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Chase County Kansas Obituaries
Blackburn, Nancy Emeline Baley
"I Know."
"When the silver cord is severed
And I leave the useless clay,
I shall soar with swiftest pillions
To the realms of endless day
For my precious Savior clothes me
In a perfect robe of white;
Covering all my sins and frailties,
I am clean e'en in His sight;
"Not a doubt, and not a shadow
Comes between my Cod and me;
He has promised, I believe Him;
Could a creed more simple be?"
Mrs. Nancy Emeline Blackburn, after many weeks of illness passed away to her future home, from her home near Matfield Green, Kansas,
on February l4, 1900.
She was the second daughter of
Col. G. W. K. and Mrs. M. E. Baley.
She was born in Pike county, Illinois,
September 5, 1849, and became the
wife of the now bereaved husband, Wm. Blackburn, August 5, 1869. They resided in Illinois until 1886, when they moved to Greenwood Co., Kansas and resided there until 1887, when they moved to their present residence.
Besides her husband she leaves one daughter, May, and two married sons, Oley and Charles Blackburn, to
mourn her death.
As a wife she has been faithful, always abounding in hope and never too tired to help her loving husband, and ready to share with him in any loss. As a mother she has done all a mother could do for her children that
they might be helped. Her love for her home was all a mother's love, could be. She was loved and esteemed by all who knew her, for she was always ready and willing to lend a helping hand to any one in need.
The family has the sympathy of many friends in this trying hour.
The funeral services were held at
the home on Friday, February 16, at
1:30 p. m., conducted by Rev. J. E,
Hall, of Cedar Point, after which the remains were taken to the Bazaar cemetery.
The family wish to offer their sincere thanks to all the friends who were so kind, and for their untiring help through the many days of her illness. J. E. H
Chase County Leader News, Cottonwood Falls, Kansas, Feb 14 1900.
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