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Chase Co. Kansas Newspaper
Chase County Courant Index

The Chase County Courant, January - December 31, 1885 was indexed and abstracted by Lorna Marvin. 


Surname Given Abstract Paper Date
Abbot J W Mrs is at Cottonwood Falls, Ks from Montrose, Colo Oct 22, 1885
Abbot J W Mrs bedside of her mother, present at burial of sister in law Mary Wood Oct 22, 1885
Acers N F Patent granted of Iola Mar 12, 1885
Adair Nettie attending the County Normal Institute Aug 27, 1885
Adare Hildebrand & Co Telephone line to be in office for Strong City Dec 3, 1885
Adare Hildebrand & Co vs J L Searles judgement for $231.31 Dec 17 1885
Adare Hildebrand & Co vs Thos J Smith judgement for $186.97 Dec 17 1885
Adare Hildebrand Co Class F Agricultural and Mechanical Implements Oct 01, 1885
Adare Mr with Hildebrand have a building of their own on the fair grounds Sep 24, 1885
Adare Nettie Miss of Strong City attending Presbyterian College at Emporia Oct 22, 1885
Adare Nettie Miss Strong City returned home from school at Emporia for the holidays Dec 24, 1885
Adare Nettie Miss will continue studies at Strong City Dec 24, 1885
Adare Wit nominated for Councilman Mar 26, 1885
Adare Wit elected Board of Directors of the stockholders of Chase Co Apr 09, 1885
Adare Wit Councilmen at Strong City Apr 09, 1885
Adare Wit elected vice president of the Chase Co Agricultural Assoc Apr 16, 1885
Adare Wit appointed committeeman for Chase Co Agricultural Assoc Apr 16, 1885
Adare Wit New Officer of Strong City Building and Loan Association Apr 23, 1885
Adare Witt New member of firm Jan 15, 1885
Adare Witt of Strong City was down to Kansas City last week Sep 24, 1885
Adare coal for pauper May 28, 1885
Adare council proceedings of July 8, 1885 Jul 09, 1885
Adare sheds caught fire with coal Aug 06, 1885
Adkins T S of Fredonia patent granted May 28, 1885
Albertson W P Bills allowed by the Board of County Commissioners Mar 19, 1885
Albertson W P viewer on W A Parker road May 28, 1885
Albro J H of Mannington W Va registered at Central Hotel July 4th 1885 Jul 09, 1885
Aldrich C Bills allowed by the Board of County Commissioners Sep 03, 1885
Aldrich Chas Bills allowed by the Board of County Commissioners Aug 27, 1885
Alexander I appointed by County Commisssioners Jul� 16, 1885
Alexander I has put down another sidewalk on Broadway Sep 10, 1885
Alexander Isaac has fenced in his two tenement houses west of the court house Apr 09, 1885
Alexander Isaac will begin work on anothr store building Apr 16, 1885
Alexander Isaac damages on L C Hubbard Road May 28, 1885
Alexander Isaac Bills allowed by the Board of County Commissioners Sep 03, 1885
Alexander Isaac quite sick Sep 24, 1885
Alexander Isaac road viewer appointed Falls Township Oct 29, 1885
Alford F V Bills allowed by the Board of County Commissioners Mar 19, 1885
Alford F V Bills allowed by the Board of County Commissioners Mar 19, 1885
Alford F V viewer on John C Danby Road May 28, 1885
Alford F V Bills allowed by the Board of County Commissioners Aug 27, 1885
Alford F V Bills allowed by the Board of County Commissioners Sep 03, 1885
Alford F V Chas Cooper cut his knee while cutting corn at Alford's Sep 10, 1885
Alford F V appointed viewers for a road petitioned for Ed Ryan Oct 15, 1885
Alford F V road viewer appointed Falls Township Oct 29, 1885
Alford F V & Mrs on Rock Creel a dance was held Jan 29, 1885
Allen E P and sister of Diamond Creek were down to Emporia Saturday\ Oct 29, 1885
Allen E W Of Seneca patent granted Apr 23, 1885
Allen Ed R formerly of Toledo is cattle inspector at Ft Scott May 14, 1885
Allen Joe Agent for A B Syms and & of Atchison was in town Monday Sep 17, 1885
Allen Lawyer of Emporia was in town last Thursday Dec 10, 1885
Allen O O of Emporia came to Burns Festival Jan 29, 1885
Allen T G teacher certificate received Sep 10, 1885
Allen T G & Mrs of Toledo born Mon June 29, 1885 a son Jul 09, 1885
Allen Tom stationed at Safford May 14, 1885
Alrich Chas Bills allowed by the Board of County Commissioners Mar 19, 1885
Alttdoerffer A Bills allowed by the Board of County Commissioners Mar 19, 1885
Alttdoerffer A Bills allowed by the Board of County Commissioners Sep 03, 1885
Alttdoerffer A Bills allowed by the Board of County Commissioners May 28, 1885
Alttdoerffer A stenographaer fees May 28, 1885
Alttdoerffer A fees May 28, 1885
Anderson A & Mrs of Florence came for Burns Festival Jan 29, 1885
Anderson Alex attended the Robert Emmet 105th Anniversary of Birth Mar 12, 1885
Anderson J M & Mrs of Emporia came to Burns Festival Jan 29, 1885
Anderson J N patent granted of Ellsworth Oct 01, 1885
Anderson Miss of Emporia came to Burns Festival Jan 29, 1885
Andrews Sadie Miss of Hartford visiting friends here Aug 13, 1885
Armond Nellie Miss married Geo Campbell July 27, 1885 Monday by Rev N B Johnson Jul 30, 1885
Armour George�� dismissed Jul 23, 1885
Armstrong Martin of� Miland patent granted Mar 12, 1885
Arnold Brothers prairie fire set by school children burnes two stacks of hay Nov 19, 1885
Ashley Mrs gift given to Mr & Mrs J L Cochran for tenth anniversity Jun 11, 1885
Ashley Mrs Attended Stockmen's dance from Cottonwood Falls Feb 19, 1885
Ashley Mrs has gone to Crested Butte, Co to manage leading hotel there Oct 15, 1885
Austin Erb Bills allowed by the Board of County Commissioners Mar 19, 1885
Austin James Road crosses Bloody Creek Jul� 16, 1885
Austin James Democratic Central Committee Meeting- Toledo township Aug 06, 1885
Austin James road viewer appointed Falls Township Oct 29, 1885
Austin Jas Bills allowed by the Board of County Commissioners Dec 10, 1885

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