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Chase County Kansas Obituaries
Kraft, Francis Bertholl MRS. EDWARD KRAFT, SR.
Francis Bertholl Kraft was born in
Centerville, St. Clair County, Illinois,
February 12, 1852, and died at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. C. W.
Myers, of this city, August 24, 1927,
aged 75 years, 6 months, and 12 days.
At the age of 18 she was married
to Edward Kraft at St. Paul's Catholic church, Highland, Ill., April 26,
1870, To this union twelve children
were born, four boys and eight girls.
On March 17, 1887, she moved to
Strong City where she has dwelt continuously for 40 years.
She leaves to mourn her death her
life partner, Edward Kraft, Sr., and
six children: Mrs. C. S. Ditmars, Anadarko, Okla., Mrs. T. J. Ryan,
Hutchinson, Kans., Mrs. A. E. Rockhold, Newton, Kans., Mrs. C. W.
Myers, Strong City, Edward Kraft,
Jr., and Theodore Kraft, Wichita,
Kans.; seventeen grandchildren and
seven great grandchildren; also one
sister, Sophie Klien, of Evansville,
Ill., who is the sole survivor of a
family of seventeen children.
She was a good Catholic, her life
was a proof; she was a faithful wife,
a considerate mother, and a loving
grandmother. Although she knew the
trials and hardships of the early settlers, her unselfish work was lessened and crowned some few years ago when she and her life partner
together with her loved ones celebrated their golden jubilee. It was
for this golden event that the following poem was written by one of her
grandchildren and it only seems
proper to repeat:
"We Drink to a Golden Couple
of a Golden Age" "Then, though we have grown old,
We have grown old together,
And he has not greatly missed
My bloom faded and waning lights of
Too deeply gazed in ever to seem
Nor do we murmur at nor much re-
The years that gently bent us to the
So we must borrow the words of a
poet to declare what our hearts are
too full to express:
"Your smiles, love and courage
Your ideal life together
Shall be to us an inspiration;
And where we go
These ideals shall go,
Just as your love shall follow us."
Funeral services were held at St.
Anthony's church, Saturday, August
27, at 9:30 a. m., Reverend Father
Disselkamp officiating. Interment was
at the Catholic cemetery.
Those from out of town who at-
tended the funeral of Mrs. Kraft
were: Mrs. C. S. Ditmars, Anadar
ko, Okla.; Sidney Ditmars, Muskogee,
Qkla. ; Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Ryan and
daughter, Miss Lucile Ryan, of
Hutchinson; Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Rockhold and daughter, Miss Valerian and Miss Dorothy, of Newton;
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kraft, Jr., and family of Wichita; Mr. and Mrs. Ted
Kraft and family of Wichita; Mrs.
R. E. Maloney of Newton; Mrs. Garrett Prendeville of Parsons; Mrs.
Harry Chabin of Hutchinson ; Edd
Maloney of Kansas City, Mo.
We wish to express our sincere
thanks to our many friends and
neighbors for expressions of sympathy and acts of kindness during
our recent bereavement, and also for
the beautiful floral offerings.
Ed Kraft, Sr., and Family.
Mrs. Ed Kraft Dies
After Long Illness
Funeral Services Will be Saturday
Morning at 9:30 o'Clock From
Catholic Church.
Mrs. Ed Kraft died Wednesday
evening at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. C. W. Myers, in Strong City
after a long sickness. She has been
critically sick for some time. The
funeral services will be held at the
St. Anthony's Catholic church at
9:30 o'clock Saturday morning after which interment will be in the
Catholic cemetery. Father Dissel-
karnp will have charge of the services.
Frances Bertholl was born February 12, 1852, at Centerville, Ill., and
came to Chase County in 1887. She
was married April 26, 1870, to Edward C. Kraft at Highland, Ill. To
this union were born 12 children, six
of whom preceded her in death. She
had lived in Strong City 40 years the
l 7th of March. She is survived by her widower,
Edward C. Kraft; four daughters,
Mrs. Charles Ditmars of Anadarko,
Okla., Mrs. T. J. Ryan of Hutchinson, Mrs. A. E. Rockhold of Newton, Mrs. C. W. Myers of Strong
City; and by two sons, E. J.
and T. W. Kraft of Wichita.
also survived by one sister, Mrs.
Kline, of Illinois.
Chase County Leader-News, Cottonwood Falls, Kansas, Aug. 24, 1927
Francis Bertholl Kraft was born
in Centerville, St. Clair County, Illinois, February 12th, 1852, and died
at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
C. W. Myers of Strong City, August
24th, 1927, aged 75 years, 6 months,
and 12 days. At the age of 18 she was married
to Edward Kraft at St. Paul's Catholic church, Highland, Illinois, April
26th, 1870. To this union twelve,
children were born, four boys and
eight girls. On March 17th, 1887,
she moved to Strong city where she
has dwelt continuously for forty,
She leaves to mourn her death her
life partner, Edward Kraft Sr., and
six children: Mrs. C. S. Ditmars, of
Anadarka. Okla., Mrs. T. J. Ryan, of
Hutchinson, Kans., Mrs. A. E. Rock
hold of Newton, Kansas, Mrs. C. W.
Myers of Strong City, Edward Kraft
Jr., of Wichita, Kansas, Theodore
Kraft, Wichita, seventeen grandchil-
dren and seven great grandchildren,
also one sister, Sophie Klien of
Evansville, Ill., who is the sole sur-
vivor of a family of seventeen chil-
She was a good catholic, her life
was a proof; she was a faithful wife,
considerate mother and a loving
grandmother. Although she knew
the trials and hardships of the early
settlers her unselfish work was les
sened and crowned some few years
ago when she and her life partner to
gether with her loved ones celebrated
Their Golden Jubilee.
Funeral services were held at St.
Anthony's church, Saturday, Aug.
27th, at 9:30 a. m. Rev. Father Dis-
selkamp officiating. Interment made at Catholic Cemetery.
Chase County Leader-News, Cottonwood Falls, Kansas, Aug. 24, 1927.
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