Chase County KS Burial Removal Permits - Index 1933 - 1982
Chase County Burial Removal Permits, Index compiled, indexed and abstracted by Lorna Marvin
The donation of burial permits from the county is a "gold mine" which gives information on the deceased that other records sometime is lacking. The most advantageous information is that many of these burials do not appear in the cemetery listings yet the deceased was buried in Chase County. It also gives the County and City from where the body was sent to Chase County.
A | Ba | Be - Bo | Br | Bu - By | Ca - Cl | Co - Cu | Da - Dy
E | F | G | Ha | He - Hu | I | J | K | L | Ma - Mc |
Me - My | N | O | P | R | Sa - Si | Sl - Sy
T | U | V | Wa - Wi| Wo - Wy| X Y Z
If you wish to request a copy of the burial removal permit, please email Lorna Marvin, Chase County Host including your mailing address so that it can be mailed to you. There is no cost, to you for these permits, however, a donation to cover copy cost and postage would be acceptable. There is additional information on the burial permit that does not appear on the index.
The internment date with the authorization that it was interned at the cemetery is included. Often times the months and days in addition to the years of age is listed. On some of the permits a date of birth appears. The cause of death has been abbreviated in the index.
If you request the copy of the permit from the County Historical Society you must include the date of death. Permits are filed by the date of death. You must check with the Society for their fee charge. There will be a research and copy fee. Enjoy!
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