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Chase County Kansas Obituaries
Fagg, Dorphus C Dorphus C. Fagg, Route 1,
Emporia, died Wednesday, May 15
at his home.
The funeral service was held on
Friday. May 17 at 1:.30 p.m. in the
chapel of Roberts- Blue- Barnett
Funeral Home. The Rev. Ron C.
Carter of the Flint Hills Christian
Church Conducted the service.
Burial was in Cottonwood
Dorphus C. Fagg was born
October 12, 1912, at Garfield.
Arkansas, the son of Charles and
Nora Reynard Fagg. He married
Julia Fisher in Longton on July 18,
Mr. Fagg worked for the Santa Fe
Railway in the late 1930's and early
1940's. He then farmed. In the mid-
1960's he was a self-employed
building contractor and later
operated the Freeway Service
Station at Sixth Avenue and Market
St. He retired in 1975. Mr. Fagg had
been an Emporia resident since
1963, moving to Emporia from Olpe,
where he lived for nine years.
Mr. Fagg is survived by his wife; a
son. Trenton D. Fagg, Rt. l,
Emporia; a brother, Tony Fagg of
Paola, and three sisters, Beulah
Wagner of Tarzana. California,
Jessie Park of Florence, and AIletha
Harbaugh of Cottonwood Falls. His
parents and a brother, Marion
Fagg. died earlier
Chase County Leader News, Cottonwood Falls, Kans. May 23, 1985
Dorphus C. Fagg, Rt. 1, died
Wednesday afternoon at his home.
The funeral service will be held
Friday at 1: 30 P.M. in the chapel of
dorphus Funeral
Home. The Rev. Ron C. Carter of
the Flint Hills Christian Church
will conduct the service. Burial
wilt be in Cottonwood Cemetery.
Dorphus C. Fagg was born Oct.
12, 1912, at Garfield, Ark., the son
of Charles and Nora Reynard
Fagg. He married Julia Fisher in
Longton on July 18, 1937.
MKR. Fagg worked for the Santa
Fe Railway in the late 1930's and
early 1940's. He then farmed. In the
mid-1960's he was a self-employed
building contractor and later oper-
ated the Freeway Service Station
at Sixth Ave. and Market St. He
retired in 1975. Mr. Fagg had been
an Emporia resident -since. 1963,
moving here from Olpe, where he
lived for nine years.
Mr. Fagg is survived by his wife;
a son, Trenton D. Fagg, Rt. 1; a
brother, Tony Fagg of Paola, and
three sisters, Beulah Wagner of
Tarzana, Calif., Jessie Park of
Florence, and Alletha Harbaugh of
Cottonwood Falls. His parents and
a brother, Marion Fagg, died ear-
Emporia Gazette May 15 1985
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