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Bourbon County Kansas
Resources and
Lookup Volunteers

To request a lookup please follow these simple guidelines:

  1. Put BOURBON COUNTY LOOKUP in subject line. Most volunteers have offered to do lookups in more than one book and more than one county. This will insure that your request is not overlooked.
  2. Put the name of the book on the first line of your message, followed by the name you are looking for.
  3. Request only one name in one book per request.
  4. Don't forget to thank your volunteer!

Failure to follow these simple guidelines could result in
your request being overlooked or ignored.

Book or Resource Contact or Location
Robley's History of Bourbon County, Kansas, 1894
Bourbon County Will Testators Index 1867-1925
author, W. David Samuelsen, published 1992, Salt Lake City
1883 Pensioners
Clarksburg Cemetery
Jo Rice Jo2247@aol.com
Tweedy Cemetery
Mary Sharp
List of Cemeteries in Kansas, 1906
list of cemeteries only and the townships in which they are located
it does not list the people buried there.
Anna Wilhelm alwilhelm@holtonks.net
The name of your book or favorite resource could be here! Your name could be here!
? ?

If you have a book, or a CD, or other resources available for Bourbon County, won't you help? Most lookup volunteers average only a couple of lookups a day. Help us make the KSGenWeb pages the first... and best... stop on your quest for your Kansas roots.

Are you interested in hosting one of the KSGenWeb orphan counties? If so contact Debbie Wafford. Debbie is our Orphan County Coordinator and will be glad to answer your questions.

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Bourbon County Surnames

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Tom & Carolyn Ward
Columbus, KS


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Tom & Carolyn Ward
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