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Chase County Kansas Obituaries
Beck, Mary E, Mrs. Mary Beck Dead
The death of Mrs. Mary E Beck, 79 years of age, occurred at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth Reed, east of Strong City, last night, following a long illness. death being the result of old age and hardening of the arteries.
Mrs Beck was born near Paola, Indiana in 1836. She is survived by five children who are Mrs. Elizabeth Reed and Miss Ruth A Wolfe of Strong City; Samueol Wolfe and John Wolfe, both of Big Timber, Montana and Henry Wolfe, of Paola, Indiana.
The funeral service will be held at the Reed home, east of Strong City tommorrow afternoon amd interment then made in the Prairie Grove Cemetery at this city. Mrs. Beck's illness started over a period of about two months during which time she had failed rapidly.
She came from Paola, Indiana with her daughter, Miss Ruth Wolfe, to make her home with her daughter Mrs. Reed last August. She was married twice, Mr. Wolfe her first husband dying many years ago. She was later married to Mr. Beck whose death occurred several years ago.
Chase County Leader News, Cottonwood Falls, Kansas, Jan 17, 1916
Death of Mrs. Mary. Beck.
Mrs. Mary Beck, the mother of Mrs. John Reed, wife of a well know farmer of
near Strong City, died at the home of her daughter, Monday night.
Mrs Beck was 79 years of age and has lived most all her life in Indiana. She came to
this county last year and has since made her home at the home or her
daughter, Mrs. Reed.
The funeral was held at the Reed home Wedsnesday afternoon, burial
made in the cemetery at Cottonwood Falls. Besides Mrs. Reed
Mrs. Beck leaves four children, who are Miss Ruth Wolfe of Strong City;
John and Samuel Wolfe of Montana and Henry Wolfe of Indiana.
Cottonwood Valley News, Jan 17, 1916,
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