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Chase County Kansas Obituaries
Ditmars, Charles Former Strong City
Resident Buried Here
Funeral Rites for Charles Ditmars, Who Died in Muskogee,
Okla., Held Here Today.
Apr 12, 1950
Funeral service for Charles Ditmars of Muskogee, Okla., a resident of Strong City many years
ago, who passed away at his home
Monday, April 10, were conducted
this Wednesday morning at 11
o'clock at the St. Anthony Church
in Stronry City. The Rev. Father
Arthur Tonne of the Sacred Heart
Catholic Church, Emporia, conducted the services.
were Karl Stubenhofer. Paul Stubenhofer, Irvin Rettiger, Charles
Rettiger, William Bechelmayr and
William Meirowsky. Interment
was in St. Anthony cemetery, Strong City.
Recitation of the Rosary was
held at the Brown Funeral Home
in Cottonwood Falls, Tuesday evening.
Charles Ditmars was born in
Washington, Iowa., October 16, 1868.
He left Strong City in 1907 and
moved to Oklahoma which has
since been his home. Surviving
him are his widow of Claremore,
Okla.; a son. S. F. Ditmars, and
one granddaughter, Maurine Ditmars of Muskogee, Okla.; one
brother, Harry Ditmars, of Olympia,
Washington; three sisters, Miss
Maud Ditmars of Whittier, Calif.,
Mrs. E. Taylor of Seattle, Wash.,
and Mrs. E. Selby of Salt Lake
City, Utah.
Those from out-of-town who
were here to attend the funeral
rites follow: Mr. and Mrs. T. W
Kraft, Mrs. T. J. Ryan and Mrs.
R. B. Owen, Hutchinson; Mrs. A.
E. Rockold, Mr. and Mrs. Philip
Anderson and children, Doretta
and Jon, Newton; Mrs. Frank
Zuercher, Albuquerque, N. Mex.;
Mrs. R. L. Risinger, Ned Katlett
and Joe Kraft, Muskogee, Okla.;
Mrs. Wilma Berry and Arnold
Weems, Claremore, Okla., Miss
Amelia Frances Kraft, Halstead:
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Cooke, Jr., Oklahoma City, Okla.; Ed Maloney, Emporia
Funeral services for Charles Ditmars, who died Monday, April 10 in
the hospital at Muskogee, Okla
homa, were held in St. Anthony's
Catholic church in Strong City,
Wednesday morning, April 12, 1950
at eleven o'clock. The Rev. Father
Arthur Tonne of Emporia officiated.
Phyllis Carrier Howard sang accom
panied by Barbara Mader. The pall
bearers were I. J. Rettiger, Paul
Stubenhofer, Charles Rettiger, Karl
and William Meirowsky.
was made in St. Anthony's cemetery
The recitation of the Rosary was
held in the Brown Funeral Home in
Cottonwood Falls, Tuesday evening.
Mr. Ditmars, a resident of Strong
City for a number of years is sur
vived by his wife of the home, one
son S. F. Ditmars also of Muskogee
one granddaughter, Maurine of New
York, a brother Harry Ditmars of
Olympia, Washington, three sisters,
Miss Maude Ditmars of Whittier,
California; Mae E. Taylor, Seattle,
Washington, and Mrs. E. Selby of
Salt Lake City, Utah.
Relatives here for the funeral
were Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Ditmars,
Joe Kraft, Ned Catlett, Mrs. R. L.
Risinger, all of Muskogee, Okla, his
wife, Mrs. Charles Ditmars, Mrs.
Wilma Berry and Arnold Weem of
Claremore, Okla; Mr. and. Mrs. T, W
Kraft. T. J. Ryan and Mrs. R. B.
Owens of Hutchinson; Mrs. A. E
Rockhold, Mr and Mrs. Phillip Anderson, Doretta and Jon of Newton;.
Mrs. Frank Zurcher of Albuquerque,
New Mexico, Mr. and. Mrs. C. C.
Cooke, Jr. of Oklahoma City, Okla.,
Ed Maloney of Emporia and Miss
Amelia Kraft of Halstead.
Chase County Leader-News, Cottonwood Falls, Kans. Apr 12, 1950
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