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Chase County Kansas Obituaries
Caldwell, J P
Death of J. P. Caldwell
J. P. Caldwell, well and favorably known in this and Morris county, died at his late residence, in this city, about nine o'clock last Tuesday morning, of dropsy, in the 37th year of his age.
The deceased was born in Baltimore, and moved to Council Grove in 1869, where he filled private and public positions of honor and trust. In 1872 he moved to this city and soon after engaged in the mercantile business with S. D, Breese, which firm dissolved about two years ago. He was a strong, robust man, until a few months ago, when he began to fail rapidly. About two weeks ago he was compelled to remain in the house and for several days his death was hourlyexpected. But, last Thursday morning a change for the better took place and his improvement, apparently, was so rapidthat his family and friends expected to see him about in a few days.
On Tuesday morning he conversed with Dr. Pugh very hopefully and said he would not need any one to sit up with him at night any more, as he slept well and was feeling so much better.
After giving a few directons for the care of the patient, Dr. Pugh left the house, but had gone only a short dlstance when he was called back and upon entering the house found John in the last throes of death.
Always the first to offer assistance in sickness or distress, all who knew John Caldwell had a warm spot in their hearts for him. The death of no one else in this vacinity could cause such general sorrow and regret.
The deceased was a member of the Masonic lodge at CouncilGrove and the Knights of Honor of this city. His widow is entitled to and will shortly receive $2, 000 from the latter.
The deceased leaves a wife and four children to mourn his loss, and a legion of friend to mingle their sorrow with the bereaved family. The masonic burial service was performed at his late residence yesterday morning, at 9 o'clock, and the body was shipped to Baltimore by the 10:28 a.m. express.
Chase County Leader News, Cottonwood Falls, Kansas, Feb 13 1883.
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