Chase County Kansas Obituaries
George, George
George George former mayor of this city and one of the earliest,
residents of this county, is dead at his home in Anaheim, California,
according to a message received today by his brothers, Jas. and Joseph George of Strong City. The deceased was 79 years of age and had emigrated to this country from England when a very young man. He had lived here for nearly half a century, removing to California three years ago. He is survived by his wife and two brothers
and one sister. His brothers both
live in Strong City. and the sister who is Mrs. Albert Russel lives in Dover, England.
The news of Mr. George's death will bring deep regret to his many Chase county friends. He had been in failing health for some months, according to his brothers. In the, message they received no particulars were given as the cause of death but it is very probable that it was due to heart trouble.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe George left this afternoon for California where they will arrive in time to attend the funeral,
It is likely that they will not remain long there.
Chase County Leader News, Cottonwood Falls, Kansas, June 23 1924