REEL #R170/KSHS Microfilm Collection


Redfield Herald
September - October 1906

Bourbon County’s Redfield Herald was a weekly newspaper. The first issue, dated April 8, 1905, was published on Saturdays, with W.E. Stockmyer [referred to as Edd], as Editor. In October 1905, when Mr. and Mrs. Stockmyer left Kansas for New Mexico, publication changed from Saturdays to Fridays and J. Frank Pool replaced Mr. Stockmyer as Editor. At that point, the paper was considerably expanded; in addition to community news, coverage also included courthouse news and property transfers/deeds. Another editorial change occurred in October 1906 when Mr. Pool retired and Harry E. Luman became Editor. These extracts have been copied as accurately as possible, but errors may still occur. Minor printing errors have been corrected, but otherwise the information is presented as it originally appeared. Please consult the individual reel to verify an item. I do not have any further information about these individuals or families. Contributed by Ellen Knowles Bisson (

Sep 7, 1906

pg 4, col 3 [Probate Court news]

Marriage Licenses:

Sep 1 - Rolla Littleton and Miss Loma Hogan of Fort Scott.

Sep 3 - Simon Settles and Miss Clarice Jones of Fort Scott.

pg 6, col 4

Married: The marriage of Miss Fleeta Bird, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Bird, formerly of this place, to Dr. William Roblyer, took place at the home of the bride’s parents in Clear Water Sunday, Sept. 2nd. Only the intimate friends of both families were present. The bride was tastefully attired in a beautiful dress of Alice blue taffeta silk, with white roses for ornaments. They were attended by the bride’s brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Will Bird, and the groom’s brother and sister, Mr. Ed Roblyer and Mrs. Young. Many handsome presents were received. Dr. and Mrs. Roblyer will spend a few days in Topeka with the groom’s parents, and will probably put in a couple of days in Uniontown, after which they will be at home to their friends in Clear Water after Sept. 15th. The bride was born in Uniontown, leaving here when a small girl, but she is remembered here as a sweet and pretty little girl. The groom, we understand, is a prosperous young dentist of Clear Water. The News wishes the happy couple many, many happy years of unalloyed pleasure and success in the life partnership which they have formed.

Died: Catherine Black was born in Mason County, Ills., May 5th, 1849, came to Kansas in 1858 or 59 and was married to John Wesley Tennyson in 1863 with whom she spent a congenial marital life until November 10, 1902, the date of his death. She died September 2nd, 1906, aged fifty-seven years, three months and twenty-eight days. She leaves to mourn her departure one brother, two sisters, two step-children and ten step-grandchildren, besides a host of nephews, nieces and friends. The funeral services ere held at Unity church Sept. 4th, at three o’clock p.m. and was conducted by Rev. Woods assisted by Rev. Ramsey, of Redfield. Mrs. Tennyson was a woman of strong character, will and determination, a follower of Christianity regardless of creed or society, and as far as she was able, a true philanthropist, using her means for the benefit of mankind wherever she thought it would do he most good. The community will miss her influence, her family will miss her advice, and the cause of Christianity will miss her encouragement and her friends will miss her kindly greeting. And @ col 3: Mrs. Catherine Tennyson passed away Sunday night about eleven o’clock. She regained her right mind before she died and made her will and settled up her business affairs. She also told how the accident happened. When her horses were tied to the hitching post one of them rubbed its bridle off and she did not notice it until she was in the buggy, then she started to turn them into the fence to stop them, as she could not control them at all, but noticing it was a wire fence, she endeavored to turn them [but] the buggy upset and caused the injury which resulted in her death. [Uniontown news] And @ Sep 14, pg 3, col 4, Probate News: Sep 5 - The last will and testament of Mrs. Catherine Tennyson was admitted to probate and Joseph Cook, of Bronson, was appointed executor.

pg 7, col 3

Married: At the Catholic church Wednesday morning at 6:30, Mr. H.A. Clark and Miss Mamie O’Brien were united in marriage, Father Leo officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Clark departed Wednesday afternoon on a trip of several weeks to various points in the south. Mr. Clark is a traveling man who has made this city his headquarters for several years. The bride is a member of one of Fort Scott’s best families and a very popular young lady. Mr. and Mrs. Clark will make Fort Scott their permanent home.

Sep 14, 1906

pg 2, col 3

Born: D.S. Palmer and wife are rejoicing over the advent of a little girl which arrived at their home Tuesday morning. Dr. Holeman says Deck will be all right in a few days.

pg 3, col 3

Died: James A. Hunt, a pioneer resident of Fort Scott, died suddenly on Saturday night and was buried from the family home, No. 7 north Holbrook street, on Tuesday morning. Rev. Evans officiating. [Fort Scott news]

Died: George C. Morgan, quite well known in Fort Scott and a member of the Scottish Rite of this city, died at Weir City Monday night. A number of Masons from this place attended the funeral services on Thursday at Weir City.

pg 3, col 4 [Probate Court news]

Marriage Licenses:

Sep 8 - Freeman F. Lyon, of Wichita, Kansas, and Miss Jennie Grace McCreedy, of Fort Scott.

Sep 9 - Oren E. Ryan, of Lamar, Mo., and Miss Ella J. Cox, of Richards, Mo. [see below for wedding details]

Sep 10 - Frank McNally, of Kansas City, Mo., and Miss Ollie Byers, of Hepler, Kansas.

Sep 11 - Clyde Brillhart, of Mapleton, Kas., and Miss Susie Delzell, of the same place.


Sep 5 - Married by the probate judge: Richard C. Johnston, of Paola, Kansas, and Miss Mable M. Wright, of Kansas City, Mo.; John Upton, of Bronson, Kansas, and Miss Della L. Gillham, of Beard, Kansas.

Sep 11 - Albert Monkres and Mable A. Hall, both of Nevada, Mo., were married by the probate judge.

pg 5, col 4

Died: An infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Claude McCracken, died last Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. McCracken reside in the country, four miles northeast of town.

Married: Mr. Oran Ryan, of Lamar, Mo., and Miss Ella Coe, of Richards, Mo., were married in this city Sunday. Rev. Vanorden, of the Presbyterian church, officiated. They will reside in Lamar, Mo., where Mr. Ryan is engaged in business.

pg 5, col 5

Married: Mr. D.D. Land, of Stafford, Kansas, and Miss Nora Routh, of Hiattville, were married at Baldwin, Kansas, last week. The bride is the daughter of A.M. Routh, the well known merchant at Hiattville. Mr. Land formerly resided at Redfield, this county. The young people will make their future home at Stafford.

Died: A.M. Ballou, a former resident of Fort Scott, died at Redlands, Cal., on Saturday. He was the father of Mrs. M.F. Jarrett, of Fort Scott. Mrs. Jarrett was on the eve of starting to California to visit her father, having received the information that his health was failing very fast. Shortly after she had decided to go there, a telegram came announcing the death of her father. Mr. Ballou was 79 years of age and had resided in California nearly two years. The body was interred in Redlands.

pg 6, col 3

Died: Matie Underwood was born in Schockland county, Ohio, September 9, 1879. At the age of 7 years she came with her parents to Kansas where she was reared to womanhood and married to John W. Hartman, Dec. 25, 1900, to which union were born two children, little Lucy, who preceded her mother to the great beyond scarce one year ago, and the 6-months-old baby which is left as the father’s only consolation. Mrs. Hartman died at 4 p.m. Wednesday, September 15, 1906 [sic]. If she had lived until Sunday she would have been 27 years old. The cause of death was typhoid fever. The funeral services took place at the late home of the deceased and was conducted by Rev. Caldwell, of Redfield, who made a very appropriate talk on the certainty of a future state and the necessity of preparing for it. The soft and impressive music was solemnly and sweetly rendered by Rev. Caldwell, wife and daughter, Mrs. Fred Bolinger and Miss Addie Ross, of Redfield, and Mrs. Wesley Shelton, of Centerville. The remains were followed by a great concourse of friends to the Holt cemetery and there interred. Death is always sad, no matter in what time of life it comes, but doubly so when it claims the mother in the flower of youth. To the young husband who a few short years ago on that merry Christmas night led his happy bride to the altar, to the grief-stricken parents who can never regain their loss, to the sorrowing brother and sisters whose circle has been broken and to the sweet little babe who was commended to the loving care of its grandmother, we offer our sincere sympathy. [Note: Given that this obituary appeared on Sep 14, 1906, it appears that the date of her death might have been Sep 5, obviously not the 15th as published.]

pg 7, col 2

Died: Another Honored Citizen Gone - As time passes by, the landmarks disappear. John Smith was born in Germany some sixty-one years ago. He came to Illinois when but a young man and settled near Chicago. He served a short time in the Civil war then came west to Leavenworth county, Kansas, where he married Miss Bower. He came to Bourbon county in the early seventies. Has been a quiet and industrious citizen and a good neighbor. He died September 6, after a short illness. He leaves a wife and eight children to mourn. Funeral services were held in Fulton at the Catholic church on September 8. Interment was made at St. Mitchell’s cemetery near Fulton. The bereaved have the sincere sympathy of the entire community. [Mapleton news]

Born: To Sam Mason and wife, a baby girl.

pg 7, col 3

Born: Charley Shull and wife are the parents of a new girl. [Redfield news]

Sep 21, 1906

pg 10, col 2

Married: Ernest E. Roberts, son of Mr. and Mrs. I.W. Roberts of this place, and Miss Edna Harmon of Osage City, were united in marriage at Parsons last week. They have good positions at the State hospital and will continue to reside there. A host of friends join ye editor in offering congratulations.

pg 10, col 3

Married: Wedding bells rang in merry cadence on Saturday, Sept. 15 at 2 p.m., and Edmund H. Scott and Miss Ciola Campbell were united in marriage at the home of his sister, Mrs. W.R. Jewell, Kansas City, Mo., Rev. W.S. Richardson, pastor of the First Christian church, officiating. Mr. Scott’s home was here until he went to Kansas City to ply his trade. His mother still lives at Garland. The bride’s home was at Wamego, Kas., until she became a book-keeper at Kansas City. We desire to offer our sincere congratulations and may they prosper in health and wealth in their new relations. (We got a piece of the wedding cake. - Ed.)[Garland news]

pg 14, col 4

Anniversary: A Golden Wedding - One of the happiest and most unusual events in the history of Bronson took place Sunday, the 16th, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Williamson, a charming old couple who have resided in Bourbon county many years. It was the 50th anniversary of their marriage which was celebrated by about one hundred guests consisting of relatives and friends. The children were all present excepting Oliver, who is in the West, and Mattie in California. The children presented their parents with a fine book case and secretary combined, Rev. Goodman making the presentation in their behalf. The friends put together their mites, making a purse of $25 in gold which was presented to them by Dr. J.S. Cummings in his most affable and pleasant manner. Their son Oliver sent $10 in gold and a sister in Illinois forwarded a $5 gold piece for the occasion. For fifty years this worthy pair have enjoyed each other’s companionship, for fifty years they have shared each other’s joys and sorrows; they have watched their children reach the years of maturity and assume the parental duties which they had put aside, and in the western horizon of their lives as their sun is going down over a sea of happy surroundings they realize the result of an honorable and virtuous life. The Old Settlers, of which association they are members, congratulated Mr. and Mrs. Williamson on this great event and hope it will be their good fortune to celebrate their diamond wedding, Sept. 19, 1931.

pg 15, col 1

Died: Mrs. Otto Klingbeil died at her home in Columbus, Ohio, last Thursday night. Mrs. Klingbeil was well known in Fort Scott as Miss Mollie Simmons. About a year ago Mrs. Klingbeil was bitten by a mad dog, and although she never suffered from rabies the shock effected her nervous system and indirectly produced dropsy of the heart, from which disease she died.

pg 15, col 3

Died: A Sad Case - Mrs. Ethel Farmer, granddaughter of Captain J.W. Abbott, of Fort Scott, and daughter of A.C. Pellett, a well known farmer, committed suicide at the Osawatomie asylum last Friday. She was a bright, happy and healthy girl until the death of her husband which resulted less than two years after her marriage. Mr. Farmer, it will be remembered, was ill for almost a year and the young wife who had been so true and faithful to him could not stand the strain of the loss of the one that she loved so well. Mrs. Farmer had attempted several times to commit suicide but her life had always been saved by the prompt efforts of relatives and attendants. It was thought recently the condition of her mind was improving and that she would soon be able to return home. Her father was notified of her death and went to Osawatomie and brought the remains to her former home Saturday night. The funeral was held Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock from the home of her parents seven miles from Fort Scott, and interment was made in the Clarksburg cemetery by the side of her husband. The Royal Neighbors of White Rose Camp of Fort Scott, of which Mrs. Farmer was a member, attended the funeral.

Sep 28, 1906

pg 3, col 2

Married: Mr. Hart of Fort Scott, and Miss Mada Davis of Mapleton, were married a few days ago. They were up visiting the bride’s parents, William Davis, returning to their home in Fort Scott Monday evening. The Dispatch joins with their friends in wishing them many years of happiness.

pg 5, col 4

Died: Twenty-five years ago there came to Fort Scott a genial Scotchman named William Hunter and he has been a respected citizen of this community during that long period. Several months since a cow stepped on the old gentleman’s foot and the wound never healed with the result that gangrene set in a few weeks since and last Sunday Drs. Harrar and VanVelzer found it necessary to amputate the wounded limb in an attempt to save their patient’s life but the shock was too great for a man of 69 years of age in a weakened condition and he passed to his eternal home a few hours after the surgeons quite work. Mr. Hunter is survived by two sons, James Hunter, of Kansas City, and two daughters, Mrs. Belle Depenbrock and [Mrs.] Arthur Fagan, both of Fort Scott. Patrick Hunter, now living in South Africa, reached his old American home just in time to bid his revered uncle a last farewell.

pg 6, col 2

Born: Dr. Holeman reports a visitation of the stork at the home of Frank Messenger. It’s their first born - a ten pound girl.

pg 6, col 3

Married: Earl Hanna and Miss Dora Bowick, who live northeast of Garland, were united in marriage at the home of the bride’s parents on Wednesday. The young people in this corner join in telephoning blessings and congratulations.

pg 6, col 4

Married: Miss Nellie McMenomy of this place, who was spending the heated season in Colorado, was united in marriage to Mr. Jas. Higgins at Denver on September 22. We learn that Mr. Higgins is a traveling salesman. Congratulations are hereby extended.

pg 7, col 5

[Probate Court news]

Marriage Licenses:

Sep 20 - Wilson Johnson, of Kansas City, and Miss Gertrude Bertha Ann Dudley, of Ft. Scott, Kansas.

Sep 24 - Chas. Moore and Jenny Moore, of Garland, Kansas; Joseph W. Schnider and Carrie Likins, of Springfield, Mo.

Sep 25 - Joseph R. Hamlin and Vashti Smith, both of Fort Scott. [See below for wedding]


Sep 24 - Richard Woldord and Bertha Clara Price, both of Pawnee, Kansas, were married by the probate judge.

Married: On Wednesday morning at 6 o’clock, R.J. Hamlin, a well known young man, and son of J. Hamlin, the wealthy and influential farmer living two miles west of Fort Scott, was married to Miss Vashti Smith, daughter of the late J.Z. Smith, than whom no man in Bourbon county had more friends. We extend sincere congratulations.

Died: Mrs. Martha A. Sherman, wife of Henry D. Sherman, died at the home of Mrs. Butler in Fort Scott, last Monday morning at 6 o’clock. The deceased was stricken with apoplexy while she and her husband were driving in from their farm last Saturday and never regained consciousness. The funeral was held on Tuesday morning at 10 o’clock, Rev. Newlin officiating. [Fort Scott news]

Oct 5, 1906

pg 2, col 4

Married: Frank W. Pittenger and Miss Johelen Smith, both of Kansas City, Mo., were united in marriage at 4:30 p.m. Saturday, September 22, at the home of the bride’s sister, Mrs. J.R. Grout. Miss Smith is the daughter of the late J.Z. Smith of Fort Scott, and is a beautiful and accomplished lady who makes friends everywhere she goes. She has often visited Garland and is loved by scores of friends here. Mr. Pittenger is a jolly traveling man who makes Garland once in awhile and has some warm friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Pittenger went at once to Fort Scott and visited at the home of the bride’s mother, Mrs. J.Z. Smith, for a few days, then returned to Kansas City and will reside at 2202 East Thirty-first street. Their many friends extend congratulations. [Garland news]

Born: Frank Palmer and wife have been entertaining a 10 pound boy for the last week.

pg 4, col 1

Died: H.M. DeBolt, born in Wing county, Indiana, in 1825, afterward a prominent lawyer at Jefferson City, Mo., but for many years a resident of Oswego, Kansas, and that vicinity, died there a few days since unattended and in a little hovel he called home. In 1868 when he first removed to Kansas, he purchased four hundred acres of land, but a few years since lost practically all of his property and it is said became estranged from his relatives and refused to have anything to do with them. Among his surviving family are Miss Alice DeBolt and Mrs. Mary O’Hara of Fort Scott.

pg 4, col 2 [Probate Court news]


Sep 29 - James W. Kittrell and Christiana Hart, both of Fort Scott, were married by the probate judge.

pg 5, col 2

Born: Joy and sunshine fill the home of Harry Cowan and wife - it’s an eight and a half pound girl which arrived Sunday. Mother and baby are doing fine. [Uniontown news]

pg 5, col 4

Born: Will Noble and wife are rejoicing over the arrival of a little daughter at their home. [Bronson news]

pg 7, col 1

Engaged: Miss Amey Louis Warn, daughter of a former well known hardware merchant of Fort Scott, will be married in Washington, D.C., October 10, to Mr. Otto Louis Weerhoff. [Fort Scott news]

pg 7, col 4

Engaged: The wedding of Miss Rena Richards, daughter of Colonel and Mrs. J.E. Richards and Dr. John Hunter, of Kansas City, will take place at the home at 4 o’clock on the afternoon of October twenty-fourth. Only the families and a few intimate friends will witness the ceremony which will be followed by a large reception. The young couple will go to Chicago for a short trip before going to Kansas City where they will reside. Further @ pg 8, col 3: At the marriage of Miss Rena Richards and Dr. John D. Hunter, Wednesday, October 24, Miss Richards will be attended by Mrs. Ralph Richards as matron of honor and Miss Bertha Hornaday as maid of honor, with Miss Clara Nelson, Miss Helen Balsey of Lawrence, and Miss Marian Murphy of Iola, as bridesmaids. Ralphida Richards will be ring bearer, Gwendolyn Hornaday and Alice Bacon flower girls, Lillian Bacon and Lucy James of Kansas City, ribbon bearers. Dr. Hunter will have Mr. George Hunter for his best man and Mr. Ralph Richards, Lloyd Lakin, Dr. C.C. Price of Kansas City, and Percy James of Kansas City, as ushers.

Oct 12, 1906

pg 3, col 5 [Probate Court news]

Marriage Licenses:

Oct 3 - Edwin L. Clements of Kansas City, Kansas, and Miss Lute E. Farrell of Fort Scott.

Oct 4 - John T. Else and Miss Nine Lee Barnett, both of Fort Scott [see Oct 12 @ pg 8 for wedding]; Jasper W. Feemster of Mapleton, and Miss Emma J. Ball of Mound City [see below for wedding].


Oct 8 - John H. Crain and Miss Dora E. Cole, both of Fort Scott, were married by the probate judge.

pg 7, col 2

Anniversary: Married Fifty Years - Mr. and Mrs. S.W. Cheever celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary Sunday, October 7th. Those in attendance were Mr. and Mrs. T.H. Findley, Mr. and Mrs. Scott Cheever, Mr. and Mrs. L.M. Byington, Mr. and Mrs. John Cross, Mrs. Nesbitt, and Rev. Largent of Baxter Springs. Just before the dinner was announced, the ceremony was re-performed by Rev. Largent. Esther Scott and Simeon Cheever were married in Barnett, Vt., in 1856. They came to Kansas in 1857. They assisted in the work of locating the town of Mapleton and in honor of the maple trees of Vermont, the town was called Mapleton. Mr. and Mrs. Cheever raised a family of nine children, all of whom are still living, two being in Washington and one in Nebraska. Besides many presents from their friends, the children gave them twenty dollars in gold. Their many friends join in wishing them many happy returns of the day. [Mapleton news]

Married: On October 7, at the beautiful home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Ball, Warren Feemster and Miss Emma Ball. Mr. Feemster is a young man of sterling qualities and has lived near Mapleton for a number of years. Miss Ball is a model Christian woman and we will miss her from our midst. The young couple will start out on life’s journey with a bright future before them. The ceremony was conducted by Rev. Jordon of Prescott. The young couple will be at home to their many friends at Erie, Kansas. The Dispatch joins with their many friends in wishing them a long and prosperous life. [Mapleton news]

pg 7, col 4

Died: Anna Florence Ramsey was born near Redfield, January 1, 1862. She died on October 3, 1906, aged 43 years, __ months and 3 days. She was married to Homer Davis in February of ___. She leaves a husband and three children to mourn her loss. She was a lady that stood very high in the estimation of her friends and was a member of the Royal Neighbors of ____ lodge. [Redfield news]

pg 8, col 2

Married: Mr. John L. Else and Miss Nina L. Barnett were united in marriage on Thursday, October 4. The ceremony was performed at 10 a.m. by Rev. Father McKernan at the parsonage. Arrangements were made to have the ceremony performed in the parlors of the Goodlander, but owing to lack of time it was impossible to secure a dispensation permitting the ceremony, and at 4 p.m. a repetition of the marriage was held there. The young people are highly esteemed in this city where they have an extended acquaintance and begin married life with bright prospects and best wishes from all. Mr. and Mrs. Else departed Thursday evening for the City of Mexico where they will spend the winter and may possibly reside there permanently. [Fort Scott news]

Oct 19, 1906

pg 6, col 2

Born: George Hildreth and wife are entertaining a little daughter at their home who put in her appearance last Saturday night. [Uniontown news]

Born: Word has been received that Rev. and Mrs. T.R. Gray are the proud parents of a thirteen pound son which came to their home in Sedalia, Mo., last week. [Uniontown news]

Born: Benton Kidwell steps higher and smiles broader than any man in the country, all on account of a new son who arrived at their home Tuesday morning. Mother and baby are doing well. [Uniontown news]

Died: Mrs. Harland Vaught, who went to the Ozark Mountains this fall in search of health, died t the home of her sister last Saturday night. Mr. Vaught returned to his father’s with his three little children. [Uniontown news] And on Oct 26, @ pg 6, col 4: Died: Jessie McWhinney was born in Cooper county, Mo., January 8, 1881, was married to H.M. Vaught, January 15, 1899, and died October 13, 1906, at the home of her mother in Brighton, Mo. She leaves a husband, three children, a mother and three sisters to mourn her loss. Two or three years ago, Mrs. Vaught began to fail in health and it was soon apparent to her family and friends that she was to be the victim of the deceptive and fatal disease, consumption, but being a woman of great ambition and energy, it never occurred to her to cease from her labors and search for health. Always cheerful and hopeful she went about her daily duties and administered to the wants of her family until a few weeks ago when she went to the Ozark Mountains with the hope of recovering her health, but instead of obtaining what she sought, death came to her relief - the three little children were never again to know a mother’s tender and loving care, the husband was bereft of the advice and companionship of his young wife, the mother and sisters would wait for her coming in vain, and her neighbors would miss her acts of friendly kindness. The light of a gentle and useful life was extinguished in the beginning of its brilliancy and the energy and ambition of love’s labor lost to receive the promised reward in the Great Beyond.

pg 6, col 4 [Probate Court news]

Marriage Licenses:

Oct 10 - Oren Frederick Jackson of San Bernardino, Cal., and Miss Julia Madison of Fort Scott; Earl Wilson of Fort Scott, and Miss Grace Bernice Catt, also of Fort Scott.

Oct 13 - Edward White and Miss Bertha Burris, both of Fulton, Kansas.

Oct 14 - Charles E. Newell and Miss Abby Huggins, both of Fort Scott.

pg 8, col 1

Died: Mrs. Sarah Graves, a resident of Fort Scott for nearly forty years, died at her home on East Third street Monday night. She was 73 years of age and death was due to the infirmities of old age. She leaves two sons and three daughters. Funeral services were held at the U.B. church Tuesday, being conducted by Rev. Hinton, and interment was made in Pleasant View cemetery.

pg 8, col 2

Died: Mrs. John R. Perry died at the family residence on South Clark street at 6 o’clock Saturday morning, October 13. Her death was not unexpected, as it was known for nearly a week previous that she could not recover. Mrs. Perry was born in Fredericksburg, Virginia, in 1841, and was therefore 65 years of age. She was married to John R. Perry in March 1860. In August, 1870, Mr. and Mrs. Perry located in Fort Scott and in the home where they resided until death separated them. They were the oldest settlers in that part of town. During the many years they lived here they had formed an extensive acquaintance. Both Mr. and Mrs. Perry have lived exemplary lives and have friends without number. Five children - George L. Perry, Robert E., Mrs. J.W. Montag, Mrs. Thomas Bryce and Miss Eva Perry, and eight grand children, besides the husband survive the wife and mother. The funeral services were held at the home at 2 p.m. Sunday, being conducted by Rev. McKenzie of Grace M.E. church. Mrs. Perry was a charter member of that organization. Interment was made in Evergreen Cemetery. The funeral services were largely attended.

pg 8, col 3

Died: W.D. Cox, 78 years of age, died at his home on South Hill street at an early hour Tuesday morning, from paralysis.

Oct 26, 1906

pg 2, col 2

Born: Our good looking postmaster, I.S. Boyer and wife present compliments and beg to announce the arrival of a brand new boy at their home - making them six boys. They lost one about three years ago. [Garland news]

pg 3, col 5

Married: Arthur Voight, a young gentleman of this city, was married last week in Great Bend. The young lady in the case was a Miss Snyder. In addition to being a refined and accomplished young lady, it is said the bride’s future financial prospects are most flattering. Her father is a ranchman and is worth several thousand dollars, all of which Mrs. Voight will inherit some day. [Fort Scott news]

Died: Thaddeus Alderman who was injured in a railroad wreck at Council Grove last week, died in the Missouri Pacific hospital at Kansas City Saturday. He formerly resided here, Mrs. Alderman being a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. Marquis of this city. The remains were brought here Sunday and the funeral occurred Monday afternoon from the residence of Mrs. Alderman’s parents on South Hill. He leaves a wife and one child to mourn his departure.

pg 3, col 6

Died: Clara, daughter of John G. Hickman, died on Friday of last week at the family home on east Wall street, of lung trouble. She was 17 years of age.

November 1906 - February 1907

Tom & Carolyn Ward
Columbus, KS

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