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Chase County Kansas Obituaries
Blackburn, G. W. G. W. Blackburn Dies at his Home
In Emporia.
G W Blackburn, aged 72, who lived
at 713 Mechanic street, died Saturday night. He served four years in the army, and homesteaded a tract of land in Chase county, near Cedar Point. After selling his farm in Chase county, be moved near Americus, where he
lived until about a year ago, when he bought the property at 713 Mechanic street and moved to Emporia. He was a member of the Knights Templar, and an escort of the commandery took the body to Florence Monday afternoon where interment was made. Rev. W. A. Parker conducted the services at the house Monday afternoon. Besides a wife he leaves three children. Joe and George, of Florence, and a daughter, Mrs. Charles Duey, of Brownington, Mo.
The following Knights Templars made
up the escort, which took the body of G W. Blackburn to Florence: James G Kirkwood, David H Stone, John F. Kenney, Charles W. Cleaver, Daniel A. Dryer, Edgar Fessenden, John D.
Graham, Edward Hoffer, John Huffer,
William C. Hughes, William E. Haynes, William R Irwin, Horace G. Jones,
Oliver H. Kendig, Joseph J. Morris,
Harry E Peach, James M. Tanner and Lewis Lewis.
The services at the grave were in charge of the Knights Templar.
Eminent Commander James G. Kirkwood and Prelate Charles Cleaver officiated. �Emporia Gazette.
Mr. Blackburn first came to Kansas in the 7O's from Nebraska and located on the Pawnee in Hodgeman county where he engaged in stock raising.
Several years later, he moved to Chase county and took a homestead on Cedar creek near Wonsevu where he lived until about seven years ago when he moved to Americus and later to
Mr. Blackburn was one of the best known and most highly respected of Chase county's old settlers and his many friends will learn of his death with sorrow.
Chase County Leader News, Cottonwood Falls, Kansas, February 8 1908
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