I have a LOT of material I've extracted from the Uniontown papers from microfilm from the Kansas Historical Society. I was interested mostly in the Holt-Ramsey-McKinnis-Kent-Tennison-Duerson names, who are my ancestors, but that covers a great many (more than I realized) of the Uniontown area population. Nancy [Holt] Elofson

THE UNIONTOWN HERALD John Scurry, Proprieter and Editor
July 6, 1883 The quality and quantity of the wheat crop on Judge Holt’s farm gives that gentleman entire satisfaction. He hopes the yield everywhere in the township may be equal to that upon his land.

Visitors to the town included Jacob Anderson, J. W. Tennison, Mr. Lambeth
July 13, 1883 Ads included: Mrs. Emma Huston, Milliner and Dressmaker, south side of square; Mesdames Walcott & Holt, Milliner and Dressmaker, east side of square [Latest Styles and Lowest Price]

Mrs. Holt and Mrs. Sprague paid us the compliment of visiting our office on Monday.

Ad: Edward Gault, boot and shoe maker

Dr. Fulton and family have left Uniontown and gone to Kansas City.

Ad: W. F. Flurer, harness

Mr. J. N. Holt arrived in town on Saturday to purchase stock and spend a short honeymoon with his charming wife. He went to Fort Scott Tuesday, and will return tomorrow and remain in town a few days.

Mention of Arctic Soda Fountain, east side of square, Messrs. Smith & Sheridan confectionary and ice cream.

In the assault case of Macomber vs. Smith, Smith was acquitted of assault.

Guests at the Howard House included S. B. Holt, city.

Ads: W. F. Wells Hardware Furniture, Grain, Implements
James Patterson Dry Goods
C. J. Halm Druggist
J. D. Stalker Dry Goods
Highbargin & Co., Family Groceries
C. S. Steel, Blacksmith
Eves & Julian, Family Grocers
Wilson & Redick Livery
Uniontown Mills, A. Roberts Prop.
C. W. Goodlander Lumber
July 20, 1883 Ads: Howard House; George Richardson, Atty at Law
July 27, 1883 Judge Holt was in the city Monday and honored the Herald by making a call.

H. H. Smith’s infant son has typhoid fever. Another son Claud has been attacked with malarial fever.

The young folks had a dance at Charles Atkinson’s Wednesday night.

At the Howard House — N. Holt, City, guests were from Fort Scott, Kansas City, Hepler, Xenia, Redfield, Blue Hill, Nebraska, Humboldt, St. Louis, Morod, Missouri, Chicago, Louisville, Kentucky, Iola
August 3, 1883 Judge Holt was in the city Saturday.

Mr. Lambeth was in the city Friday.

The Residence of H. W. Lambeth was destroyed by fire, from the explosion of a vessel containing "spiritous frumenti."

J. W. Tennison was attacked by typhoid fever on Monday and has suffered a good deal since then. The latest account is, that he is still very low.

Near Hiattville Monday the northbound train on the MK&T road killed nine horses.

Mr. Smith’s son Claud is now quite well but the younger is still quite sick.

Ad: P. Shepard, Draying
August 10, 1883 Mr. J. N. Holt left Wednesday with 150 head of stock, to supplement his ranch near Dodge City, Ford County, this state.

M. F. Wells caught a yellow catfish in the Marmaton weighing 18 pounds.

Mr. Reeder and wife have returned from their trip to Denver. Denver, Mr. Reeder thinks, has seen its best days.

Mr. Smith’s baby is improving.

Latest accounts from Mr. Tennison say he is still very low.

At the Howard House: Judge Holt
August 17, 1883 School District No. 70 had its annual meeting. Mr. Austin Ramsey was elected to fill toe place of Mr. Jacob Anderson as director.

At the Howard House: S. B. Holt; G. & B. Lambeth, Berlin

The case of the state versus Jacob Bayless for assault on Margaret Stainbrook was set before Squire Steel.

Mr. Tennison, we are glad to learn, is moving fast in the direction of convalescance.

From "Exchange Papers" — Fort Scott Banner, , Hepler Leader, Moran News, Osage Mission Journal, Walnut Journal
Died: H. L. Bryant, age 69

The child of Mr. Shannon, age 4, had its foot cut off in a mower.

Ad. — Hartman & Son, Blacksmiths and Wagonmakers

August 24, 1883 Mr. H. W. Lambeth was in town Saturday and Sunday

Mr. Tennison, we are glad to hear, is now so far improved in health that he will soon be able to return visits to those friends who called at his residence during his illness.

Mrs. S. Dunkerton of Fort Scott visited Mesdames Walcott and Holt Saturday and returned to her home on Monday.

At the Howard House: Sam Holt

Phil Wagey will have his new round swing operating near Turkey Creek. It has 36 double seats and is 150 feet in circumference. It will be run by horsepower at up to 24 mph.

There was a brawl Tunesday night at Father Rose’s place at a round swing party.
August 31, 1883 Trial of Frank James at Gallatin, Missouri reported.

Judge Holt’s portly person was seen moving about in the city on Tuesday.

Dr. Lambeth of Berlin made us a "pleasant call" on Tuesday. He stated . . . it was his intention to try to do what he could do professionally in Uniontown and if successful, settle here permanently.

Last week Willis Tennison placed in front of Messrs. Highbargin & Co’.s store a corn stalk just 15 feet high, although it had been cut off about 6 inches from the root.

At the Howard House: Sam Holt; W. H. Lambeth, Berlin
September 7, 1883 Judge Holt made us a call on Tuesday. The threshing of his wheat had been just finished: 637 bushels of as fine a grain as he had ever seen.

The postal telegraph system, whenever it comes into existence, will have its wires underground in cities.

Mr. Willis Tennyson called at our office on Monday and said that his father’s health was not at all satisfactory. He seems to be growing worse every day.

Died: Infant daughter of Mr. & Mrs. C. D. Kirby, at 8 months of cholera infantum.
September 14, 1883 Married: A. E. Hutchinson to Miss Mamie Moore, September 12.
September 21, 1883 We regret to learn that Mr. J. W. Tennyson is still so unwell as to be unable to leave his bed.

Political news — Republican delegates included W. Ramsey, W. Hartman. Democratic delegates were Judge Holt, James F. Holt [same person?], Thos. Kent.

Mr. A. H. Ramsey has left at our office _ dozen ears of corn averaging in length 11 _ inches.

Married: Mr. E. A. Toler to Miss Belle Grist, 6 miles west of Uniontown.

Died: Frank M. Smith of Xenia, born Tennessee in 1827. To Franklin Township in Kansas in 1858.

Notice: To be sold, 20 acres of corn in field, Henry Holt, 1 _ m. E Uniontown
September 28, 1883 The change to the weather has, we are glad to announce, caused a great improvement to Mr. J. W. Tennyson’s health. Though far advanced in life he is likely, ,by care, being of a sound constitution, to outlive very many young men.
October 5, 1883 Died: N. M. Reeder, 69, of dysentery. Settled in LaSalle County Illinois in 1832 and came to Uniontown 8 years ago.

Married: Mr. Charles Chamberlain of Wichita to Miss Ella Kent, October 3 at the home of the bride’s parents. After the congratulations, all partook of a bountiful repast.

Married: Mr. William Campbell to Miss Gussie Fuhrman, both of Bronson, at Iola,
October 19, 1883 Mr. J. W. Tennyson’s health is, we are glad to learn, almost entirely restored.

Mrs. Walcott having retired from the millinery and dressmaking business, Mrs. Holt has engaged, as assistant, a lady whose ability as a cutter and fitter can not be surpassed; and it is said her taste in the millinery line is also of a superior order.

Mrs. Holt went to Fort Scott Tuesday and returned next day, after purchasing a stock of seasonable goods, the equal of which, in quantity and quality, has never been received in Uniontown. Ladies in need of anything in the dress or millinery line should examine Mrs. Holt’s stock.

Ad. — For ladies’ and children’s hoods and hose go to Mrs. Holt’s Millinery and Dressmaking Rooms . . .

Died: Mrs. Sherman, wife of U. S. Sherman, mother of Cora and Lillie, of typhoid and malarial fevers.

Ad. — Ladies needing goods . . . are invited to visit Mrs. Holt’s rooms . . . the novelties in her rooms are so attractive that they have a magnetic power about them that cannot be resisted. No lady of taste can fail to admire their beauty.

East side news: Mr. Chamberlain returned to Wichita Monday but left his bride here to finish school.

Mr. Lambeth of Berlin is rebuilding his burnt out house.

Married: Ambrose H. Jones to Miss Anne Harlan, October 14 at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Harlan.
October 26, 1883 Died: Mr. G. W. Henderson, brother of Ben and Minerva Morrison, at residence of Mr. Ben Morrison in Uniontown, after a 3 week illness. Age 44.

School report: not absent or tardy, Ida Duerson, Otto Ramsey, Eddie Duerson, Luther Ramsey

Married: David E. Tice to Miss Ellen Robb, daughter of Milton E. Robb, October 21.
November 2, 1883 Ad: Mrs Holt and Miss Tennyson, Milliners and Dressmakers
November 9, 1883 Funeral service for Thomas Copes who died in Colorado last April was preached in the Uniontown church.
November 16, 1883 Mrs. Willis Tennyson made us a pleasant call on Wednesday.
November 23, 1883 Born: Mr. & Mrs. James Patterson, Jr., daughter

Messrs. John Wells, W. F. Wells, H. A. Hill, Bob Wallace and Norman Holt left town Monday afternoon and, after visiting Paint Creek and the Marmaton returned Tuesday morning with a wagon containing not less than 150 pounds of fish of various kinds, dressed.
November 30, 1883 The Marmaton iron bridge has been handed over to the county commissioners by the contractors.

New railroad time system announced, with only 5 instead of 53 kinds of time as formerly.
December 7, 1883 Died: Oliver Teague, son of Mr. Joab Teague

Died: Ollie Mason, ,17, daughter of Mr. John Mason

Mrs. Holt ahs ordered a fine lot of new and fashionable millinery goods.

Judge Holt was in town Monday to get dressed one of his feet that had been badly cut while chopoing some wood. As the judge weighs about 250, the accident will cause him to feel uncomfortable for some time.

Mr. J. N. Holt has bought of Mr. James Patterson 2 _ lots, including that on which the millinery store stands, on the east side of the square. Consideration, $450.

East side news: Miss Wright spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. Kent’s family.

Married: C. K. McCutcheon to Miss Matilda Wells, at the residence of the bride’s parents. Count Steel, J. P., officiated. Mr. J. N. Holt and wife gave a majolica bread plate.

Millinery business ad has Mrs. Holt’s name only.
December 14, 1883 For Sale — The Herald

Tom & Carolyn Ward
Columbus, KS


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