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Chase County Kansas Historical Sketches |
Ransford, Cameron
Cameron and Mary Delilia Featherkile Ransford Family
Cameron Ransford was born Sept 25 1841, possibly in Indiana or New York. The following is research gathered:
Cameron Ransford, farm labor, age 17 is located on the Pimento Post Office, Linton Township, Vigo County, Indiana 1860 census on page 20. He was working for the Alfred Hampton family.
Mary Delilia Featherkyle also appears on the 1860 Pimento Post Office, Linton Township, Vigo County, Indiana 1860 census with her parents, Daniel and Nancy. She is listed as Delila Feathercoil, age 13.
Mary Delilia Featherkile was born Aug 18, 1846 in Vigo County, Indiana and died Mar 24, 1926 in Cottonwood Falls, Chase, Kansas.
In the Indiana Marriage collection we find the record of Cameron G Ransford and Mary D Featherkyle being married on 23 Jun 1864, Vigo County, Indiana. No other record can be located with G. as a middle initial.
Cameron Ransford is listed on the 1875, Doyle, Marion, Kansas census. He is listed as Cam Ransford, age 33 Farmer. Place of birth: Indiana, Came to Kansas from Indiana. Mary is listed as age 26 born in Indiana and came to Kansas from Indiana. Also listed is James M (should be James W. for James William ) age 9, born in Indiana and came to Kansas from Indiana. Martha E is age 4 born in Kansas. Joseph M is listed as 4/12 the census for 1875 was taken in March, 1875.
Cameron Ransford is listed on the 1885, Strong City, Chase, Kansas census. Cameron is listed as age 45 years, and married, occupation is farmer. Mary D Ransford, listed as age 38 and married. James W, age 19, single is also listed. Martha E is listed as age 14, and Joseph M is listed as age 10; Leroy is listed as age 2. An infant daughter died in infancy is not listed but Mary Delilia's obituary comments on this child.
Cameron Ransford died, age 48, in Cottonwood Falls, Kansas, November 24, 1889. The Chase County Courant newspaper records the death on Dec 05 1889 of C Ransford. " Died on Monday, Nov. 25, 1889 Mr. C Ransford of Prairie Hill. Fifteen days prior to his death, the Chase County Courant records the marriage of his daughter Martha Ellen to Isaac Moore. Martha Ellen had married in 1886 to Henry McGunnigle. The article states: Married at Elmdale, Sunday, Nov 10 1889 by Squire W M Tomlinson, Mr. Isaac Moore and Miss Martha Ellen McGonigle both of Prairie Hill." It is assumed that Cameron is buried in Prairie Grove cemetery, Cottonwood Falls, Kansas since that is where Cameron and Mary Delilia lived and that is where Mary Delilia and their son James William Ransford are buried. Prairie Hill was adjacent to the Prairie Grove Cemetery. The community no longer exists.
Chase County marriages lists Mary Ransford married John Zimmerman, 1890; However, her obituary lists her marriage date as Feb 12 1893, at Cottonwood Falls, Chase, Kansas. John Zimmerman was born Jul 7 1830 and died Sep 21 1897. At the time of his death he was residing at the State Soldiers Home at Ft. Dodge Kansas. He was not listed with Mary Delilia on the 1895 Falls, Chase Census. See below.
John Zimmerman was first married to A Caroline Catherine Betty, born Aug 06 1842 in New Albany, Indiana and they were married Jul 20, 1860 at Hiawatha, Kansas. She died Oct 19, 1900, Cottonwood Falls, Kansas. John and Caroline had three sons, J. L., C. G. and H. K. Zimmerman, and one daughter, Lizzie May Leckliter.
On the 1895 Falls, Chase, Kansas census Mary is listed as Mary Zimmerman, age 48, born in Kansas; next is J M Ransford age 20 born in Kansas; and Leroy Ransford, age 12 born in Kansas.
On the 1900, Falls, Chase, Kansas Census, Mary Ransford Zimmerman is listed as the head of the house. She was widowed, born in Aug 1848 had given birth to five children, four still living, born in Indiana and her father in Kentucky and her mother in Indiana.
James W Ransford was living with Mary. His age was 34, born in June 1865, single born in Indiana, father born in Indiana and mother born in Indiana.
Joseph M Ransford was living with Mary, his age was 24, single, born in Kansas, father born in Indiana and Mother born in Indiana.
In 1905 on the Falls, Chase, Census, Mary is listed as Mary Zimmerman age 57; With her is listed Jas Ransford age 39, and Joe Ransford age 34 and Roy age 22.
On the 1915, Cottonwood Falls, Chase, Kansas, Census, Mary has taken back the name of Ransford. She is listed as Mary Ransford, age 68; James Ransford is also listed with her as age 49, and Roy is listed as age 32.
The information obtained from Mary Delilia Ransford's bible lists the following children:
#1 James William Ransford, born Jun 03 1865, in Indiana and died Jun 14 1951 at Diamond Creek, Chase, Kansas. This has been substanticated by the burial permit. On the Chase County Kansas Burial Permits James W is listed age 86, death date of Jun 14 1951, cause of death Arteriosclerosis. He had died near Elmdale in the Diamond Twp. It lists his burial at Prairie Grove Cemetery. It appears that James W was never married however on his mothers obituary it lists Mr and Mrs Jim Ransford. This apparently was a typing mistake. His Aunt Maybelle poem, written April 30, 1973 states "Mr father's brother, Jim Ransford who never married because the girl he loved was buried along the trail from Indiana to Kansas... Jim Ransford was 20 years old."
#2 Joseph Marion Ransford, born Nov 10 1874, near Burns, Marion, Kansas, and died 08 Jan 1940, in Florence, Fremont, Colorado. His birthdate is also recorded on the World War I military registration. Joseph met Elsie Mae Baldwin Jacobs.
Elsie was the daughter of Charles Cary Baldwin and Alcyona Belle "Ona Bell" McReynolds. She was born Mar 16 1889 in Stanford, Mclean, Illinois and died 15 Oct 1940 at Fort Dodge, Webster, Iowa.
Elsie married Paul Martin Jacob on 15 Jul 1903 in Lehigh, Webster, Iowa. Paul Jacob was born 25 Jan 1852, Vienna, Austria and died 09 Aug 1925 in Lehigh, Webster, Iowa. Paul and Elsie had three children:
#2A: Paul Ernest Jacob, born Jun 30, 1904 in Lehigh, Webster, Iowa and died Nov 07 1951. Paul died at age 47 from a sudden heart attack while working at the Lehigh Sewer Pipe and Tile Company in Lehigh. He was married to Olive F Waggoner. Oive remarried Mr Otto C Pliley at Fort Dodge, Iowa. Mr. Piley died Oct. 1981. Paul and Olive were the parents of 5 children: Charles W Jacob, of Rockwell City, Mrs. Elmer Williams, of Fort Dodge; Mrs. Marion Dellachiesa and Mrs. Alice (Don) Smith, all of Lehigh, and Mrs. Paulette (Eddie) Pritchard, of Waterloo.
#2B John Joseph Jacob, born 06 Mar 1906 in Lehigh, Webster, Iowa and died 30 Apr 1988 at Vancouver, Clark, Washington. In 1942 John went to Vancouver, Washington and remained there until his death. He was a retired machinist at Alcoa. Surviving him was his wife Mary E Dugan Jacob and daughter Joanne M Lemire of Vacouver, Washington, six grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Mary E Dugan was born in 1909 in Turbett, Juniata, Pennsylvania, the daughter of Charles Curtis Dugan and Myrtle Irene Barkey Dugan. The Dugan family moved to Iowa before the 1920 Fort Dodge, Webster, Iowa Census. Mary shows as age 11.
When in 1942 John and Mary moved to Vancouver, Washington, times were hard for them at first. Their first home, John said, was a box car they converted, given to them by the government. They built their snug little home while living in it. They remained at Vancouver, until their deaths. John died from a heart attack. He was a strong LDS church member. John was buried at Evergreen Memorial Gardens, Vancouver, Washington.
#2C Luke LeRoy "Luke" Jacob, born 11 Oct 1907 and died Oct 1981 at Pierce City, Lawrence, Missouri at age 73. The Social Security Death Index records his birth as 17 Oct 1907 and death Oct 1981. Luke retired from Superior Sand Company in Wichita, Kansas. He was married several times. From a previous marriage he was survived by two daughters, Mrs. Patsy Potter of Kansas City and Mrs. Peggy Bolin of Hammersville, Ohio. He was survived by his wife Myrtle, Myrtle's son Robert Hardesty of Houston, Texas, Myrtle's daughter's, Mrs. Peggy Womack and Mrs. Patsy Haynie both of Houston, Texas.
Joseph and Elsie were married in 1909. They were married in Oklahoma by a traveling preacher but because no record could be found they exchanged vows and remarried again Dec 12 1931 in Silver Cliff, Custer, Colorado. The 1910 Dickinson, Jefferson, Kansas, Dist. 44 census shows Joseph and Elsie having been married one year. Elsie is shown with being a mother of three and three children living. Listed with Joseph and Elsie is Elsie's son LeRoy Jacobs. When Elsie left to come to her uncle's in Cottonwood Falls, Kansas, Mr. Jacob's allowed Elsie to keep Luke because he was still nursing.
#2D Charles Cary Ransford,In Jul 1910 Joseph and Elsie's first son, Charles Cary, was born and died Jul 1910 in Cottonwood Falls, Chase, Kansas.
#2E William James Ransford was born 19 Aug 1911 at Strong City, Chase Kansas and died 08 Aug 1947 at Florence, Fremont, Colorado at the age of 35 years, 11 months, and 20 days. His first marriage was to Maude Bond, Jan 30 1935. There was no issue. He was married to Dorothy Taylor, May 29, 1944 at Oakland, California. They were the parents of three small children when he died: Dorothy May Ransford, born in 1945, William Lee Ransford born, in 1946 and Marthy Ellen born in 1947.
#2F Harold Lee Ransford,was born May 02 1914 in Strong City, Chase, Kansas and died Mar 12 1960 at Colbran, Colorado. His first marriage to Patricia ? in California ended in divorce. They had two children: Harold or James Lee Ransford Jr. He was born in 1938 at died at age 8 in Pueblo, Colorado and his daughter Patricia Ransford. She was living and mentioned on his obituary. His second marriage was to Clara Melvina Wilson, born 4 Apr 1919 in Tulsa, Oklahoma daughter of John William and Ida Elizabeth Moles Wilson and Clara died Dec 06 1988 in Phoenix, Arizona. Harold and Clara had one daughter; Shirley Ransford of Golden, Colorado. On 26 Dec 1941 at Fort Des Moines, Iowa, Harold enlisted as a World War II Enlistee - Private. His marital status lists Divorced, without dependents. Martha Ellen Spencer recalls that Harold fought in both WWII and in the Korean War. Harold had injested a jungle bug in his lung, while in Korea. This caused the loss of a lung. The Dr. stated that he probably could have survived the 2nd heart attach, if not for the loss of the lung.
Dr. M W Woodhull recorded Harold's birth as Harold August Ransford. His middle name was never August, a recorded error by Dr. Woodhull, but his middle name was Lee. The entry reads, Harold August Ransford, Male, born May 02 1914 at Cottonwood Falls, and his father as Joseph M Ransford and mother as Elsie May Baldwin Ransford.
Harold and Clara are buried at the Ft. Logan National cemetery in Denver, Colorado.
#2G Lester Bee Ransford, was born Aug 07 1916, in Cottonwood Falls, Chase, Kansas and died Nov 17 1955 at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. Dr. A E Titus records the birth of Lester B on Aug 07 1916 at Cottonwood Falls, father, Joe Ransford and mother Elsie Baldwin. Lester was a hard worker. Almost all pictures of him show him working in fields. He had a good heart. Being declared 4F and unable to serve in the military, he made faithful donations of blood to the men in uniform. He had a farming accident at Lansing, Kansas, being hit on the head with a tractor tire while working out in the field. He expired Nov 17 1955 at Lansing, Kansas and was buried at the Mt. Munice Cemetery in Leavenworth, Kansas. After Lester's death, a Mr. Moulton inquired after his social security. While it is assumed by his family that he had no other dependents, that inquiry of Mr. Moulton's has never been explained.
And finally Elsie Mae got her girl after 7 boys.
#2H Mary Maybell Ransford, was born Aug 24 1918 at Cottonwood Falls. Dr. M W Woodhull recorded her birth as Mary Maybell Ransford born Aug 24 1918 to J M Ransford and Elsie May Baldwin. Maybelle remembers the wagon trips from Kansas to Colorado.
During the depression, about May, 1932-33, Joseph and the older boys left the family with Elsie Mae at Silver Cliff, Colorado to find work. Maybelle missed school to gather cull potatoes in a nearby field for her family. She was about 14 and a neighbor turned the family into the state and the girls were taken to Denver, Colorado to an orphanage.
Maybelle married Clarase Ililo Fye and had 2 children; Thomas Leroy Fye, born Mar 25 1941 and Allen Edward Fye, born November 01 1945 and died in 1971. Maybelle divorced Mr. Fye in 1945. She married George Herman Matzke, Sep 1 1946 in Denver Colorado.
Joseph and Elsie were in Wichita, Kansas listed on the 1920 census. William age 8 is listed, and also Harold. It also lists Elsie's son, Luke LeRoy Jacob, age 12.; Lester age 3 4/12, and Mary "Maybelle" Ransford, age 1 and 5/12. The census was taken in Jan. 1920.
By June 1920 Joseph and Elsie and family were in Galena, Cherokee, Kansas.
#2I Clarence Edward Ransford, was born Jun 02 1920 at Galena, Cherokee, Kansas and died 8 Jun 1920 at Galena, Cherokee, Kansas.
By May 1921 Joseph and Elsie were back in Chase County.
#2J Lora Marguerite "Martha Ellen" Ransford, was born in Cottonwood Falls, May 13 1921 and died Sep 09, 2000 in Pierre, South Dakota. Dr. M W Woodhull records her birth as Martha E Ransford, born May 13 1921 at Cottonwood Falls Kansas, Joe Ransford and Elsie Baldwin were parents.
Martha was also taken from her mother, at age about 11, and sent to the Denver Colorado orphanage. Martha Ellen ran away several times. Martha Ellen remained there until age 16 and had her final escape. This was the last straw for the orphanage. She was found and placed into the Good Shepard Convent until her 21st birthday and then was released.
She married Boyd "Jack" Spencer at Bugar, North Carolina, May 01 1942. Martha and Jack separated in 1953, leaving her 6 months pregnant with no means of support. Martha's children are: Virginia Lee Spencer, Heuer, of Pierre, SD; Dorothy Louise Spencer, McGruder, Naber, of Pierre, SD.; Harold Leroy Spencer, Altoona, Iowa; Boyd Duane Spencer, of Mt. Vernon, SD.; Daniel Joseph Spencer, of Norfolk, NE.; Nora Jean Spencer, Heuer, Creswell, of Salem, Or.; Adolph Albert Spencer, Altoona, Iowa; James Lee Spencer, Ozark, Mo.; Elsie Mae Spencer Peterson, of Pierre, SD.; Marilyn Snow, Goodface, Three Irons of White, SD.; Martin Ellen Spencer, Sioux Falls, SD.; and Sherilyn Fae Ransford, Jensen, of Sioux Falls, SD.
#2K Maxine Iline Ransford, was born May 23 1923 in Cottonwood Falls, Kansas and died Dec 08 1980 at Pueblo, Colorado. She too was taken from her mother and lived at the Denver Orphanage. May 13 1945, she was married to William Andrew Baker born Nov 17, 1923 and lived in Julesburg, Colorado. Maxine divorced Andy. She remained single for quite a while.
Maxine then married Roy Swanson, May 01 1973 ( no children) and moved from Denver to Salida, Colorado. She was the mother of three daughters, Joanne Erling Baker Susman of Arvada; Carol Marie Baker Weaver of Salida; and Judy Ann Baker Versailles of Idaho Springs; and a son, Danny Baker, of Heber, Utah.
#2L Robert Burton Ransford, was born in 12 Jun 1924, at Picher, Oklahoma. He expired on 2 Sep 1924, and is buried at Picher, Oklahoma.
#2M Earl Manly Ransford, was born 12 Jul 1925 at Cottonwood Falls, Chase, Kansas. Dr. M W Woodhull recorded his birth as 12 Jul 1925 born in the city to Joe M Ransford and Elsie Baldwin. Earl died Feb 05 1926 at Cottonwood Falls, Kansas.
#2N Georgia Ruth Ransford, was born May 05 1927 at Cottonwood Falls, Chase, Kansas. She died on May 14 1927 at Cottonwood Falls, Kansas. Dr. M W Woodhull records her birth as Georgia born May 05 1927 in City; father, J Ransford and Elsie Baldwin parents. The Chase County Funeral Index records her death Ransford, Baby Ruth Georgia, May 17 1927. This most likely is the date her of burial.
The 1930, Cottonwood Falls, Kansas Census finds Joseph M, age 57 married at age 36; Elsie M age 40 married at at age 14. Harold is listed as son age 15; Maybell, daughter, age 11, Martha E, daughter, age 9; Maxine, daughter age 6;
The family's sorrow and grief from the events that took the children due to the depression is depicted in the following poem by NorJean Spencer-Creswell, Mar 24 2004, Martha's daughter:
#3 Martha Ellen Ransford was born Feb 06 1871 in Vigo, Indiana. This date is taken from the bible of Mary Delilia Ransford. Many of the census records records her place of birth as Kansas. The Chase County Marriage index lists Martha married Henry H McGunnigle in 1886.
Henry McGunnigle was born Apr. 1864, at Washington County, Illinois to Matthew M & Rhoda Edmonson McGunnigle. The McGunnigle family had moved from Illinois to Kansas. On Feb 15 1871 Charles McGonagle purchased land in Chase County. Possibly this was an uncle.
Henry and Martha Ellen had three children. Two died in infancy. Marietta "Etta" Moore was born Marietta McGunnigle. Henry later married Flora Knight of Elmdale, Chase, Kansas, in 1891, at Elmdale. They lived for a period of time in Missouri where Henry and Flora's daughter, Bertha was born in 1893. Flora McGunnigle reported on the 1900 Madison, Lee, Iowa census that she was the mother of two children and one living. Bertha was young when she married in 1909 to William Woolever at Fort Madison, Lee, Iowa, son of Uberto A and Clara
A. Etka Woolover. William and Bertha had one son, Loicel Woolever born 19 Jul 1910 and died Dec 1980. He was raised by Henry and Flora.
On Nov. 10, 1889, Martha married Isaac "Ike" Moore who was born Jan 27 1857. On the 1895 Census Mary Delilia Ransford Zimmerman is listed with the two boys. See note above. The next family listed is I. (Isaac) Moore, and Mary's daughter, Martha Ellen. She is listed as M E Moore age 24, born in Kansas.
Isaac Moore is listed on the 1885 Chase Census age 27, with Lucy Moore, Age 22, and daughter Rosetti age 3 and Clara age 1. Funeral records shows that Lucy B. Moore died Apr 03 1888 at age 26 years, 2 months and 2 days.
Continuing with the 1895 Census: Rosetti Moore is age 14, Clara B is age 12; Ross Moore age 9; Marette age 7, and E M Moore age 5. and R M Moore age 3. J M Ransford (Joseph Marion) is listed with this family as age 30. The following household on the census is the family of George Featherkile, brother of Mary Delilia Featherkile Ransford.
A family list has the following list of Moore children: Rosetta Moore born June 09 1881; Clara Bell Moore born Jan 18 1884; Ross Moore born Mar 23 1886; These are the children of Isaac and his first wife, Lucy.
Maryetta McGunnigle Moore was born Jun 01 1887; She was the only living child of Henry and Martha Ellen McGunnigle.
The following children are issue from Isaac and Martha Ellen: Etha May Moore born Jul 07 1889; William Marlin Moore born Aug 19 1892; Thomas Franklin Moore born Aug 06 1890; Julia Maud Moore born Mar 23 1898; Isaac LeRoy Moore born Feb 07 1905, and Ruth Arvilla Moore, born Jun 12 1906; and Ralph Oliver Moore, born Jan 27 1910.
On the 1910 Falls, Chase, Kansas Census, Isaac Moore is listed as age 54, that he was married twice married 22 years; Martha E Moore is listed as age 45, married twice, married 22 years. Martha is listed as a mother of 8 children and 6 are living. William is listed as their son age 18, Thomas, age 14, Ruth, age 2; and Ralph age 3/12.
On the 1920 Lowell, Cherokee, Kansas census we find Isaac and Martha E Moore.
Isaac is listed as age 63; Martha E is listed as age 53, Ruth A is age 11; and Ralph O is age 9.
On the 1930 Cherokee, Lowell, Dist 19 Kansas census, Isaac Moore age 74 lists that he was married at age 23 and Martha E his wife is age 65 and she lists she was married at age 14. No children are listed.
Martha Ellen Ransford McGunnigle Moore passed from this life, in 1935 at Galina, Kansas.
#4 Leroy Burton Ransford was born to Cameron and Mary Delila Ransford on May 24, 1882. Leroy "Roy" married Flossie Bell Baldwin, sister to Elsie Baldwin Ransford, on Feb 09, 1919 at Cottonwood Falls, Chase, Kansas.
Flossie had come to Kansas with her parents, Charles Cary and Alcyona Bell McReynolds Baldwin. Listed on theTopeka, Kansas 1910 Census is CC Baldwin age 52, married one time and married for 22 years. Alcyona is listed as Elsiona age 42, married one time, married for 22 years; Flossie Baldwin age 15, single, born in Iowa. William age 11, born in Iowa; and Jesse, son age 8, born in Iowa. In the fall of 1910 Flossie's family took up a homestead a few miles south of Kit Carson, Colorado.
Flossie B Baldwin was born 26 Jun 1896 at Homer, Hamilton, Iowa. She died Apr 20 1960 at Newton, Harvey, Kansas. Roy and Flossie were never able to have children. However, they did adopt and raise William and his wife, Agnes Young Baldwin's children. William Leonard Baldwin born Jan 28, 1899 in Homer, Iowa married Agnes Young on Jan 20 1920. The 1920 Kit Carson, Cheyenne, Colorado census had already been taken and shows William living with his mother, age 20 and single. His mother is listed as widowed.
The next door neighbor is Bazil and Emma Young, which includes their daughter, Agnes E, age 18, born in Kansas. The 1900 Saint Marys, Pottawatomie, Kansas census, lists Bazil Young born in Aug 1872 in Missouri, his wife, Emma, born Sep 1872, in Michigan. They had been married for 7 years, which makes the marriage in 1893. Emma states she is the mother of two children, one living.
Since Agnes was born in Kansas, this is probably the area they lived in at the time of her birth. On William obituary he gives the date of their marriage as Jan. 20, 1920. Agnes' death as Aug 16 1927 leaving the four children as orphans. The children were separated. Two were given to other family members and Roy and Flossie were able to adopt two, William B Baldwin and Marie Baldwin. When circumstances changed and Jesse and Doris needed to be place, Roy and Flossie requested to adopt the other two children, but they were permitted only to keep and care for them, but not adopt them. William Leonard Baldwin died Jun 21 1943 at the Age of 44 years, 4 months and 24 days.
On the 1920 , Cottonwood Falls, Kansas, census Roy B and Flossie B Ransford are listed . Roy is 37 yeas old, born in Kansas. and Flossie B. is 23 years old, born in Iowa. Roy worked for the Atchison, Topeka, Sante Fe railroads.
The 1930 Newton, Harvey, Kansas Census shows changes in the family structure. Roy Ransford is now Age 47, married at age 35; Flossie is age 33, and married at age 21. William (Baldwin) is listed as William Ransford, son Age 8; and Marie (Baldwin) is listed as Marie Ransford, daughter, Age 7; Doris Baldwin listed as niece, Age 5 and Jesse Baldwin, nephew, age 3 and 2/12. All four children were born in Colorado.
William B. (Baldwin) Ransford was born in 1920 enlisted in the US World War II Army at Newton, Harvey, Kansas. He is noted as National Guard Officer, Warrant Officer, and Enlisted Men. His education is listed as 2 years in High School. His civil occupation: Actor (Motion picture actor) or Director, Motion Picture or Entertainer. He was listed as single without dependents. His height is 68" and Weight: 144 lbs.
On the obituary for the children's father, William Leonard Baldwin, it states: William Baldwin of the U S Army, Jesse I Baldwin of the U S Navy, two daughters, Mrs. Marie Hale of Ozark, Ala., Mrs Doris Farquer of Newton, Kansas, and one grandson, Melvin Ray Farquer, Jr.
Leroy and Flossie's adopted son, William (BILLY) Leonard Baldwin Jr. Ransford was killed during the storming of Normandy Beach in France, WWII.
Flossie died April 21 , 1960. Leroy never remarried, 16 years later the good lord took him home. He's buried at Greenwood Cemetery, Newton, Kansas.
Note: The family genealogy is on several websites with some serious errors. I chose this site because of it's integrity to facts. Nora Creswell.
Written and research verified by Lorna Marvin with some submissions from Joanne Baker Susman and Nora Creswell, Submitted by Nora Creswell, Aug 25 2008.
Chase County Host Lorna Marvin | ![]() |
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