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Chase County Kansas Obituaries
Cormack, Abbie K Hunt Lacy
Mrs. Abbie K Cormack, one of oldest residents of this county, died at the home of her sister, Mrs. William Rockwood, last Saturday morning after a long and lingering illness.
She was born at Bridgewater, New York, on Sep ?, 1821 and was the oldest of a large family. In 1854 she removed with her parents to Milton, Wisconsin from which place they came to Chase County, Kansas, in 1860.
In 186l, she was married to Dr. Lacy. The union was a most happy one and was only ended by the death of the husband in 1866. She was subsequently married to Dr. W A Cormack. Mrs. Cormack was a woman possessing a bright, active intellect with strong literary tastes and much force of character. She gave her sympathy to all educational work, and her influence to the best interests of the community.
For several years, her broken health has made serious demands upon her endurance, and for the last year she has been a hopeless invalid cared for by her sister, Mrs. Rockwood with a tenderness that has done all in its power to ease the suffering of one so much afflicted. Death came as a welcome guest, for any improvement was an impossibility. Paralysis had silenced the body and light and life could nevere return again. Her brothers, F B Hunt and M E Hunt with many other relatives, were with her in her last hours. When the death messenger came he found her sleeping, and without a flutter of pain, the angel gathered the trembling spirit and bore it to the rest the father has prepared for his children.
Gently as a child the faithful sister, who watched, looked with a comforted sadness as the distracted lines fell away and left familiar impress of happy days on rested face.
Many friends came and those of kindred blood and those of many friendships united in the final rites. (The rest of this obit can not be read)
Chase County Leader News, Cottonwood Falls, Kansas, Jul 04 1891.
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