I have a LOT of material I've extracted from the Uniontown papers from microfilm from the Kansas Historical Society. I was interested mostly in the Holt-Ramsey-McKinnis-Kent-Tennison-Duerson names, who are my ancestors, but that covers a great many (more than I realized) of the Uniontown area population. Nancy [Holt] Elofson

THE TELEPHONE Chas. S. Clark, Editor & Prop’r.
C. S. Steel Blacksmith Wagons Carriages Plows and Farm Machinery, Repaired on Mechanical Principles, and to the best advantage, Uniontown

L. O. Cox, Physician and Surgeon, South Side of Public Square, Uniontown

O. E. Ritter, Builder and Contractor, Uniontown

O. E. Puelman, Dealer in Furniture, Coffins, Wallpaper, etc., Bronson

George Richardson, Attorney at Law, Real Estate and Collecting Agent, Uniontown

Howard Bros. Dealers in Ice Cream and Lemonade, Fresh Bread A Specialty, Uniontown

City Harness Shop, T. H. Cobin, Prop’r. Keeps constantly on hands a full stock of Harness, Saddles, Whips, Blankets . . . Uniontown

Brick Store, Ledbrook & Griffith, Dealers in Hardware, Barb Wire, etc. Farm Produce taken in exchange for goods

G. L. Patterson clothing

J. W. Moore, confectionary, flour, tobacco, cigars, coffee, canned goods & stationery

Mrs. Scobey — Millinery — east side of park

B. Smith — furniture and undertaker

City Barbershop, Fred Hesler Prop. South side square

Wells & Bro Livery and Delivery Wagon

C. J. Halm, physician and surgeon, office over post office.

City Hall and Amusement Hall, Jacob Poorman, Prop.

Uniontown Meat Market Tom Kent, Prop’r.

Moore and Comopany Real Estate, Loan & Collecting Agent

The Howard House, S. S. Howard & Son, Prop’r. Corner Sherman and Illinois fronting public park

A.H. Ritter carpenter and contractor

St. Louis, Fort Scott & Wichita R. R.

M. D. Elder Drug Store [ad includes "Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal Purposes]

September 24, 1885 Mrs. Wesley Tennyson, living three miles west of town, is quite sick.

Railroad advertises round trip tickets to the St. Louis Exposition for $12.60.

Died: Little Alta, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Redick.

A.H. Ramsey went to the reunion [veterans] at Topeka last Tuesday.

A. H. Ramsey presented us lasst Saturday with a pumpkin that weighed 47 _.
October 1, 1885 Born to Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wells, 9 lb. boy

Thomas Kent has removed his meat market to the south side of the square in the building formerly occupied by A. Bruce as a drug store.
October 8, 1885 Mrs. Sam Holt, of this city, spent last Sunday in Moran, visiting her sister Mrs. Doc Lambeth.

A.H. Ramsey brought in to our office last Friday, three ears of corn, weighing four pounds and seven ounces. Ramsey is in the lead so far. Next.

Article "The Great Reunion of Veterans" — Held in Topeka with 25,000 veterans in attendance.
October 22, 1885 Constable Kent arrested two participants in a fistfight.

Born: Mr. and Mrs. David Falconer, son

Born: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hahn, daughter

George Oliver has purchased the Uniontown meat market from Thomas Kent, and will hereafter furnish the people of Uniontown and vicinity with all kinds of fresh meat, bread, bologne, etc. Geo. Has a reputation in the butcher business, ,and we bespeak for him success.

Bread 6 loaves for 25 cents.

Article: 124 pupils in the Uniontown school, with only two teachers.
October 29, 1885 The old townsman John Duerson has purchased a billiards hall in Bronson, and will give his attention to that business this winter. His family will remain in this city, however.

Married: James Chamberlain to Mrs. Winnie Chamberlain of Barry, Illinois. The couple will live in Uniontown.
November 5, 1885 Married in Fort Scott October 28, Mr. Sherman Ramsey to Miss Mary Wells, both of Uniontown

Died: Wallace Maycumber, 10 months, youngest child of William and Lottie Maycumber, October 23 in Jacksonville, Florida.
November 12, 1885 If some don’t start a bank in this city before long, we will feel like getting us a lot of money and doing so. You might commence making deposits now, if you wish.

Telephone lines seem to be the rage just now in our city. C. S. Steel erected a telephone line from his office to his residence. Editor thinks there should be one from post office to depot.

Town meeting discussed fencing cemetery.

Township Reading Circle formed, Mrs. Josie Tennyson, Secretary.
November 19, 1885 Editorial: During the last year, there have been about 30 dwellings erected in Uniontown — a desirable place with beautiful location, good people, schools, etc. Needs a bank.

Squire Potts of Bronson was in our city last Tuesday, as a witness in the case of State vs. Holt.

Married: Mr. A. Bruce to Miss Fronia Hartman, September 15.

The case of State vs. Holt, which was brought before Squire Moore by a change of venue from Bronson, and set for last Tuesday, was continued until Friday, the 27th. Holt is charged with obstructing an officer in his duties.

Josie Tennyson a leader in Teachers Reading Circle program "Teaching Beginners to Read."

Died: Mrs. Eastwood, age 83, born Virginia 1803.

Public sale: James G. Swisher 1 _ m. E Uniontown

Article giving directions for storing ice in sawdust for summer use.
November 26, 1885 Born: Mrs. Hattie Wells, son.
Born: Mr. and Mrs. V. Shinn, daughter

John Duerson moved his family to Bronson last Tuesday, which place they will make their future home.

Ad from Ledbrook & Griffith: We are selling flour at $1.00 a sack during the present hard times.

A third teacher is to be hired for the school.

Died: Morris Steel, brother of C. S. Steel. Buried Rockford Cemetery.

Married: James M. Shate and Mss Fannie E. Reynolds, of Lakeside, in Uniontown.

Sensational murder in Iola reported, in which Browning, an organ salesman shot and killed Mr. Earle, of Bronson, after the deranged Earle attempted to kill Browning over seduction of Browning’s daughter. The daughter had been engaged to drive Browning about the countryside in his sales rounds.

Notice: smallpox vaccination is required for schools.

Died: Mrs. Hattie Goff, wife of John Goff, formerly of this city, at Eureka Springs, Ark.

Bourbon county population figures: 1880 — 19,595; 1885 — 24,168.
December 3, 1885 Editorial regarding the dangers of the current practice of Uniontown’s "young bloods" hopping boxcars for rides to Bronson.

The case of State vs. Holt, for obstructing an officer in his duty, was called before Squire Moore on Friday the 27th. The judgment of the court was an acquittal for the defendant, there being no cause of action.

Item from Fort Scott:
Last night while a news gatherer was at the Gulf Depot he observed an aged man with a child. Thinking probably the infant was a great grandchild, the reporter accosted the old gentleman as to what he was doing with the young one. "My name is Holt; am 76 years old; have been living near Uniontown. Three years or more ago I went to Alabama on a visit, ,and while there married a girl sixteen years of age. This child is a result of that union. I and my girl wife quarreled, and I stole the little one and came back to Kansas. My wife wants me to come back and so I am going. The little one I think is an imbecile, but its mother yearns for it, and I am old, and on account of the mother’s love for the bairn, I believe in my decline I will get good treatment." The old gentleman told this to the reporter with the utmost nonchalance — in fact with a perfect sangfroid that ws at the same time amusing as well as astonishing. [NOTE: John H. Holt’s birthdate in 1809 makes him 76 years old in 1885 — I have found no other Holt’s this age in Uniontown vicinity].

Detailed story on Earle murder. Earle was killed in a scuffle with his own gun after tracking Browning down on the train between Bronson and Iola. "Mr. Earle had only one child; she is ruined. The news of his death made his wife a raving maniac."
December 10, 1885 J. N. Holt has put down a good, substantial sidewalk in front of his vacant business lot on the east side of the square. Norm is bound not to be behind the times in the improvements of Uniontown.

3 inches of snow reported.

Story: Rumor says that Jake Anderson struck a good vein of coal in his timberland one mile south of Uniontown.

The new iron bridge across the Marmaton is now completed. The farmers from the south will no longer have to ford the river to get to Uniontown.

Fort Scott is the 4th largest city in the state with a population of 7,867. Neither Uniontown nor Bronson is listed in the 153 towns over 500.
December 17, 1885 J. W. Tennyson Sr. called at this office one day last week and ordered the Telephone sent to Joseph W. Tennyson, ,Palpinto, Texas.

Mrs. Mollie Holt , who has been in Colorado for some time past, returned to our city last Tursday morning, having been called to the bedside of her mother Mrs. John Wells. returned from Colorado. Another daughter Mrs. C. W. McCutchen of Benton Arkansas also came to the bedside of her mother.
December 24, 1885 Article gives instruction on How to Make Home Made Rugs

Farm for rent _ mile S. Uniontown Mrs. R. W. Wells

Public sale: G. W. Oliver, _ m. SW Uniontown (bought hardware store)
December 31, 1885 G. W. Oliver advertises butcher shop tools for sale.

Officers of Excelsior Lodge, No. 115 AA.F.A.M., include J. N. Holt, S. D.; Thos. Kent, S. S. "When supper was through the whole party repaired to the residence of C. S. Steel where the party hopped it to music. J. H. Holt [Note: probably J. F. Holt] was made to imagine that youth had struck him, as he was led to a position in a quadrille by Miss Georgie Stalker. Reports say that the judge showed as much dexterity on the sanded floor as a first-class clog dancer."
January 7, 1886 Judge Holt handed us a silver half dollar last Saturday as renewal of his subscription for the Telephone.

Report of Apache attack on the Alma stage near Silver City, New Mexico, and Washington’s response to "the Apache troubles."
January 14, 1886 A child named Duncan was kicked in the head by a horse. Dr. L. O. Cox lifted the bone from the brain, and the boy is getting along nicely.

G. A. R. and Relief Corpos Installation included Mrs. Jennie Hendrix as Conductor.
January 21, 1886 Mrs. John Wells is recovering.

Died: Mrs. Anna Konantz, age 23, wife of George A. Konantz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas of Newton. Sick one year.

Mrs. Mollie Holt went to Fort Scott last Saturday, returning in the evening.

The Law and Order League met, concerning itself with the "pool hall as a gambling den, pocket saloons, and the disbehavior of some of our young men and boys at public meeting at church."
January 28, 1886 Notice: Joseph Wells will not pay the bills of Mrs. Hattie Wells.

Committees for the Church Festival include Jennie Kent on the committee for soliciting donations to the supper and Bert Kent on the committee to collect and deliver donations.
February 4, 1886 Thomas Kent has again purchased the meat market of G. W. Oliver, and has opened up business in the same old stand.

Thos. Kent went to Bronson last Friday, to attend the case of G. P. Eves vs. Moore and Barton, taken to that place on a change of venue. No verdict yet in the jury trial. The case was: on a promissory note issued to Thos. Kent, and transferred to Jesse Kent before maturity, and afterwards to G. P. Eves.

A lively little runaway took place on our streets last Friday. The team of E. W. Hall, ,which was hitched on the north side of the square, got frightened and came charging down the east side of the square, very nearly running through the front of Kent’s meat market. No damage was done, however, the team being stopped by some men on the street.

Law and Order League — Thos. Kent was appointed to the committee to solicit subscriptions. Subjects taken up other than the pool hall were stock running at large and the need for a sidewalk to the church and schoolhouse.
February 11, 1886 Story: A man staying at the Howard House was arrested on a complaint, by Constable Kent, and taken to Fort Scott on the train.

Three attempted house break-ins reported.

Died: Steven Fields, age 70, born Augusta, Maine.
February 18, 1886 The defendants in the Eves vs. Moore and Barton case confessed judgment and paid.

H. A. Hill and wife, accompanied by little Ollie and Kitty, visited friends in the city this week.

The dog belonging to Pike, in this place, supposed to have the hydrophobia, died last week, greatly to the relief of some of our people.

Public sale: V. L. Alfords — near Square Top school.

Story: Six young men were arrested for disturbing the singing school being taught by Mr. Lemon at the church. They were acquitted, one of the reasons being that the one young man who was instrumental in the arrests made as much if not more noise than the others.

James Morrison was arrested for stealing a load of corn.

The G. A. R. and Ladies Relief Corps Camp Fire program March 4 will include a select reading by Mrs. Josie Tennyson.

Rockford Valley news:
Plenty of wolves in the valley.
Sale: Mrs. R. W. Wells
February 18, 1886 Article gives directions for wintering bees in cellars.

Uniontown now has a new auctioneer. Tom Kent has mounted the block, and the people say he is a good one. Genius will come to the surface.

Two horses were reported stolen.

Another runaway reported — a team aat the depot was frightened by the train.

Married: Andy Bowman to Miss Mary Wilson
Married: D. A. Roweth to Hattie McVey
Married: Charles Hill of Pleasant Ridge to Miss Nannie Lyons of Rockford, at the residence of L. M. Gudgell
March 4, 1886 At the program of entertainment to raise funds to construct a sidewalk from the square to the church was a recitiation given by Miss Kent.

Austin Ramsey went to Bronson last Monday, on business.

Died: Mrs. Fannie Shute, Lakeside. Buried Rockford cemetery.

Two cars of horses, cows and household goods arrived at this place from Coshocton, Ohio, belonging to M. D. Kirker and J. Underwood, who have purchased farms near this city.
March 11, 1886 Sam Holt was in Fort Scott last Saturday, on business, and took in "Fritz in Ireland."

The population of Uniontown is now 397, a gain of over one-third in the past year.

Editorial on "Our Dream" of improvements, that J. N. Holt had built an elegant business house on the est side … the vacant lots on the west side were ornamented with large brick blocks, built by our new bankers, and others . . .

Born: Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Bryant, son
Born: Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Patterson, daughter

The Brick Store was re-purchased by Ledbrook and Griffith.

For Sale: Howard House, 13 bedrooms.
March 18, 1886 Gipson Holt, son of Judge Holt, living on Turkey Creek, has received through T. W. Lynn & Co. a half car load of loom fence, to put around his house and garden.

Judge Holt is now engaged in sowing tame grass on his farm. When this spring’s sowing is done he will have 80 acres in tame grass. He says his grass paid him well last year, ,and recommends that seed be a mixture of red top, orchard grass, ,blue grass, timothy and clover; as it makes a better stand.

The Howard House was bought by Geo. W. Haines, Crawfordsville, Indiana.

A mule runaway incident was reported.

Squire Moore, W. F. Moore, Edward Gault, . . . Tom Kent . … . were all in Fort Scott last Friday, on business.

Public sale: W. H. Shaw, 1 _ mi. E Uniontown, J. B. Duerson, Auctioneer
March 25, 1886 Editorial urging formation of a bank.

National railroad strike causing uneasiness for farmers.

Weather is good.
April 1, 1886 The safety valve on the mill boiler exploded, causing "considerable racket".

In the Earle murder case, Browning was acquitted on the murder charge but re-arrested on perjury.

Judge Holt was in Fort Scott the latter part of last week, on business, returning to his home on Saturday.
April 8, 1886 Willis Tennyson and family moved to town last Thursday, where we understand they will live in the future.

H. A. Hill is moving to Conway Springs in the hardware business.

J. W. Tennyson will sow 50 acres of clover, timothy, blue grass and red top seed on his farm this spring. H has already about 25 acres in tame grass, making in all about 75 acrs.

Died: Mrs. Odelin Mason, Rockford Valley, the young bride of W. L. Mason

"Feature story" on Henry Ford
April 15, 1886 A bank, Bank, BANK — a bank is what Uniontown needs

The sabbath school has been "re-organized", to be held every Sunday at 4 p.m.

Married: J. W. Moore to Adda West of Rockford Valley
April 22, 1886 Lemons and oranges for sale at reasonable prices, Kent and Sons

The Business Men’s Association established a committee to get a bank. Bridge at Garder Hill, south of city, also discussed.

Died: Mrs. Lucy K. West, wife of J. E. West, buried Rockford Cemetery.

Degree of Honor (auxiliary to A. O. U. W.) instituted: Officers include usher, Mrs. S. B. Holt; financier, Willis Tennyson
April 29, 1886 Traveling to Fort Scott to witness to the County Commission on damages to the Tennyson road were J. W. Tennyson … J. N. Holt …. Thomas Kent

House break-in reported

Business Men’s Association — Thomas Kent appointed to the committee to circulate a petition to have certain territory north of Marmaton and west of Turkey Creek brought into our school district.

Officers of the A. O. U. W. include Mrs. J. W. Tennyson, Mrs Martha Holt (first Maid of Honor).
May 13, 1886 Judge Holt, Jacob Anderson, S. B. Holt, J. Teague [and others] went to Fort Scott last Monday morning.

Marion township population 2,701. 20,760 bushels corn, 1,133 horses, , 4,260 cattle, 1,425 hogs, 169 mules, property $158,698.

Article regarding bridge needed over Turkey Creek.

Note that Bronson wants the county high school.

Burglary at G. P. Eves store.

Married: Thomas Macon to Miss Mattie French.

Thomas Kent has traded his town property and meat market in this city for the farm of Robert Wright, north of this city.

George Haines is retiring, S. S. Howard will re-take possession of the Howard House.

We are sorry to hear that our esteemed friend Judge Holt is confined to his bed with malarial fever. It is hoped that his illness will be of short duration.

G. A. R. campfire program includes an essay by Mrs. Josie Tennyson.
May 20, 1886 Lodges listed are A. F. A. M., I. O. O. F., G. A. R., Women’s Relief Corps
May 27, 1886 Mrs. Belle Wolcott and Mrs. Mollie Holt spent Thursday in Bronson, guests of Mrs. Weir.

Five [Uniontown] citizens were arrested for causing a drunken disturbance in Bronson, four were "respected young men." The liquor was provided from an orthodox drug store man in Bronson, a quart at a time.

Died: Mrs. Maggie McFarlan, of capillary hemorrhage. Wife of Amon McFarlan.

The 4th of July meeting had a large crowd.

Article on "The Oklahoma Bill"

June 3, 1886 Article on Judge Holt funeral

One of the mysteries of the cases at Bronson, on the arrest of the Uniontown boys for taking too much Bronson"orthodox drug store" whiskey, is that Judge Potts should continue the trial of John Duerson, and turn him loose without bail, that his preesence might be imposed upon the people of Uniontown. This is a mean way of getting revenge.

Died: G. N. Brooks, of cancer of the tongue
Died: James F. Holt [Judge Holt], age 67. To Kansas in 1858, when he bought land from brother William.
June 10, 1886 The trial of John Duerson, taken from Bronson to Xenia by a change of venue, was tried last Monday, and Duerson was acquitted.

Report of Grover Cleveland’s wedding in the White House.
June 17, 1886 Willis Tennyson, T. B. Julian, J. W. Moore, ,Seth Bryant drove to Fort Scott on Wednesday.
July 8, 1886 Mrs. James Hendrix ordered the paper for Nathan Armstrong, Blount Springs, Alabama. [Mrs. James Hendrix is Janet or Jennie Holt, daughter of John H. Holt. Nathan Armstrong is the son of Elizabeth Holt, daughter of William Charles Holt — exact relationship still unknown]

Lodge Officers I. O. O. F. include Secretary S. B. Holt

Report on celebration Saturday July 3. Bertha Kent was one of the little girls on a wagon, each representing a state. Etta Hill from Pleasant Ridge also.
July 15, 1886 Bronson familly was poisoned by lead paint from roof draining into cistern. All recovered.
July 22, 1886 J. N. Holt and J. W. Moore drove to Fort Scott on Monday last, returning in the evening.

Delegates to the Democratic County Convention inlcuded J. H. Holt, Thomas Kent.

Trains: Eastbound 1:22, 9:35, 3:45; Westsbound 112:41, 10:30, 12:38
July 29, 1886 A heavy rain was received with much joy.

Elected to attend the Congreessional Convention at the Democratic County Convention: Thos. Kent
August 5, 1886 Two houses, of James Roe near town and Andrew Wethers, north of town, burned down.

Prisoners in the county jail escaped again. Officer Hewett says everything was all right when he left the jail to go to the store.
August 12, 1886 Died: Perley Grant Foster, age 2, child of Thomas and Rebecca Foster. Resided Uniontown. Buried Mt. Orum.

Joseph C. Balch of Bronson contributed a long article on how to keep bees.
August 19, 1886 H. R. Griffith and Thomas Kent, members of our school board, went to Fort Scott yesterday, on business.

Died: James N. Crouch, age 57, born Missouri, to Xenia 30 years ago, to 3 miles west of Uniontown 12 years ago. Mrs. W. F. Wells is child of his second wife. Buried Uniontown Cemetery.

School meeting held: Director vote: H. R. Griffith 16, A. H. Ramsey 15. Decided to hold 9 months school, 6 months winter, 3 months summer. Tax of 1 _% levied for general school purposes.
August 26, 1886 Rockford Valley excursion by editor — saw many fields of corn 10-12 feet high.

Delegates to representative convention elected by caucus included R. W. Ramsey.
September 9, 1886 There is to be a new drug store started in this city, to be located in the building belonging to J. N. Holt on the east side of the square, formerly occupied as a millinery store.

Uniontown — Its Enterprising and Reliable Business Men:
J. P. Eaves & Co. dry goods and groceries
Ledbrook & Griffith, grocieries, hardware
Goodlander & Konantz, lumber
M. F. Simons — dry goods & groceries, north side of square
J. W. Moore, postmaster and groceries
W. F. Moore — furniture, coffins, wallpaper, window shades, north side of square
Dr. C. J. Halm
W. F. Wells — livery
Dr. I. O. Cox
Howard Bros., 1 door north of Howard House — confectionery, canned goods
W. H. Flurer, harnessmaker
September 16, 1886 Those interested or concerned in what is known as Tennyson graveyard, on the Crouch farm, are requested to meet at that place, on the 25th inst., to make some improvements.

Married: George F. Drake to Miss Flora B. Simmons, September 10, her 17th birthday. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Simmons, on their 20th anniversary.

Democratic primaries — delegates to Democratic County Convention at Fort Scott, Thomas Kent, J. N. Holt, alternates.
September 23, 1886 The Uniontown school opened last Monday morning with Frank McGuire, Miss Georgia Campbell, and Miss Jennie Kent as teachers. About 100 pupils were enrolled on the 1st day.
September 30, 1886 John Carpenter and "Gip" Holt had a lot of cattle in the Missouri Pacific wreck, near Kansas City, last week. There were five cars of cattle in the train from Uniontown.
October 7, 1886 Article — "The Lucifer" published at Valley Falls, Kansas is a free love paper, edited by A. M. Harmon. A short time since his 16 year old daughter Lillian was married to E. C. Walker his Associate Editor, Harmon performing the ceremony on the free love plan. But last week Walker and Miss Harmon were arrested on the charge of illegal cohabitation, and bound over to the district court in sum of $1,000, and as no one seems disposed to go the bond the indications are both parties will lie in jail till the next term of court.
October 14, 1886 Public sale: Philip Wagy, 3 mi. NE Uniontown

Mark Scott of the Garland Gleaner was arrested for libel for saying in his paper by name a man owed him $16.25.

Editorial regarding the evils of licensing pool and billiard tables in our township.

Mention of the Rogers Drum Corps — led by J. W. Rogers, and made up of his six sons Charles 20, Ben 16, Dan 14, James 11, Orville 9, and Herman 6.
October 21, 1886 Married: Mr. Hugh Ellis and Miss Charity Pitcher (of Redfield)
October 28, 1886 Many "Vote Republican" remarks inserted..
November 4, 1886 Mrs. Josie Tennyson has been very sick for the past week.

Born: Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Ritter, daughter

The farm house of Robert Quinn, 5 miles north of Uniontown, burned.

Lakeside item:
Work on the large barn on the Paint Creek Stock Farm is progressing rapidly, and when completed it will be one of the largest and best barns in the state.

The Statue of Liberty was unveiled.

Township vote: for treasurer Moore 215, Ramsey 268.
November 11, 1886 School report, Room 1, above 90 in deportment: Gertie Tennyson, Jennie Kent teacher. Neither absent nor tardy and above 90 in deportment: Room 2 Daisy Ramsey, Thomas Kent, and Room 3 Della Tennyson

Because a woman was burned to death in New York by the explosion or spontaneous combustion of a celluloid bustle that she wore, the plan of going back to the old style newspaper bustle is being discussed.

November 18, 1886 A shoemaker, Mr. Thiel, moved in from Humboldt.

The remains of little Hazel Gertrude Hulbert, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Hulbert of Fort Scott were brought by train for burial at Uniontown.
November 24, 1886 The Telephone is advertised for sale.

Married: John Goff to Ellen Winters, in Fort Scott, both of Arcadia
December 2, 1886 Considerable sickness reported

Born: Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Moore, daughter

Died: At the home of his parents, 3 miles north of this city, on Sunday, November 28, Willie Holt, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Holt. The remains were interred in the Pleasant Ridge cemetery on Monday following in the presence of a large concourse of friends and relatives.
December 9, 1886 The K. N. & D. road is now completed from Fort Scott to Topeka — short trip, little expense.

Dr. Halm, W. H. Higley, C. S. Steel, T. L. Ledbrook and Thos. Kent and ye editor were all in Fort Scott last Saturday, on business.

Mrs. Anna Settles of Fulton cut the throat of her one month old son.
December 16, 1886 Meeting held to lay out new cemetery. Plan is to purchase 2 acres on the farm of E. Runkle, east of the city.
December 23, 1886 J. B. Noble and James Hendrix were at the National House, in Fort Scott, last Friday.

At the Christmas Tree Programme on Christmas Eve, Ida Duerson recited "Two Little Stockings"

Women’s Relief Corps passed a Resolution of Respect regarding Eva Elizabeth Dewitt, deceased, signer for the committee, Josie Tennyson.
January 6, 1887 Thos. Kent and wife spent the holidays in Missouri, visiting with friends.

Died: Mrs. Bart Madison, on farm west of Uniontown, sick a long time.

Two houses broken into on Christmas Eve. "There has been considerable petty stealing going on in this place ofr the past few months"

Hoodlum boys passing broke 12 or 15 glasses of the windows of the little house near the school house belonging to John Sessler.
January 13, 1887 W. F. Wells finished filling his ice house with excellent ice last week, taken from the Marmaton River.

Article — "Our Poor Farm" — County commissioners were satisfied with the manner in which it is managed by its present manager, Mr. Thos. Kent. No better man could be found in our county for this position than Mr. Kent, and no man would treat these unfortunate people more kindly than he, and on examination the commissioners feel satisfied of this fact.

Article - "The County Poor" (from Fort Scott)

Yesterday, in company with County Commissioners Hornaday, Green and Breener and Mr. J. B. Chapman, the writer visited the county poor house at Uniontown. The occasion of the visit was the annual inspection made by the board concerning the condition of the poor house and the inmates, Mr. and Mrs. Kent, the keepers of the poor house, were not expecting the board, and hence no especial preparations had been made to receive them, and therefore we conclude that things were seen about as they are every day. There are at present twenty-six inmates, seven of them being insane, and imbeciles: seven of the whole number are men, and the remainder women and children. In general, the premises and buildings were in good repair and well suited for the purposes for which they are used. This is especially true of that part used by the sane poor. Separate apartments are provided for the sexes, and the sanatary[sic] conditions were much better than we expected. While the building used for the insane, and its arrangements, is in harmony with the most modern and humane idea upon the treatment of the unfortunates, it might nevertheless be improved in many respects, and the Monitor, so far as its influence will go, sustains the commissioners in the most liberal outlay which they may conclude to be within the resources of the county. All of the sane paupers were perfectly satisfied except one who appeared to be . . .

  1. O. O. F. installation of officers: S. B. Holt, treasurer.
January 20, 1887 Boys "went through" the pockets of ladies’wraps at the Ladies Relief Corps installation.

The Telephone will change its location to Mapleton.

The G. P. Eves store was broken into and 30 cents taken from the money drawer. A boy named Hendrix was arrested on a charge of petty larceny, pled guilty, and was sentenced to 30 days in the county jail.

Ladies Relief Corps: President is Mrs. Josie Tennyson.

Married: James Owings to Miss Lillie Anderson, at the home of the bride’s parents in Rockford Valley. Couple will live in Uniontown.

A. O. U. W. and D. of H. installation: J. W. Tennyson Inside Watchman; Lady of Honor, Mrs. Josie Tennyson
January 27, 1887 Dr. L. O. Cox’s barn and horses burned.

The explosion of a train car of gunpowder broke windows in nearly every building in Fort Scott.

Tom & Carolyn Ward
Columbus, KS


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