KSGenWeb - The Primary Source for Kansas Genealogy

History of Chase County, Kansas

Professor D A Ellsworth's Abstracts
1853 - 1899

Pages 101 - 212

Professor D. A. Ellsworth was hired by Mr. W. Austin to abstract the history of Chase County from the Chase County Leader News. It was published at the turn of the century but never bound or sold. At the death of Mr. Austin, it was stored in the family garage for years. Several years ago, his son finding it, donated the old boxes to the Chase County Historical Society. Each manuscript was circled with a band of paper. It contained no index.
It was indexed in 1999 and transcribed in 2002
by Lorna Marvin, Chase County Coordinator


����������� Compiled for the Chase County Leader

���������������� By Prof. D. A. Ellsworth

Page 101

���� Dec. 12, 1873 -- Wm. Newton, after an absence of six years, visits Bazaar.

���� Steve Upton shoots two deer south of Buck creek.

���� H. C. Light sells out and returns to Ohio.

���� DEC. 25--The Farmers club, of Cedar creek, have a Community Christmas tree in District No. 13. F. L. Drinkwater is the Santa Claus.

���� Mose Coppock, of Lyon county, buys 32,000 bushels of wheat in Chase county.

���� Born to Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Howard, a daughter.

���� G. W. Williams and Ed. Pratt dissolve partnership at the Falls.

���� 1874

���� JAN. 1--David Wood leases the Falls house. S. E. Yeomans will have charge of the hotel.

���� Cronin moves his billiard table to Osage City.

���� Administration granted in the estate of David Fritts.

���� W. H. Shaft receives from Pennsylvania a thorobred stallion, an English Clyde, dapple-grey and the finest horse yet brought to the county.

���� Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Martin celebrated their 28th anniversary.

���� JAN. 16--Married: C. C. Watson and Ida Hinckley, at the Hinckley House.

���� A grange is organized in Diamond creek township with Hewitt Craik as master and Wm. Osmer, secretary.

���� Born: To Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Hildebrand, a daughter, the first child born at Cottonwood Station.

���� "Law" writes to the Leader that on the last Sunday in the Falls, a city official was drunk in a saloon, and singing; three saloons were wide open; a Good Templer was selling whiskey in one of them, and three Good Templars were beastly drunk. Three minors were drunk, also.

���� JAN. 23--There are now six granges in Chase county.

���� Born: To Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Cochran, a daughter.

���� A crusade is started against saloons in the Falls.

���� JAN. 30--Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Scribner, a son.

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���� FEB. 6--Married: W. W. Allen and Hannah Stout; L. H. Fent and Sarah Snyder; Isaac Hammer and Elizabeth Allen; Michael Murphy and Ella McGrinley; A. O. Clark and Rebecca Maxwell; B. L. Johnson and Laura Connelly.

���� Forty lots are bought at sheriff's sale, in the Falls, at $2 a piece, by C. M. Brown.

���� Born: To Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Breese, a daughter.

���� Mart Hays of Bazaar dies.

���� FEB. 20--A grange is organized at Cedar Point; Dr. C. A. Mead is the Master.

���� A Farmers and Stock Raisers Cooperative Association is formed at Toledo. Wm. Moore is president; Jno. Stone, vice-president; Aaron Jones, treasurer; D. C. Allen, secretary, and Nathan Stout, corresponding secretary. They offer to buy the J. M. Griffith hardware store in Emporia and call on six drug stores to "get a price" for the exclusive patronage of the Association.

���� FEB. 27--0. H. Drinkwater buys the Isaac Hudson store at Cedar Point and P. P. Shriver leases the mill to W. N. Doughey.

���� Ephriam Link, brother-in-law of W. S. Romigh, buys the mill at Matfield Green.

���� F. M. Boudreau, gunsmith, will dispose of his household goods and stock at the Falls by lottery---tickets, $1.

���� The legitimacy of the Falls grange is attacked and the state meeting will go into the matter fully. The legitimacy of S. N. Wood to be a member is the point of issue.

���� FEB. 28--A county council of the Patrons of Husbandry is organized at the Falls. W. G. Patten is elected Master; E. B. Crocker, Overseer; W. P. Martin, secretary; J. R. Blackshere, treasurer; and Hewitt Craik, county agent.

���� Dr. G. W. Westlake locates in Cottonwood Falls.

���� Married: J. W. Harvey and Lucretia Doney; Jno. Talkington and Ella D. Wood; Nelson Lawson and Diana Johnson.

���� The Chase County Temperance League elects Rev. J. G. Freeborn president and S. N. Wood vice-president; W. W. Sanders, and Mrs. Earnest secretaries; Mrs. Kellogg, treasurer.

���� Roach Kelly offers his farm of 160 acres, of bottom land on Middle creek, four miles from Elmdale, for $20 an acre.

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���� MARCH 13--Thornt Martin and Tom Morgan sell their farms on Middle creek to L. W. Eccles and W. H. Triplett, of Illinois.

���� The Falls House has changed its name to the "Grangers".

���� MARCH 21--The delinquent tax list is published in the Leader. It fills three columns.

���� Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Denn are the parents of a girl.

���� Rev. D. A. Perrin is the new Methodist minister in the Falls. Rev. N. F. Tipton goes to Hartford.

���� A lodge of Good Templars is organized at Hymer. E. Stotts is the W. C. T. and G. O. Cane, secretary.

���� W. W. Sanders surveys the burial grounds at Bazaar.

���� MARCH 27--A Dramatic and Musical club is formed at the Falls.--Wm. Vennum is president and Dr. G. W. Williams, vice-president; J. W. McWilliams, secretary; Mrs. G. W. Williams, treasurer; W. A. Morgan, manager; J. P. Cantrall, prompter; and Ed Pratt, property man.

���� Leon Casseo, a Mexican, is a character in the community who proves to be something of a bone of contention in the Falls community. He came there with a wagon-train and adopted the community pro paria. His services were in demand to such an extent that quarrels, and legal proceedings resulted. It was Casseo that Martin Goss tried to blame for the murder of Jas. Fisher, but the fact that Fisher recovered sufficiently to say that Goss had attacked him, saved the poor Mexican from being the victim of prearranged "circumstances". Every frontier community possessed some strange types-primitive ones-and Leon Casseo was one of the most unique in the history of Chase county.

���� APRIL 3-- Edwards county is named in honor of W. C. Edwards who owns the lumber yard at Cottonwood Station. He became a "lumber-king" of Kansas.

���� The triplets of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Moore, of Bazaar, die at the age of six months.

���� Jno. R. Mulvane, of the Topeka bank, advertises to buy municipal bonds in Chase county.

���� The Toledo Farmers and Stock Growers Cooperative association, after going over the ground thoroughly, decides that it will be best for the members to trade wherever they think best.

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���� APRIL 10--Married: Zimri Lewis and Emily Hollingsworth.

���� N. J. Swayze is elected mayor of the Falls; B, F. Hunt, police judge and Wm. Vennum, A. P. Gandy, T. S. Jones, and A. G. Miner, councilmen.

���� J. N. Nye is arrested for selling liquor on Sunday and fined $25.

���� APRIL 17--The A. T. S. Fe Railway lands are advertised now at. $1.50 to $3 an acre in Chase county.

���� Chase county has its first circus today--Grandy's. The Youth of the county, properly admonished by the Leader as to the wiles and pitfalls which accompany such organizations, attends enmasse.

���� Jas. Hays, of South Fork, forgetful of the admonitions, loses $20 on a raffle.

���� APRIL 24--The 55th anniversary of Odd Fellowship is observed at the Falls. Rev. J. G. Freeborn delivers an oration.

���� W. H. Hays is postmaster of Bazaar.

���� The Chase county assessors fix on price of bottom lands at $7 an acre; uplands, $3.

���� Cattle in the eastern part of the county are perishing for food.

���� Judge Young of Plymouth lost 40 head. It is stated that 40,000 head perished in Kansas during the winter.

���� J. P. Caldwell and Co. succeeds Shamleffer and Co., in the general store at the Falls.

���� Married: Lewis Mack and Susan Moots.

���� A Peace Society is organized at Vernon school house. Z. W. Morgan is elected president, and S. A. Moore, secretary; Mrs. H. L. Hunt, treasurer; and Miss May Gandy librarian. Catalogues are ordered printed.

���� MAY 15--A Peace Society is organized at Toledo with David Griffis, president; Paris Mills, vice-president; and E. R. Allen, secretary.

���� A. B. Watson is seriously injured by walking off the bridge across the ravine in the Falls.

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���� "The Sovereigns of Industry" is being organized in Chase county. S. N. Wood is president; Mary Hunt, secretary; May Gandy, treasurer; Ed Jeffrey, lecturer, and Joe Houser, steward.

���� A "Sovereigns of Industry" lodge is organized in Toledo township with J. G. Winne president and Jno. Stone, vice�president; D. C. Allen, secretary; David Griffis, treasurer; and A. M. Conaway, lecturer.

���� The A. T. & S. Fe Ry offers to pay $15,000 taxes, leaving $3,000 unpaid.

���� The Topeka Commonwealth attacks Senator Henry Brandley. The Leader defends Captain Brandley showing the vicious character of the abuse.

���� MAY 20--The Chase County Medical Society is organized with Dr. Westlake as,chairman and Dr. Cormack, secretary. A committee is appointed to draw up a constitution and fee bill to report on the 23. The officers for the year are: G. W. Westlake, president; W. A. Cormack, vice-president; I. C. Winsor, secretary, G. W. Williams, treasurer; and S. A. Breese, W. A. Morgan, and F. P. Cochran are chosen as censors of the Society. The fee list makes $1 as charge for a call.

���� David A. Kelly, of Elmdale, dies.

���� MAY 22--Will L. Wood is master of the Falls grange.

���� E. A. Hildebrand and Isaac Matthews buy 30 acres north of the station at Cottonwood, and will plat it for a town.

���� Jas. Hayes of South Fork, is building a saw mill.

���� Married: Festus Giddings and Ellen Pinkston; C G. Manley and Mrs. Harriet Alford.

���� The Congregational Church society of the Falls elects A. J. Crocker, H. N. Simmons, and F. Price, deacons; S. N. Wood is elected president of the board of trustees.

���� JUNE 5--A movement is started to hold a county fair this fall.

���� The bondsmen of the late U. B. Warren, acknowledge judgment for $9,727.63 with legal interest in closing the settlement with the county for the former treasurer's deficit.

���� Several horses have been stolen this week.

���� JUNE 12--A Benevolent, Emigrant and Temperance society is organized at the Catholic church, after the lecture by Father Felix P. Swembergh.

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���� S. N. Wood is elected Master of the Falls Grange in the place of Will Wood who resigned.

���� JUNE 17--Born: To Rev. and Mrs. A. H. Britton, of Middle creek, a son.

���� Will Kellogg and Rol Hinckley leave for New Mexico.

���� A meeting is called for all persons who are opposed to the present political parties.

���� Representatives of 16 families from the colony at Syracuse, Kans., visited Chase county and recommended that the members relocate here. This colony went to Syracuse, Kans., from Syracuse, New York two years ago. George George and N. P. Strail are members.

���� Miss De Land reports the names of pupils deserving honorable mention and those of the ones who are "nearly perfect."

���� Jno. Emslie is developing the quarries about Cottonwood on a much larger scale.

���� J. B. Tuttle, father of J. M. Tuttle, dies at the Falls, aged 69 years.

���� JUNE 19--Ellen Doughty and Nellie Blake have their certificates raised to first grade for meritorious work in the school room.

���� JUNE 21--The Chase County Agricultural and Horticultural Association adopts a constitution and authorizes the board of directors to arrange for a county fair this fall. Leroy Martin, W. H. Manley and A. S. Howard are appointed to select grounds.

���� Gillett and Brockett dissolve partnership, Asa Gillett continues the business.

���� Drinkwater and Shriver are building a stone mill at Cedar Point.

���� Dr. McKinney and family leave for Wichita.

���� The Chase County Bank is lending money on Chase county farms in sums of $500 and over for five years.

���� Judge S. P. Young of Plymouth moves to the Falls and enters the practice of law.

���� C. A. Britton has sold his mill to Houghton and McDowell of Grasshopper Falls.

���� Fifty men, women and children of Syracuse colony arrive. They bring their houses with them. The men would like to get work to do.

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���� The Hughes Riding Plow is given a trial near the Falls. W. S. Romigh, H. N. Simmons and C. Schnavely have bought plows.

���� The 41/2 mills tax for the courthouse deficiency fund is ordered by the commissioners to be refunded to those who have already paid it. (This refund is enjoined.)

���� JUNE 26--Married: W. R. Jones and Mary Studebaker.

���� L. B. Baldwin dies suddenly at his home on Buck creek.

���� The Chase County Teachers association meet at the Falls. 18 teachers are present. Resolutions are adopted for free text books furnished by the district, for county uniformity, improvement of school grounds, revoking of certificates of teachers who don't attend institutes, is asked and forbidding corporal punishment. Supt. J. G. Winne is asked to become a candidate for another term.

���� JULY 3--D. K. Cartter, chief justice of the supreme court of the district of Columbia and his son, Wm. H. Carter, a physician and surgeon, are looking over the lands of Chase county, for ten days. They are guided around by S. N. Wood. The Cartters expect to invest $10,000 here.

���� The Chase County Agricultural society meets. The officers elected are: John Gatewood, president; J. R. Blackshere, vice-president; H. P. Brockett, secretary; A. H. Manley, treasurer; and Hewitt Craik, corresponding secretary.

���� Chas. Loomis goes to Eureka to practice law.

���� JULY 10--Married: G. W. Walker and Prudence Barrett; also L. O. Mann and Liney Shipley.

���� The population of Chase county is now 2903.

���� The Leader argues for the doing away with national bank currency entirely and the substitution of greenbacks by the government.

���� Indians are committing depredations around Cimarron, Kansas.

���� L. F. King, from Illinois, buys a farm one mile east of the Falls.

���� AUG.7--The Leader demands that A. S. Howard, county treasurer, stop charging 6% for collection on each fund instead of on the gross amount.

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���� The Union Council No. 19 of Farmers and Mechanics Co�operative Union of America, is organized in the Falls. S. A. Breese is president.

���� A. S. Reynolds and family move to Denver.

���� Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Winn Thomas, a son; to Mr. and Mrs. J. C Dwelle, a son.

���� Stone is being shipped from Chase county for the new courthouse in St. Joseph, Mo.

���� H. S. Sook locates in the Falls, in law.

���� The annual school meetings will be held August 13th.

���� A. S. Howard is building a $6,000 home in the Falls.

���� The Chase County Central Council of the Patrons of Husbandry instructs the grangers to take up the matter of protection against horse-thieves.

���� AUG. 14--The county commissioners reduce the county treasurer's fees $1.00. They raise the inquiry as to the $14,000 on deposit in the bank on which 10 to 12 % on balances is being paid.

���� A city tax of 3 mills is levied in the Falls, to raise $180.

���� Born: To Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Tuttle, a daughter.

���� Father Swembergh will go east shortly to obtain relief for those made destitute by the grasshoppers. The Leader says: "The long looked for grasshoppers struck this county on Thursday afternoon and played havoc with corn, vegetables and early peaches. A person who has never seen them can have no idea of the countless numbers and how fast they work." Minnesota, Nebraska and western Kansas are over�run by grasshoppers.

���� S. N. Wood files suit against A. S. Howard for official mis�conduct. The latter files bond for $5,000.

���� On account of the low water the mill can run only a part of each day.

���� AUG. 21--The school board of district No. 6 will build a school house in Cottonwood Station.

���� Dr. G. W. Williams and S. A. Breese are delegates to Republican State convention. J. G. Winne and A. S. Howard to the congressional convention. The Leader states that there were 28 persons present and 36 votes cast.

���� AUG. 28--The Indians killed four men and burned bridges west of Dodge City last week.

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���� The H. L. Hunt farm is advertised for sale, by the United States Marshal for Sept. 4th, to satisfy the claims of the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co. (At the sale there were no bidders.)

���� A well is being dug on the court house grounds.

���� The grasshoppers after having eaten everything they could, left on Saturday, the 22nd, for new fields. They came August 13th. The horror of those nine days during which the settlers saw all their crops devoured was intense.

���� E. B. Crocker ships four cars of cattle to Chicago.

���� Miss Allie Lee, the teacher of the Fox creek school, shoots a rattlesnake two feet long in the Lee kitchen. She used a revolver.

���� Jno. Emsile has the contract for 500 cars of cut stone for the Atchison bridge. He will have work for 50 hands all winter.

���� A new paper is being arranged for in the Falls. The Leader states that it is backed by "the Court House Ring".

���� The summer of 74 has been the dryest since '60. The corn fields looked like huge bean plantation, being stripped of every leaf by the grasshoppers. There are a few fields of early corn that will run from 40 to 60 bushels to the acre in spite of the late drouth and the grasshoppers.

���� The Beecher-Tilton scandal is the leading topic of discussion.

���� SEPT. 4--W. R. Brown is nominated for congress over C K. Holliday, of the A. T. & S. R. Ry.

���� Governor Osborn calls the legislature to meet on the 15th, to consider the emergency due to the grasshoppers and the drouth.

���� Six of Captain Thrasher's surveying party were killed by the Indians, the Cheyennes, on the 23rd.

���� Married: Henry Plumberg and Mary O'Byrne.

���� Water is so low that steam power is being used in the Shipman mill.

���� SEPT. 11--Postoffices established at Elk and Thurman. Henry Collett and Jerry Nolan are the postmasters respectively.

���� Colonies of Mennonites are passing thru to Marion, Harvey and McPherson counties.

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���� O. Hickey is principal of schools at the Falls, at $50 per month. Miss L. Kellogg will teach the Cottonwood school at $30 per month.

���� South Fork is the scene of a stage robbery. Five miles south of the Falls, three employees get away with the six horses and $3,000.

���� The Reform party nominates Major J. Hudson for Congress. Col. J. M. Steele, of Emporia, is endorser for state treasurer.

���� SEPT. 18--The Leader refuses to support Sam'1 Lappin, for state treasurer on account of his dishonest record.

���� K. J. Fink returns to his farm on Diamond creek, from Dickinson county.

���� S. N. Wood sells his farm east of the Falls, to Dr. W. H. Cartter, of Cleveland, Ohio. Col. Wood settled their in 1859.

���� The following young people from Chase county have entered the State Normal school at Emporia: Jessie Shaft, Carl Blackshere, Wallie Wood, Fred Shipman, Nellie Gillett, Lucy Perrigo, and Alice Jeffrey.

���� In spite of the grasshoppers fruit is plentiful. Grapes are selling for five cents a pound. Peaches are plentiful and there is a fine crop of wild plums.

���� W. S. Romigh urges the granges to back a plan to establish a Farmers national bank in the Falls, with a capital of $100,000. The money can be loaned at 10%.

���� SEPT. 25--The commissioners levy 7 mills for county purposes and 3 mills for the court house bonds.

���� The state legislature passes a measure allowing counties to issue bonds running twenty years, the state to endorse the bonds, for the relief of the settlers. Chase county is not one of the counties named.

���� Rev. German, of the Lutheran church, has moved to Topeka.

���� Born: To Captain and Mrs. H. Brandley, a son.

���� Dr. W. H. Cartter and family arrive in Cottonwood Falls. They will remain at the Falls House until their goods come and then they will occupy the Col. S. N. Wood house east of the Falls.

���� W. P. Martin goes to Emporia to work for G. W. Newman & Co.

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���� A hunting party divides into two divisions for a competitive hunt. Wert Jones' party kills 99 prairie chickens and Ed Pratt's, 92. There is a supper at the Falls House following by a dance at Britton's hall.

���� OCT. 1--Three car loads of Mennonites pass thru for the Arkansas Valley where they have bought 150,000 acres of land. 1,900 Mennonites preceeded this party.

���� Col. S. N. Wood has rented the Cormack home in the Falls. Dr. Cormack will move to Fredonia.

���� Married: D. C. Allen and Annabelle Conaway.

���� "The Scalping Knife" is the name of the paper appearing at the Falls occasionally. It promises to live true to its name.

���� OCT. 8--The Republicans nominate the following ticket: representative, S. M. Wood; probate judge, C. C. Whitson; county attorney, S. N. Wood; district court clerk, S. A. Breese; supperintendent of schools, F. B. Hunt. The nominee for state senator is S. R. Peters, of Marion.

���� Dr. W. H. Cartter and Col. C. N. Sterry organize two hunting parties for a prairie chicken hunt. Dr. Cartter's party wins by a score of 92 to 87. The affair is followed by a game dinner.

���� W. A. Morgan is awarded the county printing for the coming year.

���� The Sharp's creek road is established.

���� Triplets are born to Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Laloge-daughters.

���� OCT. 15--Dave Wood leaves for Colorado.

���� Seven new residences are building in Cottonwood Falls.

���� G. K. Hagen is appointed express messenger at Cottonwood Falls.

���� S. N. Wood ships 2,000 pounds of flour to the destitute of Rice county.

���� W. E. Timmons and John Martin are preparing to print the Chase County Courrant at Cottonwood Falls.

���� OCT. 22--The Leader prints a full account of the shortage of Samuel Buchanan while treasurer for Chase county from '65 to '66. The shortage was never fully accounted for. Buchanan went to Pennsylvania.

���� Deffenbaugh sells his farm on Buckeye to a Mr. Snyder and returns to Illinois.

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���� The Elmdale townsite is being surveyed.

���� OCT. 29--Henry Plumberg rents the Falls House and Ed Hinckley leases the Hinckley House.

���� NOV. 5--The number of votes cast in Chase county is 734. Cusey is given 305 majority over Osborn for Governor. Watson for treasurer, over Lappin, 498; J. K. Hudson, over W. R. Brown, for congress, 232; Pinckney over Peters for state senator, 180; S. N. Wood, for county attorney, over T. S. Jones, 205; F. B. Hunt was elected superintendent of schools.

���� Wm. Durey returns to Chase county and buys the Steinbrook farm on Buck Creek.

���� H. S. Sook is admitted to the bar.

���� Mrs. L. D. Hinckley buys the Jno. Prather place near the depot for $1,200.

���� W. L. Wood and Miss Z. M. Williams are married; also W. P. Manley and Arlia Alford.

���� NOV. 12--Philo Ogden sells his store at Cedar Point to Frank Crissup, taking 100 head of Texas cattle as part pay.

���� Married: I. D. Rider, Jr., and Elveretta Park.

���� Robert Brash is building a fine home on his farm near Elmdale.

���� W. P. Martin and Wiley and Henson will open a store in the Hassler building at the Falls.

���� There is so much need in different parts of the county that the county commissioners order the trustees to report the names of all persons who are destitute.

���� There is a scandal printed in the Leader to the effect that $1,000 was paid for repairs on the bridge at Cedar Point when the actual cost would have been $180.

���� NOV. 19--Arch Miller closes the estate of Jas. Fisher, the first settler in Chase county. The property amounts to $3,174.50, and Mr. Miller spent just $3 in attorney's fees to collect the amount.

���� Dr. Westlake and J. L. Cochran shoot two deer on South Fork.

���� NOV. 26--It is estimated that 15,000 people are destitute in Kansas. 150,000 acres planted to corn that did not produce a bushel.

���� Jas. W. Dugan is postmaster at Bazaar.

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���� Jos. Hackett and family return to Ohio. A number of families are thinking of "going back east".

���� Matfield Green adds 200 volumes to the school library. Jno. Shaft bought the H. L. Hunt farm at Hunt's Station at the U. S. Marshal's sale on the 19th. He pays $6,614 for 785 acres.

���� T. E. Newby trades his farm on South Fork for one in Missouri.

���� A relief meeting at the M. E. Church at the Falls arranges to secure food, clothing and money for the destitute. A committee consisting of S. N. Wood, W. A. Morgan, H. P. Brockett, S. A. Breese and S. P. Young will arrange for meetings all over the county to secure aid.

���� DEC. 10--The Supreme Court affirms the decision awarding J. R. Blackshere $2,400 for the right-of-way thru Clover Cliff Ranch.

���� Born: To Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Prather, a daughter.

���� 500 Mennonites pass thru. Half of them will locate near Peabody.

���� S. R. Sayre of Winfield, buys the Rob't Crissup farm on Cedar creek.

���� W. W. Brown, of Safford, having attained his majority; takes his rightful name, Joshua Francis Gill.

���� Toledo Township, having $500 in the treasury, will furnish labor to destitute families, using the fund for these improvements. Other townships are urged by the Relief Committee to do likewise.

���� The seventh anniversary of the establishment of the Patrons of Husbandry is observed at Cedar Point and on Diamond creek.

���� DEC. 17--Chas. Kline and Rhoda Campbell are married.

���� Born: To Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Swope, a daughter.

���� Died: Mrs. E. C Holmes, of Cottonwood township. She leaves a husband and seven children.

���� Died: Mrs. Elizabeth Norton, of Norton creek, aged 62 years. Mrs. Norton came to Chase county, with her young family in 1859. Three of her sons, as they became old enough, went into the Union army. She reared her family to creditable citizenship, and proved herself a woman of great ability and strong character, in spite of the hazardous frontier environment.

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���� One of the saddest tragedies in the history of Chase county took place just before Christmas near Safford. Wm. J. Fisher, a destitute farmer, was moving his family from Marion county to Iowa, their former home. His wife was taken sick on the journey and they were compelled to stop in Safford for two months. They had five children, the oldest only 12 years of age. Jacob Jacobson had been losing hay from his stack--it was a very hard year for all--and sat up to watch for the thief. He says that he saw Fisher come to the stack and he shot him. Fisher was killed. Jacobson was arrested. He was tried and convicted. He was pardoned the next year but he suffered so greatly with remorse that he went insane. His death occurred shortly after in the asylum. As to what became of the little family of the murdered man there is no record after they left Safford for Iowa, thru the kindness of the community.

���� DEC. 24--Wm. Birley, of Bazaar, dies, aged 68 years.

���� Married: Robert Clements and Mary Ann McDowell.

���� The Santa Fe offers $16,060.72 in full for all back taxes on their land in Chase county. The commissioners accept this amount and the matter is concluded and no questions asked.

���� Lake and Colt open a grocery store at Cottonwood.

���� Henry Hinckley, a brother of L. D. Hinckley, dies. He had been a helpless cripple for 8 years.

���� The Falls grange holds a public installation. There are 40 candidates for the 4th degree.

���� A lodge of Good Templers is organized at Matfield Green with 32 members. E. B. Crocker is the W. C. T.; R. C Madden is secretary and Henry Brandley, treasurer.

���� S. A. Breese is admitted to the bar.

���� The Christmas dance given at Joseph L. Crawford's at Hunt's Station is pronounced a success. 33 couples are present. J. L. Crawford and Frank Barrington played the violins and N. Patton and John Crawford call-off. The supper is pronounced "splendid"-Annie Patton and Hortense Crawford "looked after that".

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���� DEC. 25--Three districts hold a union Christmas tree at Cedar Point. F. L. Drinkwater is the Santa Claus.

���� A county poor farm is suggested as use for the U. B. Warren farm in settlement of money due the county.

���� 1875

���� JAN. 7--The county printing is given the Chase County Courant.

���� The Friends of Toledo township have sent Adam Beals and M. H. Lewis to Iowa to solicit aid for the destitute.

���� The number of persons reported as destitute in Chase county is summarized as follows: Diamond creek, 8 ; Falls, 4 ; Cottonwood, 4 ; Bazaar, 18. It is estimated that $76 a month will meet the actual needs of these 34 people.

���� JAN. 9--Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Austin a daughter, Sarah.

���� Died: At Cedar Point on the 9th, Mrs. Clara Young Pinkston, wife of E. W. Pinkston. She was 27 years old. Besides her husband, she is survived by three daughters and one son.

���� The weather has been intensely cold for several weeks. "Cold Friday" as it is spoken of, January 9th, the mercury registered 32 degrees below zero.

���� JAN. 14--Three-fourths of the members of the legislature belong to the Grange.

���� T. N. Allen dies at Toledo, aged 64 years. He came to Toledo during the war.

���� JAN. 21--Born: To Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Rockwood, a son; also Mr. and Mrs. Harlan, a son.

���� Married: William Norton and Victoria Jeffrey; D. W. Doney and Jane Gott.

���� Died: J. L. Pressnall, of the Falls, aged 56 years.

���� Jno. W. Ford returns to Toledo after an absence of nearly a year on trail of the murderer of his brother, James, in the Red River country. He discovered the murderer near Fort Scott and had him arrested.

���� S. P. Young is elected president of the Falls debating society.

���� S. A. Breese, treasurer of the Relief Committee, is kept busy distributing aid to the needy. The supplies are almost exhausted.

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���� JAN. 28--At the Hymer school house where a meeting was being held to organize a literary society, a disturbance was caused by three young men who insisted upon playing cards. All three were fined.

���� FEB. 4--Chase county received the least amount of aid of any county in Kansas needing it, excepting Coffey county. Reno received the most, $11,655. A summary received and distributed in Chase county is given by S. A. Breese. It reads 5 boxes of clothing; 4 barrels of hominy; 15 gallons of syrup; 33 sacks of corn meal; 18'2 sacks of flour; and 1 barrel of dried apples. The total value was $330. These goods were issued within one week to 59 families, or 398 persons.

���� Corn is worth 90c a bushel.

���� Geo. McNee, of Middle creek, will leave soon for Scotland, after an absence of 16 years.

���� Mr. and Mrs. Barrington return to their old home on Cedar creek after an absence of two years.

���� Born: To Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Crawford, a son.

���� W. G. Patten is elected delegate to the State Grange. The local grange passes a resolution that the national banking system should be abolished and greenbacks issued convertible into 3 % bonds and these green backs loaned to the people on real estate. C. C. Myser is chairman and Hewitt Craik, secretary.

���� E. A. Hildebrand buys the lumber yard of W. C. Edwards at Cottonwood.

���� FEB. 11--A shooting club is organized at the Falls. Dr. W. H. Cartter is president.

���� The County Relief Committee names committees thruout the county to distribute the goods now on hand. The supplies will average 10 pounds of flour to each person reported destitute. S. A. Breese resigns as chairman and A. B. Watson is employed at $1.50 per day to receive and distribute goods to the committees.

���� The Cottonwood Horticultural society meets in Grant township, Marion county. J. W. Byram, of Cedar Point, is the secretary.

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���� Died: At her son, William's, home on South Fork, Mrs. Stevenson. George Washington was President at the time of her birth.

���� A literary society, to be called the Middle Creek Legislature, is organized. The object is to discuss state legislation. S. R. Campbell is the speaker.

���� FEB. 25--C. C. Watson is arrested charged with assulting David Wood, with intent to kill.

���� The Falls debating society discusses National Banks versus Greenbacks.

���� Elias Gardner and family come to live on their farm on Cedar creek, bought from Imbla Young last fall. They bring three cars of lumber, household goods and machinery.

���� MARCH 9--W. M. Kellogg and Miss S. A. Upton are married.

���� MARCH 11--Sam Bennett is fencing 2,000 acres of pasture between Ellinor and Safford with stone.

���� A cooperative store opens in the Falls.

���� Dr. and Mrs. Cartter's daughters, Annetta and Ella, die within a period of two weeks.

���� The State Grange asks for lists of members who may need help.

���� Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Allen, of Ellinor, a daughter; Mr. and Mrs. Matt Thompson, of Peyton creek, a son; and to Mr. and Mrs. C C Watson, of the Falls, a daughter.

���� W. G. Patten and S. H. Brenner call a meeting to organize a county grange.

���� MARCH 18--A. K. Johnson is presiding elder of this district.

���� Geo. McNee buys Rev. A. H. Britton's farm on Middle creek.

���� Prairie fires sweep the north part of the county. Mrs. Samuel Murdock dies, aged 58 years.

���� The legislature passes an act enabling Chase county to receive and dispose of real estate which was bought with county funds by U. B. Warren while county treasurer.

���� MARCH 25--Marion county votes $10,000 worth of bonds and cannot sell them.

���� Auld, Fiske and Emslie shipped 150 carloads of stone in the last month. They are shipping 10 loads a day now.

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���� Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Festus Giddings, of Cedar creek, a son.

���� Died: L. H. Macy, of the Vernon district.

���� The County Grange organizes with C. C. Myser, of Toledo, Master. There are 14 local granges in Chase county.

���� APRIL 1-- Married: C. A. Britton and Mrs. Ettie Ewing, daughter of A. B. Moore.

���� A spelling match is arranged with an admission price of 10c. The receipts are for the benefit of Fred Starkey whose horses, cattle and hay were destroyed by fire on the 25th.

���� Henry Hays, of Bazaar, returned from Illinois, with his family yesterday. Their baby died on the way from the station and Hays died this morning.

���� Chase county's share of the state school fund is $902.12.

���� Died: Mrs. E. Stotts, of Diamond creek.

���� APRIL 8--Dr. Westlake sells his home to Ed Pratt. He will go to California.

���� August Ferlet and family return from Virginia. They contemplate going into the hotel business.

���� N. J. Swayze is reelected mayor of the Falls.

���� The United Presbyterian Presbytery meets at the Falls. Five ministers and three elders attend. Rev. J. F. Taylor is pastor of the congregations of the Falls, Plymouth, and White City.

���� Married: G. C. Miller and Jennie McGinnis, of South Fork.

���� 80 people remonstrate against issuing licenses to sell liquor in the Falls.

���� Married: Ephraim Link and Mrs. Orlinda Weisel, of Bazaar.

���� APRIL 22--Black leg is killing young cattle.

���� H. E. Chamberlain asks a license to sell liquor. There is a remonstrance filed.

���� The Falls schools give a May party and May Hassler is the May Queen.

���� The Chase County Agricultural society elects Leroy Martin, president; J. R. Blackshere, vice president; Arch Miller, treasurer; and W. S. Romigh and W. G. Patton, secretaries.

���� At a meeting of the Citizens of the Falls at the M. E. church, an application for a cemetery charter is adopted.

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���� It is named "The Prairie Grove Cemetery". F. B. Hunt is elected president; W. S. Romigh, secretary; A. P. Gandy, treasurer, and the following trustees: W. S. Romigh, Jno. T. Prather, A. P. Gandy, Geo. W. Estes and F. B. Hunt. The trustees are instructed to perfect title to the cemetery west of the Falls, have it surveyed and fenced with stone.

���� APRIL 29--Ordinance No. 1, of the Falls, is repealed. It provided for licensing saloons.

���� A carload of Mennonite threshing machines, made in the Chase county quarries, is shipped to Marion county. They are cut from a rock four feet long, two and one-half feet in diameter, and are cut in the form of a six-pointed star. A rod is placed in the ends of the threshing-stone and it is drawn over the grain.

���� Miss Amanda Way lectures on "Temperance" at the Falls.

���� S. N. Wood files final report of aid given in Chase county.

���� The assessors fix the price of bottom land in Chase county at $6 an acre; upland, $2.50.

���� Prairie fires destroy $400 worth of property for Pete Kuhl.

���� MAY 6--C. A. Garlick is appointed postmaster at Cedar Point.

���� C. C. Watson buys out Wibley and Henson at the Falls.

���� The Falls council passes a liquor license.

���� May 13--August Ferlet buys the Falls House. He will make the front twice the former width, remodelling the building. It will be known as the Union Hotel." (This hostelry had a long and popular course, and was a gathering place for the county for more than twenty years.)

���� A grange is organized at the Collett school house. Fred Pracht is the master.

���� Died: Mrs. Alva Townshend at her home near Safford. She came to Chase county in '65.

���� MAY 20--Enoch Powell, of Hymer, dies on the 15th. Wm. Vennum is appointed postmaster at the Falls.

���� Dr. A. Zawadzky, a German homepathic physician, locates at Elmdale.

���� J. V. Sanders and S. N. Wood form a law partnership.

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���� Jacobsen is found guilty of manslaughter in the first degree. He killed a mover named Fisher at Safford just before Christmas.

���� MAY 27--The Moutonnier family, from Paris, give a concert at the Falls, for the benefit of the Catholic church. A dinner is given in their honor by the French residents at the Union Hotel.

���� S. N. Wood is elected president of the library association. Mrs. W. A. Morgan is secretary. There are more than 300 volumes in the Falls library. Miss May Gandy is re-elected librarian.

���� The Leader prints a summary of Chase county journalism. The first paper printed here was The Kansas Press. It was four-page, six-columns in size. The founder was S. N. Wood. The first number was issued May 30, 1859 and was a strong Free State paper. At that time Cottonwood Falls had two log cabins. One had a board floor. The other was carpeted with buffalo robes. In October '59 the Kansas Press was re�moved to Council Grove, where it was printed for three years. The material was then sent to Salina where it was a part of the equipment of the Salina Herald.

���� In '66 the second paper was established. It was the Chase County Banner and was six-column, four pages in size. It was started by S. N. Wood. It was said at the time to be financed by the Woman's Sufferage association. This however was denied, and was probably a mere rumor.

���� The press used on the Banner was brought from Lecompton, and was one time used by the Border Ruffians in issuing a paper at the former capital. The Banner continued under Col. Wood's management until August 3, '67, when Theodore Alford bought it and published it until November '68. He left it then and Col. Wood published it until May 15, 1869. At that time a company of citizens took charge of it and published it for one year. Among the citizens who were members of the company were the following: C. A. Britton, U. B. Warren, A. S. Howard, W. R. Brown, J. S. Doolittle, F. E. Gillett, H. L. Hunt and F. E. Smith. W. R. Brown, judge of the district court, was in charge of the editorial, H. L. Hunt directed the local, and F. E. Smith, the mechanical department. The paper stopped at the end of the year and the materal was shipped to Winfield. The Banner was Republican in politics.

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���� The third venture was The Central Kansas Index--a four�page, eight-column paper-published by Frank Beck, Albert Follett, and W. J. McClure. It became the property of Albert Yale and John Giffird finally and in 1871 they moved the material to Wichita and started the Tribune.

���� W. A. Morgan started the Chase County Leader, March 6, 1871. The Chase County Courant was established at the Falls, October 26, 1874. The editors were J. C Martin and W. E. Timmons.

���� F. E. Smith was connected with the press of Chase county almost from the beginning of the Kansas Press up to 1870.

���� MAY 30--Clouds of grasshoppers are going over causing consternation among the people. Scarcely any of the grasshoppers alight, however.

���� C. C Whitson is admitted to the bar.

���� Jno. Gatewood, long a leading stockman of Chase county, sells his ranch to a Mr. Jones, from Illinois, and moves to Emporia.

���� Died: William Simmons, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Simmons, aged 19 years.

���� Dr. W. P. Pugh, of Plymouth, buys the residence, horses and buggy of Dr. Williams. The latter has been a resident of the Falls since its early settlement. Dr. Williams was a brother of Mrs. A. B. Watson.

���� Joseph G. Waers, of Topeka, lectures on "Jonah and the Whale" at the Falls.

���� At a spelling school between the school children and the towns-people the word "entree" is missed by both sides. (What place did it have in Kansas language?) W. Y. Morgan spells his mother down on "sauerkraut."

���� Married: On Fox creek, at the home of N. R. Lee, Edwin Pratt to Clara M. Lee; and J. Lester Cochran to Allie Lee.

���� Matfield Green will have a three-months term of school "if any one knows of a teacher who will wait until tax-paying time for the pay".

���� JUNE 4--The grasshoppers visit Chase county but do no damage the crops.

���� JUNE 7--A high south wind is blowing and the grasshoppers are leaving. They have done little damage here, but the part of the state east of Lawrence is said to be devastated.

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���� JUNE 10--Jno. O'Bryne opens a hotel at Cottonwood.

���� A new postoffice on Cedar creek is to be called "Sweetbrier".

���� J. S. Buchanan and J. H. Herriott, of Washington county, Penn., visit Chase county to see the lands owned by them here.

���� JUNE 17--J. R. Blackshere is breaking all his land not under cultivation now and will put it into tame grasses.

���� N. R. Lee dies suddenly.

���� JUNE 24--A. R. Ice's wheat will go 50 bushel to the acre.

���� Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Chris Pracht, a daughter.

���� JULY 8--Fall wheat is averaging 25 bushels to the acre and is worth $1 a bushel.

���� Dr. G. W.Williams and family leave for Tulare county, California.

���� Martha Gardner, near the head of Cedar creek, weaves carpet to order.

���� JULY 15--Rev. John Taylor comes to the Presbyterian church at the Falls.

���� Dr. M. R. Leonard, one of the first settlers at Bazaar, returns from Cowley county, and sells the last of his large holdings here.

���� JULY 17--Abraham Studebaker, who settled in Chase county in '57, dies at his home in Toledo township.

���� S. N. Wood is elected N. G. of Angola lodge, I. O. O. F. The French citizens of the Cottonwood Valley have organized a society. Mr. Ginette, lately of Paris, was the prime mover in the matter. The officers elected are: president, M. Muriet; secretary, M. Ginette; treasurer, C F. Laloge; executive committee, Messrs. Sticher, Puhellier, and Philibert. The society celebrated "The Fall of the Bastile," at Florence, on the 14th.

���� JULY 29--Benjamin Bailey, a native-born son of Chase county, is married to Millie Banks.

���� Miss Phenora Ice dies from injuries received three years ago by being thrown from her horse.

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���� AUG. 5--Born: to Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Cartter, a son; to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Denn, a son.

���� Corn is estimated at 70 bushels to the acre.

���� AUG. 19--Married: Valentine Fritz and Carrie Thompson, of upper Diamond creek.

���� The teachers employed for the schools at the Falls are J. F. Kirker, principal; Ressie Young, primary; and Lida Moore, Cottonwood primary.

���� AUG. 26--Born: To Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Coe, a daughter. Frank Beck, formerly one of the editors of the Central Kansas Index, returns after an absence of four years in the West. He is not improved in health.

���� AUG. 30--The first thru train from Kansas City to Los Angeles passes thru. It has a dining car attached.

���� SEPT. 2--Born: To Mr.. and Mrs. Jno. McDowell, a son.

���� Married: Edw. Baker and Mary Schwilling, on August 28th.

���� These young people will attend the Emporia State Normal school this year: W. R. Wood, C F. Shipman, Carl Blackshere, Amanda Hartley, Sarah Parks, Eliaza Drummond, Louis and Mary Finn, Annie Wilson, Nellie Gillett, Jessie Shaft, Lorinda Kellogg, and Pres Gillett. May Gandy will attend Baker University.

���� Mrs. Geo. Kilgore dies at Cottonwood.

���� A boy, only 12 years old, commits suicide at Elmdale by hanging.

���� Born, To Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Cantrall, a son.

���� Robert Cuthbert's wheat averaged 251/2 bushels to the acre and he has sold it for $1.22 a bushel.

���� Miss M. O. Prather receives a $600 piano. This is the fourth piano in Chase county.

���� J. F. Crissup, of Cedar Point, moves to Texas.

���� Married: B. C. Lannum and Lavina Banks, of Bazaar; Richard Hoffman and Sarah Ann Kilgore.

���� Wm. B. Hackett and H. Winchell die on the 6th.

���� Judge S. R. Peters, district judge ad interim, resigns as state senator and will seek the nomination for judge of the 9th District.

���� SEPT. 16--Born: To Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Sharp, a daughter

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���� The first schoolhouse built at Cottonwood Station is completed.

���� Mrs. A. K. Cormack is elected librarian at the Falls. Fred Perrigo is employed by G. W. Newman and Co., at Emporia.

���� 6,000 bushels of wheat are shipped from Elmdale. $7,000 was paid for it.

���� Bazaar plans neighborhood fireguards. The law allows a tax of two mills for this purpose.

���� The Supreme Court in the case of Keys vs Snyder declares the Herd Law constitutional.

���� F. B. Hunt is president of the County teachers association, and Ressie Young is secretary.

���� SEPT. 30--"Wonsevu" is the name of the new postoffice established on the farm of Wm. Barnes, on Cedar creek.

���� Married: W. H. Triplett and Jennie Flott.

���� OCT. 6--An 1. O. O. F. lodge is being organized at Elmdale.

���� Cedar Point builds a Methodist church.

���� Chase county merchants are selling brooms made in Chase county by A. B. Moore, of Spring creek.

���� S. M. Wood is nominated for state senator by the Republicans.

���� OCT. 7--Mrs. Hattie Largent is postmistress at Matfield Green.

���� W. W. Jones sells his drug stock to Ed Pratt and retires from business.

���� Dearie Wood enters school at Leavenworth.

���� H. N. Simmons receives several Italian queen bees.

���� Elmdale lodge, 1. O. O. F. No. 128, is installed Oct. 5. The officers are: S. N. Wood, N G.; J. R. Critton, V. G.; S. E. Yeoman, secretary; G. O. Cain, permanent secretary; P. C. Jeffrey, treasurer; Jont Wood Lodge Deputy.

���� OCT. 9 --Rev. J. G. Freeborn preaches a farewell sermon at the Congregational church at the Falls.

���� OCT 14--D. Messing, of Diamond creek, dies of typhoid fever.

���� The County Grange meets in Union Hall, at the Falls. E. Stotts is elected Master.

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���� Elmdale lodge, I. O. O. F. No. 128, is installed Oct. 5. The officers are: S. N. Wood, N G.; J. R. Critton, V. G.; S. E. Yeoman, secretary; G. O. Cain, permanent secretary; P. C. Jeffrey, treasurer; Jont Wood, lodge deputy.

���� OCT. 9--Rev. J. G. Freeborn preaches a farewell sermon at the Congregational church at the Falls.

���� The County Grange meets in Union Hall, at the Falls. E. Stotts is elected Master.

���� OCT. 14--D. Messing, of Diamond creek, dies of typhoid f ever.

���� Rev. B. M. Overstreet preaches the dedicatory sermon of the Presbyterian church.

���� Merchants are hauling their freight from Emporia because the railroad is charging such high rates.

���� The county commissioners accept real estate in payment of claims against the bondsmen of U. B. Warren. The amount is $6,500.

���� Wm. Barnes dies at Wonsevu, aged 73 years. He came to Chase county in '63.

���� A mass convention is held to nominate a full ticket. It includes J. C Dwelle for representative; Leroy Martin, treasurer; W. W. Sanders, county clerk; A. P. Gandy; register; Wm. Norton, sheriff; J. W. Byram, surveyor; J. P. Caldwell; W. H. Manley, and J. R. Blackshere, county commissioners. The ticket is composed of men from various parties.

���� Rain is needed very badly. Cedar creek has almost stopped flowing, and the Cottonwood is very low, also., Romigh and Link purchase a 30 h. p. engine for their grist mill at Matfield Green.

���� OCT. 21--Henry Judd loses all his hay by prairie fires.

���� A. Ferlet is granted a license to sell liquor at The Union Hotel.The fee is $150.

���� Married: Peter Hoover and Rosa Frank, of Cedar creek.

���� Mrs. Willy, mother of Mrs.H. L. Hunt, died on the 15th, aged 72 years.

���� C. F. Morse, general superintendent of the Santa Fe railway, announces that the company will cooperate with the farmers in preventing prairie fires. This was the first offer of cooperation between the parties in Chase county.

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���� The Reform County convention nominates a ticket at the Falls. It consists of: S. N. Wood for representative; J. S. Doolittle, for treasurer; S. A. Breese, clerk; Wm. Norton, sheriff; A. P. Gandy, register; P. B. McCabe, coroner; J. W. Byram, surveyor; and Chas. W. Rogler, H. N. Simmons and E. Stotts for commissioners.

���� Married: Noah Penrod and Sarah Sharp, of Bazaar.

���� A prairie fire burns 562 tons of hay for Morgan Jones of Bloody creek.

���� NOV. 4--Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Norton, a daughter.

���� NOV. 8--A slight earthquake shock is felt in Chase county.

���� NOV. 11.--Born: To Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Jenson, a son.

���� Maria Barnes is appointed postmistress at Wonsevu in the place of her father, deceased.

���� S. N. Wood is elected representative by 217 majority; J. S. Doolittle, treasurer, by 112; S. A. Breese, clerk, 315;. Wm. Norton, sheriff, 170; A. P. Gandy, register of deeds, unanimously; W. H. Holsinger, surveyor, 255; P. B. McCabe, coroner, 57; commissioners, C. W. Rogler, H. N. Simmons, and E. Stotts.

���� NOV. 18--Mrs. J. S. Shipman, of Elmdale, dies.

���� Hewitt Craik loses 100 tons of hay by a prairie fire.

���� W. A. Morse is appointed station agent at Cottonwood. A summary of the schools of Chase county shows that 49 teachers are employed. The number of school children of school age is now 1,274. The average wage paid to teachers is, for men, $35; for women, $31. There are 260 volumes in the school libraries.

���� NOV. 25--A band of gypsies encamped at the Falls this week.

���� S. N. Wood announces that he will withdraw from the practice of law and that his partner, J. V. Sanders, has secured a job on a farm near Emporia, at $18 a month. (And they were among the best lawyers in the state at that time.)

���� NOV. 29--Frank J. Beck dies, aged 39 years. He was one of the editors of the Central Kansas Index. Mrs. A. G. Miner is his sister.

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���� Dec. 2--Bazaar grange votes to disband in order to get the politicians out. 18 members protest this action.

���� A. Z. Scribner and Jack Cantrall kill four deer.

���� Dr. Wyatt Cormack, of Fredonia, and Allie Pickett, of Chase county, are married.

���� W. O. F. Cornack dies, on Fox creek.

���� Jacob Jacobson, who killed the mover near Safford, is pardoned.

���� DEC. 9--The Annals of Kansas by D. W. Wilder, is published.

���� J. C. Scroggins takes charge of the livery stable at the Falls.

���� Rev. C. J. Richardson preaches in the Falls Congregational church.

���� Hewitt Craik sells his ranch on Fox creek and leaves for his former home in Louisville, Ky. (The record of service made by Hewitt Craik in the community was an exceptionally fine one.)

���� George Smith, master of the Cedar Creek grange, is the delegate to the State Grange meeting at Emporia.

���� Patrick Lawless, of Diamond creek, died on the 4th. He came to Chase county in '57. At the time of his death he owned 1,000 acres of fine land. He leaves a wife, five sons and two daughters.

���� DEC 16--Mrs. Elias Gardner, of Cedar creek, dies.

���� Dr. I. C. Winsor is married in Connecticut to Mrs. Seeley.

���� DEC. 23--F. B. Hunt and W. S. Romigh form a law partnership.

���� The new stone mill at Cedar Point is enclosed.

���� Hassler will pay $2.50 a dozen for prairie chickens.

���� 3,000 tons of hay are burned by prairie fires on Jacob's creek. The value of the hay was $7,500.

���� DEC. 30--Geo. W. Estes kills an enormous wildcat on Rock creek.

���� P. F. Roudebough, of French creek, and Jno. Horner, of Council Grove, buy the Jno. Brent land east of Cedar Point for $3,000. There are 200 acres.

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���� 1876

���� JAN. 6--S. N. Wood takes the Courant office for debt.

���� Born to Mr. and Mrs. Will Wood, a son.

���� J. W. Byram is appointed station agent at Cedar Point.

���� W. A. Morgan is given the county printing.

���� JAN. 27-John Emslie is building a residence in Cotton�wood.

���� C. S. Newkirk is pastor of the Christian church at Matfield Green.

���� Crockett Hegwer sells his 300 acre farm on Diamond creek to J. S. Doolittle, and goes to Denver to live.

���� Jno. Manly and family, pioneers of Chase county, go to Florida to reside.

���� JAN. 30--Nelson Patton and Clara Davis are married.

���� The Democratic club of Middle creek is formed. E. Campbell is president; W. N. Bond is secretary, and H. E. Snyder is treasurer.

���� Ferlet and Hinckley arrange for one hotel in the Falls.

���� FEB. 3--Mrs. James Austin dies, aged 29 years. She was born in Buffalo, New York, in 1874. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. H. Barker, of Bazaar.

���� The Chase county teachers association meets at Cedar Point.

���� FEB. 10--The old bell at the Hinckley House is taken down. This is a landmark that Jos. G. Waters "famed" into verse.

���� J. D. Williams, of Indiana, buys the Hinckley House and will remodel it for a billiard hall.

���� A prairie fire that threatened to destroy Cottonwood Falls was stopped only by the greatest effort. The loss was $2,500. One of the most disastrous fires in years starts from the stovepipe of Martin Parker's dugout, on Cedar creek, and sweeps west as far as Florence burning a great amount of hay and many stables.

���� S. N. Wood secures the passage of an act by the legislature cutting off 18 sections in Range 5, and south of twp. 19, from Marion county and attaching the strip to Chase county. Every resident of the part changed signed the petition to have this done. The reason for the change is that Marion county has a herd law and Chase county has not--and the county affected is essentially a cattle district.

���� FEB. 17--Daniel H. Jones is the postmaster at Hymer.

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���� N. J. Swayze buys the J. H. Snyder ranch 20 miles south of the Falls, on South Fork.

���� Rev. Jesse Mann buys a farm on South Fork.

���� Dr. Cartter is having several miles of stone fence built about his farm.

���� FEB. 24--Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Winn Thomas, a son.

���� 75 immigrants pass thru Cottonwood, in charge of a railroad agent.

���� The Falls has three saloons.

���� Mrs. Celine Perrault has bought the Ferlet farm near Cedar Point.

���� Saturday, February 5th, was a "prairie-fire" day in Kansas. Nearly every county in the state had at least one. A heavy wind was blowing.

���� Rainfall was 10.8 inches in Chase county from July, '75 to Jan., '76, C. E. Byram reports.

���� MARCH 2--S. A. Perrigo is postmaster at the Falls.

���� Captain Brandley is journal clerk for the Kansas senate.

���� Democrats hold a mass meeting and arrange for a club in every district.

���� Wm. Daub and Geo. Stubenhofer arrive in the Falls from Erie, Penn. They expect a large colony from Erie in the spring.

���� The Topeka Blade calls it "Sam Wood's Legislature".

���� MARCH 9--Geo. Collett buys the Ralph Denn place east of the Falls.

���� Jno. Crawford buys 160 acres near Hunt's Station for $600.

���� Fred Pracht sells his Fox creek farm to Russian Lutherans.

���� Florence Wood will teach in Bethany college.

���� Wm. Vennum and family leave for Texas.

���� The past winter has been a very mild one.

���� MARCH 16--Rev. D. A. Perrin is assigned to the M. E. church at the Falls for another year.

���� Born: To Mr. and Mrs. A. Ferlet, a daughter; to Dr. and Mrs. Pugh, a son.

���� Married: Alva Townshend and Mrs. Ann Jones, of Toledo.

���� Mrs. L. O. Houston dies at her home west of Elmdale. She was one of the earliest settlers of Chase county, coming to Diamond creek in '59.

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���� In '60 they moved to their farm where she died. The family was the first to locate on the Cottonwood river between Seth Hays' place and Jane Shaft's. Mrs. George Balch and Mrs. Henry Collett are Mrs. Houston's daughters. Chas. Houston and Sam Houston are her sons. She was 64 years of age.

���� April 1st has been declared Arbor Day.

���� APRIL 6--The dam at Matfield Green is washed out.

���� The Bazaar post office is closed.

���� David Wood takes the mail route to El Dorado.

���� Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Klein a daughter.

���� N. J. Swayze is re-elected mayor of the Falls, unanimously

���� APRIL 11--The United Presbyterian Presbytery meets in the Congregational church at the Falls. Rev. Jas. Barnett, formerly of Egypt, preaches the opening sermon.

���� APRIL 13--A Glee club is organized at the Falls with Geo. Weed as president and Miss Kellogg, secretary.

���� A severe storm on the 11th does great damage in the Cottonwood valley. The church on the hill was blown down; L. C. Smith's hotel, and Philo Ogden's store building were entirely destroyed.

���� The Gradatim society is organized at the Falls.

���� APRIL 18--E. B. Crocker dies, aged 37 years. He came to Chase county in '67 and had served one term in the legislature and one as commissioner. He leaves a wife and family.

���� 60,000 buffalo hides are sold in Leavenworth in one week.

���� APRIL 27--H. B. Weed and E. Hassler form a partnership in a grocery in the Falls.

���� There are 72 cases on the docket for the May term.

���� A son is born to Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Birley on Rock creek, on the 18th.

���� Cottonwood Falls is being transferred from the Emporia Methodist district to the Wichita district.

���� J. M. Hayes and son open a tailor shop in the Falls.

���� Jake Hornberger is granted a saloon license in the Falls.

���� Railroad meeting at the Falls to secure the Walnut Valley railway.

���� Born: To Mr. and Mrs. J. Lester Cochran, a son; to Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Howard, a son.

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���� F. M. Price and family return from Iowa and will locate here.

���� F. L. Giddings moves to Marion county.

���� There are 1,000 head of corn-fed cattle in Chase county, valued at $45 a head.

���� Saloon licenses are issued to M. M. Young and T. C. Harrington at the Falls. The license fee is raised to $250.

���� Mary Hunt prints a report of the Elmdale school. There are 40 pupils.

���� MAY 11--Dr. W. B. Jones buys a farm four miles from Cedar Point to keep his six boys busy while he practices medicine.

���� Chase county ships two carloads of grain to the grasshopper sufferers in Colorado.

���� S. N. Wood is elected president of the library at the Falls.

���� Miss May Gandy is librarian and W. H. Holsinger, assistant.

���� MAY 18--P. P. Shriver and Ellen Doughty are married.

���� Asa Stanton and Eunice Allen are married on Diamond creek.

���� Father Perrier goes to France for several months and Father Swenberg will fill his appointments.

���� A son of H. S. Hicks, of South Fork, killed six wildcats in one day last week.

���� Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pratt, a son.

���� A. A. Robinson has a surveying party go over the route to El Dorado from the Falls.

���� Delegates are elected to the State convention. The Democrats send H. E. Snyder, W. E. Timmons, and Leroy Martin. The Republicans elect F. B. Hunt and O. H. Drinkwater and instruct them to vote for Jas. G. Blaine.

���� MAY 25--A. Robbins buys the Brenot place near Cedar Point.

���� JUNE 1--Joe Ollinger opens a barber shop in the Falls.

���� Born: To Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Breese, a son; to Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Britton, a son; to Mr. and Mrs. A. Tilton, of Sharps creek, twin daughters.

���� A severe hail storm destroys a large amount of grain in the west part of the county.

���� Married: Elihu Mitchell and Mrs. Ann Hays; F. L. Drinkwater and Cynthia Piles.

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���� Dr. Bocook, a new man in Matfield Green, buys a part of the D. W. Mercer place.

���� Born: To Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Tuttle, a daughter.

���� A writer in the Leader tells of the new life at Matfield Green. Captain H. Brandley has a section under fence. Henry Wagoner has proved up on his place and got it all en closed. Hedge fences are taking the places of stone fences on the old farms. Jerry Nowlin has two breaking teams at work on the Swayze ranch.

���� JUNE 22--A. G. Dickerson, of the Elmdale Town company, is a brother-in-law of Wm. A. Wheeler, of the Republican National ticket.

���� The first issue of the Florence Herald appears.

���� Chief Justice D. K. Cartter will speak at Elmdale on the 4th; Jno. P. St. John, at the Falls; P. B. Plumb at Marion. There were unusual celebrations held thruout the county on account of the Centennial anniversary of Independence.

���� Edgar Jones, 14 years old, saves Charley Sharp from drowning.

���� Samples of Chase county products are sent to the Centennial Exhibition.

���� JULY 6--Jas. Austin has finished breaking 50 acres of prairie.

���� Prairie Dog Dave assaults S. N. Wood in the course of a trial at Dodge City.

���� Cedar Point celebrated the Fourth at Hobart's Grove.������������������ The Florence band was hired for the day. Master Charles Sayre gave a declamation on "The Past and Present".

���� The Leader prints a history of Chase county written by H. L. Hunt.

���� The Leader installs a cylinder press.

���� JULY 13--Mrs. J. B. Smith, of Fox creek, is bitten by a rattlesnake.

���� E. F. Colborn is associated with S. N. Wood in law.

���� It is announced that the El Dorado road is to be built from Florence instead of Cedar Point or the Falls.

���� Dispatches announce the Custer Massacre.

���� JULY 14--The Rettiger Brothers start their steam stone sawmill.

���� Hewitt Craik will return to Kansas, near Garnett.

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���� A colony to go to Arkansas is being organized on Fox creek.

���� Married: Elias Gardner and Mrs. Anna Lyon.

���� A. B. Moore is postmaster at the new office of Lida, at the head of Spring creek.

���� Jno. G. Harbour is the postmaster at Homestead.

���� JULY 28--A son is born to Mr. and Mrs. Edw. Baker.

���� T. H. Warton is postmaster at Cottonwood.

���� The postal route southwest of the Falls has three offices Rock Creek with W. H. Bisbey, posmaster; Morris, Jas: S. Shipman; and Unity, Geo. Smith, postmaster. Service will begin Oct. 1st.

���� The delinquent tax list extends thru three columns of the Leader.

���� The commissioners fix the tax levy at 21/2 mills, the lowest in the state of Kansas.

���� AUG. 17--R. Cohen opens a general store in Elmdale.

���� Mrs. Alice Turner goes down a well at Captain Brandley's and rescues Harry, who is two years old. He had fallen in while playing.

���� AUG. 24--J. W. Byram buys the Frank Mitchell place north of Cedar Point.

���� Cottonwood Falls schools arrange for a high school course, the first in Chase county.

���� Thomas Ryan is nominated for Congress from this district to succeed W. R. Brown.

���� The Cedar Point school meeting votes "no tax" this year. E. W. Pinkston writes to the Leader deploring such action, urging the obligation of the community to those who cannot provide private instruction.

���� AUG. 31--Daniel Allen, a schoolmate of Samuel J. Tilden, refutes the statements made by Philo Ogden against the Democratic candidate for the Presidency.

���� Rev. Chas. Manley preaches his farewell sermon at Bazaar. He will go to Butler county.

���� 30 carloads of cattle and 90 of stone were shipped from Cottonwood Station during August.

���� SEPT. 8--Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bain's three children die of diphtheria on the 5th and 8th at the Falls.

���� A "Hayes and Wheeler" club is organized at the Falls. S. N. Wood is president and W. A. Morgan, secretary.

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���� A writer states in the Leader that men and boys can be seen reeling drunk every day in the Falls. Boys are held down and forced to drink until drunk, the writer charges.

���� SEPT. 14--Married: Jno. Drummond and Ellen Mercer.

���� W. F. Colborn, after a three-weeks trial in law at the Falls, moves on west.

���� The grasshoppers arrive in the west part of the county on the 15th of September. They are as numerous as two years ago, but the corn is too ripe for them to eat it. They are eating the young wheat and the gardens, however.

���� A severe storm does much damage on South Fork. The homes of C. M. Brewer and Geo. Jackson are destroyed.

���� D. M. Ellis of Illinois, has bought the quarry adjoining A. E. Findley, on Buck creek.

���� There were 207 causes of action filed against the Santa Fe railway in Emporia. The charge is running thru Plymouth without ringing the bell. Marion Sanders is the complaining witness, and will receive one-half the amount of fines. The trial resulted in an award of $16.40 to the plaintiff.

���� SEPT. 30-Married: J. S. Shipman and Ada Seaman, on the 21st; W. M. Murdock and Jane Denn; W. P. Martin and Lorinda Kellogg, on the 28th.

���� The grasshoppers are eating the young wheat.

���� A congregation of Christians is organized.

���� OCT. 5--Married: O. H. Drinkwater and Ida Weaver.

���� The new high school department of the Falls schools is occupying the lodge room over Pratt's drug store.

���� John Leonard, who has been working for Luke Britton, is killed by Ernest Hegwer, on Diamond creek.

���� Sells circus exhibits at the Falls on the 4th.

���� J. T. Bradley, of Morris county, is nominated for state senator by the Republicans.

���� Wm. Gulliford buys the O. H. Drinkwater store at Cedar Point.

���� The Republican county convention, on the 6th, begins with a row over the chairmanship. This leads to blows and pandemonium. The sheriff is compelled to clear the court room. A meeting is organized by Jont Wood in Union Hall. He is chairman of the Central committee. T. H. Warton is elected secretary. At this meeting, A. S. Bailey is elected permanent chairman, and H. Brandley, secretary and the following ticket nominated:

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���� S. N. Wood, representative; P. J. Norton, clerk of the court; C. C. Whitson, probate judge; L. G. Cunningham, superintendent of schools; L. S. Jones, county attorney. The seceders from the Republican county convention meet in the office of the county surveyor. They elect S. P. Young, chairman, and J. G. Winne, secretary. Samuel Bennet is nominated for representative; James Austin, clerk of the court; C. C. Whitson, probate judge; F. B. Hunt for county superintendent of schools. W. G. Patton is elected chairman of the Central committee and J. G. Winne, secretary.

���� J. Staples, from Worcester, Mass., takes a homestead four miles west of A. B. Moore's.

���� Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fent, twins, a boy and a girl.

���� Married: S. A. Breese and Ressie Young, on Oct. 4th.

���� H. L. Sook is an independent candidate for county attorney.

���� OCT. 19--Scarcely a day passes without 10 to 20 emigrant wagons going thru town.

���� "Bud" Breese arrives from Ohio and is clerking for Ed Pratt.

���� James Austin declines the nomination for clerk of the court.

���� C. G. Allen is nominated for state senator by the Democrats.

���� J. W. Byram has the contract for grading and putting gravel on the road from Cedar Point to the railway station.

���� OCT. 26-Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hays, a daughter.

���� A band of Pottawatomies pass thru the Falls on their way to the territory to hunt.

���� Benjamin Jolly dies in Cottonwood township. He came to Chase County in '64.

���� A prairie fire burns from Middle creek to Buckeye, destroying a large number of stacks of hay.

���� The Democratic county convention adjourned without nominating a county ticket.

���� NOV. 2-Born: To Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Hegwer, a son.

���� NOV. 9--The Republican ticket is elected with the exception of J. F. Kirker, candidate for county superintendent of schools who was placed on the ticket in place of L. G. Cunningham. S. N. Wood, upon whom the fight centered, was elected over Samuel Bennet by 5 votes. 862 in all were polled in Chase County.

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���� Chase county, R. B. Hayes receiving 594 and S. J. Tilden, 214. Peter Cooper polled 40 votes.

���� Married: Nancy Sharp, of Sharp's creek, and E. E. Davis.

���� John Miller, of Cedar creek, is dead. He was one of the first settlers in Chase county. His home was by a spring known as the "Johnny Miller Spring". He was a bachelor and very devout. It was his custom to stand outside his cabin in the evening and lift up his voice in prayer. Early settlers on Cedar creek speak of hearing him pray, altho a long distance away. The Indians were fond of the spring where he lived and made it a rendezvous. He had no trouble with them. The spring is one of the most beautiful in Kansas. The property of John Miller is left by will to F. L. Drinkwater, a neighbor, who had cared for the old man for some years. C C. Smith is executor of the will.

���� Nov.. 30--Mike Greelish and Mary Lawless are married, on the 22nd.

���� J. S. Doolittle is elected master of the Falls grange.


���� Mrs. D. A. Perrin dies at the Falls. Mr. Perrin takes the body to Canada.

���� The county attorney enters a nolle in cases against A. S. Howard for charging 6 % for collecting money due the county and the same for disbursing it.

���� Dec. 7--Rev. Paul Jones is assigned to succeed D. A. Perrin.

���� Edward P. Smith comes from England and locates on Fox creek.

���� The library association will present Madam Jarley's Wax�works on the 15th.

���� The city council had licensed three saloons without the formality of petition. The district court finds the saloon keepers guilty of conducting illegal saloons.

���� Dec. 12--Married: E. W. Pinkston and Sarah L. Mack.

���� Dec. 14--Dr. G. D. Adams locates at Elmdale.

���� A deer and wolf hunt is organized in Lyon, Morris and Chase counties for Dec. 23rd.

���� The County Teachers association declare for "one grand normal school", and additional normal schools when needed. They also favor a county normal institute each year.

���� The Leader suggests S. N. Wood as the most suitable man for speaker of the house of representatives.

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���� 1877

���� Jan. 4--The Leader urges the election of Col. P. B. Plumb for United States Senator, "as an ardent friend of the Green-back policy."

���� Jan. 5--W G. Williams, of South Fork, and S. P. Hartman, of upper Cedar creek, are dead.

���� Jan. 11--Fred Perrigo forms a partnership with his father, S. P. Perrigo.

���� Captain H. Brandley is again elected secretary of the state senate. P. P. Elder is elected speaker of the house.

���� Jan. 18--The county printing is awarded to W. A. Morgan.

���� The new postoffice of Morgan is established on Rock creek.

���� The bond proposition carries in the Falls 181 to 40, for the Walnut Valley branch.

���� Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Gossett, a son; to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clements, a daughter.

���� Jan. 19 -- Ralph Denn, Sr., dies.

���� There is not a house in the Falls that can be rented "for love or money".

���� Frank, Elmer and Charles, sons of E. C. Holmes, dies on January 14, 15, and 19th respectively from scarlet fever.

���� Charles Pinkston, son of E. W. Pinkston, died on the 11th from the same disease. The disease took the form of diphtheria in parts of Chase county and a great number of children died from it.

���� Feb. 1--Jake Hornbarger is granted a license upon a petition of 100 signers.

���� Feb. 8--P. B. Plumb is elected United States senator.

���� At the protracted meeting at the Brandley school house, thirty people are converted and become church members.

���� E. A. Hildebrand and George Hildebrand form a partnership in the farm implements business, at Cottonwood.

���� E. E. Hinckley is granted a saloon license at the Falls.

���� Geo. O. Hildebrand and family came to Cottonwood from Minneapolis, Minn.

���� E. A. Hildebrand is building a residence "on the hill" at Cottonwood.

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���� E. N. Hegwer is sentenced to 16 months in the penitentiary for killing Jno. Leonard.

���� Henry Smith dies at Cedar Point.

���� Feb. 15--Wm. Houston and family leave for Sedgwick county.

���� Charley and Willie Rockwood and Stephen Perrigo start a coyote on Buckcreek and drive it into the Rockwood correl and kill it.

���� Necktie Festival at the Methodist church. Oysters are served and there is music by the Falls brass band.

���� Every train on the Santa Fe is crowded with immigrants. "Chase county offers them numerous schools, improved farms, water power, low taxes, and the warm hearty grasp of the hand from the old original settlers," says the Leader.

���� Feb. 2--Born : To Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Kuhl, a son.

���� The Cronin who figures in the Oregon election contest, as an elector, ran a saloon in the Falls a few years ago.

���� Mrs. H. A. Brown is the post mistress at Homestead.

���� Jno. Patton sells his 200 acre farm near Hunt's Station to Jno. Antill, of Iowa, for $20 an acre.

���� Mar. 8--C. F. Morse, general supertinendent of the Santa Fe, says that the election for bonds should not be held at Bazaar as "our people in Boston" are opposed to building the branch from the Falls.

���� Jno. O'Byrne is the host of the Cottonwood Hotel.

���� Mar. 15--The charter of the Florence and ElDorado railroad is filed and grading will begin in a short time.

���� The Matfield Green mill is bid in at the United States Marshal's sale for $1,350.

���� W. S. Romigh sells 2,000 acres of land on Silver creek to Martin Winegar, of Penn.

���� O. M. Ellis opens a variety store at the Falls.

���� A meeting is held to encourage the building of narrow guage railroads thru Kansas and recommending a bond issue of $4,000 a mile to secure such.

���� Two base ball teams are organized in the Falls with Harmon Doolittle and J. C. Scroggins as captains.

���� Mar. 29--The United States Marshal arrests A. J. Penrod near the head of Coon creek for running an illicit still. A complete outfit and a large amount of whiskey is taken.

���� Apr. 5--Dr. Adams moves from Elmdale to the Falls.

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���� Apr. 12--Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Estes, a daughter.

���� The Union hotel offers board at $3 the week.

���� Grasshoppers are being hatched by the millions from the eggs laid last September.

���� Philo Ogden sells his farm on Cedar creek to Stephen Place and will move west.

���� Local granges plant weeping trees on the graves of former members of the order.

���� Will and Dave Wood establish a freighting and passenger business in Pueblo, Colo.

���� The lists of transfers from the United States to homesteaders as published in the Leader is very large.

���� May 3--A. B. Perrigo, of Chicago, locates in Toledo township.

���� Emporia defeats the Falls team in base ball. P. J. Norton and J. F. Kirker form the battery for the Falls.

���� W. H. Manley sells his farm near Bazaar to T. B. Nesbitt, of Illinois.

���� E. R. Hardesty moves on to his ranch on Peyton creek.

���� May 10 -- F. Johnson is the name of a new doctor who has located at Elmdale. He is from Michigan.

���� Senator Plumb now owns an interest in the Falls mill.

���� The Hinckley house has been opened again under the name of the New York hotel. E. W. Brace is the proprietor.

���� May 17--The only carpeted law office in the Falls is F. P. Cochrans.

���� Jos. Bibert opens a bakery in the Falls.

���� Wm. Rettiger gets the contract for furnishing the stone for the new insane asylum at Topeka.

���� May 24--Jas. Jackson, the deaf mute, returns to his home near Matfield Green, with his panorama. He will begin giving exhibitions about September 2nd.

���� J. S. Doolittle is eleced president of the Falls library association

���� W. Cantrall, who is visiting his son, J. P. Cantrall, is 87 years old. He tells this story of Abraham Lincoln. In 1832, he had an adventure with the future President of the United States, who was keeping a grocery. The farmers along the Sangamon river had been accustomed to send their produce to market in flat boats. A mill was built during the year and the dam put a stop to continuous transportation.

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���� To make a case against the miller, Mr. Cantrall loaded a boat with grain and decided to run it over the dam and sink it with its cargo, and then sue the miller for damages. Just above the dam was the grocery kept by Abraham Lincoln. He stopped there for a few minutes, and in the course of his visit, he told Lincoln of his plan. Lincoln volunteered to go with him if Cantrall would let him have the "steering oar." The boat started on its fateful mission but to the disgust of its owner the boat made the leap of four feet in safety. It looked to Cantrall as though Lincoln must have been a friend of the miller's.

���� May 31--Solomon Linvil celebrates his 72nd birthday.

���� Jun. 7--Born: To Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Cochran, a son.

���� Henry B. Myers, of York, Penn., is drowned at Shipman's mill.

���� Mrs. Martin Perkins' house, near the head of Cedar creek, is swept away by a flood. Her two children are washed from her arms and drowned. She lodged in a tree and remained there all night. The husband was away from home at the time.

���� Chase county's taxable property is put at $1,612,326.41.

���� Jun.14--W. H. Holsinger and May Gandy are married.

���� Jun. 16--Albert Gardner and Amanda Beverlin are married.

���� Jun. 21-- Lewis Roberts reopens his blacksmith shop at Cedar Point.

���� D. W. Mercer says that he and Isaac Alexander are the oldest settlers in Chase county. They came in January 1858 and have resided here ever since. Mr. and Mrs. Mercer are a hale couple, their total weight being 517 pounds.

���� Calvin Hood buys the Falls mill from Howard and Plumb for $1,600.

���� Jun. 28--Grasshoppers are going over in vast swarms.

���� Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Jake Critton, a daughter.

���� Diamond creek will celebrate the Fourth at Lawless' grove.

���� S. N. Wood lectures before the State Historical society.

���� Judge D. K. Cartter, of Washington, D. C., will be the speaker at the Falls, on the Fourth.

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���� The Fourth is observed at Cedar Point in Drinkwater's grove.

���� July 5--Samuel Murdock returns to Chase county to live. He buys the Bayliff farm east of the Falls.

���� A general meeting of the orthodox society of Friends is called to meet at Toledo on the 27th.

���� Jas. Scott of Peyton creek, is dead.

���� Jul. 11--Born: To Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Hildebrand, a son.

���� Jul. 12--The southern part of Chase county is infested with renegade Indians who kill the mother deer as soon as the fawn is born. (The color of the Indians is not given.)

���� A daughter is born to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rockwood.

���� Jul. 26--W. H. Holsinger buys the ice cream parlor at the Falls.

���� Baruch Hackett, of Rochester, N. Y., locates near the Falls.

���� Aug. 6--The first Normal Institute is held in Chase county. J. R. Campbell, Garnett, conducts and J. F. Kirker and Mrs. Myra L. Patten instruct. There are three grades A, B and C. The recitation periods are 45 minutes long. There are eight of them. Besides the common branches entomology, physiology, botany, geology, bookkeeping, industrial drawing and methods of teaching are taught. The fee is $1. 52, members are enrolled. Among these are: Luella Pugh, Mrs. Ressie Young Breese, Addie Rogler, Sadie Park, Hattie Pugh, J. E. Perry, C. C. Myser, Jessie Shaft, Cleo Ice, Amelia Barrington, Minnie Ellis, Maud Rockwood, W. W. Sanders, L. G. Cunningham and Mrs. C. D. Garlick.

���� The trustees of the Falls Cogregational church arrange a schedule of services so the Presbyterians, Lutherans, Universalists and Congregationalists may hold services and Sunday schools there without conflicting dates.

���� The M. E. church at the Falls raises $375 and pays off the last of the church debt. When it was built, in '71, there was a debt of $3,000. This was all subscribed at the dedication but owing to hard times many could not pay their sub scriptions.

���� Aug. 31--The Florence and El Dorado railway is completed. This will do away with the freighting and passenger business between the Falls and Butler county which has been carried on since the days of the first settlements on the Whitewater and Little Walnut.

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���� J. B. 'Buchanan is a new carpenter in the Falls.

���� Bert Cox sells 50 head of two-year-olds for $28 a piece.

���� Excursion rates are offered from the Falls to Denver and return for $45. The tickets are good for 90 days.

���� Thorn Martin, of Elmdale, sells out and goes "back east."

���� Mrs. Prather gives a mule to the M. E. church debt.

���� 1878

���� Jan. 3--John McClure buys the Craik farm on Fox creek.

���� The Leader says: "Cottonwood Falls was laid out in 1859, made the county seat in '62, and incorporated as a 3rd class city in '72."

���� Jan. 10--N. J. Swayze, after mayor of the Falls.

���� Mrs. T. L. Upton visits her old home in Pennsylvania for the first time in 30 years.

���� A call for a county Sunday school convention is issued by J. F. Kirker and C. A. Richardson.

���� Jan. 24--Two wolves attack a sow and pigs on Fox creek in broad daylight and escape with one of the pigs.

���� H. Hornberger, Fred Pracht and A. W. Moldenhauer issue a call to all German citizens for Feb. 2nd, to organize a county immigration society.

���� Jan. 31--A Murphy club is organized at Cedar Point. Mrs. L. G. Cunningham teaches a singing school at Cedar Point.

���� Harmon Doolittle receives an E flat cornet worth $50.

���� J. F. Kirker and Lida Moore are married.

���� Mrs. Martha DeLong goes to the corral to milk the cow and while she is gone her 6 months old child falls in the fire and is fatally burned.

���� Barney Lantry has the contract for the bridge across the Kaw at Topeka. Rettiger Bros. will cut the stone.

���� Feb. 14--The Turko-Russian war ends. J. W. McWilliams is mayor of the Falls.

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���� Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Jos. L. Crawford, a son. This is Mr. Crawford's 12th son.

���� Feb. 21--Martin Shaft and Mary Soice are married.

���� Wm. Barton, an old settler, dies at his home on Diamond creek.

���� B. Lantry employs a large force in his quarry at Cottonwood.

���� There are 44 children enrolled in the school at Cottonwood. Mary Hunt is the teacher. 153 children are attending school in the Falls.

���� Calvin Hood is vice-president of the Emporia National Bank; L. T. Heritage is cashier; and P. B. Plumb is president. A number of Chase county people are doing their banking with this bank.

���� Feb. 28--H. L. Hunt opens a meat market in the Falls.

���� Jno. Campbell of Middle creek, and Anna Flott of Illinois, are married.

���� Willie Y. Morgan constructs the first telephone successfully operated in Chase county. It consists of two oyster cans and a string 80 feet long.

���� Jno. Loy, who "kept" the first store in the Falls, now lives in Augusta. Two of his children died there this week.

���� Four German families-the Schimpffs, Henslers, Heintzes and Vetters, locate in this county near Homestead. There are 25 persons in the four families. They are from Erie, Penn.

���� Dr. R. H. Chittenden locates at Cedar Point and opens a dry goods store.

���� B. Lantry ships 20 carloads of stone daily.

���� Mar. 7--1,000 emigrants pass through to the West by the Santa Fe.

���� The Granges of Bazaar, Matfield, and South Fork consolidate into one Grange, the Bazaar.

���� Mar, 13--A meeting is held at the office of F. P. Cochran to organize a Post of the Grand Army of the Republic. C. C Whitson is chairman and Henry Judd, secretary. F. P. Cochran, T. H. Wharton, Wm. T. Hudson, G. C. J. Harpert, Jacob Payne, Henry Brandley, and C. C. Myser are appointed to secure signatures for the application for a charter.

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���� A. B.Watson, W. A. Morgan and S. A. Breese are named as a committee to draft the constitution and by-laws.

���� N. J. Swayze endeavors to pay off some of the court house bonds but the holders decline to sell any of them.

���� Mar. 14--Asa Breese and family arrive from Ohio, and locate on a farm at Elmdale.

���� Mar.21--Geo. Hays sells his cattle in Kansas City for $3.40.

���� E. A. Kinne is given the contract for carrying the mail from the Falls to Plum Grove, once a week, for $300 the year.

���� The county clerk pays bounties on scalps of 17 wildcats, 149 wolves, and 5,163 rabbits. The amount is $324.15.

���� The third death occurs in the Hinckley family within six months, Mrs. Hinckley dying on the 16th. She leaves four children.

���� Born, to Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Coe, a son.

���� The postoffice "Mary" has been changed to "Bazaar" again.p>

���� The Prather Brothers have 29 yoke of oxen for sale. p>

���� Married, Adolph Noyes and Alice Jeffrey.

���� Died, Mrs. P. D. Montgomery, of Cedar Point.

���� Nineteen ex-soldiers sign the constitution of the G. A. R. Post being organized here.

���� Barney Lantry is running a stone train from here to Newton. He employs the train crews and the Santa Fe furnishes the engine and cars.

���� The track between Strong City and Saffordville is being ballasted.

���� The McClure family take possession of the Craik farm on Fox Creek, formerly known as "Kanawha Ranch."

���� Mrs. S. N. Wood has 14 yoke of well-broke oxen for sale.

���� English blue grass is being planted on the bottom-lands.

���� J. W. McWilliams is elected mayor of the Falls, the only incorporated city in Chase county.

���� Apt. 6--Lincoln Post No. 3, G. A. R. is organized. The officers are W. A. Morgan, P. C.; W. G. Patton, S. V. C.; Henry Judd, J. V. C.; Chaplain, H. N. Simmons; C. C. Whitson, Q. M.; S. A. Breese, O. of D.; C. G. Harter, S.

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���� The appointive officers are: Adjutant, F. P. Cochran; O. of G., Jabin Johnson; Q. M. S., Jacob Payne; S. M., A. B. Wagoner.

���� Strikers from Emporia threaten to destroy property of the railroad company and Sheriff Johnson swears in a posse to protect all property. The strike fails.

���� Apr. 9--Agnes Drummond and W. H. Blades are married.

���� The Leader is awarded the county printing.

���� Robert C. Madden dies. He had been a soldier in the British army. He came to the United States and enlisted in the regular army. At the time the Civil War broke out, he was living on a claim near Council Grove. He enlisted in Co. H. 8th Kansas Volunteers on Sept. 6th, 1861, under Lieutenant L. T. Heritage. Early in '62 he was appointed First Lieutenant of Co. B. 9th, Kansas Volunteer Cavalry, and was stationed at Fort Halleck, then in Idaho Ty. In '63 he resigned and, going east, entered the Army of the Cumberland. At the close of the war he was stationed at Fort McPherson, Nebr., where he won honorable mention in fighting Indians as a member of the 5th Cavalry. Later he entered service of the Southwest Stage company but, tiring of this life, he located on a farm near Matfield Green, being a friend of Henry Brandley. He was twice elected assessor. He was 42 years of age.

���� Col. Wemyss Smith buys the President Hoss home in Emporia and leaves the farm on Fox Creek.

���� Apr. 13--A tornado strikes Cottonwood Station at four o'clock in the afternoon. John Miller's house was destroyed, his wife killed and four persons badly hurt. The Walters home was destroyed and Mrs.Walters and the childen injured. The homes of Fred Smith, Brecht Brothers, Thebus, Matthews; Filson, Wilhelm, Joe Plummer were wrecked by the storm. Fourteen freight-cars, many of them loaded, were blown over and crushed. $50,000.00 damage was done at Cottonwood while at. the Falls only $2,500.00 worth of property was destroyed. In the eastern part of the county, Henry Osborn and two children were fatally injured and four people killed out�right. Twenty homes were destroyed and fifteen people injured.

���� Apr. 25--Jno. H. Martin and Frank Adell Jones are married.

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���� The tramp who had a fit on Broadway, in the Falls, on Friday says that these spells are due to a poisoned arrow from an Indian battle.

���� Barney McCabe is building a stone house on his farm at Bazaar.

���� May 2--Stotts and Company will start a bank at Elmdale.

���� May 9--Born, to Mr. and Mrs. H. Brandley, a daughter.

���� The Bazaar singing school elects W. G. Patten as teacher.

���� One of the severest hailstorms in the history of the county sweeps over Cedar creek and South Fork.

���� Amos Noyes, who came in '66, dies on the homestead on Fox creek, where he first located.

���� May 10--Solomon Linville, 71 years of age, dies. The Leader says "he was respected for his gentle manners and Christian conduct."

���� S. N. Wood advertises "200 acres of old land and 200 acres of new breaking" for sale near Elmdale.

���� A correspondent from Elmdale, who wrote a year ago that gold was the only money of the Bible, has come out for green backs, the Leader says.

���� May 23--The cheese factory is in operation at Bazaar.

���� John, son of Captain Montgomery, dies from being kicked by a horse. He was only ten years old but had been doing all the farm work during the illness of his father, who is ill from an old army wound.

���� May 30--S. M. Wood is elected president of the State Agricultural College Board of Regents.

���� A half-dozen young Kaws are in town this week and the annual slaughter of young deer may be looked for soon.

���� J. W. McWilliams sold 2,560 acres of railroad land this week at $4.00 an acre.

���� Adam Gottbehuet opens a cigar store. He will begin making cigars soon.

���� Judge Mitchel, Arch Miller and Samuel Baker are building large stone barns.

���� The Sittler ranch near Clements is being fenced with stone.

���� The First Universalist Parish of Chase county is being organized at the Falls.

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���� George Seiker retires from the mill at the Falls and a new miller named Lind, from Denmark, will take his place.

���� F. M. Warren is agent at Cottonwood.

���� Hildebrand Bros. have sold forty reapers this season.

���� Jun. 6--D. M. Swope sells his farm on South Fork to W. G. McCandless, of Illinois, for $2,500.00.

���� The Leader urges that a telephone be installed from the station to the Falls. The cost would be $75.00.

���� Frank Oberst and Mrs. Catherine Bibert are married.

���� Father Hyde of this mission is transferred to California.

���� Jas. French of Jackson, Ohio, opens a general store at Cedar Point.

���� Frank Oberst, pastry cook at the Otis House in Atchison for four years, buys the bakery in the Falls.

���� Jun. 13--The Cottonwood Falls auxillary of the Kansas Orphans Home is organized with Mrs. Taylor as president and Mrs. S. A. Breese, secretary.

���� S. N. Wood announces that he will be a candidate for congress on the Greenback ticket.

���� Mary Maynard resigns her school in the Falls and will go to Emporia to teach.

���� Prof. DeMoss is billed for an entertainment at the Methodist church at the Falls, where he will play Old Hundred with his left hand, Yankee Doodle with his right and sing at the same time, "Home, Sweet Home."

���� Jun. 20--Thomas Morton is murdered on Bloody creek, by a negro named A. C. Davis. This stream has maintained its sinister name from the first settlement when Wm. Hugh was hung there by a group of cattlemen and farmers. In all, seven murders have been committed on this one stream.

���� Wilburn Rider and A. Moldenhaur of Elmdale, are drowned at Shipman's crossing from the same boat as H. B. Myers last year. Chas. Cline, who was crossing with them, saved his life by clinging to the boat. A. Moldenhaur leaves a wife and six children.

���� Jun. 27--The Lantry Brothers, Barney and Charles, buy a tract of land a half mile west of Cottonwood Station. They will build ten derricks and a mile of siding. Last month 100 cars of heavy dimension stone were shipped from their quarry and 120 cars of riprap stone. Messrs Lantry have the contract for all the culvert and bridge masonry on the A. T. & S. F. Ry.

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���� B. Lantry has lately bought the L. D. Hinckley farm and will build a residence upon it. Jno. McCallum and Ross Bros. are the Lantry foremen.

���� Jul. 4--Cottonwood Falls is without a saloon.

���� Jas Ford is dead at Plymouth.

���� There are 907 families in Chase county, 3,864 people, and 751 homes.

���� Jul. 11--Matt McDonald and Wm. Jeffrey represent Chase county in the State Greenback convention.

���� Richard Powers of Racine, Wisc., buys the Whitten farm on South Fork.

���� E. S. Graham buys the Phillip Frank farm on Cedar creek.

���� A copperhead snake jumps at Sheriff Johnson in the main hall of the court house. The snake was five feet long and is the fifth one killed in the court house this year.

���� Jul 18--S. N. Wood sells his Elmdale farm to Judge Cartter.

���� Aug.1--J. W. Byram is building a large stone residence one mile north of Cedar Point.

���� The Normal Institute convenes. Prof. DeLap, of Emporia, Miss Lillian Ridgeway, of Cedar Point, and Miss Ada Rogler of Matfield Green, are the instructors.

���� Aug. 15--Several farmers are having a "steamer" thresh their wheat.

���� Wm. Osmer one of the first settlers on Diamond creek dies.

���� At David Sauble's place, on Cedar creek, Harry McDuff is badly cut in a quarrel by a boy named Stovall.

���� The Republican county convention votes to demand the abolition of national banks and the issue of greenbacks sufficient for the transaction of the business of the country.

���� Aug. 22--Born, to Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Doolittle, a daughter

���� Aug. 29--Rev. C. A. Richardson resigns as pastor of the Congregational church.

���� Barney Lantry is building a fine house on his farm, formerly the Hinckley place, and will bring his family here from Wisconsin this fall.

���� Sep. 3--Married. J. C. Scroggins and Cora Scribner.

���� Sep. 5--Stephen F. Jones buys the Langston farm on Fox Creek. He brings 2,000 head of cattle from Colorado.

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���� Sep. 12--Jno. P. St. John is nominated for Governor of Kansas. Chase county was for Geo. T. Anthony but went to St. John in order to defeat Jno. A. Martin.

���� Dr. Cartter is suffering from an attack of "gravel rash", having been thrown from Dick Pratt's wagon.

���� The Hymer sunday school has 72 enrolled.

���� Sep. 19--It is the duty of the mayor of the Falls to burn a fire guard about the town annually and the Leader reminds Mayor McWilliams of his official duty.

���� A gang of horse thieves has been operating in the southern part of Chase county. Two men and a woman are arrested at Matfield Green.

���� Sep. 26--Amasa Manley dies. He was the father of W. H. and Chas. Manley.

���� Mayor McWilliams, of the Falls, calls out the citizens to meet at the southwest corner of town at 6 p. m. on October 3.

���� J. B. Freguson, R. Sayre and Jas. Williams, of Cedar creek are getting ready to make sorghum.

���� Ebenezer Stotts and Sarah Ann Benbo are married.

���� Oct. 3--Wm. Copeland dies at his home west of the Falls. He came in 1859.

���� Marion Allen, of Diamond creek, sells his farm and will return to West Virginia.

���� B. F. Largent is postmaster at Matfield Green.

���� Wm. Rettiger is building a large stone residence in Cottonwood.

���� The Greenback county convention is held. The nominees are: Wm. Jeffrey, representative; C G. Allen, probate judge; Henry Judd, district clerk; Benoni Jeffrey, sup't of schools.

���� Oct. 10--Dr. T. E. Adair is postmaster at Elinor.

���� Dr. F. T. Johnson opens a drug store at Elmdale.

���� Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Smith drive from Bills creek to Emporia to enroll their daughter in the State Normal.

���� The Pardee Comedy company plays an engagement at the falls.

���� Immigration is very heavy. Forty teams passed through town today.

���� J. L. Murdock writes from the frontier, near Medicine Lodge, that the Sioux killed one of their party on the 18th of last month and two more of the men on the 21st.

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���� There are fifty men in the camp now and they have plenty of ammunition and do not need any Indian prisoners.

���� Oct. 24--Destructive prairie fires sweep the south half of Chase county. Several thousand tons of hay are burned. One of the most pathetic tragedies of the community was the death of a Mr. Murphy, a new settler, from Racine, Wise. His load of hay caught fire from a spark. In unhitching the team, a horse kicked him in the face and he fell under the load. The wagon was upset. His son, blinded by the smoke and heat, worked until he got his father out and carried him to the breaking nearby.

���� Nov. 7--Mahlon Young is granted a saloon license at the Falls.

���� S. N. Wood buys a newspaper in Emporia. It is called The Greenbacker.

���� Jno. P. St John carries Chase county by 233 votes. W. A. Morgan is elected representative; W. S. Romigh, county attorney; F. B. Hunt, sup't. of schools; C. C. Whitson, probate judge. The Greenback party polls one-fourth of the votes of the county.

���� S. F. Jones' son dies in Texas.

���� Nov. 21--The fifth blacksmith shop is started in the Falls.

���� J. C. G. Hartert dies on Middle creek.

���� C. I. Maule and family, of Richmond, Ind., locate in Cottonwood.

���� Dec. 12--Leroy Martin opens a store in the Falls.

���� Dec. 19--Married, Edwin C. Childs and Genevra Romigh; A. H. Parker and Mary Newkirk; Frank Maybell and Sally Myers ; David A. Stout and Mary Bond.

���� Dec. 26--A stock company is organized in the Falls to secure a hall. Peter Kuhl is president. The hall will be at the corner of Friend and Broadway and will have a stage, scenery, and a seating space for 300.

���� 1879

���� Jan. 16.--Married, F. L. Giddings and Sadie Smith, Harold Partridge and. Ella Freeborn; W. D. Williams and Kate Connocher; Leroy Martin and Mary Earle.

���� The Santa Fe's taxes here are $12,.589.89.

���� Messrs. Doolittle, Scribner and Hays are the fiddlers at

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���� the dance at the Hinckley house; Mat McDonald is the "caller" and A. B. Watson, floor manager. One hundred ;couples attended.

���� A Literary Society is organized at Cedar Point. L. G. Cunningham is president and Miss M. A. Byram, secretary. The Keystone Band plays and Ernest Ginette sings French songs.

���� Feb. 6 -- Two sons of Carl Boenitz die within three days, of pneumonia.

���� Wm. Stephenson, the first poet of South Fork, goes to Sumner county.

���� Walter Bean dies on Cedar creek.

���� Grey Thorne gives an exhibition at the Falls of one of Edison's largest and best phonographs. The instrument will laugh, cry, talk, sing and play several instruments. Admission 25 cents.

���� Feb. 22--Born to Dr. and Mrs. Johnson of Elmdale, a son and a daughter.

���� Feb. 27--I. C. Warren homesteads the 80 acres adjoining Barker's springs.

���� J. L. Thompson and Elam Waidleigh of Erie, Penn., locate on Rock creek.

���� Warren Peck and A. B. Emerson are building houses in Cedar Point.

���� Jno. McCallum and Mary Brecht are married at Cottonwood.

���� Martin Winger, who owns large holdings on Silver creek, dies in Pennsylvania.

���� Joe Fari buys the "Methodist" mule at the Falls.

���� Mar. 20--Jas. Hazel and family, from Ohio, locate on Rock creek.

���� Rev. John Taylor is building a stone house in the Falls that is to have a parlor, dining room, library and "bay window" on the first floor.

���� An unusually large wildcat is killed on Sharps creek.

���� Mrs. S. F. Frey dies at her home on Strieby creek.

���� B. Lantry and brother are now the largest contractors in the west.

���� Jas. Hays captures an otter that measures six feet from tip to tip.

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���� Mar. 27--Andrew Drummond is postmaster at Woodhull

���� Henry Bonewell, of Ohio, buys the J. E. Baker farm on Coon creek.

���� Col. S. N. Wood moves into Elmdale from his farm.

���� Apr. 3--The Rettiger quarrymen strike for higher wages.

���� A. B. Emerson succeeds Oliver Pinkston as postmaster at Cedar Point.

���� Thomas H. Grisham comes from Missouri and locates in the Falls.

���� The break in the relations of S. N. Wood and W. A. Morgan occurs. The current issues of the Leader and Greenbacker give the lie direct.

���� Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Denn, a son.

���� Charles Conaway is teaching the Saffordville school.

���� M. W. Channel moves his saw mill to Bills creek.

���� Rettiger Bros. have the contract for the new stone business building for the Hildebrand Bros.

���� Apr. 24--The Homestead law is amended so that any citizen may take a homestead of 160 acres.

���� Haskell Ransford, a brother of Mrs.E. A. Kinne, forms a law partnership with S. N. Wood.

���� R. H. Chandler and family of Lancaster, N. H., buys the Sam'l. Denn farm on Rock creek.

���� C. C. Dwelle dies on Cedar creek, aged 29 years.

���� J. W. Griffis, of Indiana, buys the S. E. Yeoman place.

���� Arnold Brandley, a brother of Henry and Al, locates in the Falls.

���� May 15--F. L. Gilman and son, of Boston, locate at the Falls. They open a quarry a mile and a half east of Cottonwood.

���� Asa Breese locates west of Elmdale.

���� Martin Self and J. Sarinda Smith are married at Cedar Point.

���� S. F. Jones sells his ranch in Colorado for $100,000 and buys the O'Dell place on Fox creek.

���� June 5 -- Emslie and Rettiger are awarded the contract for the stone work on the west wing of the Kansas State capitol.

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���� The estate of Martin Wingar offers 2,080 acres for sale on Silver creek.

���� H. L. Hunt is elected president of the library at the Falls, and Mary Hunt is librarian.

���� The Population of Chase county increased 889 last year. Fruitland is the name of the postoffice in the northeast corner of Chase county.

���� The piece of land sold by the sheriff to W. S. Romigh for $60.00 is the same piece that one of the Sharp boys sold to Dr. McKinney in '73 for a can of cove oysters.

���� General Babcock of Lawrence, and Mr. Tweedale of Topeka, are partners with Emslie and Rettiger Bros. in building the west wing of the capitol.

���� Jul. 3-- H. C Speer conducts the Teachers Institute.

���� Mrs. A. R. Ice dies after a long illness.

���� Wm. Forney locates in Toledo township.

���� Seven applications for certificates have been filed in Chase county by physicians. The examination will be in Emporia.

���� The cattle in the southeastern part of the coun�ty were stampeded by flies last Sunday.

���� Jul. 12--Dearie Wood, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Wood, dies at Elmdale.

���� Henry Wilson dies from bloodpoisoning occasioned by accidental pricking of his arm by a dental instrument.

���� Jul. 31--Chas. H. Carswell opens a law office in the Falls.

���� Ashler is a new postoffice on Jacobs creek. A. B. Perrigo is the postmaster.

���� Judge Cartter is bringing in a herd of high grade cattle from Kentucky.

���� F. E. Smith brings to the Leader office some bluestem grass over seven feet long.

���� S. N. Wood and family move to Emporia.

���� The Lantry Bros. shipped 241 cars of stone from Cottonwood during July.

���� Aug. 12--Marion Center celebrates the completion of the railroad from Florence.

���� J. F. Kirker is hired as principal of the Falls schools. May Jones, Maude Rockwood and Mary Hunt are the grade teachers.

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���� Fred Pracht and Geo Seiker move to Hillsboro.

���� The Miller Bros. of Cincinnati, buy the Stambaugh and Marlin ranch on Upper Cedar.

���� AUG. 16--The family of Barney Lantry comes to Cottonwood to reside there.

���� Charles W. Jones is building a carpenter shop in Cottonwood.

���� The following physicians are licensed to practice medicine in Chase county: W. P. Pugh, R. Walsh, R. H. Chittenden, W. H. Cartter, Frank Johnson, A. M. Conaway, and G. W. Bocook.

���� Rev. S. R. Sayre is assigned to the Cedar Point circuit of the Methodist church south.

���� Adam Brecht opens a shoe shop in Cottonwood.

���� Cedar Point votes 10 mills tax to build a schoolhouse.

���� Sept. 4--W. E. Timmons is married at Louisville, Kentucky.

���� The "siding" is to be moved from Hunt's station to the J. L. Crawford farm.

���� The new Eclectic school books are adopted in 22 districts.

���� Rev. W. R. Manley of Bazaar, is married to Allie Blood and they leave for Rangoon, Burmah, as missionaries.

���� A new dam is put in at the Falls.

���� Cottonwood Falls is the scene of the capture of a runaway wife this week, and of a mule-thief, also.

���� Sept. 18--The Greenback convention meets in the Falls. They declare in favor of no interest bearing bonds-national, state, county or municipal, being issued; money to be issued by the national government only; the national bank act to be repealed; gold and silver coinage to be on an equal footing; regulation of rates and fares of railroads by law; public lands to be allotted to settlers only.

���� Dr. Bocook donates an acre and a half of ground at Matfield Green for a Methodist parsonage.

���� Nicholas Rettiger dies at Cottonwood.

���� Sept. 27--Van Amburg's Show comes to the Falls.

���� S. E. Yeoman buys the Jno. Osmer farm on Diamond creek.

���� Horace Balch of Middle Creek, sells his farm to a Mr. McGinnis, and goes to Anderson county.

���� Cedar Point holds a large camp meeting with ten ministers present.

���� Oct. 2--Charles M. Conaway and Elreen Mills are married; also, Samuel Loveless and Flora Beals.

���� A destructive prairie fire starts near ElDorado and burns to the Falls.

���� Harmon Doolittle is an independent canditate for county treasurer.

���� A. Z. Scribner and Sallie Watts are married.

���� Charles Lantry, brother and partner of Barney Lantry, dies at Las Vegas.

���� D. B. Berry, a Colorado ranchman, buys the Beard ranch on Fox creek.

���� The Leader describes a visit to the Emslie and Rettiger quarries: "In addition to furnishing stone for the capitol at Topeka, they are getting our stone for the Federal building at Topeka, the stone saw mills at St. Joseph, railroad bridges in Nebraska, and public and private buildings in every direction."

���� Polled cattle are beginning to replace the long horns in Chase county.

���� Married, Louis Romigh and Lucinda Henderson.

���� There are 10,000 "exodusters" in Kansas, arriving this year.

���� NOV. 13--Eliza Drummond is postmistress at Woodhull. S. R. Peters is elected judge of the District Court; J. S. Shipman, treasurer; Jabin Johnson, sheriff; S. A. Breese, county clerk; A. B. Gandy, register of deeds; W. H. Holsinger, surveyor.

���� Col. Wemyss Smith offers his Fox creek farm for sale - 160 acres for $20.00 an acre.

���� Npv. 20--Edw. C Holmes and Rebecca Park are married.

���� A parsonage is being built on Sharps creek for the United Brethren church.

���� Nov. 23--Wylie Byram and Hortense Crawford married.

���� Nov. 27--Jas. F. Barr and Mollie Boenitz are married.

���� Corn is selling at 20 cents a bushel.

���� Dec.--Nat Scribner goes to Kansas City with four car loads stock - his first trip.

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���� Dec. 30--Born, to Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Morgan, a daughter


���� Jan. 8--Cottonwood is being incorporated as a city of the third class. The petition asks it be named "Emslie City.

���� Mrs. J. Z. Mann, of South Fork, dies.

���� Jas. Hurley is appointed baggage master at Arkansas City. The Leader says: "Jim is a good boy and his many friends wish him well in his new position."

���� A voting precinct is established at Cottonwood.

���� Jan. 15--The Pardee Comedy Company presents "Rip Van Winkle" at the Falls.

���� Dr. Jones locates in Cottonwood.

���� Mrs. Z. Prather dies at her home west of the Falls. She came in '59.

���� Jan. 26--Mrs. Jane Miller, mother of Arch Miller, dies, aged 75 years. She settled on South Fork in 1858, and planted the first apple trees grown in the county, having brought the seed when she came.

���� John O'Byrne, who settled on Diamond creek in 1857, (in Morris County) dies at his home, aged 52 years. He conducted a hotel in the Falls from '72 to '77, and in Cottonwood since then.

���� Eugene Wilson, the professional walker, makes 50 miles in 8 hours and 56 minutes in an exhibition at Music hall.

���� A large party of Indians go through the county on their way to the Indian Territory.

���� Feb. 5--Gideon Elias, president of the Cottonwood Falls town company, of which Isaac Alexander and J. F. Findley were members, visited the Falls. He made the first survey over 20 years ago. He now lives near Lawrence.

���� Mrs. S. N. Wood announces lectures on Spiritualism, at the Falls, by the Sanfords, one of whom is a trance speaker.

���� Toledo township establishes a library.

���� Feb. 5--J. P. Kuhl translates the articles written by A. J. Saxer of Buck creek and makes the latter apologize for the statements made regarding Kansas.

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���� Feb. 16--An election is held at Adam Brecht's shoe shop in Cottonwood by direction of Judge Peters. C. W. Jones is elected mayor over Geo. Hildebrand and Tommy Brant. The council is composed of E. A. Hildebrand, F. M. Jones, L. P. Santy, Wm. Rettiger and Wm. Parks.

���� Feb. 18--The city council for Cottonwood organizes; H. Roberts is marshal.

���� The farmers of Cedar creek meet and denounce the bringing in of cattle for pasturing as private and public nuisance.

���� Feb. 26--B. C. Burnley of Erie, Penn., buys the Record farm.

���� J. S. Harvey buys the Dickey farm on South Fork.


���� James Kerr and family move to the Falls from Plymouth.

���� Mar. 4--A masquerade ball is held at the Falls. Dr. Cartter is Little Red Riding Hood, Willie Morgan is The American flag, Ed Ellis is a Harleouin, and Harmon Doolittle a monk.

���� Mar. 11--A lodge of colored Masons is organized at the Falls.

���� Dr. Jno. McCaskill buys a large tract of land on Bloody creek for a ranch.

���� The "13, 14, 15" puzzle reaches Chase county. Cottonwood licenses three saloons.

���� Mar. 25--Mrs. E. C. Holmes is drowned in the Cottonwood, near Elmdale.

���� Chase county Republicans declare for Jas. G. Blaine for President.

���� Valentine Becker locates on Prairie Hill.

���� Mar. 28--At the marriage of Henry North and Elizabeth Nolan near Matfield Green. The entire company is invited to come from the church to have dinner at the Nolan home. More than 100 went and before dinner baptism was observed in the South Fork.

���� Apr. 8--G. B. Drawbaugh of Carlisle, Penn., locates on Fox creek.

���� J. W. McWilliams is elected mayor of the Falls; and C. I. Maule of Cottonwood by a vote of 65 to 1.

���� Warner Hayden of Ohio, locates near Elmdale.

���� Apr. 18--A telephone is installed between Cottonwood and the Falls.

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���� Apr. 22--Peter Allen, who absconded with several thousand dollars from the bank at Florence, is sentenced to two years in the penitentiary.

���� Asa Chapel and Melvin Robinson of New York, locate on Rock creek.

���� C. L. Barnes, portrait painter, has gone west. His portrait of the S. F. Jones family is an artistic production.

���� May 6--Cottonwood Falls has 550 people.

���� Two saloon licenses are granted in the Falls.

���� Hattie Pugh is chosen to speak at the State University commencement.

���� Fred Pracht has southern Russian wheat growing on his place, which after four years trial he thinks is the best for Kansas.

���� There are eleven Sunday schools in Chase county. John Madden retires from the Florence Herald.

���� With the new cattle chute in Cottonwood, 2 cars of cattle can be loaded at one time.

���� The "Divide" between Fox creek and Six Mile is being settled thickly by Friends from Ohio. The houses are nearly all of sod. The land was bought from the Kaws for $1.00 an acre.

���� May 20--The Democrats of Chase county instruct for Seymour and Hendricks.

���� May 27--The saloons at Cottonwood are known as the "Dolly Varden," "Blue Goose" and "White Swan." The Blue Goose saloon was shot up this week by some rowdies.

���� Mrs. John Rogler, mother of Chas. W. Rogler, dies.

���� Jun. 3 --J. C. Davis of Washington, Penn., locates at Cottonwood.

���� A disreputable young negro is rotten-egged out of the Falls by a lot of young men. A man on horseback meeting him on the bridge asks "What's the matter?" The negro yells: "Hell, can't youh-all smell what's de matter?"

���� Dec. 30--Grisham and Carswell form a new law firm. The "heathen" of the Falls make up a purse of $46.50 for Reverend J. W. Hancher. J. S. Doolittle is chairman and W. A. Morgan, secretary, J. W. McWilliams makes the "offeratory."


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���� Jan. 2--At the Catholic Fair held in Emporia, the gold watch is voted to Miss Lizzie Lantry of Cottonwood, as "the handsomest lady." Emporia voted for Miss Hattie Specht. The vote stood 8,300 to 13,775 in Miss Lantry's favor.

���� Jan. 13--The Lawless farm on Diamond creek, is sold by the sheriff for $2,210.00. Geo. McNee buys it.

���� Wm. Forney locates in the Falls.

���� Jan. 20--Elihu Mitchell, an old settler, sells his farm on South Fork to W. P. Evans.

���� Judge Whitson has issued 300 marriage licenses in eight years.

���� Lewis Carpenter buys the Jno. G. Watson farm near the head of Cedar creek.

���� Feb. 3--At a meeting held in Cottonwood it is decided to change the name of the town to Strong. A petition asking for this has 75 names. There is a remonstrance, also. A new township is to be asked for.

���� Feb. 10--The last claim of the county against the estate of U. B. Warren, former county treasurer, is settled.

���� The Wells-Fargo open an office at Cottonwood. Their rates are 25 % lower than those of the Adams Express Co.

���� Rev. J. G. Freeborn sells his stock and farm at Pleasant Hill.

���� Imbla Young dies at his farm on Cedar Creek, aged 64 years.

���� Feb. 13--A. J. Mead and A. J. Frank are married at Cedar Point.

���� Feb. 17--The quarries one mile east of Cottonwood are now called Alexandria.

���� G. C. Millar buys 2,320 acres adjoining his farm.

���� The 9th judicial district is divided.The western half will form the 16th district.

���� T. G. Allen and Lottie Brown are married.

���� Edwin R. Arnold dies, aged 40 years.

���� Chase county has been experiencing the severest weather known in years. On the 10th a blizzard set in, followed by heavy rains. From Thursday to Monday, no one ventured out as the snow was so heavy and the wind blew so hard. All trains were stopped. The snow is six feet deep in drifts.

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���� There is a large loss of cattle, 100 head perishing on the Berry ranch alone.

���� D. C. Allen buys a half-interest in the Paris Mills store at Toledo.

���� E. W. Brace discovers a fine six-foot bed of sand near the Falls.

���� Mar. 6--The Chase County Leader reaches its 10th milestone. It tells the story of its beginnings and includes a summary of the events of historical value of that time. Three newspapers had failed. The Leader started with a subscription of 250. Five per cent paid in advance, and the rest agreed to pay at the end of the year "if the paper lasted that long." By the end of the year 70% was paid. The balance is still due. The town then had 250 inhabitants, and the county 2,500. 538 votes were polled. There were 26 dwellings, two hotels, five shops, and eight stores on the townsite of the Falls. W. M. Robertson was pastor of the Methodist church at the Falls, the services being held in the schoolhouse. The only church in the Falls was the Catholic. F. M. Jennings was the station agent. He was a big-fisted fellow and the company kept him at the end-station.

���� Mar. 10--Twin daughters are born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Frey.

���� A. Maxey is assigned to the Falls by the Methodists,and Thomas Lidzy to Saffordville.

���� Mar. 17--H. S. Lincoln buys the Miller store at Matfield Green.

���� Lantry and Burr have a contract to ballast 160 miles of track west of Newton. They will build two rock-crushers at Cottonwood.

���� Mrs. L. D. Hinckley takes charge of the Hinckley hotel again.

���� Joe Faris sells his farm near the mouth of Diamond creek to Will and Jno. Drummond.

���� Mar. 25--Born to Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Breese, a son.

���� Jas. Lind buys the Alva Townshend place near Saffordville.

���� David Biggam takes a force of 20 men from Cottonwood to work on a contract he has along the Purgatoire river in Colorado. With the growth of Cottonwood as a quarry point, and becomes headquarters for a number of sub-contractors.

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���� Geo. Collett, who has lived in Chase county for 21 years, moves to Anderson county.

���� J, P. Kuhl is elected mayor of the Falls and Jno. McCallum, mayor of Cottonwood.

���� Apr. 14--The Chase County Agricultural Association buys 80 acres of land west of the Falls for a fair ground.

���� Frank Holcomb from New Jersey, locates in Cedar Point.

���� Mrs. D. W. Mercer dies at Matfield Green.

���� Jake Heckenlively is operating a well-drill in the western part of the county.

���� Jno. G. Watson and sister, who were among the first to experiment with an upland farm in Chase county, have sold their farm and will move away.

���� Apr. 28--F. E. Dwelle buys the Peter Martin farm near Cedar Point.

���� School District No. 41 is formed.

���� It includes the town of Cottonwood. C. I. Maule, J. T. Dickason and A. E. Hildebrand are the members of the school board.

���� J. B. Hoy is canvassing the county for India ink portraits.

���� Apr. 22--Lorenzo D. Hinckley dies at his home in the Falls after an illness of four years. He was 64 years and 5 months of age. He located on the townsite of North Cottonwood Falls in 1859. He built the dam across the river at the Falls, and then returned to Ohio and brought his family here in 1860. He established a circular saw mill in partnership with J. B. Smith. These two men had received the north half of the townsite from Isaac Alexander for improving the water-power. Mr. Hinckley built a hotel on the site of the Union Hotel, but soon after sold out and went to Lyon county, where he built and ran a steam grist mill. He soon returned to the Falls and worked as a miller in a corn mill run by water power. He built a shop on the site of the Hinckley House and made wagons. He was the first postmaster of Cottonwood Falls and the first mail contractor in this and the counties to the southwest. It was said of him that "he built the first dam across the Cottonwood river; first saw mill in the county; first hotel in the valley; ground the first meal and flour in the Cottonwood valley; carried the first mail to Wichita and Eldorado and as far north as Council Grove. In the fall of 1860, when it was certain that the Santa Fe would build west of Emporia he built the Hinckley Hotel and opened it for public. In '71 between the years of 1860 and 1870 he became the best known man from Emporia to the western line of civilization.

���� May 1--The Prohibitory law went into effect last night at midnight. A large lithograph of Governor St. John was hung in the bar room of Nick Nye's saloon, with inverted beer bottles on each side. The saloons went out of business more quietly than was expected of them.

���� May 12--Cottonwood votes unanimously for a $750.00 schoolhouse. 136 votes were cast.

���� The Chase County Agricultural Society elects N. J. Swayze, president and J. S. Shipman, secretary.

���� May 26--S. N. Wood sues W. A. Morgan for libel.

���� The railroad station which had been called Cottonwood for ten years is named Strong City, in honor of W. B. Strong, General Sup't. of the A. T. & S. F. Ry.

���� Parker and Tweedale have built a steam crusher at Alexander's quarry. They have a contract to supply 1,000 car-loads of ballast.

���� Anna Moffit, L. R. and Nora Bailey, J. W. Franklin, C E. Houston and R. H. Drummond are students at the State Agricultural college from Chase County.

���� Jun. 21--Born to Mr. and Mrs. Harmon Doolittle, a son, whom they have named Dudley.

���� Forty-eight farm dwellings were built in Chase County last year.

���� Chase County produced $233,775.00 worth of beef cattle last year.

���� Jun. 7--Wm. Birley takes a position as pilot of a boat plying from New York to New Orleans. His family remain on the farm here.

���� The Frew Bros. are building a house on their farm near the head of Fox Creek.

���� Canaan farmers are using Glidden barbed wire for pastures.

���� Jul. 14--The J. C. Thompson family arrives from Massachusetts.

���� E. A. Hildebrand buys a bicycle, the first in the county.

���� Judge Cartter, Barney Lantry, S. F. Jones, and D. B. Berry hold a meeting to organize a national bank. The four men own 20,000 acres of land in this county.

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     F. E. Dwelle clears 17 acres of wheat in three days and the Florence Herald says it is the best record in the community. The intense heat stops the work on the Strong City school­house.

���� The Santa Fe is fencing its line. This will increase the speed of its trains.

���� The Falls has the excitement of a 48-hour "chivaree" which began in jest, grew into a riot, and closed by the dispersal of the mob by several shots fired by the recalcitrant groom, and the orders of the sheriff to the angry crowd.

���� Jul. 28--The Rev. Mr. Taylor, the minister of the United Presbyterian church at the Falls, is quarrying and hauling the stone for a church building.

���� Jno. and Isabella Wallace of Glasgow, Scotland, buy the Baldwin farm on Fox Creek, for $3,325.00.

���� Aug. 4--W. J. Keller sells his farm east of Elmdale to Dick Rider.

���� The contract for a new schoolhouse at the Falls is let to Gilman and Son for $8,275.00.

���� The payroll of Lantry and Burr is now $22,000 a month. Ed Ellis, Will Buchanan, Chauncey Simmons, Nat Scribner, Willie Morgan, Minnie Ellis, Belle Boynton, Alice Rockwood, Nannie Cartter, and Alice Hunt present two comedies at the Falls.

���� George and Horace Weed leave for their future home in Hartford, Conn.

���� A man from Empoiria attempts to take a prisoner from Sheriff Johnson. The man killed Under Sheriff Spillman of Lyon county. The mob returns to Emporia without the murderer.

���� General Weaver speaks at the Fair grounds. The heat is so intense that a number of people are prostrated.

���� A Catholic church is being built at Strong City.

���� Aug. 25--The Burton Bros. dissolve partnership at Strong City. Geo. K. Burton retiring.

���� Jennie Holmes of Elmdale, enters Bethany college.

���� Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Kirker are elected to the schools in Strong City.

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���� Milton Brown of Ohio, is building a new house on his farm west of Clements.

���� Fifty soldiers from this county will attend the State Fair and Soldiers' Reunion at Topeka. They organize a company for the trip. The officers are: Captain Milton Brown; 1st Lieut. T. B. Johnson; 2nd. Lieut. A. B. Emerson.

���� Sept.. 1--J. Z. Mann and Elizabeth Stephenson are married.

���� I. B. Johnson of Cedar creek, is said to have the finest sorghum in Chase County.

���� Grasshoppers in great swarms are flying south over the county.

���� Rev. J. R. Bennett is assigned to Cedar Creek by the M. E. Church South.

���� Sept. 11--St. Anthony's church, Catholic, is dedicated. It is a fine structure of stone and 35 by 50 feet in area. The choir for the occasion is composed of Maggie and Lizzie Rettiger, Pat Raleigh, and George and Mat McDonald. The organist is Lizzie Lantry. Bishop Fink is assisted by Father Stallo, of Osage, Father Swemberg, of Newton and Father Wellinghoff of the parish.

���� Sept. 29--Captain H. Brandley has an old horse which he rode from Lawrence to Fort Smith Ark., and through the campaign in Arkansas during the summer of '64. He was under fire in one battle and behaved well. A bugle is blown on the Brandley farm for noon, and with the first call the veteran horse will not budge until he is unhitched.

���� A tornado enters Chase County from the southwest corner and crosses the county until it reaches Bazaar, when it rises and descends again at Patty's Mill in Lyon county. Several houses were destroyed in Chase county, and in Emporia four people were killed.

���� Oct. 7--The little boy who has come from Pennsylvania to make his home with Mrs. Reeve is a descendant of Henry Clay.

���� The Greenback party refuse to fuse with the Democrats and nominate a straight ticket.

���� Oct. 13--Over 3,000 people attend the first Chase county Fair. In the Baby Show, Baby Howard and Baby Kellogg took the first and second premiums. In the equestrian races, Gyp Scribner won first place for the rider under twelve years of age.

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���� Willie Shaft took the boy's prize in this race. Davy Cartter won the bicycle race.

���� The Greenback party reconsider their refusal to fuse with Democrats and arrange a ticket with the latter.

���� Oct. 16--Arnold Brandley and Estelle Hunt are married.

���� Oct. 29--Mr. and Mrs. John Madden buy the Winters place on Buck creek. Their sons, John and Dennis, will enter the practice of law here.

���� Dr. F. M. Jones relocates in Strong City.

���� Hunt's Station is now Crawfordsville.

���� Talbott and Pecard, two young men from Ireland, locate at the head of Cedar and establish "Killarney ranch."

���� M. Oles of Bazaar, has lost his eyesight.

���� Dec. 1--The Gandy building at the corner of Friend and Broadway, in the Falls, burns. It was the first two-story building in the Falls.

���� A branch of the Land League is organized at Strong City. Twenty men join.

���� Dec.3--Lawrence Rogler and Emily Swift are married.

���� Dec. 13-- J. C. Fisher and Estelle Byram are married at Cedar Point.

���� Dec. 16--A lodge of the Eastern Star is installed in the Falls. J. P. Kuhl is Worthy Patron, and Mrs. J. M. Tuttle, Worthy Matron.

���� Dec. 25--The Germans of Chase county celebrate Christmas. The Marion Center Band leads the procession, with Wm. Giese, as marshal, and Frank Holts, assistant. There is a dance in the evening.

���� C. C. Whitson is elected

���� Jas. Rose, S. V. C.; R. Shellenberger, J. V. C ; P. B. McCabe Q. M.; H. N. Simmons, chaplin ; A. M. Conaway, surgeon. The roll contains the names of 40 former soldiers.


���� JAN. 1--H. S. Hicks has put up a windmill for grinding corn.

���� C L. Conaway left this week for Iowa to begin the study of medicine.

���� Gilman and Son, assign their contract for building the school house at the Falls to J. S. Doolittle, their bondsman.

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���� The balance is only $8000.00. The contractors have receipts how all the money was expended. They have only received $500.00 for their own work for the past six months.

���� Jan. 12-- E. P. Allen, Jr., and Mary Parks are married.

���� Jan. 25-Cal Sharp shoots a grey fox on Sharp's creek.

���� John Madden, Jr., buys the Pat Hubbard house in the Falls.

���� The Robert Burns Club observes the birthday of their patron poet, with a banquet at the Union Hotel. One hundred people were present. The club was organized in 1871. In all three meetings were held after that time. This year it was decided to revive the club. Malcolm Campbell is president; Hugh Jackson, secretary; John Wallace, treasurer. Hugh Jackson led the way to the dining room playing "March of the 79th Highlanders" on the bagpipes. The event of the evening was the discovery of Alexander McKenzie, a Hieland man, whose songs and dances, in costume, are pronounced by the Leader as "incomparable."

���� The women of Strong City organized a branch of the W. C T. U. there. Mrs. Burr is president and Mrs. Dickenson, secretary.

���� Calvin Baker leaves for Illinois to remain there.

���� A bank building is begun at Strong City.

���� Tweedale and Parker have the contract for the masonry of the main part of the state house at Topeka. The total amount is $193,864. The stone will be taken from the Alexander quarry east of Strong City, and will consist of the largest and best dimension stone.

���� Feb. 6--The most destructive fire in the history of the Falls occurs. Seven of the nine buildings on the east side of Broadway are burned. The fire was incendiary.

���� Matfield Green claims the honor of having more twin babies than any other community in Kansas. There are four pairs of twins in eleven families living within a radius of two miles.

���� Feb. 16--Mrs. Adaline Mann, the mother of the Mann brothers, and one of the early settlers of this county, is dead, aged 72 years.

���� C. C. Myser dies at his home near Toledo. He was a teacher of great excellence.

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���� Feb. 20-Nicholas Maybell, an old settler, dies at his home on Middle creek, aged 82 years.

���� Mar. 2--A. M. Ice and Maggie Penny are married.

���� Frank Barrington, a teacher and writer of excellence, leaves Chase county, to make his home in Chautauqua. county. He compiled a volumn of Kansas poems.

���� Mar. 9--A cemetery is surveyed on the Lantry farm west of Strong City. It contains four acres and will be under the control of the Catholic church.

���� Mar. 16-Wm. H. Stephenson has bought 640 acres of the Winger estate on Silver creek. His family consists of his wife and eleven children--nine boys and two girls. They are from Jackson county, Ohio, and came last November.

���� Dr. Richard Cordley lectures in Cottonwood Falls on:�"Coming to Kansas Twenty-five Years Ago."

���� Mt. Lebanon Lodge of Colored Masons is installed at Strong City.

���� Mar. 30--A Congregational church is organized in Strong City.

���� The Falls Dramatic Club presents "Among the Breakers."

���� Apr. 6--George Bab is killed at Strong City while trying to keep order at a negro dance. Jabin Johnson was slightly wounded while making an arrest. Three negroes are arrested for the crime.

���� George Blackburn buys the Imbla Young farm on Cedar creek.

���� The Methodists of Toledo township have organized a society. J. G. Winne is the president.

���� The Chase county quarries are employing large numbers of men. Tweedale and Parker employ 200 men getting out the stone for the foundation of the state house. This amounts to $80,000 worth of stone. Eighty cars of stone are being shipped daily from the Lewis, Lantry, Rettiger and Tweedale quarries.

���� Henry S. F. Davis is married to Cora Baker, of New York City

���� The S. F. Jones ranch on Fox creek is said to be the best arranged stock ranch in Kansas. It includes 7,000 acres surrounded by a stone fence five feet high and extending a distance of 25 miles in all. The herd consists of 400 head of Durham, Polled Angus, and Hereford cattle.

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���� Wit Adair, the son-in-law of Mr. Jones, is the foreman.

���� Apr. 20--Mrs. Frank Laloge visits the county seat for the first time since 1864.

���� Pasture land is renting for 20 cents an acre.

���� Dennis Madden is admitted to the bar "after a most rigid examination."

���� Jun. 15--A telegraph office is installed at Cedar Point.

���� Jun. 22--Scott Winne is chased by a pack of wolves while returning from the Yeager school. He beat them off with a club.

���� Samuel Beverlin, who came to Middle Creek in '65 sells his Cedar Creek farm and leaves for Elk county.

���� Jun 29--The Chase County National Bank is organized. The board of directors consists of Arch Miller, J. R. Blackshere, E. W. Pinkston, Wm. Jeffrey, A. J. Crocker, Sam Baker, H. Brandley, J. D. Minnick, and A. S. Howard. The capital stock is $50,000, and the bank will be ready for business in sixty days.

���� D. B. Berry of Strong City, sells his ranch in the Panhandle for $25,000 to the London Cattle Ranch and Land Co. Mr. Berry owns 5,000 acres of land on Shafer creek in this county, and has 400 head of cattle on this ranch.

���� Jun. 29 -- Perrault, a Frenchman living near Cedar Point, shoots Mr. Seaman while the latter was seeking to recover some horses which Perrault had taken up.

���� Jul. 4--A. S. Howard is elected president of the Chase county National Bank, J. D. Minnick, Vice President; W. H. Holsinger, Cashier.

���� Mrs. Hardin Pinkston, of Wonsevu, dies.

���� Jul. 7 -- Mrs. Andrew Drummond dies on Diamond creek. She was a native of Perthshire, Scotland, and had lived here 13 years.

���� W. H. Triplett sells his farm on Collett creek.

���� Judge D. K. Cartter, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, addresses the citizens of the Falls on the subject of law enforcement.

���� Aug. 7--Rev. C. G. Manley dies in Shawnee county.

���� Aug. 10--The Republicans in county convention vote against nominating St John for a third term.

���� Aug. 17--Perrault, who shot a neighbor a short time ago,

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���� is shot by C. A. Sayre while Perrault was assaulting F. E. Dwelle. The jury found that the shooting was justifiable.

���� Sep.7--Wm. Crichton is elected principal of the Falls schools.

���� Oct. 5--The cheese factory at Bazaar closes.

���� Oct. 12--Dr. Allen White, formerly county treasurer of Chase county, dies at El Dorado.

���� Oct. 28--The second Chase County Fair is held at the Falls.

���� A number of members of the English nobility visit the S. F. Jones ranch on Fox creek to see a model stock farm.

���� Twin daughters are born to Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Allen; a son is born to Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Breese.

���� Nov. 9--Chase county gave Geo. W. Glick a majority of 34 over Jno. P. D. St. John, for governor. W. H. Cartter is elected representative; C C. Whitson, probate judge; E. A. Kinne, clerk of the court; S. P. Young, county attorney; and Mary E. Hunt, county superintendent of Schools.

���� The A. T. & S. F. Ry. sell all their lands in Chase county to a syndicate. There are 75,000 acres and W. M. Tomlinson, of Elmdale, is the agent for this county.

���� J. C. Farrington and C. R. Van Meter buy a ranch below Matfield Green.

���� Nov. 30--M. C. Channell is killed by the accidental discharge of his gun, near Crawfordsville.

���� Dec. 7--The Strong City opera house is opened by the Chicago Comedy company in "East Lynn."

���� Dec. 14--The Chase County National Bank moves into its new building.

���� T. C. Henry is the president of the New York syndicate which has bought the M. K. & T. railway lands in Chase county. H. R. Hilton buys 20,000 acres of these lands for a Scotch syndicate headed by the Duke of Sutherland.

���� Dec. 21--Barney Lantry buys the Burr interests in the lands of the company.

���� Clark Hunt traps two beavers in the river near the Falls.

���� Judge Peters resigns as judge of the 9th district. to take his seat in Congress. L. Houck is appointed to succeed Judge Peters.

���� Dec. 23--T. H. Grisham and Sadie Park are married.

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���� Jan. 4--The Eastern Land Company has been organized. 100,000 acres are bought by the company, much of which is in Chase county.

���� W. A. Morgan and W. E. Timmons have a personal encounter in the Falls. Mr. Timmons suffers a severe scalp�wound. The Leader makes a personal statement.

���� Jan. 25--The first steam stone-drill to be operated in Kansas is installed at the Lantry quarry. It drills 75 feet a day.

���� The Robert Burns club observes the birthday of Robert. Burns. There are eleven addresses.

���� Feb. 1-- W. F. File and J. T. Dickason buy the Strong City Independent.

���� Feb. 22--Geo. Drummond sells his farm at the old State Road crossing to Samuel Comstock and C. C. Terwilleger.

���� Mar. 1-- J. E. Capwell sells his farm on Buck creek to Mr. Micklejerd.

���� Albert Balch, a pioneer of Chase county, leaves for California.

���� Dr. W. H. Cartter votes against the bill to regulate freight rates and fares and petitions are sent to him to change his attitude in this matter in harmony with the views held in Chase county.

���� Mar. 17 -- W. H. Holsinger resigns as cashier of the Chase county National bank.

���� The cornerstone of the Congregational church in Strong City is laid.

���� Mar. 22-- W. H. Shaft sells 240 acres of land for $2,400.00.

���� The Falls Dramatic club presents "Nick of the Woods" with J. L. Cochran in the leading part.

���� Mar. 29--The Chase County Building association is chartered.

���� Charles Conaway returns from Iowa-a graduate physician.

���� Rev. Jno. Taylor leaves for Iowa. Hugh Jackson buys his home.

���� Two Englishmen, B. Osmaston and Jas. Anson, buy the F. L. Drinkwater farm on Cedar creek. The price is $10,000.

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���� Apr. 19 --The Cottonwood Falls high school has been enrolled by the State University of Kansas as a preparatory high school.

���� Eight tons of barbwire are sold at the Falls in one week, which shows that the old free range will soon be the thing of the past.

���� Jun. 7-- E. C. Holmes is married in Iowa to Frances Adams.

���� Emslie and Santy opens large quarries at Crawfordville.

���� Fred Pracht wins his suit with the Santa Fe after five years litigation for possession of his homestead.

���� Jun. 14--Barney Lantry has completed 19 miles of stone fence about his farm. S. F. Jones has 45 miles of stone fence on his ranch. ,

���� Jul. 4--The Leader prints a list of the ex-soldiers of Chase county. There are 291 names.

���� The Falls suffers a severe fire. 16 buildings, all but 7 of the business houses are destroyed. The fire was of incendiary origin. These buildings were on the west side of Broadway.

���� Jul. 11-- J. R. Blackshere begins the erection of a hand�some stone house on his ranch near Elmdale.

���� A large number of Pottawatomie Indians pass through Chase county on their way to the Indian Territory.

���� Sir Stuart Hogg visits Chase county to inspect lands bought by the Scotch syndicate.

���� Aug.16-- Rev Frank Price and wife, formerly of Prairie Hill, sail for China as missionaries.

���� Sep. 6 -- Dennis Madden and Minnie Hazel are married.

���� Sep. 8 -- Mrs. A. P. Gandy dies. She came to the Falls in 1859. She leaves a husband and five children. She was a sister of Mrs. A. B. Watson and Dr. G. W. Williams.

���� Oct. 4 -- Hattie Pugh and C. C. Dart are married.

���� Oct. 18 --The Congregational church at Elmdale calls Rev. E. Cleveland.

���� 1,500 people attend the third annual fair of Chase county.

���� The old log cabin built on Pine street in 1860 by Christtopher Borders is torn down. Napoleon Bonaparte Moulton used it for a store during '61 and J. S. Doolittle had a store in it from '61 to '68.

���� Oct. 20 -- Blind Boone gives a concert at Music Hall.

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���� Carl Blackshere dies, aged 26 years.

���� Wm. Barnes sells his farm on Cedar Creek to English parties.

���� The Greenback party nominates Geo. Balch for sheriff, and leaves the rest of the ticket blank for the Democrats to complete.

���� Nov. 8 --The election returns are W. P. Martin is elected county treasurer; J. J. Massey, county clerk; J. W. Griffis, sheriff; A. P. Gandy register of deeds (unanimously) ; C. F. Nesbit, surveyor; C. E. Hait, coroner, and M. E. Hunt, commissioner.

���� Dr. Ravenscroft locates in Strong City.

���� Mrs. Carrie Anderson, who taught the Bazaar school in the '70's is married to Noble Prentis; L. R. Campbell and Ella Mahew, W. P. Drummond and Mrs. Anna Friend, Wm. O' Byrne and Sadie Murphy, Henry Wiebrecht and Mary Stubenhofer, George Ferrier and Ella Fish, G. E. Finley and Ella Seaman are married.


���� Jan.--W. A. Morgan is appointed postmaster at the Falls

���� Jan. 17--S. A. Breese retires from the office of county clerk after 12 years continuous service.

���� Jan. 25 -- A Robert Emmet Club is organized at Strong City. Mat McDonald is president.

���� The Robert Burns Club meets at the Falls.

���� Feb. 14 -- Jno. B. Davis buys the Hutsin and Warton farms on Buck Creek, 400 acres.

���� Feb. 21-- N. J. Swayze and W. A. Parker have invented a machine for dressing stone that will do the work of 50 menBR>

���� S. N. Wood loses his contests against Congressman Peters.

���� Christopher Williams buys the Robbins farm near Cedar Point.

���� Feb. 28 -- Selden Heskett dies at his home on Diamond creek. He was one of the first settlers on that stream.

���� W. W. Guthrie lets the contract for 20 miles of fencing on his ranch on Peyton Creek.

���� Mar. 4 --The Robert Emmet club of Strong City hold their first celebration of the birthday of Robert Emmet.

���� Tschudi, of Kansas City, paints a set of scenes for Music hall, in the Falls.

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���� The Supreme Court reverses the District Court in the case of the George Balch libel suit, establishing a new and broader interpretation of the laws of libel.

���� Jno. McClure sells his farm on Fox Creek to S. F. Jones and B. Lantry for $10,000 and goes to Emporia to live.

���� Barney Lantry has the contract to build the resort hotel at Las Vegas.

���� Mar. 27 -- The stockmen of Chase county organize an association with Dr. Jno. McCaskill as president; J. C. Scroggins, secretary, and W. P. Martin, treasurer.

���� Joseph A. Smith assaults F. P. Cochran during a trial and is fined to the extent of the law.

���� Wayne Lee, of Toledo, is killed in an accident while taking a car of cattle to Chicago.

���� An Uncle Tom's Cabin company plays in the Falls. The little girl playing the part of Little Eva is taken ill during the evening and dies the following day. Little Miss Lula Heck plays the part of Little Eva.

���� Cyrus G. Allen, who located in Chase county in 1857, sells his farm on Middle Creek to Wm. Thurston, and will go farther west.

���� Apr. 13 -- Florence Pinkston, daughter of E. W. Pink�ston, dies, aged 13 years.

���� Mrs. W. R. Brown, wife of the first District Judge of the ninth district, and an early settler in the Falls, dies at Lawrence

���� At an egg-eating contest at the Central Hotel, J. K. Crawford wins with a record of 25 eggs.

���� Apr. 24 --The Cottonwood river is very high. Several hundred head of cattle have been drowned this week. The water has never been as high here before.

���� May 1 -- Crawfordsville has been re-named Clements.

���� May 14 -- James Rogler and Nettie Harris are married.

���� Dr. Chas. L. Conaway locates at Saffordville

���� Chase county sells all the land that has been bid off to it for taxes since 1875. W. B. Beebe, of Cadiz, Ohio, buys most of it..

���� Len Talkington is postmaster at Clements,

���� Oscar Duehn buys the N. M. Patton farm on Coyne Branch.

���� May 30 --The first formal observation of Memorial Day is held. Thirteen soldiers have been buried in Prairie Grove cemetery.

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���� Lee Swope writes the class song for the Emporia High School. One verse of the song reads: "We've launched our boat from the Landing. We've pushed it from the shore; She's afloat in troubled waters, With the class of '84.

���� Jun. 12 --The townsite of Matfield Green is to be surveyed and platted.

���� The population of the county is now 5,763.

���� Colin M. Reed of Washington county, Penn., is inspecting the "Reed lands" near Matfield Green.

���� Jun. 17 -- AsaTaylor is killed by lightning.

���� The S. T. Bennett sale of fine stock totals $18,0,00.

���� Jun. 26 --The Wright bros., of England, have bought a large area of land on Cedar Creek and will make Chase county their home.

���� The Chase county Teachers Institute will convene on the 30th. Jno. Dietrich and J. M. Warren will instruct

���� Born to Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Hilton, of Shafer creek, a daughter.

���� Jun. 28 -- J. S. Byram and Pina Homer are married on No. 5; between Cedar Point and Clements.

���� Jul. 2 -- R. C. Johnson prints a card in the Leader as a surveyor.

���� Jul. 26 -- Mary E. Hunt dies after an illness of a year, aged 29 years. She was county superintendent and was one of best-loved teachers of the county.

���� G. C. Millar, Geo. Barrett, John Brown and Jabe Johnson sell their farms on South Fork to an English company.

���� The teachers of Chase county recommend a complete list of texts to the districts.

���� Aug. 1 -- George R. Peck is the orator of the day at a pollitical rally of 2,000 people at Matfield Green.

���� Aug. 21 -- The Blaine and Logan clubs of Chase county hold a general rally at the Falls.

���� Barney Lantry is nominated for State Senator by the Democrats.

���� The local Republican ticket has five soldiers out of six nominees.

���� Aug. 28 -- John Stanley and Cleo Ice are employed by the Strong City school board.

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���� Sep. 4 --1,500 people attend the Blaine and Logan rally at Elmdale.

���� Work is stopped in the Lantry quarries this week.

���� Sep. 11 -- L. A. Lowther, of West Virginia, is employed as principal of the Falls schools. Adeline Rogler and Cora Billingslea are the grade teachers.

���� D. W. Robbins startles the Falls people by coming into town with a traction engine pulling a thresher and tender.

���� Henry Proeger has sold 1,800 pounds of grapes this season at 5 cents a pound.

���� I. B. Sharp and son, Fred, are drowned in the Cottonwood near the Blackshere crossing.

���� Sep. 25 -- Texas fever breaks out among the cattle around Elmdale.

���� Oct. 2 -- The fourth annual county fair is held. The J. R. Blackshere herd of Galloway cattle, and the Barney Lantry herd of Polled Angus made a fine showing.

���� Oct. 9 -- The last piece of "speculators" land in Chase county was sold this week to Mrs. P. D. Montgomery.

���� 100 head of cattle die on Middle Creek from Spanish Fever.

���� H. A. W. Corfield and C. Capper, from England, buy farms on Cedar creek.

���� Oct. 16 -- The Lee Ranch is the name of the holdings of Geo. Henry Lee and Thos. W. Oakshott, of Liverpool, England. G. C. Millar received $50,000 for 2,880 acres. About $20,000 worth of fine stock have been brought to stock the Lee Ranch, which contains in all 3, 200 acres. John Todd, an experienced farmer, and Jack Lee, a son of Geo. Henry Lee, will manage the ranch.

���� Oct. 30 -- Henry Bonewell opens the Eureka Hotel in the Falls.

���� A roller skating rink has been opened in the Falls.

���� Nov. 6 -- Born to Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Findley, a son.

���� M. Quibbler, of Cedar Point, leaves for California.

���� Nov. 13 -- Dennis Rettiger dies at Strong City.

���� Chase county gives Blaine and Logan a majority of 177. For governor, Jno. A. Martin has 53 majority; Barney Lantry, 153; W. G. Patten, C. C. Whitson, 343; E. A. Kinne, clerk of the court 234; T. H. Grisham, attorney, 61; J. C. Davis, county superintendent 12; E. T. Baker is elected county commissioner.

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���� Jan. 8 -- E. W. Ellis is appointed postmaster at the Falls.

���� The Diamond Ranch, managed by H. R. Hilton., has bought 30,000 acres of land. 1100 high grade cows are to be kept on this ranch.

���� Jan. 21-- Oliver F. Pratt better known as Dick Pratt, dies in the Falls, aged 46 years. He came to Kansas in '57 and after the war settled on his farm on South Fork. His career was one of interest and was of Robin Hood kind.

���� Jan. 25 -- Born to Mr. and Mrs. John Madden a daughter

���� The Burns Club celebrated the birthday of Robert Burns.

���� Feb. 5 -- Hodge Murdock buys the Gerardy farm on Peyton creek for $7,000. It contains 360 acres.

���� The new fast train on the Santa Fe is the "Cannonball."

���� Mr. and Mrs.. Lot Leonard, who were married in Chase county, celebrated their silver anniversary.

���� Feb. 18 -- Mrs. Nancy Sharp dies at her home on Sharp's creek. She located on this stream, then known as Frank's creek, in 1860. Her husband died that year and she was left with the hard task of rearing a family of 6 boys and 8 girls. Of these 13 survive her. The seven daughters were married under the homestead roof, up to two years ago eleven of her children lived up and down the creek, all within four miles of their mother. The word of this mother was honored by all the children, and obeyed implicitly. She was a remarkable woman, even in her time which was one of unusual requirements, the demands of the frontier life. She raised cotton and spun wool, making all the clothing for her large family. With the opening of the lands to the south and west, several of her children moved away but up to the time of her death her home was the center of her children and their children.

���� Mar. 5 -- W. G. Patten is the author of the bill which has become a law, providing for uniform examinations for teachers thruout the state.

���� S. F. Jones butchered 20 fat hogs this week for family use.

���� A catamount, three feet long, was killed at Clements this week.

���� The Robert Emmet club celebrates the 4th of March. The Leader comes out with a special edition double size and green paper.

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���� Mar. 12 --The W. W. Guthrie ranch on Payton creek includes 6,400 acres.

���� Mar. 19 -- The new survey of the west line of Chase county is completed and the plat filed..

���� Mar. 17 -- Geo. Barber, of Toledo, dies, aged 42 years. He came to Chase county in '61.

���� M. K. Harmon of West Virginia, buys the Klausmann farm on South Fork.

���� The assignments of the M. E. conference for this county for the coming year are: H. A. Cook, Matfield Green; N. B. Johnson, the Falls; G. B. Norton, Cedar Point; and Jno. McAnulty, Saffordville.

���� Apr. 2. -- Chas. E. Houston and Sadie Faris are married, the ceremony being performed on the summit of Osage Hill.

���� E. F. Holmes opens a men's furnishing store at the Falls.

���� J. P. Kuhl, after a year off, is reelected mayor of the Falls.

���� Apr. 16 -- Jno. C. Harper locates in the Falls.

���� Geo. W. Weed completes his course in eastern conservatory of music and returns to the Falls to teach music.

���� Apr. 25 -- Robert Clements leaves for a visit in Ireland.

���� May 7 -- A railroad survey is being made up South Fork.

���� Mrs. Joanna Parker, who was born in 1797, dies at the home of her daughter, Mrs. S. P. Young, at the Falls.

���� E. D. Replogle of Pennsylvania, locates in the Falls.

���� Jun. 11 -- Wm. Stone, aged 11 years, proves himself a hero when his father is overcome by gas in a well near Toledo. While the men about were discussing which should go down and rescue his father, the boy demanded that he be let down. Fastening the rope around his unconscious father, the two were drawn up together. The father was resuscitated and the lad is receiving commendation for his courage.

���� June 25 -- Married L. B. Breese and Clara Bailey; J. C. Talbot and Nellie Brown; H. B. Jackson and Josie Ice; W. C. Thomas and Cora Billingslea, J. C Lyeth and Dolly Richardson. The latter is a graduate of Vassar College and the Cincinnati Musical Conservatory.

���� Barney Lantry buys the N. J. Swayze farm west of Strong City, for $17,000.

���� The Leader prints the number of statements filed to buy liquor during May 1,130. There are five drug stores.

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���� Jul. 9 -- J. G. Freeborn, of Prairie Hill, moves to Rich Hill, Mo.

���� Jul. 17 -- Paris Mills sells his store at Toledo to L. E. Stanley and leaves for California, for his wife's health.

���� T. D. Pettitt buys the Strong City Democrat and will change the name to the Independent again.

���� Jul. 23 -- General Grant dies. Memorial services are held for him in various parts of the county.

���� Hewett Craik, formerly of Fox Creek, is now postmaster at Williamsburg.

���� T. B. Johnson is postmaster at Strong City.

���� Sep. 10 -- Jeremiah Staples sells his farm on Prairie Hill and moves to Rich Hill, Mo.

���� A camp of Sons of Veterans is being organized at the Falls. Mat McDonald is elected captain and W. Y. Morgan, first lieut.

���� Sep. 23 -- The fifth Chase County Fair is held at the Falls.

���� Stephen Place dies on Cedar Creek, aged 45 years.

���� Nov. 5 -- The results of the election in Chase County is: W. P. Martin, county treasurer; J. W. Griffis, sheriff; J. J. Massey, clerk; A. P. Gandy, register; Jno. Frew, surveyor, Dr. Hait, coroner; and J. M. Tuttle, commissioner.

���� A number of Chase County people are taking timber claims in the western part of the state.

���� Mrs. K. J. Fink, of Hymer dies. She was one of the earliest settlers.

���� J. A. Harley and J. J. Massey buy the Strong City Independent.

���� A branch of Irish National league is formed in Chase county. Mat McDonald is elected president, and W. A. Morgan is treasurer.

���� Nov. 26 -- A bridge is being built over the Cottonwood river at the Cartter place.

���� A bond issue is asked for the Chicago, Emporia and Southwestern Railway to be built up South Fork.

���� Dec. 17 -- The Barney Lantry ranch, west of Strong City, is one of the finest in Kansas. It includes 7,000 acres.

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���� Jan. 7 -- A telephone line has been built up Fox Creek.

���� Jan. 14 -- George Hughes, a son of Thomas Hughes, the author of `Tom Brown of Rugby' is learning the stock business on the Diamond ranch under H. R. Hilton. He has spent three years in the Southwest.

���� The county commissioners grant a right-of-way to a number of local men. The grant is for 99 years.

���� Jan. 18 -- Claude Francis Bichet dies, aged 74 years. He came here in '58.

���� Jan. 21 -- Elections are called for Feb. 20th and 23rd to vote on issuing bonds to the Chicago, Emporia and Southwestern Railroad by Falls township, to the amount of $40,000, and by Bazaar township for $35,000 for a railroad up South Fork. It is admittedly to be a branch of the Santa Fe.

���� Jan. 25 -- Noble L. Prentis addresses the Robert Burns Club.

���� Leroy Martin leaves for California to make his home.

���� The County W. C. T. U. meets at the Falls. Mrs. E. W. Pinkston is elected president and Mrs. W. A. Morgan, secretary.

���� The Chase County Livestock association gives its second annual ball.

���� Feb. 23 -- The bonds for C. E. & S. railway carry by large majorities.

���� C. F. Nesbit is engaged to resurvey the Falls.

���� Jno. Lind buys the Barber ranch for $20,000. Mr. Lind was at one time the miller at the Falls. He went to Montana and got rich in the gold fields, and has returned to Chase county to live.

���� A. J. Pence is surveying an addition south of the Falls, to be attached to the city.

���� Married, Samuel Comstock and Lizzie Staples.

���� Santy and Hammill install an engine at Clements that will run two sets of saws for making paving stone.

���� Mar. 4 -- J. B. Johnson addresses the Robert Emmet club at Strong City.

���� Dr. H. H. Arnold, who announces himself as "a singer, poet, and orator," locates in Strong City and will open a hotel.

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���� Isaac Jones is found dead on Bloody Creek, the eighth tragedy, which would seem to justify the name of this creek.

���� Mar. 18 -- Curtis Ferguson of Cedar Creek, and J. W. Carey of Cedar Point, are dead.

���� Two old setters sell their farms; Geo. Balch to the Campbell Bros. and Lot Leonard to C. B. Kilmer.

���� Mar. 28 -- Barney Lantry takes a contract to grade 28 miles of the railroad up South Fork.

���� A G. A. R. Post is organized at Saffordville with D. R. Shellenberger as commander. Elmdale installs a camp of the Sons of Veterans.

���� Strong City is wrought up over the advent of four Chinese cooks in the employ of B. Lantry.

���� Apr. 8 -- A second Building and Loan association is organized at the Falls.

���� Wm. Rettiger is elected mayor of Strong City.

���� Apr. 12 -- D. A. Ellsworth is admitted to the practice of law.

���� Ninety pictures are exhibited in a home art exhibition held at the Falls.

���� Apt. 7 -- Richard Sayre dies at his home on Cedar Creek. He was born in New Jersey in 1828 and came to Kansas in 1865. He leaves a wife and five sons. Those who knew him well speak of him as "the best man that ever lived."

���� Luella Pugh is organizing art classes at the Falls.

���� May 6 -- A most destructive hail storm sweeps over the country.

���� May 13 -- Riley Terwilleger brings in 400 head of Texas cattle contrary to law and Sheriff Griffis takes charge of the herd.

���� Cora Blackshere dies, aged 27 years. She was the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Blackshere.

���� May 25 -- Landowners appeal from the awards of the right-of-way commissioners for damage to their farms along South Fork.

���� May 27 -- F. E. Dwelle and Mrs. E. J. Craig are married in St. Louis.

���� Clements and Cedar Point are organized into one pastorate by the Presbyterians.

���� A considerable area of prairie is being broken this spring. Dr. T. M. Zane locates in the Falls.

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���� A. R. Ice has a death's head sign up on his gates for tramps.

���� Mr. and Mrs. W. Murray, who came to Chase county in 1860, celebrate their 36th wedding anniversary.

���� Jun. 3 --The seventh daughter is born to Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Baker, of Peyton Creek.

���� D. A. Loose opens a store in the Falls.

���� Nan Cartter returns from Washington D. C where she was graduated last week.

���� Jun. 26 -- Dudley Doolittle celebrates his 5th birthday. The Leader states that "boos" got six knives, three collar buttons and several bottles of perfumery.

���� Jul. 15 -- An Old Settlers organization is formed. Geo. W. Yeager is elected president. All who came to Kansas before 1875 are eligible.

���� A new town, Richards is plotted south of Matfield Green. A meeting is held to prevent the residents of Matfield Green from moving to Richards.

���� Jul. 12 -- D. A. Loose & Co. will illuminate their store with gas, the first of its kind in the Falls.

���� Aug. 26 -- Kittie and Johnnie Rafferty, of Belfast, Ireland, arrive at Matfield Green having traveled all the way alone. They are 8 and 10 years old respectively.

���� Sep. 2 -- S. T. Ballard, Lillie Buchanan and Jennie Hamill will teach in Strong City this year.

���� Luella Pugh is appointed postmistress at the Falls. Her sister, Nan is the assistant.

���� Dr. J. F. Hendy and Judge Swan, of Emporia, visit the Falls at the request of fifty men and women who desire to organize a Presbyterian church. The following trustees are elected : W. P. Martin, S. A. Breese, J. M. Tuttle, E. F. Holmes, J. F. Kerr and W. A. Morgan. The first services will be held in Music Hall next Sunday.

���� S. N. Wood figures in abduction case in No Man's Land which has its origin in a county seat fight.

���� L. P. Santy secures the contract for $1200 bridge at Clements.

���� Sep. 23 -- Rev. J. T. Pearson is called to the Congregational church at Strong City.

���� At the Old Settlers Meeting at the county fair the following matters of local history were agreed upon:

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���� The first settlement in Bazaar township was in 1857 by several families from Illinois among whom were Dr. M. R. Leonard, B. McCabe, and J. Lane. The first settlement in Cottonwood township was probably that of Michael Coyne early in 1857 on Coyne Ranch. The first settlement in Diamond Creek township was in 1857 by A. Howell, C. T. Hegwer, Wm. Osmer, Wm. Dixon and Walter Watson. The first school house was built of logs at Bazaar in 1860. Bloody Creek was named by Geo. Yeager for the reason that there had been several tragedies on that stream. Peyton creek was named for Wm. Peyton who settled there in 1857. Little Cedar was called Ball's creek, for Samuel Ball.

���� Oct. 7 -- Mrs. E. W. Pinkston will represent Kansas at the National W. C. T. U. convention at Minneapolis.

���� The organization of a Presbyterian church at the Falls is perfected by the election of J. K. Crawford, W. G. Mc�Candless, and Jas. Kerr as elders, and R. C. Johnston and R. J. Turner, deacons.

���� Oct. 28 -- Married Lee R. Ice and Lida Kelly; R. C. Johnston and May H. Kinne, Allie Holmes and Belle Tucker.

���� Oct. 30 -- Adolph Noyes, who settled on Fox creek in '67, is dead.

���� Nov. 6 -- Jno. A. Martin carries Chase County for governor over Thomas Moonlight by 219 votes and the following local ticket is elected: M. A. Campbell, representative; E. W. Ellis, clerk of the court; J. E. Harper, county attorney; J. C. Davis , county superintendent; C. C. Whitson, probate judge.

���� Charles Chandler and Mary Leonard are married.

���� Nov. 18 -- The bonds for the Chicago, Kansas and Western Ry. for $80,000 carry by 155 votes.

���� Dec.16 -- Consolidated Street Railway Co. secures a charter and right-of-way for a street car line between Strong City and the Falls.

���� Dec. 30 -- Married: John E. Shofe and Carrie Hazel; J. B. Davis Jr., Annie Duckett; W. R. Stotts and Rella Pracht

���� 1887

���� Jan. 6 -- The mercury falls to 22 below zero.

���� Mrs. Mary Ellen Lease lectures at Strong City.

���� Feb. 24 -- Captain Chadwick, after 30 years at sea, settles down at Clements.

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���� Mar. 4 -- Mrs. M. E. Lease speaks to the Emmett Club. The Leader refers to Mrs. Lease as "the leading speaker of America, if not the world."

���� Mar. 24 -- Frank Doster is appointed Judge of the district court for 9th district.

���� Barney Lantry has the contract to build a six-stall round house at Strong City.

���� Apr. 7 -- O.H. Drinkwater sells his farm near the Cedar Point station to the Fisher brothers.

���� J. K. Crawford is elected mayor of the Falls.

���� Apr. 14 -- A son is born to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McNee.

���� Apr. 21 -- J. E. Harper leaves the county suddenly and John Madison is appointed county attorney to succeed him.

���� Apr. 21 -- The railroad station at the Falls is located at the foot of Pearl street.

���� Chief Justice D. K. Cartter dies at Washington, D. C. He was 75 years old and had been chief justice of the District of Columbia for 23 years. His only son is Dr. W. H. Carter of the Falls. The interment will be at Cleveland

���� Jun. 1 -- First commencement exercises held in Chase county are those of the Cottonwood Falls high school of today. Four young men complete the prescribed course and receive diplomas. They are Mark Hackett, Chas. Simmons, Chas. Sanders and Christopher Garth. L. A. Lowther is superintendent of the school.

���� The first train over the Superior Branch is run. The track is open from Gladstone to Lost Springs.

���� Jun. 8 -- Dr. Pugh dies at the Falls, aged 63 years.

���� Jun. 25 -- George Topping and Louise Grinnell are married.

���� Jun. 30 -- John W. Geary Post, G. A. R., denounces the return of the battle of the Confederacy.

���� Jul. 7 -- The Presbyterian church is dedicated at the Falls. Dr. Hendy presided. The church cost $4,125.

���� Aub. 4 -- J. E. Harper is found insane and is taken to the asylum at Topeka.

���� D. B. Berry, one of the wealthiest cattlemen in Chase county, dies.

���� Sep.. 15 -- Cedar Point will build a Presbyterian church.

���� Sep. 10 -- Young men's Republican club is organized.

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���� D. A. Ellsworth is elected president.

���� Sep. 29 -- E. D. Replogle buys the T. B. Johnson drug store at the Falls.

���� Over 125 head of cattle have been stolen in the southeastern part of the county. Five men on Bloody Creek are arrested.

���� Dr. Anna Shaw speaks before the W. C. T. U. of Chase county.

���� Oct. 15 -- The first issue of the Chase County Republican appears. The editors are Frank Weller and D. A. Ellsworth.

���� Oct. 20 -- Supt. S. T. Ballard, of the Strong City schools, dies, aged 56 years.

���� Oct. 27 -- D. A. Ellsworth is elected to succeed Supt. Ballard.

���� Nov. 3 --The Labor Union party nominates a full ticket.

���� Nov. 6 -- Mrs. Henry L. Ellsworth dies at the Falls, aged 51 years.

���� Nov. 17 -- Nicholas Rettiger, of Strong City, dies. He was a native of Bavaria.

���� Six grandsons are the pallbearers of Mrs. Ann Hunt, the mother of H. L., F. B. and M. E. Hunt, at the Falls. .

���� Dec. 8 -- The charter of an electric light company at the Falls has been granted.

���� Dec 22 -- Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Shaft celebrate their Silver wedding.

���� Dec. 29 -- McDonald Post, G. A. R. installed at Strong City. It is named in honor of Maj. McDonald father of Matt and Geo. McDonald. He was an early settler in Kansas and was killed at the battle of Franklin. C. I. Maule is commander of the post.

���� 1888

���� Jan. 5 -- Jas. Burton is postmaster at Clements.

���� Jan 12 -- A. P. Gandy closes the most remarkable political career in the history of the county, that of twenty years of continuous service as justice of the peace, county treasurer, and register of deeds. He was honord by unanimous elections several times.

���� Jan. 29 -- Kansas Day is observed in the Falls schools.

���� Feb. 9 -- A state bank is organized in the Falls.

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���� Feb. 7 -- Mrs. Ann Cuthbert dies, aged 67 years. She married Robert Cuthbert in 1853 and they came to Chase county in 1860.

���� Feb. 16 -- B. Lantry buys the S. F. Jones ranch on Fox creek. It.includes 7,000 acres and $95,000 was paid for it. Mr. Lantry now owns 15,000 acres in the vicinity of Fox creek.

���� The new marshal at Strong City, Frank Harden, is 7 ft. 4 inches in height.

���� Mar. 1 -- Russell Oles, blind, is found dead on the road near Bazaar.

���� General A. B. Caldwell addresses the Emmett Club.

���� Mar. 22 -- The State Exchange Bank is open for business at the Falls. The officers are: J. M. Tuttle, president; E. W. Tanner, vice-president; and O. L. Hulbert, Cashier. The capital stock is $50,000.

���� Mar. 29 -- W. F. Matthews is called to the Presbyterian church at the Falls.

���� W. H. Holsinger is elected mayor of the Falls and John Boylan, Union Labor candidate, is elected mayor of Strong City.

���� A. B. Campbell is endorsed for congress by Chase County Republicans, against Thomas Ryan.

���� Apr. 19 -- J. J. Comer, agent at the Falls, for the Santa Fe leaves for South America.

���� May 3 -- The cattle in Chase county are being dehorned.

���� May 17 -- John Madden is nominated for presidental elector on the Republican ticket.

���� May 31 -- The second annual commencement of the Falls high school is held. The graduates are: Lizzie Reeve, Anna Rockwood, Rida Winters, Geo. Austin and Warren Brockett.

���� Jun. 14 -- Mr. and Mrs. H. S. F. Davis give a "german" at their ranch on Peyton creek. It proves to be one of the most formal of social events.

���� Jul. 5 -- The Falls Creamery is completed. It will handle 3,000 lbs. of milk a day. Lee Swope is secretary for the company.

���� Jul. 12 -- School District 59 is organized.

���� W. F. Rightmore locates in the Falls, and opens a law office.

���� The Republicans organize a Flambeau club and a drum corps. D. C. Ellsworth is captain.

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���� George R. Peck discusses the tariff before the Republican clubs of Chase County.

���� Jul. 26 - Dr. C. S. Rannells locates in Cedar Point.

���� At the Republican rally, Messers Clark, Gordon, Mackemson and Harrison, all of whom, voted for W. H. Harrison for president, are given an ovation.

���� Aug. 30 -The foreclosures of mortgages are increasing in Chase county.

���� H. E. Richter is nominated for State Senator. Chase county voted for W. A. Morgan.

���� Prather Bros. sell their farm and stock.

���� A Methodist church is dedicated at High Prairie.

���� O. H. Drinkwater is nominated for State Senator by the Union Labor party.

���� The Chase County Fair opens for three days.

���� The Prohibitionists nominate a county ticket.

���� Oct. 4 -- The Cottonwood river is lower than at any time since 1860.

���� Nov. 8 -- Chase county gives Harrison, for president, 528 majority over Grover Cleveland. C I. Maule is elected representative; Jas. M. Rose, probate judge; E. P. Cochran, county attorney; Geo. Hoyden, clerk of the court; and J. C. Davis county superintendent of schools.

���� Nov. 15 -- Mrs. F. E. Dwelle dies at Cedar Point.

���� Nov. 9 -- Snow falls to the depth of 9 inches.

���� A. C. Cox wheels Mat McDonald from Strong City to the Falls in payment of an election bet. The drum corps leads the way and Mat carried an American flag.

���� 1889

���� Jan. 16 -- Geo. B. Carson and Essie Evans are married.

���� A daughters of Rebecca lodge is installed at Clements.

���� Jan. 25-John McDonald addresses the Burns club.

���� Feb. 12-Judge S. P. Young dies, aged 67 years. He came to Chase county in 1871.

���� Feb. 28 -- R. D. Rees enters the practice of law at the Falls.

���� A.. P. Gandy and wife leave for California.

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���� J. S. Shipman dies on the 23rd at Hot Springs, Ark. He came to Chase county in 1860, and located at the Osage crossing. He kept his home there until he died. In `60, the crops failing, he walked to Missouri where he taught school, saved his wages and walked back to Chase county, thru snow that was 14 inches deep. In '61 he was the commissioner for Diamond Creek township and made three trips to Atchison to receive the aid allotted to that township. He served as county superintendent of schools in '65, and clerk of the court in '68. In 1882 he was elected treasurer of Chase county. In 1870 he built a grist mill at the Osage crossing.

���� Mar. 21 -- Roy Watson, son of A. B. Watson, is accidentally killed. He was 11 years old.

���� B. Lantry places two elk in his park.

���� Apr. 4 --The city of Cottonwood Falls attracts national attention by electing women to all city offices. It was begun as a piece of good-natured fun at the expense of the "women folks" but by noon the movement took on earnestness and try as they might the practical jokers could not stop it. Mrs. W. A. Morgan is elected mayor and Mrs. D. G. Groundwater, police judge. Miss Allie Hunt, Mrs. Sadie Grisham, Mrs. Elizabeth Porter, Mrs. Barbara Gillett and Mrs. Elizabeth Johnson are elected councilwomen. They receive 100 majority. J. F. Kirker is elected mayor of Strong City.

���� Apr. 11 -- S. A. Breese is appointed postmaster at the Falls, and the office is made a presidential one.

���� Apr. 18 -- The corner stone of the Presbyterian church at Cedar Point is laid.

���� Mrs. Clarissa Mitchell, of Matfield Green dies. She came to Bazaar in 1859.

���� Maude Cook and Maude Bayles, of Saffordville, known as the "Two Maudes," contribute a number of excellent poems to the Leader.

���� Apr. 25 -- The Bazaar Land and Cattle Co. is chartered.

���� A camp of modern Woodmen of America is installed at the Falls. J. W. McWilliams is V. C.

���� A destructive fire in the Falls burns four fine horses belonging to the Grey Bros. valued at $8,000.

���� May 9 -- H. Kelly is nominated for congress. Chase County voted 217 times for J. M. Miller.

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���� May 12 -- Joseph Hartley, of Middle Creek, dies. He was a veteran of Mexican and Civil wars. He came to Kansas in '57.

���� May 20 -- A farmers' Alliance is organized at Toledo, by U. B. Obley, of Halstead. L. E. Stanley is president, and Addie Orrill, secretary.

���� May 27 -- The third commencement is held at the Falls. Maude Johnson is the only graduate. L. A. Lowther is superintendent.

���� The first commencement of the Strong City schools is held. There are four graduates: Lulu Hansen, Emily Pearson, Josie Fish, and Ida Harvey. D. A. Ellsworth is superintendent of the schools.

���� The cornerstone is laid for the Methodist church at Cedar Point.

���� School District 61 is organized.

���� May 28 -- A destructive tornado strikes the western part of Chase county at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Captain Milton Brown is killed and Mrs. Brown and their son, Edward, are badly injured. The J. W. Byram, Wm. Pinkston, Bob Johnson, and B. M. Chappell homes were damaged, while the homes of M. E. Hunt, Dr. Rich and S. Fargard were demolished. The path of the storm was 200 yards wide and where it crossed the Cottonwood just above Clements not a tree was left standing.

���� Jun. 5 -- Mr. and Mrs. J. S. H. Barker celebrate their golden wedding.

���� Jun. 6 -- The appointment of a Democrat to the board of pension examiners, Dr. T. M. Zane, causes a meeting of protest.

���� Jul. 18 -- J. J. Comer returns from Argentine.

���� Jul. 18 -- Leroy Martin dies in California.

���� Jul. 14 -- Francis Bernard is chosen president and Francis Laloge, secretary, of the association of French people, Marion, Chase, Lyon, and Osage counties. The Fall of the Bastile is celebrated.

���� Wm. Austin, who was canvassing for tombstones in Chase county last year, falls heir to a fortune of $25,000 from an uncle.

���� Aug. 1 -- W. H. Holsinger is in Europe, with Captain Heritage and Captain Warren of Emporia.

���� Aug. 15 -- The Twin City lodge of Knights of Pythias is organized.

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���� E. A. Hildebrand sells his store in Strong City and moves to Kansas City.

���� Sep. 5 -- The eighth annual County Fair is held at the falls.

���� Jessie Shaft is elected president of the county W. C. T. U/

Sep. 12. -- Rev. W. T. Blenkarn is called to the Congregational Church of Strong City.

���� Sep. 19 -- Mrs. Maria Shipman, aged 87 years dies. She was the mother of J S. Shipman.

���� Oct. 12 -- The Chase County Alliance is organized. W. G. Patton is president; Peter Lind, vice-president; N W Gilmore, treasurer; T E Osborn, Chaplain; and C.Garth lecturer.

���� Oct. 31 -- A double wedding takes place at Strong City; Miss Lizzie Lantry and James C. Farrington, Miss Nellie Lantry and W.H. Cushing.

���� Nov. 7 -- Dr. Conaway moves to the Falls fromj Toledo.

���� A movement almost an exodus, to Oklahoma, tkaes place in the southern part of Chase County. A number of the Sharpe families leave for the new country.

���� The entire Republican ticket is elected over a fusion ticket of the Democrats and Union Labor parties.

���� The Farmers' Alliance of Toledo reports 38 applications for membership last week.

���� Nov. 21 -- Mat McDonald and Lizzie Rettiger are married.

���� Nov. 28 -- Lantry and Sons have the contract for building the cog road up Pike's Peak.

���� 1890

���� Jan. 23 -- Henry Lantry and Mollie Jordan are married in Leavenworth.

���� John I. Lee dies suddenly at the Lee Ranch.

���� Jan. 25 -- The Burns Club celebrates. The music of the program is given by the Guitar Club, and thye Banjo Club of the Falls.

���� Jan. 27 -- W. S. Smith, dies, aged 51 years. He was Lieutenant Collonel of the Eighth Kansas Militia. Before this he had been a member of an Illinois regiment and suffered a sunstroke at Shiloh.

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���� Feb. 6 -- Miss Sarah Maxwell, who came from Indiana in 1869 to Elmdale, with her brother and sisters, is dead. Only her sister, Ellen, survives her.

���� As an example of the awards that were made for damages due to railroad right-of-ways through the farms to Axel R. Palmer was awarded $650 but was given $3,600 by the. jury in the District Court.

���� Feb. 20 -- Grandpa Bissell visits Highland. He was a friend of Daniel Webster, Thurlow Weed and Wendell Phillips. He knew Fennimore Cooper, the novelist, and Martin Van Buren, well.

���� Chas. M. Gregory and Elizabeth Cartter are married.

���� Chase County has "la Grippe."

���� Feb. 23 -- Lutie Emerson and Chas. Ward are married.

���� Feb. 27 -- Married. J. J. Holmes and Ann Leach; F. E. Dwelle and Annie Williams.

���� Mar. 13 -- The Exchange National Bank elects E. W. Tanner, cashier and Lee Swope, assistant.

���� Jno. Ed. Bocook and Josie Calvert are married.

���� The Wonsevu Dramatic club presents "A Son in Disguise." The Reveille, a weekly paper, appears at the Falls. E. W. Ellis is editor.

���� Mar. 27 -- The unmarked graves of Union soldiers are to be marked by the G. A. R.

���� L. P. Santy leaves Clements. He will open quarries in Colorado.

���� Wm. Fenn, of Cedar Point, is assigned to the M. E. church at Dunlap.

���� The union of all Christian Endeavor societies is effected.

���� A public meeting of the Farmers' Alliance is held at the Falls. B. H. Clover is the speaker.

���� Apr. 12 -- A dinner was given at the Balch schoolhouse by the Farmers' Alliance. The banking system, the sub�treasury, and the tax question was debated on.

���� Cattle are now selling at $4.05 that last year would bring but $3.40.

���� The meeting of the Alliance brings a large crowd to the Falls. The secret work is given behind closed doors, at the court house. Mrs. M. E. Carpenter gives a public lecture on the work of the Alliance.

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���� Mrs. Hewett Craik, formerly of Fox Creek,. dies in the South.

���� Apr. 24 -- A Woman's Relief Corps is organized at Strong City.

���� S. A. Perrigo dies at the Falls.

���� Nellie Buffington is given great credit for having saved the lives of her school children when a prairie fire swept through her district last week.

���� May 8 -- The Original Package decision of the Supreme Court threatens to undo the work of the prohibitory law. The "joints" are now called "Supreme Court Saloons."

���� Dr. Jas. H. Canfield delivers the commencement address at the Falls. The graduates are: W. C. Austin, Ida Estes, Lloyd Gillett, and Irvin McClelland.

MAY 5-Dr. J. H. Hamme speaks at the Falls on the ef�fects ���� Clements celebrates the 64th birthday of "Uncle Joe" Crawford. At the close of church, the band began playing at Uncle Joe's home, and everybody accompanied him home. Uncle Joe stated that he "thought everybody just wanted to hear the band play."

���� Census enumerators are appointed for the county.

���� May 26 -- Married: David Cartter and Marion Hemphill; Chas. Hayden and Ida Vetter; Nan Cartter and Frank Lee.

���� 1892

���� Jan. 7 -- The Shakespeare club of the Falls presents "Romeo and Juliet."

���� The Chase County Normal Institute will be conducted by L A Lawther, W. B. Brown and D. A. Ellsworth.

���� Feb. 18 -- The Old Settlers league elects Wm. H. Shaft, president and the annual dance is held.

���� Clements holds an all-day campfire and reunion of the soldiers and sailors of the Civil War.

���� F. L. Drinkwater, who came to Cedar Point in 1859, moves to Mississippi.

���� Mar. 10 -- J. E. House, Dod Gaston is editing the Florence Bulletin.

���� Jno. Harris, who came to Kansas in 1855, dies at Toledo. He was a member of the 13th Kansas.

���� Mar. 17 -- E. D. Replogle passes the examination in pharmacy.

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���� A new and larger crusher is established west of Strong City on Crusher Hill.

���� The new assignments to Chase county by the M. E. con�ference are : Isaac Hill, Falls; Geo. Tyack, Cedar Point; Z. C. Caldwell, Matfield; E. W. Dugger, Strong City; M. C. Cutler, Saffordville

���� Mar 31 -- Rev. D. Y. Hill is called to the Presbyterian church at the Falls.

���� Mary Dowling and C. I. Maule married.

���� Theodore Glosser, and wife and child, of Homestead, and Wm. Risher, of Middle Creek are killed by a tornado.

���� Mar. 28 -- A Pythian Sisterhood is organized at Strong City.

���� W. Y. M(.rgan sells the Strong City Republican to C W. White and David Rettiger. The name will be changed to the Strong City Derrick

���� May 5 -- Dr. J. H. Hamme speaks at the Falls on the effects alcohol on the human system.

���� Clara Brandley and E. A. Hildebrand are married.

���� May 12 -- Edward T. Baker county treasurer, dies at the Falls.

���� Charles Lantry and Mary Lawler are married at Prairie Chien, Wisconsin.

���� Ida Estes and W B. Hilton are married.

���� May 19 -- The second tornado of this season passes through the Diamond creek country.

���� W. Y. Morgan buys the Emporia Gazette.

���� Dr. Chas. A. Mead, dies at Cedar Point, aged 80 years.

���� May 25 -- Jno, B. Sanders and Mabel Howard are married.

���� Jun. 9 -- Nan Pugh leaves for Europe for three years study of Romance languages.

���� Geo. Gollett, who came to Chase county in June 1860, dies, age 81 years.

���� Jun. 16 --The People's Party convention is held. 101 delegates attend.

���� Jun. 28 -- Commencement exercises are held at the Falls. The graduates are Grace Hays, Mary Chesney, Herbert Clark and Ralph Breese

���� The Falls schools are changed, by vote of 242 for and none opposed, from a district to a graded school.

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���� An oil painting by Mrs. F. P. Cochran is on exhibit at the Falls. It is called "A Wintery Sunset."

���� W. A. Morgan is nominated for State Senator by the Republicans; Paul Jones, of Marion, is nominated by the People's Party

���� Jul. 7 -- J. C. Davis is nominated for State Superintendent.

���� Jul. 14 -- The Supreme Court decides that Chase County must pay $80,000 bonds voted for the C. K. & W Ry.

���� B. Brown is elected principal of the Falls schools. Chas. Fowler is principal for Strong City.

���� F. F. Shriver buys the grist mill at Cedar Point.

���� Jul. 25 -- Mrs. Barbara Gillett dies at Plymouth, aged 87 years.

���� Sep. 1 -- J. C. F. Kirk buys the Samuel Baker farm on South Fork.

���� Stella Kerr and Dr. R. C Hutchinson are married.

���� Farrington and Lantry bring suit against the Hozier Bros. for $43,000 damages for Texas fever being communicated to their cattle

���� Three sheriff sales of farms are advertised for sale for this week.

���� Sep. 8 -- The Watchous Bros. purchase a steam engine for their thresher.

���� Sep. 15 -- Married: Margaret Breese and E. D. Replogle.

���� Oct. 3 -- A. B. Emerson and family move from Cedar Point to Florence.

���� Oct. 20 -- Etta Shaft and Wm. Deshler are married at Clements

���� Nov. 3 -- Pinkston Bros. buy the Wm. Gulliford farm on Cedar creek.

���� Chase county gives Grover Cleveland 81 majority for President, and L. D. Lewelling, People's Party nominee, 82, for Governor. The county ticket is largely Republican. R. H. Chandler is elected representative; David Griffis, county treas�urer; J. M. Rose, probate judge; Geo. Hayden, clerk of the court; F. P. Cochran, county attorney; W. A. Morgan. state senator. 1890 votes were cast in Chase county.

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���� Nov. 17 -- Geo. Robertson and Vena Daugherty are married.

���� Dec. 1 -- The Shakespeare Club of the Falls presents "Midsummer Night's Dream."

���� Married: N. B. Scribner and Burt Conaway; Jennie Holmes ano David Hughes.

���� Miss Edith Park of Middle Creek, dies in Colorado.

���� Dec. 29 -- The Leader notes the fact that F. P. Cochran has bought a type-writing machine.

���� Born to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McNee, a son.

���� Rettiger Bros secure the contract for the bridge across the Missouri river at Leavenworth.

���� Mrs. W. P. Brickell dies at Toledo.

���� 1893

���� Jan. 1 -- The Old Settlers of the Upper Cottonwood hold their annual reunion with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Blackshere, at Clover Cliff.

���� Jessie Balch and G. W. Williams, both of whom were born in Chase County are married at Lone Star, California.

���� Feb. 2 -- The Mirror is the name of a paper published at Matfield Green.

���� Feb. 16 -- Mrs. Mabel S. Griffing, who died at the Falls today, had lived in the administration of every President of the United States. She was 97 years old, and a native of New Haven, Conn..

���� Feb. 22 -- Harry Holmes and Frankie Byram are married at Cedar Point

���� Jehiel T. Pratt, who carne to Chase County in 1860 dies

���� 30 Republicans go to Topeka in response to a call from Representative Chandler to be on hand in case of trouble between the Republicans and Populists in organizing the House of Reprerrntatives.

���� The Old Settlers of Chase County hold their annual reunion at the Falls. Back of the stage is seen the coon-skin sign, "John Loy's Store." Mrs. E. W. Pinkston reads a paper on "The Quantrell Raid," she having been an eye-witness of that autrocity.

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���� Mar. 9 -- The Chase County Cooperative Association is formed with a capital stock of $50,000.

���� MARCH 16 -- Thomas Lidzy is assigned to the M. E. church at the Falls; J. B. Mackenzie, Cedar Point; S. W. Richard, Strong; J. T. Caldwell, Matfield, and J. L. Mulvaney, Plymouth

���� Mar. 28 -- Lannie Byram and Dr. Chas. Rannells are married at Cedar Point.

���� Dr. C. E. Hait dies at the Falls aged 63 years.

���� J. S. Mitchell advertises "twenty coffins all sizes, to close out," in the Matfield Mirror.

���� The new mortgage law allows 18 months for redemption during which time the owner may remain on the place, and the loaner must bid in the property at the full value of the mortgage.

���� May 4 -- A telephone is installed between Matfield Green, Bazaar and the Falls.

���� R. Lantry completes 30 miles of railroad from Ash Fork to Prescott.

���� May 11 -- Herbert G. Crocker, Edmond F. Rockwood, Ena M. Lucas, Bella Sanders, and Geo. Capwell are graduated from the Falls high school.

���� May l8 -- B. F. Howard and Carrie May Harris are married

���� May 25 -- Mrs. J. L. Crawford goes to the rescue of a child at Clements. He had upset a hive of bees. She protects the child by throwing her apron over him but is herself stung over 200 times. She will recover.

���� Jun 7 -- John Frew and Lou Hansen are married.

���� Jno. F. Cahoone. who came to Chase County in '58, dies, aged 69 years.

���� Jun. 15 --The bicycle craze has struck Chase county. Races and runs of a hundred miles are being run.

���� Jun. 29 -- W. F,. Timmons is postmaster at the Falls. Ernest A. Fink is graduated from the University of Michigan in law. He was born in Chase county.

���� Citizens are being subpoenaed in the case of the United States vs the M. K. & T. Railway, to set aside the patent of company lands in even sections.

���� Jun. 6 -- Mrs. Geo. Hays dies at Bazaar.

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���� Jul. 27 -- Booths and ballot boxes, according to the new law, are ordered for Chase county. The cost is $800.

���� Chase county will require 78 teachers this year. There are 63 districts.

���� A number of Chase county people leave for the Cherokee Strip.

���� Aug. 31 -- Mrs. Martha Sayre is building a new home to replace the log cabin that was built on the Sayre farm in' 59.

���� Bert Dunlap buys the Strong City Derrick.

���� The Republican county convention is postponed until Sept. 23rd on account of so many people being attracted by the opening of the Cherokee Strip.

���� Oct. 3 -- Alice Williams dies at Cedar Point, aged 26 years.

���� Oct. 5 -- Mrs. Ann Mitchell, of South Fork, a pioneer here, wins a good claim in the Cherokee Strip, near Enid.

���� Oct. 8 -- Ephriam W. Pinkston, who located near Cedar Point in 1857 and has lived there continuously since that time, dies at his home, aged 63 years. The Leader says of him, "To know him was to love and respect him and his memory will ever be kept green in the hearts of his friends."

���� Oct. 12 -- E. W. Ellis sells the Reveille to a stock company. Meetings are held over Chase County to explain the new Australian ballot system.

���� Nov. 9 -- The Republicans elect five of the county officers and the Populists two. There was fusion between the Democrats and Populists.

���� The Mirror suspends at Matfield Green.

���� Bert Emerson is married to Carrie Arnold.

���� Nov. 30 -- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lantry move to Topeka. Joshua Stout, who was compelled to leave North Carolina during the war on account of his attitude on slavery and who located then in Toledo township, dies aged 63 years.

���� Dec. 21 -- The jury in the Texas fever cases brought against the M. K. & T. Ry. returns verdicts against the railroad in 147 of the cases. The total amount of damages is $48,000. Farrington and Lantry are awarded $20,000.

���� Dec. 28 -- Jno. Madden and family move to Emporia.

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���� 1894

���� Feb. 15 -- The Leader prints a poem entitled "The Old Pine Box at Loy's Store," dealing with the first store in the Falls.

���� Feb. 18 -- Mrs. Lizzie Comstock dies.

���� Feb. 25 -- Ross Thomas, who settled at Patty's mill in 1857, dies.

���� Mar. 1 -- The German-American League is formed at the Falls. About 20 Germans join. A. Lehnherr is the president.

���� Mar. 8 -- Mrs. Rebecca Hawkins, who came to the Upper Cottonwood Valley in 1857, is honored by a community observance of her 67th birthday. Her husband died in the Union Army.

���� Mar. 22 -- J. R. Blackshere makes a plea for the growing of more alfalfa in Chase county.

���� The Board of Railroad Commissioners requires the C K. & W. to establish division terminals at Strong City.

���� Apr. 8 -- Susan B. Anthony and Anna Shaw speak in the Falls on behalf of suffrage.

���� Apr. 12 -- J. W. Byram dies at Rock, Kansas, while on a trip overland.

���� Apr. 26 -- An equal suffrage club is formed at the Falls. Mrs. W. A. Morgan is president.

���� Tyrone Powell, son of Sir William Powell, of England, returns to Hymer to spend the summer.

���� The Christian Scientists hold a icounty meeting at the Falls.

���� May 11 -- Karl Kuhl, 20 years of age and a senior in the high school is killed by a drunken printer. The latter was taken from the sheriff and hanged to the railroad bridge by a determined mob. The Leader in commenting upon the tragedy says: "The action of the men is endorsed by every man, woman and child in the community."

���� May 31 -- Henry Hegwer, formerly of Diamond Creek, is one of the captains of Coxey's army at Denver.

���� May 31 -- Nellie Sanders, Lavernia and Hermia Hazel, and Mamie Simmons are graduated from the Falls school.

���� Jun. 6 -- Hattie Gilman and C. S. Smith are married.

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���� Jun. 7 -- Foreclosures against farmers of this county amounting to over $100,000 are approved by the District Court.

���� C. A. Sayre is given the credit by the Leader of having secured the adoption of the woman suffrage plank in the Republican convention.

���� Grove Montgomery, ten years old, is killed by lightning near Cedar Point.

���� David S. Ellsworth is killed in a railroad accident in Colorado. Interment was in Prairie Grove cemetery.

���� A tornado south of Cedar Point does a large amount of damage.

���� Jun 25 -- Maria McDonald the widow of Major McDonald, dies at Strong City.

���� Dr. Cartter's horse "Sunrise Prince" wins the 2:20 race at Milwaukee in 2:17 1/2.

���� $200 is raised to secure competent "rainmakers" at Elmdale.

���� Aug. 2 -- A gun club is organized at the Falls. Chas. Gregory is president.

���� Robert Matti goes to Europe for his vacation from the ranch

���� The Riggs family, one of the pioneer groups of the Upper Cottonwood, hold a reunion. 73 members attend. The oldest member is Reuben Riggs, aged 88 years.

���� Of the 80 teachers in the Chase county schools, 25 of them are men.

���� Aug. 15 -- Hugh Emerson, of Cedar Point, dies aged, 28 years.

���� Sep. 6 -- David Sauble, one of the first settlers on Cedar creek, is killed by a bolt of lightning while in Barber county.

���� Sep. 13 -- Nan Pugh returns from Europe and is elected Professor of Romance languages at Wellesley. Miss Pugh began teaching in a rural school of Chase county.

���� Albert and Henry Rogler enter the State Agricultural College.

���� Sep. 27 -- Twenty-eight Elmdale women quietly walk in on a jointist and he assures them at once than no more liquor will be sold by him.

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���� Oct. 1 -- Married: Dora Cochran and Jno. Silverwood; Edward G. Crocker and Maud Brandley.

���� Oct. 4 -- Wm. McKinley speaks at Strong City.

���� The Chase county fair advertises a wedding and Jesse Golay and Katie Sells make the advertisement good. Class J is drawn upon for the wedding feast of cakes, fruits, etc.

���� Oct 11 -- A camp of Woodmen of the World is installed at Strong City.

���� Oct. 18 -- Nettie Smith and Grace Smith, sisters are married to Park McMinds and Chas. Robinson respectively, at Strong City.

���� Peter McGallum and Mary McNiven are married.

���� Nov. 5 -- E. N. Morrill carries Chase county for Governor by 96 votes. Matt McDonald is elected probate judge; R. H. Chandler, representative; J. E. Perry, clerk of the court; E. L. Robinson, county attorney; T. G. Allen county superintendent; C. I. Maule, commissioner. The amendment for woman suffrage is defeated in Chase county by 512 to 925, and also is lost in the state.

���� Nov. 10 -- J. R. Blackshere dies at Clover Cliff, aged 60 years. He was one of the most highly respected pioneers of Chase county. He is given credit for introducing alfalfa into this county.

���� Dec. 6 -- There are 13 foreclosures of farm mortgages in this county.

���� Candidates file expenses under the new law.

���� Dec. 6 -- Mrs. Lutie Jones Hickman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Jones, dies aged 28 years.

���� 1895

���� Jan. 12 -- Arch Miller is elected president of the Old Settlers.

���� W. C. Austin and Rose Palmer are married.

���� Feb. 23 -- E. W. Tanner, cashier of the Exchange State Bank, dies.

���� Mrs. A. M. Conaway dies at Saffordville.

���� Mrs. E. W. Pinkston is elected delegate to the National convention of the Ladies of the G. A. R.

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���� Mar. 14 -- L. M. Swope is elected a director and W. P. Martin cashier of the Exchange State Bank.

���� Mar. 21 -- Mrs. J. B. Ferguson returns to the farm on Cedar Creek after educating the boys at Emporia.

���� E. F. Holmes buys the Edward C. Holmes ranch south of Elmdale.

���� Mar. 28 -- A. B. Emerson is editing "The Pointer" at Cedar Point.

���� Apr. 4 -- The new fish law goes into effect and Jos. Arnold is the game warden.

���� Apr. 18 -- Alvin Sankey is called to the Presbyterian church at the Falls.

���� Apr. 25 -- J. M. Kerr's new 12 room house is the first to be supplied with electric bells.

���� Mrs. Nellie Stephenson delivers 18 wolf scalps to the county clerk and receivers $19 in bounties.

���� May 2 -- E. L. Robinson resigns as county attorney and Dennis Madden is appointed to fill the office.

���� May 20 -- Jas. McNee dies at his home west of the Falls. He was a native of Perthshire.

���� Jun. 1 -- W. A. White buys the Emporia Gazette from W. Y. Morgan.

���� Jun. 13 -- The Cottonwood river has not been so low in 26 years.

���� Jun. 13 -- Bessie Howard, Eva Tuttle, Frank Yeager, Geo. Lucas, Roy Wood, Jennie Baker, Iva Clark, Anna Hackett and D. M. Smith are graduated from the Falls high school.

���� Will Holmes and Bertha Green are married.

���� Jun. 27 -- The Twin City Baseball club is organized.

���� Geo. Somers and Rida Winters are married.

���� Jul. 4 -- The Farmers Store started at Falls two years ago as a cooperative institution, closed its doors.

���� County Attorney Madden is closing the joints in Chase county by enjoining the owners of the buildings as well as the joint-keepers.

���� Jul. 25 -- Mrs. Anne Burkhead, aged 94 years, dies in the Falls. She is survived by 170 descendants, 12 of whom are great-great-great-grand children.

���� Aug. 15 -- Roll Hinckley enlists in the United States Navy. ,

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���� Twenty-nine men and 35 women are engaged to teach in the schools of this county.

���� Aug. 29 -- A. W. Baker and Maud Talkington are married.

���� Sep. 2 -- Wm. Harris, who located in Chase county in 1856, leaves the farm to reside in the Falls.

���� Sep. 29 -- H. L. Hunt returns to Chase county after an absence of 14 years.

���� Oct. 4 -- Chase county wins 24 premiums at the State Fair.

���� County Superintendent T. G. Allen organizes teachers reading circles.

���� Oct. 30 -- J. W. Cope and Jessie Shaft are married.

���� Oct. 31 -- The county commissioners employ a traveling artist to decorate the courthouse.The Leader speaks of the decorations as "a winter scene, a pioneer camp, a yellow road, with three red steps, a town and a full moon slowly approaching."

���� Nov. 5 -- The election results as follows: treasurer, C. A. Cowley ; clerk, M. C. Newton; sheriff, Jno. McCallum ; county attorney, J. W. McWilliams; surveyor, J. R. Jeffrey; coroner, Dr. Frank Johnson; commissioner. W. A. Wood.

���� Nov. 11 -- A coursing meet is held on Prairie Hill.

���� Nov. 21 -- Harry E. Mills of the Congregational church at Strong City, is called to a church in Chicago.

���� A. Z. Scribner "strikes a bad market" to show what the manipulation of the markets meant to the cattlemen of Chase county and sells three carloads of cattle at $2.75.

���� Dec. 5 -- Earl Blackshere buys corn in Reno county for 14 cents a bushel.

���� Rev. Cyrus Graves Allen, who came to Kansas in 1856, is here for a visit. He was for a time a companion of John Brown and located on Middle Creek in the spring of '58. He was a Christian evangelist through the state and helped to found several churches. He was an earnest Greenbacker, his township being carried for the Greenback ticket. In 1884 he went to Meade county where he has lived since, preaching, farming and talking populism. Although he is 70 years old he is straight as an arrow. He owns 100 head of fine-blooded horses, but says they are hardly worth the saddles on their backs.

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���� The supreme court sustains the equity of redemption law.

���� Dec. 7 -- Barney Lantry dies at his home in Strong City, from diabetes. He leaves a fortune of nearly a million dollars, all of which he has acquired by contracting. He was a native of New York. When he was seventeen he learned the trade of a stone cutter. He came to Chase county from Wisconsin in 1877.

���� Dec. 12 -- Minnie Duehn and Geo. Dawson are married.

���� Dec. 24b -- Chas. A. Sayre and Josie Faris are married at the home which Mr. Sayre had furnished and prepared for the occasion.

���� 1877

���� Jan. 2 -- Wm.Tittle states to the Leader that his boys are growing up and going with the girls and it is just as hard to do anything with them as it was when he was a boy.

���� Ollie Fish and Chas. Jacobs are married.

���� D. A. Ellsworth publishes a book entitled "In Prairie Phrase."

���� Jan. 23 -- John Emslie, called the Father of Strong City, dies at his home, aged 73 years. He came to America in 1836, and to Kansas in 1862. He took the contract for the stone and brick work on the Chase county court house in 1872, from which time this has been his home.

���� Feb. 6 -- The Old Settlers hold their annual celebration. Mat McDonald is president.

���� Feb. 13 -- The stockmen of Chase county protest against the freight rate on cattle. J. C. Thompson is chairman of the meeting.

���� Feb. 20 -- A military company is organized in the Falls. Ed. S. Clarke is captain, and Ben Spence and Joe Maule, lieutenants.

���� Feb. 27 -- Mrs. Margaret Pracht, the mother of Christopher, Fred and Henry, dies in Strong City, aged 90 years.

���� Elwood Eylar, the local pitcher of the Twin City baseball team is engaged by the Philadelphias.

Page 203

���� Feb. 28 -- Mrs. D. K. Cartter dies in Washington, D. C

���� Miss Anna Ellsworth is graduated from medical college. C. A. Sayre is elected an alternate to the National Repub�lican convention.

���� Mar. 12 -- Thomas P. Sayre dies, aged 59 years. He was a veteran of the Civil War, and was a prisoner in Libby prison. He settled on Cedar Creek in 1866.

���� Apr. 6 -- Thomas Murdock, who preached throughout Chase county in the early days, dies at Emporia, aged 85 years.

���� APRIL 16-The Leader prints a prose rhyme of Walt Ma�son's called "They Wilt Come Back."

���� Apr. 23 -- H. S. F. Davis sells his Peyton Creek ranch to Samuel Baine, of the Standard Oil Company, for $47,000. There are 4,200 acres of land in the tract.

���� Mr. and Mrs. Carl Boenitz celebrated their Golden Wedding. Rev. Polack makes an address in German and a dinner is served to the old settlers and relatives. They came to Diamond Creek among the first settlers.

���� May 20 -- Wm. Rettiger is instantly killed at the quarry two miles east of the Falls. He was struck by the falling boom of a large derrick.

���� May 28 -- The graduating class of the Falls high school includes: Lula Heck, Mamie White, Elsie and Margie Gillett, Mary Rockwood, Ethel Johnson, Sarah Austin, Hattie Doolittle, and David Wood.

���� Jun. 2 -- Company I Second Regiment gives a dance at Music hall in the Falls.

���� Jul. 9 -- Born to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lantry, a daughter.

���� Aug. 13 -- John Madden is nominated for congress by the Populists and endorsed by the Democrats.

���� Lot Leonard dies at Bazaar. He came to this county in 1857.

���� A Bryan club is organized in Strong City with over a hundred members.

���� The Democrats and Populists fuse on a county ticket.

���� Oct. 8 -- The Boys Band of the Falls wins the $100 prize at the State Fair.

���� The Prohibitionists nominate a county ticket.

���� Oct. 15 -- A. S. Howard dies at the Falls, aged 66 years. He was graduated from Dartmouth college with the class of '58.

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���� In '62 he located at Cottonwood Falls, where he lived the rest of his life. He married Carrie Shaft, Nov 23, 1863. He served in various county offices and was resident of the Chase County National Bank from its organization until his death.

���� Nov. 1 -- L. A. Lowther is elected superintendent of the Emporia schools, and Wm. Kretsinger succeeds him as principal of the Falls schools.

���� Nov. 3 -- The election of '96 will rank as one of the most hotly contested in the history, of Chase county. The results are: Wm. McKinley, 817, and W. J. Bryan, 1194, for President of the United States. John Madden carried the county over Chas. Curtis by 292; F. T. Johnson is elected representative; O. H . Drinkwater, probate judge; J. E. Perry, clerk of the court; J. T. Butler, county attorney; Sadie P. Grisham, supt. of schools; John Kelly, commissioner. For governor, J. W. Leedy carried Chase county by 292 majority.

���� Nov. 4 -- Hattie M. Pinkston and D. A. Ellsworth are married at Cedar Point.

���� Nov. 19 -- The suits to set aside the patents issued to the M. K. & T. Ry. are dismissed in all counties except Allen. This suit affected 80,000 acres in Chase county.

���� Nov. 23 -- Ed Forney and Dora Hayden are married.

���� Nov. 31 -- F. M. Tuttle retires from business after 25 years of service.

���� 1897

���� Jan. 14 -- J. D. Minnick is elected president of the Chase County National Bank.

���� The Leader prints two columns of sheriff's sales.

���� F. B. Hunt is president of the Chase county Horticultural Society, and W. A. Waddell is secretary. Robert Matti is president of the Chase County Agricultural Society and J. H. Mercer is secretary.

���� Jan. 25 --The Burns Club has Captain Joseph G. Waters as speaker of the evening. W. J. McNee is president.

���� Feb/ 10 -- J. B. Smith and Leona Steele are married.

���� Mar. 11 -- Mrs. Chas. Lantry dies at Topeka.

���� Mar. 18 -- During the past month Bazaar has shipped 1,102 cars of stock.

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���� Apr. 8 -- Robert Blackburn and Grace Hays are married.

���� Apr. 22 -- The Chase County Poultry Association is organized. Geo. Topping is president.

���� C. C. Whitson dies. He was probate judge for 14 years. .

���� Apr. 29 -- 34 pupils graduate from the county schools..

���� May 5 -- W. P. Brickell and Inez Montgomery are married. Jessie Shaft and Clement Ice are married at Clements..

���� Mrs. Laura Carey Gause is appointed postmistress at Cedar Point.


���� May 14 -- Annette Cartter and Geo. King are married.

���� May 31 -- Frank Laloge's 67th birthday is observed by the Cedar Point community.

���� John Wood, Frank Level, Nellie McCallum, and Goldie Fogarty are graduated from the Strong City high school.

���� Valentine Becker, Sr., dies at Birley, aged 81 years.

���� Mary Clements, Daisy Blades and Charles Harkness are graduated from the Falls high school.

���� Jun. 3 -- Gen. W. W. Guthrie is experimenting on a new breed of cattle. They are a hornless Hereford. He now has 25 head of them.

���� Nan Pugh is elected head professor of Romance languages at Smith college and will leave Wellesley college for Smith.

���� Jun. 10 -- Bessie Schriver of Cedar Point, wins the gold medal in Declamation at the Kansas State Normal School.

���� Jun. 17 -- A lecture on the X-Ray is given at the Falls. The Leader states: "The X-Ray is all that is claimed for it."

���� Jun. 24 -- Co. I elected officers. B. L. Spence is captain and Chas. Giese and Birt Coleman are lieutenants.

���� Jul. 1 -- Samuel Beverlin, who came to Middle Creek in '65 is dead.

���� Thirty graduates of the common schools receive diplomas. D. F. Shirk is elected principal of the Falls schools and W. C. Austin, assistant principal.

���� Jul. 29 -- Mrs. Margaret O'Donnell, who came to Chase county in '57 dies, aged 75 years.

���� Aug. 5 -- Hugh O'Neill dies at Strong City.

���� Aub. 12 -- Married; F. W. Jeffrey and Agnes Drummond ; W. F. Mercer and Maggie Fowler.

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���� Aug. 19 -- Restore Perry, who came to Toledo in '67 dies, aged 84 years.

���� C. C. Courtright, whose father owned most of Saffordville townsite, sells his interests to a local company.

���� Sep. 2 -- Benoni Jeffrey dies at LeRoy, aged 58 years.

���� Wm. Pinkston sells his farm to George Brown and moves to Neosho county.

���� The Elmdale bank is robbed of $1,700.

���� Sep. 6 -- A daughter is born to Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mercer

���� Sep. 9 -- H. D. Rider, his wife, and four sons leave for Jerusalem. The eldest son is a religious enthusiast and has imbued the family with the desire. to make the pilgrimage.

���� Sep. 30 -- Sadie Forney and R. B. Harris are married.

���� Oct. 7 -- The racing meet at the Falls is one of the most notable sporting events in the history of the county.

���� Nov. 3 -- C. A. Cowley is elected treasurer; M. C Newton, clerk; Jno. McCallum, sheriff; Wm. Norton, register; J. R. Jeffrey, surveyor; W. J. Daugherty commissioner.

���� Nov. 11 -- The first exhibition of the Chase county Poultry and Pet stock association is announced.

���� Dr. Hamme, Chas. Gregory and E. P. Brown leave for Chihauhua to prospect for silver in the Sierra Madre mountains about 100 miles west of Chihuahua.

���� Dec 8 -- Married; Christian Garth and Mabel Ream; Carrie Hanson and J. E. Stout.

���� Elmdale is erecting a monument to the soldiers and sailors of the Rebellion.

���� Dec. 23 -- Jno. Boylan dies at Strong City.

���� Dec. 25 -- Henry Lantry makes a present to every colored man working for the Lantry company of a sack of cornmeal and a possum.

���� Dec. 27 -- Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Forney, a son.

���� Nov. 25 -- The Leader receives the following letter:
Jerusalem, Palestine
October 28, '97 "Editor Leader,"

���� We have several times thought of writing to you but we have had very bad luck, or at least we think so and could not write to you sooner.

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���� "Brother Harl Rider was called from our midst on the morning of the 25th of October, at 9 o'clock. He ate breakfast and seemed as well as usual. About 9 o'clock he got up from the seat where he was sitting and went to start across the room to go down into Jerusalem to see about the, arrival of our trunks. All at once he said "Oh My!" and fell backwards. My sister and myself caught him and raised him up, but he never spoke a word. He is laid to rest on Mount Olivet where the Jews expect the Savior to appear. Rev. G. E. Woodhouse preached the funeral sermon.

���� Cecil has been very sick. We had three doctors for him. He is at the Jewish hospital, and is a little better at present.

���� Everything seems dark and dreary to us at present. We desire the prayers of all Christians and hope to return to Kansas as soon as possible.

���� Yours truly, (Signed) Deel Rider

���� 1898

���� Jan. 16 -- Ray Blackshere and Mabel Klein are married.

���� Jan. 20 -- Charles, Edgar and Oscar Altemus buy the H. S. F. Davis ranch.

���� Mar. 17 -- Frank Grimwood and Florence Morris are married.

���� Rev. A. Cullison is assigned to the M. E. Church at the Falls.

���� The United States Supreme Court sustains the Kansas law prohibiting the shipment of Texas cattle into the state.

���� Mar. 24 -- The new Presbyterian church at Clements is finished.

���� Duchanois and King open a new quarry on the Jas. Austin farm.

���� Clara Panzram, 14 years old, a pupil of the conservatory of music in Milwaukee in violin. She is a granddaughter of Henry Stoehr who was member of the orchestra which traveled with Jenny Lind.

���� Mar. 31 -- The Lantry Brothers double the capacity of their rock crushers.

���� Rev. J. Alvin Sankey accepts a call to the Presbyterian Church at the Falls.

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���� Married: Wm. Copeland and Mamie Biggam; Frank Meager and Vernie Hazel.

���� Apr. 28 -- Volunteers from Chase county for the war against Spain are ordered to report at Emporia, May 3.

���� The class of '98 of the Strong City High school, consists of Lulu Patterson, Jessie Hagan, Anna Greelish, Sue Filson, and Lawrence Dodge.

���� H. N. Simmons dies at his home west of Strong City, aged 57 years.

���� May 5 -- A creamery is organized at Elk.

���� The class of '98 of the Falls high school includes Margaret and May Williams, Bella Clements, Cecil Cullison, Anna K. Morgan, Emma Baker and Annetta Holsinger.

���� May 7 -- Born to Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Dwelle a son.

���� May 12 -- Jno. McGinley is elected captain of Co. E. 22nd Kansas.

���� May 19 -- Roy Wood, Chas. Montgomery, and Chas. Lucas enlist in the 21st Kansas.

���� Carl Boenitz dies at Hymer. He came to Chase county in '58. He was a veteran of the Mexican war.

���� Eleven Chase county boys enlist in Co. E. 22nd Kansas, John A. Stone, Jas. A. Stone, Frank Kent, Harry Makemson, Walter Burnett, and Bert Osborn are among these.

���� May 25 -- Born to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ward a son.

���� Dr. W. S. Mason locates at Wonsevu. He owns a large tract of land there.

���� May 28 -- Mrs. W. F. Dunlap dies from burns received a gasoline stove.

���� Mrs. W. C. Hagans, an ordained Congregational minister, dies at Strong City.

���� Creameries have been chartered at Elmdale and Saffordville.

���� Jun. 16 -- Henry Rogler is graduated from the Agricultural College.

���� The receivers of the Santa Fe company have transferred all lands in Chase county owned by the old company to a new organization.

���� Ralph Breese and Maude Thomas are married.

���� Jun. 23 -- Eli Goodreau, Lew Goudie, and Arwed Holmberg enlist in the 14th U. S. Regulars and leave for Philippines.

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���� Jun. 30 -- Mrs. J. P. Schriver and Bessie Schriver leave for Europe.

���� Jul. 7 -- Nettie Leonard receives a scholarship at Wellesley.

���� Jul. 13 -- Alex Maule and Tot Cartter are married.

���� Jul. 21-- W. P. Martin and family leave for California. E. W. Ellis of the State Journal, enlists in the 20th Kansas.

���� John Lind dies at Toledo.

���� Jul. 28 -- Frank Rynard is found dead on the Henry Brandley farm at Matfield Green.

���� Aug. 4 -- Harry Brandley is arrested charged with killing Frank Rynard.

���� Aug. 13 -- The Populist county convention is held.

���� Sep. 1 -- Judge Randolph discharges Harry Brandley instead of requiring bail.

���� Sep. 8 -- Mrs. George Estes died on the 2nd, and Mrs. E. P. Allen dies on the 8th.

���� Sep. 22 -- Born to Mr. and Mrs. Boone Harris a daughter.

���� W. G. Patten sells his farm on South Fork for $8,000.

���� Sep. 29 -- George Hughes buys the Diamond Ranch of 27,123 acres for $75,000.

���� Oct. 23 -- Alexander McKenzie dies, aged 48 years.

���� Oct. 31 -- Rebecca Hawkins who came to Chase County in the spring of '57 and located with her husband west of Clements, dies, aged 71 years. She was a native of Tennessee. Her husband died in the Union Army and she was left to rear her family of four boys and two daughters upon the frontier.

���� Nov. 17 -- W. Y. Morgan is a candidate for State Printer.

���� Nov. 8 -- The election in Kansas results in the defeat of the Populist party. Chase county votes W. E. Stanley for governor, 38 majority over Jno. W. Leedy. H. C Snyder is elected representative; J. W. McWilliams, county attorney; Mat McDonald, probate judge; G. W. Stephenson, county superintendent of schools; W. C. Harvey, clerk; and Frank La�loge commissioner. The number of votes cast was 1,772.

���� Nov. 23 -- Born to Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Mann, a son.

���� Nov. 27 -- Mrs. Estella Hunt Brandley dies, aged 41 years.

���� G. G. Gillett, "the cattle king" of Woodbine, Kansas, fails. There are 3,200 head of cattle belonging to him in Chase county.

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���� Nov. 30 -- John J. Osmer, aged 72 years, dies at Hymer. He was one of the earliest settlers on Diamond Creek.

���� Dec -- P. P. Schriver tops the market for hogs in Kansas City. The price is $3.50.

���� 1899

���� Jan. 1 -- Harry Halleck and Laura Carey Gause are married.

���� Neal Ford sells his ranch of 400 acres on Jacobs creek for $12,000 to Peter Hines, of Emporia.

���� Jan. 12 -- W. Y. Morgan, editor of the Hutchinson News, is elected State Printer.

���� Jan. 15 -- Captain W. G. Patten, prominent in the political life of the county for many years, dies in Emporia, aged 72 years.

���� Jan. 19 -- Charles Hays, of Bazaar, is fatally injured in Lyon county in a run away.

���� Jan. 27 -- A. S. Bailey dies at Elmdale, aged 79 years.

���� Feb. 5 -- Preston Gillett, a Chase county product, is sworn in as judge of the District Court at Kingman.

���� Jan. 28 -- Edward ImMasche and Lorena Swope are married.

���� Geo. McNee dies at his home on Middle Creek where he had lived since 1860, aged 67 years.

���� Feb. 23 -- Dana White buys the original Hawkins homestead west of Clements.

���� Apr. 6 -- John H. Shaft and David Pyles, of Clements enlist in the United States Regulars and leave for the Philippines.

���� May 2 -- A. Ferlet, proprietor of the Union Hotel, dies, aged 68 years. He was a native of France. He had conducted the hotel in the Falls for 24 years.

���� May 5 -- W. E. Timmons founder of the Chase County Courant, dies aged 58 years. He was a native of Kentucky.

���� May 19 -- .Mrs. Maryette Kellogg who came to Chase county in '67 dies aged 80 years.

���� May 22 -- A destructive hail storm, in the southwestern part of this county kills 200 head of cattle, 100 hogs and 17 horses. Then hail was followed by a water spout. The stock was buried under great drifts of hail.

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���� Mrs. Thomas Sayre, of Cedar Creek, dies, aged 30 years; Cyrus Graves Allen, one of the first men to settle in Chase county dies at Meade, Kansas.

���� Jun. 1 -- F. L. Drinkwater is publishing a paper at Ocean Springs, Miss.

���� The class of '99 of the Falls high school includes, Dudley Doolittle, Jno. Winters, Cora Howard, Mattie Maule, Etta Childs, Jennie Rogler, Rose O'Donnell, Rose Daugherty and Bessie Wood.

���� Jun. 15 -- Claude Francis Laloge of Cedar Point, dies aged 68 years. He had lived a most interesting life. A native of France, he came to New Orleans at the age of 24 years. He drifted into the great new west and worked as a gold miner, a stage driver, and a post-keeper at different times. He learned the Indian language and had many thrilling experiences on the plains. He was married to Mary Eugenie Hallotte in '63 and since that time had been a farmer in this county.

���� Jun. 29 -- The Leader office installs a Hammond typewriter.

���� Eli Goodreau, who went from Chase county to the Philippines as a member of the 14th U. S. A. Regulars, is killed in battle at the Zapote river.

���� W. M. Kyser and Anna Rockwood are married.

���� Geo. McGoven dies at Strong City.

���� Jul. 13 -- H . F. Gillett orders an acetylene gas plant to light his store in the Falls.

���� Jul. 29 -- A. M. Breese resigns as superintendent of the Soldiers Home at Dodge City.

���� Aug. 20 -- The Democrats and Populists nominate a fusion ticket.

���� Aau. 31 -- The Cottonwood Falls high school extends its course to four years.an>

���� Sep. 1 -- Mrs. H. L. Hunt dies at her home in the Falls. She was 77 years old. The Leader says of Mrs. Hunt: "No written eulogy can tell her kindly deeds so well as her life work. Her friends revere her memory."

���� Sep. 14 -- Phil Goodreau is editing the Reveille.

���� Dudley Doolittle enters the State University.

���� Minnie Ellis is teaching the Lantry private school.

���� Sep. 15 -- The old settlers and old soldiers hold a two days celebration.

���� The Lantry Bros. bring Marshall's Band

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���� John Madden's address, the Leader says, "receives tremendous applause."

���� Sep. 22 -- David Rettiger dies at his home in Strong City, aged 50 years. He came to Chase county in '71 and since that time has been identified as a leader in the stone industry.

���� Fred M. Pracht dies on Middle Creek, aged 60 years. He came to Chase county in '58 walking from Fort Leavenworth having a narrow escape from the Indians who were on the war�path at the time.

���� Oct. 5 -- Allen Johnson of Elmdale, sails for the Philippines as a member of the Red Cross.

���� Michael Stubenhofer, who died Sept. 26th was a native of Bayern, Germany and came to America at the time of revolution in that country, as so many of the German settlers of Chase county did.

���� Oct.16 -- The two towns of the Falls and Strong City unite in a demonstration in honor of Lew Goudie, Arwed Holmberg, and Henry Haton, who returned from the Philippines.

���� Nov. 7 -- The returns from Chase county show the election of the local fusion ticket; W. L. Wood, county treas.; W. A. Waddell, county clerk; S. W. Beach, sheriff; Jas. Dwelle, register of deeds; F. T. Johnson, coroner; Geo. Houser, and Jno. C. Fisher, county commissioners. The total number of votes cast was 1899 the same at the last election.

���� Dec. 29 -- S. C. Johnson dies on Middle creek, aged 69 years. He was an old settler of Chase county.

���� 1900

���� Jan. 2 -- Jno. T. Prather, who came with his parents to the Falls in '59 and located on Prather Creek, dies at Wichita as the result of a accident. At one time he and his brothers owned one of the finest herds of this county and a large tract of land. Failing in business, they turned over all their property to the creditors and moved to Wichita.

���� Mar. 15 -- Samuel Comstock and Lydia Staples are married.

���� Mar. 27 -- A. D. Findley, who came to the Falls in '58, dies, at his home there. The deceased and his wife were among the first six members of the M. E. Church at the Falls.

���� Apr. 3 -- Captain Jno. C. McGinley, of Co. E. 22nd Kansas

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