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Chase County Kansas Obituaries
Conaway, Dr. A. M.
The funeral of Dr. A. M. Conaway at Saffordville last Sunday was the largest ever held in the county. Mr. Conaway was widely known and universally respected and his many friends were anxious to pay a last tribute to his memory.
The funeral was held at the Saffordville church and was conducted by the Masonic Lodge of this city of which lodge he was a respected member. A very touching funeral sermon was preached by Rev. J. S. Russel of this city and appropiate music was furnished by the Saffordville choir composed of Misses Emma Jones, May Craok, the O' Daniel sisters, Messers John Crook, Milt Innes and Joe Myser.
Dr. Conaway had lived to the age of 76 and had seen grow up his six children and many grandchildren, every one of whom he had reason to be (sic) found of. He could look back on a life well spent. He could lay down the load and feel that his work was finished and in the bright beyond hear the words "well done thou good and faithful servent."
One of the sadest features of the death and funeral of Dr. Conaway was that his wife is lying at the point of death from cancer at the home of Mrs. D. C. Allen in Emporia. Mrs. Conaway has been a patient sufferer for a long time and her friends have little hope of her improving.
Chase County Leader News, Cottonwood Falls, Kansas, Nov. 11, 1905.
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