Her death has cast a gloom over the hearts of hundreds of loving friends here and in other cities where she was known and loved. [Fort Scott news, and repeated on Feb 18 @ pg 6]

Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Harris, on the 6th, a girl. [East Fort Scott news]

Feb 18, 1893

pg 6, col 1

Married: Miss Ida Ford, daughter of W.H. Ford, of the Prescott House, and Chas. Tyler, telegraph operator at Iola, made practical use of Valentine’s Day and went to Ft. Scott and were married. (Mound City Progress) [Fort Scott news]

Feb 25, 1893

pg 2, col 2

Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Conyer, an 11 pound boy. [East Fort Scott news]

Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Willard a boy. [East Fort Scott news]

Died: Hazel Swicher, the little 3 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Swicher, died Friday morning at 5 o’clock. The cause of her death was typhoid pneumonia fever. The funeral services took place at the house Saturday afternoon at 2 o’clock, Rev. Ford of Grace Church officiating. The remains were placed in the Evergreen cemetery. [East Fort Scott news]

pg 2, col 3

Died: Near Hiattville Saturday the 18th, of pneumonia, Hattie Jury. Funeral Monday at her home by Rev. Came of Pawnee.

Married: At the parsonage at Pawnee, Sunday evening, Feb. 19, Mr. Fred Dugan of Pawnee, to Miss Tena Rarey of Hiattville. Rev. Lane officiating. The groom is well known in this community. He has won a good prize that he may well be proud of. Tena is esteemed by all who know her. Their many friends join in wishing them a long and happy life.

Mar 4, 1893, pg 4, col 2

Died: The funeral of the late Tessie Thompson took place on last Monday afternoon. The remains were placed in the Evergreen cemetery.

Died: The funeral of Herbert Esmay who was accidently shot and instantly killed by Dee Noonan took place at the Grace M.E. Church on last Wednesday afternoon at 2 o’clock. It was quite a sad and shocking affair to his many friends. The family have the sympathy of their many friends in their bereavement. Interment took place at the Oak Grove Cemetery.

Mar 11, 1893

pg 4, col 1

Married: In Fort Scott, Wednesday March 8, by Rev. A.B. McCurdy, pastor of the First Baptist church, Charles Longshore, of Pawnee, Kansas, to Miss Iola M. Graham, of Minden Mines, Mo. The bride is a niece of Mr. Wm. Sawyer, of the Minden House, Minden, Mo., and the groom is one of Bourbon county’s prosperous young farmers. We extend congratulations.

pg 7, col 1

Married: At the Benham home on South Judson street, on Wednesday evening last was performed the ceremony uniting in marriage, Blanche Benham and Charles A. Pond, both of this city. The groom, who is the son of Postmaster H.W. Pond, spent several years in New Mexico but lately returned home and is now connected with the Kansas City, Fort Scott and Memphis Railway here. The bride is one of the best known and most charming girls in all the town, her pretty face and sweet disposition have always made her a favorite in society and many friends and no enemies offer her well wishes for a happy future. To Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Pond, we tender sincere congratulations. [Fort Scott news]

pg 12, col 1

Born: Dr. S. Runkle is smiling over the arrival of a ten pound girl, which arrived last Saturday. He says he has a full hand, three queens and a pair of jacks.

Apr 1, 1893

pg 6, col 1

Married: Miss Fannie Prager was married to Mr. Will Smith on Saturday evening last. We offer sincere congratulations. [Fort Scott news]

pg 6, col 2

Marriage License: Monday to Mr. H. Frank Moberly and Elizabeth F. Beard. Mr. Moberly lives near Deerfield and Miss Beard lives at Richards, Mo. [Nevada news]

pg 6, col 3

Married: Tuesday - The marriage of Mrs. Nannie Reedesal and Mr. A.P. Woolery will occur this evening at 7 o’clock at the Baptist Parsonage. [Nevada news]

Apr 8, 1893

pg 2, col 1

Married: Martin Saxer and Miss Elizabeth Williams were married by Judge Hackett Tuesday. [fort Scott news]

pg 6, col 1

Marriage Licenses: Saturday to J.C. Griggs and Mrs. Susan M. Fossett; Prince A. Melick of Horton, and Cora D. Wilson of Arthur; W.D. Branch and Mary M. Brown, both of Nevada. [Nevada news]

Died: The funeral of Miss Mamie Puding occurred today at all Saints Church. The remains were followed to the grave by many sorrowing friends. [Tuesday news for Nevada]

Apr 15, 1893

pg 2, col 2

Married: Last Saturday evening, Judge Hackett married Albert Olson of Nevada, and Miss Bessie Davis, at the residence of the bride’s father on the Paulson farm. [Fort Scott news]

pg 2, col 3

Married: Judge Hackett married E.F. Neuwander and Ida Gilbert on Monday, April 10. The groom is from Canon City, Colo., and the bride from Emporia, Kansas. [Fort Scott news]

pg 7, col 2

Married: Last Thursday evening at 8:30 at the residence of J.B. Graham, Miss Sallie Yockey and Mr. H.R. Stephens were united in marriage. Miss Yockey is well known in Nevada and is a most estimable and well loved young lady. Mr. Stephens is a general favorite in societal and business circles and is the popular Cedar St. jeweler. We unite with friends in wishing the young couple much happiness and prosperity.

May 6, 1893, pg 2, col 1 [Last issue available]

Married: Miss Ruth Vandiver and Mr. George F. Wilson were married today at the Christian Parsonage by Rev. D.C. Boyle in the presence of the intimate friends of the young couple. The bride is a most worthy and popular young lady and has many friends in Nevada who wish her much happiness in her new relation. The groom is an industrious, deserving young man and worthy of the sweet bride he has won. We join with friends in congratulations and kindest wishes for a long life of happiness for the wedded pair.

Married: This morning at 11 o’clock at the Christian Church by the Rev. D.D. Boyle, a beautiful morning wedding occurred uniting two lives. The high contracting parties were Miss Leona Miller, daughter of O.J. Miller and Mr. Louis C. Tolson of Fayette, Mo. The bride wore an exquisite costume of blue brocaded silk. The church was handsomely decorated. After the ceremony, a wedding breakfast was served after which the young couple left for their new home in Fayette followed by the best wishes of a host of friends.

Tom & Carolyn Ward
Columbus, KS

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Permission is granted for use only on an official KSGenWeb page.
The USGenWeb Logo was designed by Linda Cole.

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