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Chase County Kansas Obituaries
Bumgardner, George William
George Bumgardner Dead, Wednesday, April 30, 1930
George Bumgardner died at the Newman Memorial Hospital in Emporia at 4:30 o�clock Wednesday morning, April 30th. His death is a great shock to his family and relatives and many friends here as he had been ill only a short time and it is hard to realize that his death should come so soon.
George leaves his wife and four children,
Glen, Jean, Bonnie and Pearl Nadine. He also leaves his mother, Mrs G L Bumgardner, seven brothers and sisters who are Dean and Ted Bumgardner and Mrs W E Miller all of this city. Allen Bumgardner, of Florence; Mrs Edward E Cole, of West New York, New Jersey; Mrs Jas G Bell, of Clovis, New Mexico, and Mrs. Louie Mullen, of San Francisco, California.
George Bumgardner was forty years of age. The family moved to this city from Gridley, Kansas, which was the old family home, about fourteen years ago and George went into the blacksmithing business. He has since maintained a shop in this city and for a good many years has been the only blacksmith here.
The funeral will be held at the Methodist Church in this city, Friday afternoon at 2 o�clock and burial will be in Prairie Grove cemetery where his father was buried several years ago.
George William Bumgardner whose death occurred at the Newman Memorial Hospital in Emporia, Wednesday afternoon of last week was born in Gridley, Kansas, on March 4th,1890. There he grew to manhood and was married to Blanche B Bowen on October 30th, 1912. This marriage took place at Virgil, Kansas.
To this union four children were born, Glen M.,. who is 16; Gene L 15; Yvonne 13 and Pearle Nadine 8. These four children besides Mrs Bumgardner survives; Besides his immediate family, Mr. Bumgardner leaves four sisters and three brothers and his mother, Mrs G L Bumgardner.
Early in life George engaged in the Blacksmith trade. The family moved to this city in 1918 and this has since been the family home. Here George opened a blacksmith shop and for the past several years he has been the only blacksmith in this city.
His death, which came very suddenly, is a great shock to his family and relatives and many friends and he will be sadly missed by all. The funeral services were held from the Methodist Church in this city at 2:00o�clock Friday afternoon, Rev Geo W Braden, preaching the sermon. Interment was in Prairie
Grove cemetery west of this city.
Chase County Leader News, Cottonwood Falls, Kansas, Apr 30 1930
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