Chase County Kansas Historical Sketches
The Chase County Business and Professional
Women's Club was organized with 52 charter members, March 29, 1939 at Cottonwood Falls, Kansas
with Zelma Humbarger serving as President until
an election.
Interests pertaining to the welfare of
working women have been the motivating and under-
lying purpose of B.P.W. since 1919, these interests
have extended from employment to education to
public health to world affairs to taxation to equality
to economy to ecology and will ever continue to
extend into areas of timely concern to business and
professional women.
The principles and purposes of the Business
and Professional Women's Clubs are:
To promote the interest of women and cooperate with them in perpetuating the activities of
the Federation.
To promote better understanding among the
women of the world.
To promote Federation ideals and live up to its
To promote Fellowship, Friendship, and Cooperation for a finer stronger womanhood.
A Chase County Student Vocational Loan Fund
was established by the club and has helped many
girls receive an education. A flag was purchased
for the Library, the Blood Mobile Program was
supported by the club for many years, and a filing
cabinet for the Museum was a gift from B.P.W.
Club colors are yellow and brown with the sun-
flower as club flower.
Over the years the following have served as
District Directors:
Leona Wells . 1949-50; Ena J. Symes . 1961-62;
Bessie M. Spain . 1966-67
The first President of the club was Erma Humphrey Sullivan and the last president which is serving now is Donna Trussell.
Chase County Centennial, 1872 - 1972