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Chase County Obituaries
Martinot, Arthur
The tragedy which caused the death Saturday of Arthur J.
Marti- of Cedar point, was a most unusual one. Mr. Martinot was crushed to death while riding on the side of a motor car driven by A. H. Cole, of Cedar Point, when a holed loose on the highway walked in front of the car and was shuck.
Mr. Martinot was knocked from the side of the car to the paving. When picked up he was breathing, and was rushed to the office of Dr. Wager, in Florence. Before reaching the doctor's office, however, he had breathed his last.
The accident occurred about 6:30 o'clock. Mr. Martinot, who lives on highway 50S, about half way between Cedar Point and Florence, wanted to go to Florence, and started to walk. When just outside of Florence, he was overtaken by Mr, Cole, who stopped and asked him to ride. As the distance into Florence was short, Mr. Martinot just stepped in the running board of the car and held unto the side.
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Lalouette, who are neighbors of Mr. Matrinot, were a short distance behind the Cole car and there was a bus between them and Cole's car, but they witnessed the accident. The horse was on the south side of the highway and started to cross the road in front of the car. The horse, which belonged to Fritz Alder, was so seriously injured by the impact that it had to be destroyed.
Mrs. Lalouette said Mr. Martinet's neck was broken, a leg or arm fractured and that he was seriously injured internally. He never regained consciousness.
Mr. Martinot was born on the Martinot farm 51 years ago. He had been engaged in farming all his life. Following the death of his brother, Joe, he had continued to operate their farm.
He is survived by his mother, Mrs. Joe Martinot, and his sister, Miss Tillie Martinot, of Cedar Ppint, and another sister, Mrs. Charles Craw-ford, of Clements.
The funeral services were held from the Martinot farm at 2:30 o'-clock Tuesday afternoon. Interment was ln the Cedar Point cemetery.
Mr. Cole, on whose car Mr. Martniot was riding, works on the car Dwelle farm, south of Cedar point. He is about 60 years of age and was well acquainted with Martinot. Just before picking him up Mr. Cole had stopped to let another man in his car to ride to Florence. The cole car was not greatly damaged and was able to proceed under its opn power.
Chase County Leader News Cottonwood Falls, Kansas August 7 1935
The funeral services for Arthor J. Martinot, who was killed in a motor car accident August 3, near was held at eh martinot homw west of Cedar Point at 2:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon, August 6. The Rev. Alvin Rowe, of Elmdale, was in charge of the service. Interment was in Cedar Point Cemetery. Pallbearers were Sam Roper, Erneat Lalouette, Andy Lutt, Andrew Lambell, Paul Rosiere and Fred Louis.
The Folling brief obituary was read by Reverend Rowe:Arthur Joseph Martlnot, son of Josephine Renson and Joseph Marloot, was born at the present home may 21, 1883, and passed away at Florance, Kansas, August 3,1935. Mr Martinot was preceded in death by a brother, Ernest, who died Febuary 1, 1906, and by his father, Joseph Martinot, who passed away on Actober 14, 1932. He leaves his mother, two sisters, Miss Tille Martinot, and Mrs. Louise Crawford, one nephew, Arthur Crawford, as well as a number of other relatives.
Chase County Leader News, Cottonwood Falls, Kansas, August 7 1935
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