REEL M1423/KSHS Microfilm Collection


Mapleton Telephone
March 1887 to March 1890

Bourbon County’s Mapleton Telephone was a weekly newspaper, printed on Thursdays. The name of the newspaper was changed on January 4, 1889 to the Mapleton Dispatch. These extracts have been copied as accurately as possible, but errors may still occur. Minor printing mistakes have been corrected, but otherwise the information is presented as it originally appeared. Please consult the individual reels to verify an item. I do not have any further information about these individuals or families. Contributed by Ellen Bisson (

Mapleton Telephone:

Mar 10, 1887, pg 1, col 5

Injury: Last Tuesday Gus Bryant, a 14 year old son of Matthew Bryant, while at the farm of Dick Myrick, found a dynamite cartridge in an old house on that place, which he carried home with him, and attempted to remove the contents with a nail. The result was an explosion, blowing off the first joints of the thumb and first and second fingers of his left hand. The boy was brought to the office of Dr. Braden in this city, who performed the necessary surgical operations.

Married: At the residence of the bride’s parents, on Tuesday March 8th, 1887, Mr. Edward Young to Miss Nora Nickleson, both of Linn county. The friends of this young couple in this vicinity wish them much joy in their travels down life’s pathway, in which wish the Telephone joins.

Mar 17, 1887 pg 1, col 5

Married: At the residence of the bride’s parents, near Uniontown, by Squire Reese, on Thursday, March 10th, Albert Tippie of Timber Hill township, to Miss Alice Hartman, of Marion township.

At Fort Scott, on Monday, March 14, John Newell to Miss Clara Green, both of Timber Hill township.

Pg 1, col 6

Died: At his residence, three and one half miles northeast of this city, on Wednesday, March 16th, at 7:30 o’clock a.m., Wm. Byington. Mr. Byington was one of our oldest and most highly respected citizens, and his many good traits of character endeared him to his many friends in this community. He was loved and respected by all who knew him and his wife and family have the heartfelt sympathies of all in this their sad bereavement. The funeral will take place tomorrow at 2 o’clock p.m. at their residence.

Mar 24, 1887, pg 1, col 5

Died: At his residence, 5 miles southwest of this city, on Wednesday morning, March 23, 1887, at 7 o’clock, Christopher Clark, age 81 years. Mr. Clark was one of the old and highly respected citizens of Timber Hill township, and ever commanded the confidence and respect of all who knew him. His funeral will take place today at 10 o’clock a.m., and his remains interred in the Gower Cemetery. The bereaved relatives have the sympathies of all.

Apr 14, 1887, pg 1, col 5

Sweet Sixteen Birthday: One of the happiest social events of the season occurred at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. John Cross, in this city, on last Friday evening. It was the celebration of the sixteenth birthday of their daughter, Minnie. There were a large number of her young friends present, as invited guests, and all seemed in the proper mood to contribute to the enjoyment of the occasion. Space will not permit a full description. The following is a list of those present: Lee Stith, Frank Myrick, Tom Johnson, George Bainum, Jack Green, George McQuaid, Les Britton, Claud Higby, Walter Rodgers, Roy Britton, James Green, Budd Weaver, John Norris, D.N. Reber, Leonia Summers, Ina McCarty, Annie Raney, Etta Myrick, Demis Wilson, Minnie Hessong, Dod Green, Josie McQuaid, Zelda Weaver, Maud Higby, Orvis Dukes, Clara Lowe, Clara Wilson, Alma Nesbitt, Etta Chenoweth, Myrtie Myrick. The following is a list of the presents received: Set silver teaspoons, Maud and Claud Higby; gold ring, Messrs. Moore and Reber; gold folding pen holder, Lester Britton; red and white Kensington embroidered pin cushion, nicely trimmed, Ina McCarty; Three yards pink satin ribbon, Josie McQuaid; cut glass fruit dish, Zelda Weaver; Bohemian glass cream pitcher, Leonia Summers; perfume case, Etta Chenoweth; some lovely cream rouching, Myrtie Myrick; Nice hemstitched handkerchief, Alma Nesbitt; silk handkerchief, James Green; box of note paper, George McQuaid; bunch of artificial flowers, Dod Green; box of note paper, George Bainum; pair of handsome red silk mittens, Mrs. Britton; handsome red plush manicure case, Ernest Britton of Colorado.

May 5, 1887, pg 1, col 6

Robbery: The residence of Charles Stith, formerly of this place, but now of Fort Scott, was entered by burglars about 3 o’clock Wednesday morning in that city, and succeeded in carrying off a $20 bill. They entered at the kitchen window, and proceeded, three in number, to the sleeping apartment of Mr. and Mrs. Stith where, with revolver in hand, they demanded money. Mr. Stith "picked his fight" and gave the robbers a lively tussle, but they got possession of the $20 bill, leaving $42 in gold and silver, which they failed to get away from their victim, and left the house, one of them firing a shot at Stith, it taking effect in his left leg, but doing but little injury. Mrs. Stith is said to have displayed considerable nerve in defense of her husband.

May 19, 1887, pg 1, col 5

Died: On the 16th, Mrs. Matilda J. Miller, living 2 miles south of Xenia.

June 16, 1887, pg 1, col 4

Born: To Mr. and Mrs. George Ramsey, living south of this city, a 10 pound son, on last Tuesday morning. Mother and son doing well, and George happy. It is said that when grandpa (Simon Reese) heard the news there was no holding him back. He had his first laugh, then set up the cigars, then laugh and set ¹em up again. He danced the Sailor’s Hornpipe on his toes, and declared that he wouldn’t trade places with anybody. When last seen by ye editors, he was leaving town, going south, with reins and whip in hand, the wheels of his buggy only touching in high places, and finally disappeared in the timber.

Jul 14, 1887, pg 1, col 6

Died: On Sunday, July 10th, 1887, at 6 o’clock a.m., Mrs. Leann McEnier, age about 80 years, at the residence of her daughter, Syntha McEnier. The funeral services were held in the Presbyterian church in this city at 2 o’clock, Rev. Spencer of Mound City, officiating. The remains were buried in Mapleton cemetery. Mrs. McEnier has been a resident here since the close of the war, having come here at that time with her family. She was a highly respected colored woman, and an exemplary mother. She leaves three sons and one daughter to mourn her loss.

Aug 4, 1887, pg 1, col 4

Born: Wednesday morning, Aug 3, 1887, son to Mr. and Mrs. M.A. Waterman of Mapleton.

Aug 11, 1887, pg 1, col 5

Died: At her home in Pleasanton on Saturday, July 30th, 1887, of congestion of the bowels, Helen I. Capell, wife of D.S. Capell. Deceased has been editor of the Pleasanton Observer for a number of years, and by her energy and activity has kept her paper in the front rank of journalism in the country. Her demise was very sudden, she only having been sick but a few days, her unexpected death fell with a shock on the community. She leaves a daughter, husband, and brother to mourn her sudden departure from her labors here, and the Observer suffers an irreparable loss. The funeral services took place at the M.E. church on Monday conducted by Rev. Stephenson, and the mortal remains were laid among the evergreens of the Pleasanton cemetery. (From the Blue Mound Sun)

Sep 8, 1887 pg 1, col 4

Died: At the residence of her brother, Ellis Greenfield, in this city, on Sunday, Sept. 4th, at 10 o’clock p.m., Miss Alma Greenfield, age 56 years. The funeral services were held at the above named residence on Monday, at 3 o’clock p.m., and the remains interred in the Mapleton cemetery.

pg 1, col 5

Golden Wedding Anniversary: One of the most pleasant occasions that has occurred in our city this season was the golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Anson Camp. Last Saturday evening, about 7 o’clock, the doors of their home were thrown open and the guests began to arrive. After a social talk, and congratulations were given, they repaired to the dining room, where a bountiful repast was served. The family consists of Mr. and Mrs. Camp, three children and thirteen grandchildren, all of whom were present. The aged couple were the recipients of many nice presents. The Telephone joins with their many friends in wishing them many pleasant days as they journey the downward path of life.

Sep 22, 1887 pg 1, col 4

Died: On Saturday night, Sept. 17th, the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson, on the farm of Chas. Campbell. The funeral took place on Sunday. The bereaved parents have the sympathy of the whole community.

pg 1, col 5

Died: At her home, on the farm of Chas. Campbell, of typho-malaria, on Monday afternoon, Sept. 19, Mrs. Johnson, wife of John Johnson. She was buried on Tuesday in the Hahn cemetery. Elsewhere in this issue will be found the notice of the death of a three months old child of Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, that died on last Saturday, there being but two days difference in the death of the child and mother. Mr. Johnson has the heartfelt sympathies of all in this sad bereavement.

Died: At his residence in this city, on Thursday, September 15, 1887, at 1 o’clock p.m., William Baker, aged 82 years and 19 days. The deceased was born in Bourbon County, Kentucky, on August 26th, 1805. He moved to Indiana in 1834 and to Kansas in 1857, and has resided at Mapleton since that time until his death. He was married before he left Kentucky, his first wife dying about four years ago. About two years ago he married his second wife, the widow Neal, whose husband died while minister to Cuba. The deceased had but two children, Mrs. Clark, who died several years ago, and Mrs. J.W. Deatly, living near this city. Mr. Baker was recognized as a Kansas pioneer, an excellent citizen, well known in the county and highly respected. The funeral took place on Friday at 1 o’clock, at the Presbyterian church, under the auspices of the Masonic fraternity, of which he was an honored member, and was largely attended by his many friends. The remains were interred in the Mapleton cemetery. (NB: There follows a resolution of condolence from the deceased’s Masonic colleagues at the Eldora Lodge.)

Sep 22, 1887, pg 1, col 6

On Sunday morning, Sept. 18th, to Mr. and Mrs. John Powell, a daughter.
On Sunday morning, Sept. 18th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stradley, a daughter.
On Friday morning, Sept. 16th, at the residence of Thomas Hamilton, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Swank, a son weighing 9 pounds.

Oct 13, 1887, pg 1, col 5

Died: At her home in Uniontown, Kan., on Saturday, Sept. 24, 1887, of tonsilitis, Lydia Irene Ledbrook, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T.L. Ledbrook, age 15 years. She was an only child, and the ideal of her parents. She was in the bloom of youth, just entering into womanhood. She was beloved by all who knew her, and it is with regret that we chronicle the loss of so dear a little friend. During our sojourn at Uniontown, she was a frequent visitor at our home, and always came with a ray of sunshine on her brow and a smile on her lips. But alas! She has entered her eternal home, where sorrow can ne’er cast a shadow o’er her life. We join with her parents and many friends in their sad bereavement and offer sympathies. (NB: a poem follows the obituary)

Died: At her home 2 miles south of this city, on Sunday, Oct. 9th, 1887, Mrs. Amanda Jones, wife of Chesley Jones. Mrs. Jones was born in Washington County, Ark., Jan. 24, 1838, removed from there at the close of the war, in 1866, and settled in Kansas. She was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, and had been for 30 years. She was dear and affectionate to all. She seemed to have no fear of death. (NB: The first two verses of the hymn, "Amazing Grace," follow; Mrs. Jones apparently liked to sing it.) She was loved by all. Her remains were interred in the Mapleton cemetery.

Jan 5, 1888, pg 1, col 6

Died: In Fort Scott, of heart disease, on Sunday evening, January 1st, 1888, Mrs. Jane R. Roe, age 70 years. Mrs. Roe was in attendance at church on Sunday evening, when she was taken suddenly ill. She was conveyed to her home, where she died in a few minutes afterwards. She was the mother of J.H. Roe, living west of Mapleton, and has been a resident of Bourbon county for about 30 years, and resided in this place until last spring, when she moved to Fort Scott with her husband. She leaves a husband and three children to mourn her loss, who have the sympathies of all. Her remains were brought to this city on Tuesday, and laid to rest in the Mapleton cemetery.

Feb 2, 1888, pg 1, col 6

Died: At her house on Thursday, January 26, 1888, of pneumonia, Mrs. M. A. Stroud, wife of L. Stroud, age 48 years. She was a loving companion and a kind mother, and was loved by all who knew her. The remains were taken to the Gower cemetery for interment, and a large procession followed her to her last resting place. All was done to alleviate her suffering that could be done, but no purpose. She leaves a husband and seven children to mourn her untimely death. The community is in deep sympathy with the bereaved family. [Submitted by "A Subscriber"]

Died: At the residence of her stepson, M. Bowers, at Berlin, on Sunday, January 29, 1888, Mrs. Mary Bowers, commonly called Grandma Bowers, of cancer, age 75 years. She leaves one son, Abraham Kite, and three grandchildren to mourn her loss, with many friends. The remains were taken to Walnut Hill cemetery for interment.

Mar 8, 1888, pg 1, col 5

Died: At Los Angeles, California, on Sunday, Feb 26, of Bright’s disease, Mrs. Melvina M. Howell, of Uniontown. Mrs. Howell was a resident of this county for about twenty-four years. She was well known and highly respected throughout the county, and especially in and about Uniontown. Her husband, J.V. Howell, and five children survive her.

Married: By Rev. Stoner, of Berlin, at the residence of the bride’s parents, at Dayton, on the evening of Feb. 26th, Mr. Marion Deeds to Miss Flora Shaw. After the ceremony, the bridal party partook of a bountiful repast. A variety of handsome presents were received. The next day the bridal party went to the home of the groom, where a dinner was spread, consisting of all of the delicacies of the season.

Mar 22, 1888, pg 1, col 4

Died: At her residence in this city, on Sunday, March 18th, 1888, Mrs. Elizabeth Rogers Greenfield. Mrs. Greenfield was born in Washington, Davis county, Indiana, on April 16th, 1820. While still in her youth she gave her heart to the Savior, and at the age of 18 years became a member of the Presbyterian church, in which she remained a steadfast and earnest worker for the cause of her maker during the balance of her life. She was married to Ellis Greenfield on Sept. 22, 1845, and moved to Carlilse, Indiana, and remained there until April, 1857. She then, in company with her husband and family, emigrated to Kansas, and settled in Bourbon county, near Mapleton, where she and her family have resided ever since, with the exception of five years which was spent in Rio Grande county, Colorado. In the fall of 1880, she returned to Mapleton, and remained here until she died. She became a member of the Presbyterian church at Mapleton at the time of its organization. She received a stroke of paralysis in the spring of 1883, which deprived her of the use of her limbs. She received another stroke of paralysis about eight months ago, her speech became impaired, and she gradually grew worse, until last Sunday she went home. She leaves a husband, four sons and two daughters to mourn her loss, three sons in Alabama and one here; one daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth Lowe, living near Mapleton, and Mrs. Sarah Campbell, living at Del Norte, Colorado. She was loved by all who knew her for her kindness in time of trouble. She has now gone to join her children who have gone before her to the Promised Land.

Mar 29, 1888 pg 1, col 3

Born: On Sunday evening, March 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Roe, a nice girl baby. On Monday night the boys tried to sit us with J.H., but he had recovered sufficiently to get away, and at this writing is still at large.

pg 1, col 4

Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Brown, living north of town, on Tuesday evening, an 11 pound girl. Mother and daughter are doing well and Tom steps higher than anybody.
Born: In a letter received by Mrs. Higby from Mr. and Mrs. G.W. Wyatt, of Salida, Colo., is the announcement of the arrival of a beautiful girl baby, born March 17. Mr. Wyatt and lady were once residents of this city, and their many friends will be glad to learn of their location, and offer the necessary congratulations.
Married: At the residence of the bride’s mother, in Blue Mound, Sunday, March 18, 1888, Mr. John Dixon, of Mapleton, and Miss Lizie LeMasters, of Blue Mound, Rev. M.V. Robbins officiating. Mr. Dixon and his wife have taken up their abode in this city, where they have many friends who wish them much happiness as the years glide on.

Dec 28, 1888 pg 1, col 3

Died: On last Tuesday morning [Dec 26], Mr. Charles Morgan of Fulton.
Born: On the 21st to Mr. and Mrs. Claud Higby a daughter.
Married: On the 25th at the residence of the bride’s parents by Rev. H.J. Dalson of Fort Scott, Mr. A.W. Straud and Miss Ida F. Mylitus.

Mapleton Dispatch (NB: The Telephone became the Dispatch on January 24, 1889)

Feb 9, 1889, pg 1, col 3

Married: Last Tuesday [Feb 7], Mr. Will Raney and Miss Arvilia Sumner were joined in matrimony by Rev. Sumner. Mr. Raney has succeeded in robbing this community of one of its best and handsomest girls. Many friends are joined by the Dispatch in wishing them a happy future.

Feb 28, 1889, pg 1, col 2

Married: We were informed that Jesse Perkins was married last week.

Mar 14, 1889, pg 1, col 3

Born: On the 9th, to Mr. and Mrs. Lon Tippie a son.
Born: On the 8th, to Mr. and Mrs. John Dixon a son.

Apr 11, 1889, pg 1, col 4

Died: Last Friday night [Apr 5] at eleven o’clock, Mr. J.C. Johnson passed quietly away at his home five miles west of town. He had been ill for some time of pneumonia. The deceased was an old resident of the vicinity, having removed to this county from Arkansas about a quarter of a century since. He was fifty two years old and leaves a widow and six children, three of whom live in the vicinity and three of Washington Territory. The many friends of the family join in expressing their sympathy in their sad loss.

Apr 25, 1889, pg 1, col 3

Died: On the 19th, at the residence of her parents south of town, Miss Lettie Bean, colored.

May 16, 1889, pg 1, col 3

Born: On the 14th to Mr. and Mrs. G.P. Moore a daughter.

May 30, 1889, pg 1, col 3

Died: At the home of his grandparents west of the city on the 29th, Charles Casteel of Hepatic abscess. The remains were interred in the Mapleton cemetery today.

Jun 6, 1889, pg 1, col 3

Died: At the home of James Pearce at Prescott on the 30th [May 30], Mr. Lewis Ricks, aged 89 years. The deceased was grandfather to our fellow townsman, Ed Pearce, who accompanied the remains to the family burying ground at Worded, Ill.

Jun 13, 1889, pg 4, col 2

Died: "A Pioneer Dead" - On Sunday afternoon, at his home in Timberhill township, at 1 o’clock surrounded by his family and many warm friends, the spirit of John Reese, one of the oldest residents of Bourbon county, took its flight to his heavenly home. The deceased was the father of Simon Reese, our worthy sheriff, who, with himself and two sisters, are all who remain of his direct descendants. John Reese came to this county thirty years ago. He was born in Lebanon county, Pennsylvania, March 28, 1816, from whence he moved to Montgomery county, Ohio, in 1845, where he resided until 1854, removing in that year to Grundy county, Mo., and thence to this county in 1859. The cause of his death was an abscess in his bowels, supposed to have resulted from an injury received last fall, the effects of which were apparent for several months past, but which gave him no serious pain until a few days before his death. [From the Fort Scott Monitor]

Jun 20, 1889 pg 1, col 2

Impending marriage: Frank Stack left last Monday for Dillion, Montana Ty. He was accompanied by Miss Anna Moyer, of Xenia, who will be married to Emerson Slack, Frank’s brother, on their arrival. Frank will remain long enough to build a house for the groom, and then will probably return to Linn. [From Blue Mound Sun] In the same issue, pg 4, col 3: Anna is identified as Annie and Emerson is identified as Emory.

pg 4, col 2

Died: At his residence on the 15th, Mr. Bear of dropsey. He leaves a family of small children in a very destitute condition.

Jul 4, 1889, pg 1, col 4

Married: "Cupid’s Victims" - Last Tuesday evening [Jul 2], Mr. Arthur Ball and Mrs. Jane Johnson were united in union of matrimony at the residence of Mr. Harrison Mars in Mound City, Rev. Illif officiating. Mr. Ball is one of our wealthy citizens as well as one of the most respected gentlemen in the county, having been a resident of this county for several years. Mrs. Johnson is one of our most highly respected and exemplary ladies who during her acquaintance here has made many friends who will be glad to hear of this desirable match. The happy couple are residing at the elegant farm of the groom 3 mi east of the city where they will be glad to see their many friends, who are joined by the Dispatch in wishing many happy years of wedded life may be their lot.

Married: At the residence of the bride’s parents on Wednesday [Jul 3], Mr. Frank Myrick and Miss Leonia Summers south of Mapleton, Rev. L.H. Rhodes officiating. The ceremony was performed in the midst of a number of invited friends and relatives at the residence of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Summers. Miss Summers was one of Mapleton’s fairest daughters and Mr. Myrick is well known as one of our rising young farmers. They were the recipients of many costly and handsome presents. The happy couple will continue to reside at Mapleton where the best wishes of their friends are always with them.

Aug 8, 1889, pg 1, col 2

Born: On the 1st to the wife of George Kastl a daughter.

Sep 12, 1889, pg 4, col 3

Married: On the 11th at the home of the bride’s parents 2 miles west of Devon, R.A. Reynolds and Miss Effie M. Hall, Rev. Dollson officiating. About thirty of the immediate friends of the contracting parties were in attendance.

Sep 26, 1889, pg 4, col 3

Married: We are exceedingly gratified to record the marriage of Mr. J.W. Shaffer of Deerfield, Mo. and Miss Grace Myrick of Stanton township, last Thursday evening [Sep 19] at 7:30 o’clock. The ceremony was performed by Rev. H.L. Dizmang of this city. The bride is a daughter of F.D. Myrick and a young lady of rare accomplishments. The groom is a young man, prosperous and of good business ability. The wedding was a very quiet and beautiful one, only a few of the immediate friends of the family being invited. After the ceremony was performed all repaired to the dining room where a most excellent repast awaited them. The happy married couple were the recipients of many fine presents. Friday they departed for a visit east, after which they will make Ft Scott their home. [Submitted by H.L. Dizmang]

Oct 17, 1889, pg 1, col 3

Born: On the 15th, to the wife of Jacob Masterson of Harding a son.

pg 4, col 2

Married: On Thursday evening, the 10th at the residence of Wm Nesbitt in this city was solemnized the marriage of their daughter, Alma, and Mr. Frank Moyer of this city. The affair was a very quiet one throughout and witnessed by only the members of the family, Rev. Gray of Ft. Scott officiating. The many friends of the happy couple are joined by the Dispatch in wishing them much happiness.

Nov 14, 1889, pg 1, col 3

Died: At his residence west of the city on the 12th of injuries received some time since by a bull Mr. Allan Stewart. The deceased was a man who held the respect of all who knew him by his sterling qualities and good conduct. His untimely departure is mourned by all his friends.

Nov 21, 1889 pg 1, col 2

Born: On the 15th to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Summers a son, Dr. Tippie attending physician.

pg 1, col 3

Married: Wednesday, Nov. 20 J.H. Lough and Miss Georgie Myrick. The contracting parties were joined together in the Holy bonds of Matrimony at the Hotel Bartleson in Mound City by Probate Judge Estep. Quite a number of friends were present to witness the ceremony. The happy couple will leave next Monday for Seattle W.T., the home of Mr. Lough.

pg 4, col 3

Married: "Marriage in High Life at Xenia" - Miss Nellie Stephenson, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.D. Stephenson was united in marriage with Mr. J.P. Decker, the able and efficient post master at Xenia, Thursday last [Nov 14] at two p.m. Rev. P.G. Clark officiating. The happy couple were the recipients of many useful presents from their friends who unite with us in wishing them a happy life. They took the train for Leavenworth where the parents of the groom reside. The bride is well and favorably known as a leading belle of Xenia, while the groom is known as an exemplary young businessman.

Dec 5, 1889 pg 1, col 3

Died: In Hepler, Nov. 25, 1889, Edith Pearl, aged 3 years and nine months, daughter of George and Carrie Lewis. Thus one by one their little ones are taken away. This being the third one in six years. May God comfort and bless the sorrowing parents, for this is the saddest blow of all. Little Edith was a bright loving child, the pet of the household, and loved by all who knew the little one. Funeral services were conducted at the house by Rev. Feink of Hepler, after which remains were interred in the Hepler cemetery. [Hepler Times]

pg 1, col 4

Died: We are called upon to chronicle the departure of one of our promising young men, Walter Britton, aged twenty-five at San Antonio, Texas on the 3rd of this week of consumption. The funeral services were conducted at the Presbyterian church today at ten o’clock by Rev. L.M. Rhoades. A large concourse of friends of the deceased followed to the cemetery to witness the last sad rites. The deceased was the son of Mrs. J.B. Britton of this place and was born and grew to manhood in Mapleton. He was a graduate of the state University, and had been engaged for some years before his death at the daily papers of Topeka and St Louis as reporter and city editor. He was well educated, and very successful in his calling. The sorrowing relatives are joined by their many friends in sympathy for this untimely decease.

Dec 19 pg 1, col 2

Married: On the evening of Dec 3, at the residence of Mr. Thos. Pinkerston by Rev. D.A. Young, Mr. M.T. Young and Miss Mintie Wasson, both of Mapleton. The Dispatch unites with the many friends of the happy couple in wishing much happiness.

pg 4, col 1

Died: N.Y. Judd on the 16th at his residence in this city of diptheretic tonsilitis after an illness of a few days. The deceased leaves a family of a wife and five children. The funeral was conducted from the Presbyterian church by Rev. L.M. Rhoades yesterday morning. The many friends of the deceased will sadly miss his genial presence and willing hands, while the bereaved family will have the sympathy of the entire community.

Jan 2, 1890 pg 1, col 2

Died: The family of Howard Kendrick of Avondale lost a child the 21st [of Dec]. pg 1, col 3 Died: Mrs. John Armstrong of Mound City township on the 28th [of Dec]. The deceased was the wife of one of the old settlers of this state and held the respect and esteem of all who knew her. The funeral was held at the residence of the 30th [of Dec] and the remains interred in the Pleasant View cemetery.

Jan 16, 1890, pg 1, col 2

Married: On the 14th at the Baptist Church in Devon. Mr. Jesse B. Moore and Miss Nellie Wiltse, Eld. Dizmang officiating. The bride and groom are both well known and highly respected citizens of Mill Creek township and start out on the voyage of life with the most favorable auspices.

Jan 30, 1890, pg 4, cols 2 & 3

At the family residence in this city at 3 o’clock p.m. Thursday, the 23rd, Mrs. O.F. Himes, aged 56 years, 5 months and 5 days. The funeral will take place from the M.E. church today, at 3 p.m., Rev. J.E. Whitehead officiating, and the body will be interred in the Marmaton cemetery south of Mapleton. The deceased was born in Ohio, was twice married, her first husband being a Mr. Knowles and the second Mr. O.F. Himes who survives her. Her last marriage took place at Mapleton in 1866. She leaves four children living - two sons and two daughters, one of them, Mrs. M.T. Kite being the fruit of her second marriage. She was suddenly stricken with paralysis while in the midst of her household duties and apparently enjoying the very best of health. Anxious friends and relatives and her family physician were prompt in their efforts to relieve her sufferings and restore her to health, but all human aid proved unavailing and she passed away quietly without being conscious of the sorrow the tears and sympathy of those who ministered unto her. [Fulton Independ’t] [NB: Mrs. Himes, née Jane Babbitt, is actually buried in Fulton’s Fairview Cemetery, Row 7, with other members of her family. Contact Ellen Knowles Bisson ( for more information on this family.]

Feb 8, 1890, pg 1, col 1

Born: On the 24th [of Jan] to Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Green a 10 pound boy. Both mother and child doing well.

Feb 13, 1890, pg 1, col 2

Died: At the family residence near Redfield on the 9th Mrs. Robert Starne of pneumonia. The deceased was aged 33 years and six months and leaves a husband and three children who are joined by their many friends in their sorrow.

Feb 20, 1890

Born: On the 13th to Mr. and Mrs. Tom Johnson a son.

Mar 6, 1890, pg 1, col 4

Married: Albert G. Alford and Miss Cora A. Parton, of Stanton were married at Judge Estep’s office, Feb 25th. The young people are well and favorably known in the locality. The Progress joins their many friends in wishing them a happy and prosperous journey through life. [Mound City Progress]

Died: On the 2nd at the residence of Wm. Hartman of this city, of la grippe, Mr. Alford Hartman, father of our townsman, Wm. Hartman. The funeral ceremonies were conducted by Eld. Dizmang at the Christian church on Monday [Feb 3], the remains being interred in the Mapleton cemetery.

Mar 13, 1890, pg 1, col 5

Died: On March 10th, in the evening, Sterling Graham, colored, passed quietly from this life. The deceased was born a slave in the state of Kentucky in the year of 1800. In 1840 he bought himself, his wife and one child with money he earned on Sundays. In 1871 he removed to Kansas where he has resided ever since. He leaves a wife, three sons, and three daughters.

Tom & Carolyn Ward
Columbus, KS

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