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Chase County Kansas Historical
The Wonsevu Christian Church was organized by Neal
Overman, pastor of the Church of Christ, at Church Kansas,
conducting a meeting from August 3, to August 14, 1903 in the
Wonsevu schoolhouse. At the close of the meeting membership roll consisted of 40 names. Henry Riggs was appointed
to lead the services.
December 1903 the following officers
were elected or appointed: Elders-Henry Riggs, George Blackburn; Deacons-Walter Riggs, Sam Sidiner. Trustees-Mrs. Minerva Sidiner W B. Goad and Jesse Riggs. Clerk and
Treasurer Vesta Mason.
In January 1910 Brother Clark who
was the minister at this time was appointed janitor and paid
$2.00 for two months work.
In 1910 it was decided to build a church house and a committee of three men was appointed, Henry Riggs, N. E. Sidiner
and John Overstreet. Solicitors- Mrs. Sarah Riggs, Mrs. Laura
McKittrick, Mrs. John Overstreet, Mrs. Ann Nicholson and
Maude Shanklin.
September 1911 J. M. Cockrill of Parker, Kansas, held a
meeting from September 2, to September 17, when the new
church was dedicated. It is located diagonal across the road
from the schoolhouse.
In September 1961 the 50th anniversary of the church was
celebrated with Bible school and morning worship followed
by a basket dinner at the church hall. Two members were
present that were united with the church in 1910. They were
Millie Oxford and Louie Scharenburg. The minister at that
time (1961) was Marshall Pierce and he is still with us.(1972)
The 1965 officers are Elders: Cecil Hepler, W. J. Thompson, Ernest Lespangard, J. J. Frost, John Oxford, Deacons:
Truman Strong, Edgar Griffin, Ivan Morgan, Paul Riggs, Paul
Scharenburg. Treasurer: Bill Thompson. Clerk: Hazel Riggs.
Trustees: Millie Oxford, Ruth Tompson and Hazel Riggs.
Chase County Centennial, 1872 - 1972
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