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Chase County Kansas Obituaries
Coe, Mary Freeborn
In Memoriam.
�Good Women, are as sentinels: In the
darkest of earth�s night,
They hold with stout hearts silently, life�s
outposts, toward the light.�
In the Heavenly Father�s great
plan of our human lives, on the day before last Christmas morn,�one of
the truest and most faithful followers Of our Risen Lord, started on the last journey of the Heavenward way. Weary and sore with the weakness of humanity, she welcomed the loving release, which only came with the call to come up higher. For two score years she had lived in the light of the living smile, that beams through all things, from that loving Power.
When but fourteen years had cast their lights and shadows upon her Mary Freeborn Coe had learned to look to the Hills, and taken to her heart the truth that �God is smiling, when we love." The glow of the sacred fire of Christian grace never left her.
Through all the pain and the suffering of the months that proceeded the final day of the human struggle, no regrets or complainings, no moan of impatience marred the last days of association with loved ones. Smiles and sympathy with others filled the hours with the comforting thoughts of her happiness and Eternal joy to her devoted children, who were always with her, was given the memories of an always smiling face. The friends who continually came to her, never heard a complaint, but always carried the thought of the happy smile. The night before death came, she talked cheerfully with the family, who were gathered in her room, and laughed over the little family stories of the past. But weakness gained steadily, and as the light of the morning climbed the eastern sky, the breath came harder, --then without suffering--she was safe in the Savior�s arms.
Fifty-four years last April, the little babe�called Mary, was laid into its mother�s arms, and the mother�Elizabeth Freeborn�a Christian woman, took the infant soul in trust for the Savior�s fold,---and nobly she performed her work. The mother stood by the casket that held all of the mortality, but in the sweet spirit of love, �grieved not as one without hope.�
In 1867 Mary Freeborn was married to Henry P. Coe, who passed from this world in August, 1900. To them was born five children, all living, Fred, James A., Charles A., Mate M., and Lella J. They came to Kansas in 1873, living for several years upon Prairie Hill in Chase county. For several years they have lived in this city, and since it has been realized that her illness must be fatal, Mrs. Coe has lived with her daughter, Mrs. Mate M. Bell. It was a great comfort to the family that during the last week, Mrs. Will Moore of Lyndon, a sister of Mrs. Coe, was with them.
The funeral took place on Saturday morning at 10 o�clock, Rev. Mr. Case officiating. The body was laid to rest beside that of her husband, H. P. Coe, in the Prairie Grove cemetery.
Chase County Leader News, Cottonwood Falls, Kansas, Dec. 31, 1903.
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