Bronson Pilot Newspaper
23 Jan 1902

The following material was extracted by Ronda Berry from microfilm supplied by the Kansas Historical Society Library. There were many mentions of visiting friends, or business trips I omitted, as I was searching for genealogical connections.


Published Weekly in Bronson, Bourbon County, Kansas

Extracted by Ronda Berry from microfilm supplied by the Kansas Historical Society Library. There were many mentions of visiting friends, or business trips I omitted, as I was searching for genealogical connections.

Thursday, January 23, 1902

A Kansas Girl to marry a Prince. (Fort Scott, Kans, Jan 16) Word was received here today that Abbie Campbell, niece of Postmaster Campbell of Bronson, this county, and a former Bourbon County resident but who now lives in San Jose, Cal, is soon to marry Prince Kawananoka of Hawaiian Islands. Her mother, who is a widow of Mr. Campbell’s brother, was just recently married to Samuel Parker, former premier and minister of foreign affairs in Hawaii. She and her daughter inherited several million dollars from the late James Campbell. The late Mr. Campbell, a few years ago, was kidnapped and held for ransom at San Jose. Mrs. Abagail Campbell and Mr. Parker were married the other day in San Francisco at the Occidental hotel. It was a private wedding. Superior Judge Hibard performed the ceremony.- (The Topeka Capital).

MAPLE GROVE: Miss Myrtle Stout visited her sister Mrs. Eflin south of Moran Saturday returning home Sunday evening.

NORTH FAIRVIEW: Mrs. Maggie Galter of Osborne, MO, and her sister Miss Gussie Collins of Walnut were visiting their grandparents A.H. Holeman and wife last week. They left via Bayard for the formers home.

TURKEY CREEK: Gip Holt sold his farm to George Eves last Monday.

Bill Davison from Linn Co bought the Carpenter farm last week.

Mrs. Roush of Uniontown was visiting her granddaughter Mrs. Walter Teague last week.

STONY POINT: Miss Jessie Flake spent the latter part of last week with her sister Mrs. Bertie Hall.

Miss Nannie Helms who has been visiting her uncle at Waverly Kansas, returned home Friday evening.

Misses Myrtle and Ivy Brandenburg spent Sunday with their cousin Miss Nannie Helms.

Mrs. H. Rogers and family have moved to Bronson until they get their house built in Moran.

Mr. and Mrs. Homer Thompson are the proud parents of a baby girl.

LOCAL NEWS: Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Goodno, a 9 pound baby girl Friday morning.

Walker Long of Kansas City was visiting his brother Luck the first of the week.

Mr. and Mrs. Homer Thompson are proud parents of a baby girl, the new arrival made its appearance Sat.

W.W. Henry of Lisbon, Ohio, came in last Thursday morning being called here by the illness of his sister-in-law Mrs. J.R. Willett.

Mr. Fred Smith, of Beaumont Texas arrived Saturday morning. Mr. Smith is a brother of Luther Smith and will remain here some little time.

Mrs. M. Hampton who has been visiting with her daughter Mrs. L.M. Moore, in Savonburg, returned home Thursday morning.

Mrs. Ruzey of Oklahoma, Miss Mabel Boon of Neal KS, and J.H. Potter of California are the guests of H.E. Potter and family this week.

Married. Mr. J.J. Wilson and Miss Myrtle F. Meyers were united in marriage Wednesday evening at 8 o’clock. The wedding was rather a quiet affair and occurred at the M.E. Parsonage, the Rev. Monroe officiating. Both the young people are among the most popular in social circles of this city. Mr. Wilson is one of our most talented young businessmen, being at present in charge of the grain buying department of the firm of Hamel & McCarty. The bride is a lady of unusual culture and refinement having been reared in this community and is regarded as one of our most sensible young ladies.

SCHOOL REPORT: Report of Victory School, District No 111, for the month beginning Dec 2nd and ending January 10th. Number of days taught 20. Number of scholars enrolled boys 8, girls 4, total 12. Those receiving the certificates for perfect attendance, being neither absent nor tardy were: Mamie Steele, Ira Steele, Minnie Steele, and Chester Steele. Earnest O’Neall was present every day but tardy. Visitors during the month were County Superintendent Martin Miller, Otto Meyer, John Sessler, and Bert Holeman… signed Vrena Sessier, Teacher.

OBITUARY: Reuben H. Davis, whose death was chronicled in last weeks issue of this paper was born in Warren Co, IL, on Oct 56, 1866 (that’s what it says). He was the son of Jonathan M. and Eve Davis and removed with them in Dec 1866 to the farm in Bourbon County Kansas where his mother still lives. Becoming thus early a resident of Kansas, imbued with all the push and energy and sturdy self reliance characteristic of the State. He was extensively engaged in farming and stock raising. And was well and favorably known over a wide section of the country. Realizing the certainty of death he carried both fraternal and old line insurance to the end that he might, in so far as he was able, extend his care and protection over his little ones after he had crossed the dark river. He had policies in A.O.U.W. and K.& L. of S. and New York Life in all amounting to $10,000. He was married on October 15th 1890 to Emma J. Patterson of Bayard, Allen Co, Kansas. To them were born 8 children of whom seven (3 boys and 4 girls) still survive. One a daughter died in infancy.

He purchased a farm in Linn Co, 1 _ miles north of old home farm where his boyhood days were spent and removed there with his family in Feb. 1890. Here he was stricken with Typhoid fever and succumbed to this dread malady after only six days illness. He died as he lived, calmly brave, facing each new emergency. His only chief regret was for his dear wife and small helpless children. He was laid to rest in the family lot in Bronson Cemetery under the auspices of Bronson Lodge A.O.U.W.

Tom & Carolyn Ward
Columbus, KS

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