REEL #R170/KSHS Microfilm Collection


Redfield Herald
April - October 1905

Bourbon County’s Redfield Herald was a weekly newspaper. The first issue, dated April 8, 1905, was published on Saturdays, with W.E. Stockmyer [referred to as Edd], as Editor. In October 1905, when Mr. and Mrs. Stockmyer left Kansas for New Mexico, publication changed from Saturdays to Fridays and J. Frank Pool replaced Mr. Stockmyer as Editor. At that point, the paper was considerably expanded; in addition to community news, coverage also included courthouse news and property transfers/deeds. Another editorial change occurred in October 1906 when Mr. Pool retired and Harry E. Luman became Editor. These extracts have been copied as accurately as possible, but errors may still occur. Minor printing errors have been corrected, but otherwise the information is presented as it originally appeared. Please consult the individual reel to verify an item. I do not have any further information about these individuals or families. Contributed by Ellen Knowles Bisson (

Apr 8, 1905

pg 2, col 4

Died: Nellie I. Anderson was born in Lawrence, Kansas, Feb. 22, 1873. Died April 3, 1905, aged 31 years, 1 month and 12 days. She was married to Harmon Jackman, September 16, 1890. She leaves a husband, five small children, father, five sisters and four brothers to mourn their loss. She accepted Christ as her Savior when about 16 years of age. The funeral was conducted by Rev. Caldwell at the Rockford Valley church and the body was laid to rest in the Mt. Orum cemetery.

pg 5, col 1

Born: J. Folk and wife are the parents of a son, born March 22nd. [Berlin news]

Apr 15, 1905, pg 6

col 1

Died: John Clay, aged 78 years, died quite suddenly Wednesday evening, Apr. 5th, at the family home at Berlin, supposedly of heart disease. His death was a surprise to his family as well as near neighbors, he having been complaining only one day. The end came while sitting in a chair. His wife was in an adjoining room, hearing a noise she hastened to him and found him lying on the floor and life was extinct. The funeral services, conducted by Rev. Harrell were held at the schoolhouse Friday, after which a large concourse of relatives and friends followed his remains to their final resting in Dayton cemetery. The pall bearers were: Messrs. M. Bowers, J.G. Moore, J. Baker, E. Leslie, A. Eaton and J. Green. Grandpa Clay was an old settler here and will be greatly missed in the community. He had been a member of the U. B. church for many years and always took an active interest in religious work. He was born in Richland Co., Ohio. After his marriage to Elizabeth Brillhart, they moved to Missouri. Came to Kansas in 1859 and settled on the farm where he died. Of near relatives he leaves an aged wife, one daughter, Mrs. A.P. Leslie, and several grandchildren. Several children have preceded him to the other world. The community extends sympathy.

col 2

Died: John W. Wells Dead. Died in California - Paralysis Cause of Death - John W. Wells, who was among the first settlers in this county, died at his home in Florence, California, on the 24th day of last month. Mr. Wells had a stroke of paralysis about two years ago, from the effects of which he never recovered. Funeral services were held at the home, on Sunday, March 26th, the funeral sermon being preached by the presiding elder of the Methodist church, of which Mr. Wells was a member, and the remains were laid to rest in the cemetery near his home. Mr. Wells was 76 years old at the time of his death. Mr. Wells came to this county in 1855, and soon settled on the farm that joins town on the south east, and lived on that farm till three years ago when he sold it to R.M. Joyce, the present owner, and went with his family to southern California. He was at one time one of the most prominent and well to do farmers and stock raisers in this county. He reared a large family of children, who all formerly lived here, but who are now scattered to different parts of the country. The writer has known Mr. Wells as far back almost as memory goes, and knew him as an honorable, honest man, and a good citizen. Peace to the ashes of "Uncle Johny" as he was hailed by his many friends here who have known him so long. (Uniontown News)

Apr 22, 1905

pg 1, col 2

Died: Boy Accidentally Killed - G.A. Konantz this afternoon received from his Bronson representative news of a distressing accident that occurred at the home of William Finley. Roy Finley, the little 12-year-old son of Mr. Finley, was accidentally killed. He was shot through the forehead with a 22-caliber target rifle, killing him instantly. The accident occurred last Friday afternoon. The little fellow together with several playmates, was shooting at a target. After dinner, resuming the play, Roy was anxious to get the first shot, so he rushed out, caught up the rifle by the muzzle and pulled it toward him. The trigger caught on something and discharged, the bullet striking him in the forehead. The funeral was held Saturday afternoon and interment was made in the Bronson cemetery. (Ft. Scott Daily Tribune) Wm. Finley formerly lived north of here on Dry Ridge, and his many friends will regret to learn of this sad misfortune.

pg 2, col 1

Died: Ephraim Kepley Dead - At his farm home in Mill Creek Tp., Tuesday evening Apr. 11th, 1905, Ephraim Kepley passed away quite suddenly, of heart failure, aged 79 years. He had been ill about three weeks but his family thought him not dangerous and he seemed to be improving almost up to the time of his death. A short funeral service, conducted by Rev. Caldwell of Redfield, was held at the house at noon, Friday, after which the remains were taken in charge by the Masonic Fraternity of which he was an esteemed member, and were laid to rest in Dayton cemetery under the auspices of that order. His membership was held in Devon Lodge No. 92. They invited Fort Scott Lodge to assist in the ceremonies. Many visiting Masons from a distance attended to take part in the last sad rites of their departed brother. The floral offerings were lovely and profuse, completely covering the handsome casket. Grandpa Kepley was the oldest settler in this community, having moved here from Missouri in 1855. He was born in North Carolina on February 13, 1826. Married Jane Pipkin in 1849. They were the parents of fourteen children, nine of whom are living, all grown and married. All attended the funeral except one son, E.P., who is in Texas and the great distance made it impossible for him to be present. J.L. and Mrs. A. Johnson live near the old homestead here, R.B. and Mrs. O.E. Hungate in Topeka, Mrs. S.A.D. Elmore in Galt, Mo., Mrs. J.A. Fitzpatrick in ___, Ok., and Mesdames J.R. Stewart and C.O. Bolinger in Iola. Friends came from far and near to pay their last respects to their friend and neighbor, the funeral being much the largest ever held in this vicinity. He was one of the wealthiest and most prominent farmers in the county and in his demise it has lost a citizen whose place can never be filled. He was an upright, honest and industrious man and was loved by all who associated with him. No one ever went to Father Kepley in a deserving and contrite manner and went away empty handed. He thought not of self, but his whole aim was for the welfare and advancement of family and friends. Our tenderest sympathy is extended to the many bereaved relatives, and especially to the aged and afflicted [widow] who has lost so devoted a companion, whose fondest thought was that her every wish and pleasure might have been anticipated. May God in His infinite mercy help her to bear up under this, her great sorrow. [Berlin news]

Apr 29, 1905, pg 1

col 3

Died: Mrs. Ed Land died in Bronson last Wednesday at about 7 p.m. We extend our sympathy to the bereaved husband and parents.

Died: Tuesday, Mrs. Sarah M. Cox received the sad news informing her that her son Thomas, who has been suffering with consumption for quite a while and was taken to New Mexico, had died and would be shipped back here for burial in the Woods graveyard northwest of town.

col 4

Died: At the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson, of near Bronson, at a late hour on Wednesday, after an illness of stomach trouble. About ten days ago Mrs. Land was taken from her home at Bandera to the home of her parents in the hope of a change, and it was thought it might be a benefit to her. Funeral services were held at Bronson at 2:30 Friday and interment made in the Bronson cemetery. The deceased was a faithful member of the Baptist church at Bronson, of which she was organist for a number of years. The Herald extends its sympathy to the grief stricken husband, parents and many friends.

May 6, 1905, pg 6, col 2

Died: Thomas Bruce Cox was born near Longton, Kansas, March 11, 1883. The first few years of his life were spent on the farm where he was born. He was four years old when his father died, and he moved to Longton a few years later with his mother, brother and three sisters. There he attended school for several years. He was always a bright, happy boy, loved by everyone who knew him. Later his people moved to Fredonia, Kansas, but moved again with his mother, brother and sisters to Iola, Kans., where he lived for nearly three years before his health became so greatly impaired that his physician advised a change of climate as the only hope of recovery, and recommended Roswell, New Mexico, to which place he went about six weeks ago, accompanied by his brother, who was his faithful and loving nurse and companion through all his sickness. He was always cheerful and hopeful, never permitting himself to be discouraged, but all the time felt sure he would regain his health. He passed out of life as he had lived it — happy and cheerful to the last. His death occurred at Roswell, New Mexico, Monday evening, Apr. 24th, at the age of 22 years, 1 month, and 13 days. He leaves his mother, one brother, two sisters and many relatives and friends to mourn him. And on May 13, a Card of Thanks @ pg 1, col 4, signed by Mrs. S. M. Cox, W.A. Cox, Daisy Cox, Maud Cox, and Clarence Pool.

May 27, 1905, pg 1

col 2

Died: Mrs. Adam Hamm Dead. Dies Very Suddenly - Sarah M. Gardner was born in Hendricks county, Indiana, September 25, 1849. Died May 24, 1905, at the age of 55 years and 8 months. She moved with her parents to Kansas in February, 1879; was married to Adam E. Hamm, September 28, 1879. To this union were born five children, of whom four are living. She was converted in early life and united with the Christian church. After she moved to Kansas she united with the M.E. church at Mount Zion, of which she was a faithful member at the time of her death. She leaves a husband, four children, three brothers and one sister to mourn her loss. She was in her usual health until a few hours before the death message came. When hurrying with medicine to the relief of a sick neighbor, she was stricken and passed away without regaining consciousness. Truly, "In the midst of life we are in Death." Funeral services were conducted by her pastor, T.J. Caldwell, assisted by Revs. Green and Ramsey, at the Mount Zion church, attended by a large congregation. Interment at Mount Zion cemetery. And @ Jun 3, 1905, pg 1, col 2, a Card of Thanks signed by: A.E. Hamm, W.D. Hamm, Edmund Hamm, Kate Hamm, Marshal Hamm, Carl Hamm, Mattie Hamm and Myrtle Hamm.

col 4

Married: Monday afternoon Rev. Caldwell united in the holy bonds of matrimony Miss Pearl Sheppard, of Centerville, and Mr. Lee Larkins, formerly of the same place, but now resides in Kansas City, where he with his brother conducts a restaurant. These are well known people of the community mentioned and both have a host of friends.

Jun 10, 1905, pg 8, col 2

Married: We have been informed of the marriage of Andy Hawkins and Ivy Lotta, both formerly of Redfield, but are now in Elk Grove, California. The Herald wishes them a long happy union together.

Jun 24, 1905, pg 1, col 4

Married: On last Wednesday, Dick Kelley and Pearl Duncan, drove to Mr. J.S. Petts and wanted to be united in the holy bonds of wedlock, but Mr. Petts had to turn them down on account of not being a justice of the peace. They drove to Uniontown and were married there. Mr. Kelly [sic] is at present employed at Gas City where they will reside.

Jul 1, 1905, pg 3, col 1

Died: We just received word that Mr. Sam Reeder is dead. We extend sympathy to relatives and friends. [Devon news] And on Jul 8, 1905, pg 3, col 1: Rev. Howard preached Samuel Reeder’s funeral at the school house Sunday morning. [Berlin news]

Jul 15, 1905, pg 8, col 4

Married: Willie Dwyer and Susie Oxinger were married last Saturday. We wish them a bright and happy future. [Devon news]

Jul 22, 1905, pg 1, col 4

Died: Jacob Beerbower, a former Redfield resident who has relatives living in this county, was killed in a mine in Cripple Creek last Thursday, and his body was brought home by his 12 year old son, Roy Beerbower.

Jul 29, 1905, pg 1, col 4

Married: Orla Marquis and Nellie Beerbower, on Sunday, July 23, at Ft. Scott.

Married: Miss Ethel Graham, of Devon, and John W. Powels, of the same place, at Ft. Scott, Tuesday, July 25. [See below for what appears to be a 2nd notice of the same marriage]

Married: Tena Maddux and Council Newberry, both of Ft. Scott, on Thursday, July 20, at Ft. Scott.

Aug 5, 1905

pg 2, col 2

Married: Howard Powles [sic] and Miss Ethel Graham were married on Tuesday. A crowd of about 50 persons gave them quite a loud chiavari Thursday night. They gave a nice treat and all enjoyed themselves.

pg 4, col 1

Married: At Ft. Scott, Kan., Aug. 2nd, Mr. Delbert Reeder and Miss Mary Wyland. The groom is a well respected gentleman of near Devon, where he has grown to manhood. The bride is also well known at Harding, where she has resided since childhood.

Aug 12, 1905, pg 1, col 4

Married: At the home of the bride’s parents at six o’clock Sunday evening, Miss Myrtie Harbor and Mr. Edgar Hamilton were married by Rev. Caldwell in the presence of about twenty-five relatives and friends of the family. After the ceremony ice cream and cake were served. The couple have lived here since childhood and are respected by all who know them. They received some nice presents. Clock, Mr. and Miss Johnson of Fort Scott; bed spread, bride’s sister and brothers; set of plates, W.H. Fundenberger; glass set, Mrs. W. H. Fundenberger; silver tea spoons, Miss Maggie Fundenberger; towels, Bertha Fundenberger; berry set, Clara Fundenberger; water set, Grace Luman; bread plate, Mr. and Mrs. Green; Delft pitcher, Icy Green; wash bowl and pitcher, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Nichols; set of glasses, Mrs. Caldwell; syrup mug, Leaman Davis; berry set, Mr. and Mrs. Comstock; table cloth, Mr. and Mrs. Smith; China servers, Elmer Fundenberger; a volume of wedding chimes, Rev. Caldwell. Also @ col 3, Kitchen Shower: Moved by some grave suspicion, Mrs. Caldwell’s Sunday School class purchased some tinware and drove to the home of Myrtle Harbor. The surprise was complete. They teased her awhile and departed, leaving their best wishes and twenty pieces of useful kitchen furniture.

Aug 19, 1905, pg 2, col 1

Died: The sad news came to us on Sunday evening at 9:30 that the little daughter of Newt. Johnson and wife was taken away into a sleep that none but God can awake. She will be greatly missed by friends and relatives. Clara was 1 year, 9 months and 26 days old. We extend our sympathy to the bereaved parents. Same ¶: Konantz, of Ft. Scott, attended to the remains of little Clara Johnson. Rev. Eubanks conducted the services, at the Devon M.E. Church, Monday afternoon at 3:30. She was laid to rest in the Centerville cemetery.

Aug 26, 1905, pg 4, col 1

Died: At the early hour of 7 o’clock, the sad news was phone all along our line of the death of Mr. Jacob Gross. He had been seriously ill for some time but it was a great shock to his relatives and friends to learn of his death. He was one of the first settlers of this county and will be greatly missed by all. He was prepared to go. The family has sympathy extended to them. [Devon news]

Sep 9, 1905

pg 1, col 3

Born: W.I. Whiteside and wife are the happy parents of a girl.

Died: Emily C. Hardwick was born in Hardin county, Ohio, September 24, 1848. She was united in marriage to James F. Hall, April 16, 1869. To that union was born 11 children, 9 of whom are living - 6 boys and 3 girls. She united with the M.E. church about 20 years ago. Died, August 28, 1905, aged 56 years, 11 months and 4 days. Her husband preceded her in death about 14 years ago. Funeral services were conducted by her pastor, Rev. Caldwell, at the Walnut Hill church.

pg 1, col 4

Married: At Ft. Scott, Sat. Aug. 26, at 2:30 p.m. at the residence of the bride’s brother, B.B. Dunham, 838 South Main Street, Miss Zola Dunham, of Ft. Scott, and Mr. Merril D. Jones of Parsons, were united in the holy bonds of wedlock by Rev. Kirkpatrick, of the south side. Miss Dunham is the daughter of the photographer, on National Ave. and is a very popular young lady. Mr. Jones is a painter by trade, now in the employ of the Frisco R.R. at Kansas City. The wedding was a surprise to the many friends and relatives of the couple and only a very few relatives were present. [B.B. Dunham is identified elsewhere as Bert Dunham.]

pg 4, col 4

Died: Mrs. White Dead - J.V. Howell and wife have returned from Douglas, Kans., whither they had been called on account of the serious illness of Mrs. Josephine White, Mrs. Howell’s mother, and the wife of Enoch White. Mrs. White was here recently visiting her old friends, as the family moved from here to Douglas, a few years ago. Shortly after Mrs. White returned home from here, she had an attack of cholera morbus, from which she never recovered. She died on Tuesday, Aug. 29th. Mrs. White had scores of friends here who are pained to learn of her death. She was at the time of her death a member in good standing in the Knights and Ladies of Security and Degree of Honor and held her membership in both lodges here. She carried $2000 insurance in the former lodge which is made payable to her daughters, Mrs. Jas. Howell, of this place, and to Mrs. Jas. Young, of Oklahoma ($1000 each). In the latter lodge, she carried $1000 insurance, which was made payable to her husband.

Sep 23, 1905, pg 3, col 1

Married: Mr. Bellows and a young lady of Crescent were married this week. [Devon news]

Sep 30, 1905

pg 1, col 2

Died: Mrs. Toler Dead - On Sept. 27th Mrs. Julia Toler, who has been a sufferer for a number of years with rheumatism, passed from this life to her reward. There has probably never been a case in this community where a person has suffered so long and so intensely as has Mrs. Toler. She died at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Pierce, where she has been making her home for the past year. The funeral was held Wednesday at the Methodist church, and by her request Rev. Woods preached the funeral sermon. Mrs. Toler had no relatives here, but a host of friends, who, while sad because of her departure, are glad that she at last has found relief. The patient life of Mrs. Toler will make an impression on the life of her many devoted friends, and will aid them in enduring the ills of this life. Her Christian experience was bright before her to the last, and she is now at rest.

pg 1, col 3

Married: Sunday, at 3 o’clock, at the home of the bride, Mr. Edward Crosby and Miss Cora Ramsey were united in marriage by Rev. Gray. And @ pg 4, col 2: Mr. Edward Crosby and Miss Cora Ramsey were married at the home of the bride’s parents in Redfield last Sunday afternoon at 3:00 o’clock, Rev. T.R. Gray, of Uniontown, officiating. There was no one present but the immediate relatives of the bride and groom. [Uniontown news]

Oct 20, 1905

pg 10, col 3

Divorced: The following couples were granted divorces by Judge Simons in District Court: Walker McGee and Belle McGee; George Taylor and Ethel Taylor; George Williamson and Polly Williamson; James Dorsey and Lucy Dorsey; Jessie Polsgrove Hepler and Dr. A.H. Hepler; Lena Cox and Leonard Cox; Mary C. Enloe and Thomas G. Enloe; Pearl Wise and John Wise; Clara Wise and James Wise; Mabel C. Poorman and John Poorman; Mary Jameson and Rev. A.D. Jameson; Cora Foster and Judson Foster; Huda Weed and Harry Weed. [Consult Reel #R170 for additional information.]

pg 13, col 1

Died: The sad news of the death of Joseph G. Hull, who came to Kansas from Illinois and lived in this locality about thirty years ago on a farm which is now a part of the Draper farm. When he left here he went to Idaho, where he has continuously resided until his death. At the time of his death he was at his daughter’s, Mrs. Daisy Allen, of Cornwallis, Montana. He died very suddenly from a stroke of paralysis. The deceased was a brother of Uncle Johnny and Mrs. Nancy Copes.

pg 13, col 3

Died: Mr. Jack Hixon lost a little child with diphtheria last Friday. We offer our heartfelt sympathy in his bereavement. [Devon news]

Died: Mr. Porter Griffith, who has been sick for some time, died Saturday morning. The remains were taken to Kincaid for burial. [Osage Valley news]

pg 14, col 2

Born: A brand new baby boy greeted Walter Huffine and wife on the morning of the 12th [of October]. [Garland news]

Oct 27, 1905

pg 2, col 2

Died: Goldie, the bright little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Moore, died Oct. 23, of membraneous croup. She had been sick only a few days when she was taken home to answer the call "suffer little children to come unto me, for of such is the kingdom of heaven." She leaves a father and mother, sister and brother to mourn her loss. [Mapleton news]

pg 2, col 3

Married: We understand that Mr. Jerry Post and Miss May Kendrick of Harding, have launched their ship and are now calmly sailing o’er life’s matrimonial seas. Sort of surprised us, Jerry, but we extend congratulations.

pg 13, col 1 [Probate Court news]

Marriage Licenses:

Oct 24 - Fred A. Geisenheiner of Rosendale, Mo., and Susan A. Rearick of South Mound, Kansas.

Oct 25 - Frederick F. Farmer and Bertha I. Stroud, both of Fort Scott. [See Marriage @ Nov 3, 1905, pg 10, col 2]

Married: Oct 25 - Oliver Baker and Stella Smith, both of Arcadia, were married by the probate judge.

Nov 3, 1905, pg 2, col 2

Married: Rev. and Mrs. E.M. Griffith of the First Baptist church, Fort Scott, were tendered a wedding reception by the members of the church Monday evening. Dr. Porter, of the Fort Scott Ministers Association, and a prince among men, addressed congratulatory words to the bride and groom as did also several members of Rev. Griffith’s church.

Died: Mrs. Hannah Warbasse, wife of E. Warbasse, the Fort Scott hardware dealer, is dead. Mrs. Warbasse was held in high esteem by every one in this city and our people grieve with the afflicted husband and family in their loss.

pg 4, col 1

Born: Will Fielder has a new girl at his home. She arrived Friday morning.

pg 4, col 2

Married: We are told of the marriage of Miss Jessie Chamberlain to a man named Chas. Potter, of Yuma, Arizona. Miss Chamberlain formerly lived here and a host of friends join in wishing her success.

pg 6, col 3

Died: Mrs. Marietta Cook, wife of Joseph Cook, president of The Bank of Moran, and cashier of The Bank of Bronson, died last Wednesday evening at the family home in Bronson. There was no better wife and there is no better man in Bourbon county than Joe Cook, and in his great bereavement he has the unanimous and earnest sympathy of this community.

Married: W.W. Lampton, a well known engineer on the Frisco, and Miss Florence Pasley, of Arcadia, were married last Thursday and are now residing at Mr. Lampton’s new home, No. 224 South Broadway. On the same day, Mr. Lampton’s popular daughter, Miss Maud Lampton, and Mr. P.L. Cummings were united in the holy bonds of wedlock. The Lampton family is evidently inclined to do the right thing and we wish all of the participants in the above mentioned happy events, a prosperous journey through life.

pg 6, col 4

Died: M. F. Kite, the venerable father of M.T. Kite, the Fort Scott foundryman, died in a tent on the bank of the Marmaton river on Tuesday. The elder Mr. Kite was in the habit of going on long fishing trips and owing to his great age the exposure was too much for him and he succumbed to a sudden attack of pneumonia before it was possible to remove him to a shelter. We extend our sincere sympathy to the bereaved son and family.

pg 10, col 1

Died: Grace, the ten year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N.S. Emrick, succumbed to an illness of only a few days duration. On Friday she was at school and on the following Thursday, she with her casket were laid on the grave. Much sympathy abounds. [Garland news]

pg 10, col 2

Married: Miss Bertha Stroud, one of the popular girls on Route 1, was united in marriage to Fred T. Farmer of Fort Scott, at the bride’s home, on the evening of October 25. The bride is the daughter of G. Stroud, a prominent farmer of Drywood township. The groom is well known here and we join their numerous friends in extending congratulations and blessings. [Garland news]

Died: The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. Stroud was buried at Dayton cemetery Sunday. [Oak Dale news]

pg 13, col 3

Died: A Bad Accident Resulting in the Death of Miss Lillian Sherman - The sad news of the death of Miss Lillian Sherman, which occurred on the night of the 21st of October, at Yuma, Arizona, has been received. Miss Sherman was well known by all the old settlers of this community, she having lived here many years ago. She seems to have had more than her share of misfortunate since she left here. A few years ago she was the only sufferer in Gila Bend from a cyclone, which struck that town, blew several buildings down and imbedded her under the timbers of one of them, causing a lameness from which she never fully recovered. A few days before her death she was riding in a wagon driven by a small boy, when the team became frightened and ran away. The boy being too small to curb the horses, either she jumped or was thrown out, on account of her lameness, and being badly frightened she clung to her seat and as they were going at a break-neck speed down a road the wagon came in contact with a lot of rocks which lined the road, throwing it five feet in the air, parting it from the horses and turning completely over, and falling on top of Miss Sherman, who was thrown into the air when the wagon was. She was removed to the home of her sister, Mrs. M.E. Marvin, where everything that could be done for the relief of the sufferer was done. She seemed to be doing nicely and there was strong hope of her recovery. But in moving and lifting her the day she died, it seemed to throw her into a nervous chill or shock, from which she never rallied. The day that she left this world a dear friend of hers was to have been married and she was to have given her a pretty home wedding; the flowers were ordered, but were used for her funeral instead. She was dearly beloved by all and was her father’s particular favorite. Mr. Sherman and family certainly have the sincere sympathy of their friends in this community. Also, on Nov 10, 1905, @ pg 10, cols 1 & 2: The following we take from the Arizona Sentinel. Miss Sherman has many friends here and all are touched by the sad accident: "There has been no greater shock to this community for many years than that which all classes of people of this community felt last Saturday when the news was heralded that Miss Lillian D. Sherman, who had been violently thrown from a wagon by a runaway team of horses a few days before, had passed away. When the accident occurred it was said she could not survive long, but as the days passed the public was informed that hope was strengthening for her ultimate recovery, but on Saturday morning a change for the worse came, and in the evening of that day amidst the tears and grief of her friends she bade adieu to earth and passed into the beyond. Lillian D. Sherman was born in Uniontown, Kansas, March 14th, 1872. Her mother died in October, 1883, leaving her with the care of two small sisters. Undaunted by the cares and responsibilities thus thrown upon her so early in life, she and her older sister cheerfully took up the work in their father’s family, caring for their younger sisters tenderly and well while they all grew up together. Her father came with her and her sisters to Gila Bend in December, 1892, where they resided until September, 1899, her oldest sister in the meantime marrying Rev. J.A. Crouch. While living in Gila Bend she was seriously injured in a windstorm from the effects of which she was made permanently lame, but her cheerful, happy disposition was not in the least changed and she scarcely ever referred to her misfortune. In September, 1899, she came to Yuma, where she lived and worked in helping to build up this community until her death. The funeral took place on Monday from her family residence, the house which she had caused to be built from the fruits of her own diligent and faithful efforts. The business house where she had been employed was closed, and flags were at half0mast out of respect to the deceased, and her remains were followed to the cemetery by the largest number of friends who ever in Yuma gently bore a loved one to her last resting place, an evidence of the respect and love she shared in this community. May God bless her throughout all the eternities and may the sweet influence of her life always remain with us to cheer and aid us in being faithful to our trusts in life. And may we all have faith to believe that death, to her is but the opening of the door into everlasting joy."

pg 13, col 4

Died: Little Lucy Hartman, the only daughter of J.W. and Mattie Hartman, died with diphtheria at their home Tuesday morning, Oct. 24, at one o’clock. She was born January 3, 1902. Lucy was a sweet spirited lovely child. She was taken sick on Wednesday night with a cold which developed into diphtheria. Though loving hands and medical skill did all that could be done, the little darling rapidly failed and passed away. And oh! Too true her little sayings and sunny face will not be forgotten by her parents and aunts who waited on her during her sickness. She was so good and patient and was conscious to the last. The funeral was held at the house on Tuesday at 3 P.M., by Rev. Caldwell of Redfield and the remains were laid away in the family grave yard on Turkey Creek. We join in extending our heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved parents. Signed: Her Aunt, Georgia Anderson. Also @ col 3: We wish to offer our sincere thanks to our friends for the kindness shown and assistance rendered at our home during the illness and death of our beloved child, Lucy. We respectfully thank those who, in the rain, aided at the grave. We not only thank those who gave the beautiful flowers for the casket, but will ever remember you kindly as little Lucy’s love for flowers could hardly be told. Signed: John W. Hartman and Wife.

pg 14, col 2

Died: John Harmon was born at Alsac[e], Germany, June 26, 1826, died at Fort Scott, Kansas, Oct. 25, 1905, aged 79 years, 4 months, 15 days. He came to America in 1832 and settled in New York. In 1854, he located in Ohio, and in 1856 he moved to Illinois. In 1866 he came to Bourbon county, Kan., and located one and one-half miles Northwest of Garland, and has lived within or near the town ever since. He was a carpenter and many of the houses in this town were built by him. He was converted when a boy and was a member of the M.E. church at this place. He was an honest man and worshiped with his people many years. He has been a great sufferer for the last two years. A wife and ten children survive him. The funeral services were held on October 27th at 3 P.M., at the home church in Garland and conducted by the pastor, Rev. C.E. West who gave an excellent discourse on the philosophy of life. The Interment was made at the Clarksburg cemetery.

November 1905

Tom & Carolyn Ward
Columbus, KS

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