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Chase County Kansas Obituaries
Crites, Mrs. Simon
There have been two of the best known residents, of Burns, who have died within the past two weeks, while one of the best known former residents of that town has also passed away last week.
Mrs. Simon Crites died Friday, February 21st, and the funeral services took place Sunday, February 23rd, at Burns after which interment was made in the Burns cemetery.
On the same day that Mrs. Crites was buried, F. L. Giddings died in Newton where he had been taken to a hospital. His funeral was held Tuesday, February 25th.
Both Mrs. Crites and Mr. Giddings have lived in Burns for many years and the most widely known of the early settlers.
The third death of an old Burns residents was that of J. W, Draper whose death occurred in Newton on Tuesday of last week at the home of his daughter, Mrs. R. E. WiIliamson.
Mr. Draper was in his 76th year. The funeral services were held in Peabody on Thursday afternoon oflast week where interment was made.
Mr. and Mrs. Draper had been making their home their with their daughter, Mrs. Gail Smith in W ichita. They went to Newton for a brief visit with Mrs. R. E. Williamson and family and it was while there that Mr. Draper became suddenly ill.
Besides his widow, Mr. Draper is survived by seven children who are ? W Draper of Florence,; Alvin of Wichita, Orlando and Floyd of Peabody;
Mrs. Walter Baker of Junction City; Mrs. Gail Brooks of Peabody; and Mrs. R E Williamson, of Newton.
Chase County Leader News, Cottonwood Falls, Kansas, Feb 21 1930.
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