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Chase County Obituaries
Matti, Walter
The death of Walter Matti, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Matti, east of the city, which occurred Monday, Jan. 3rd is a sad shock to relatives and friends. Walter had been in poor health for a good many years and had battled bravely for his life. He was thirty-eight years of age and with the exception of the years he was at college at Manhattan had lived here all of his life. He was a graduate of the Chase County High School. He engaged in farming and the cattle business with his father and brothers after completing his school work but failing health had prevented him from doing active work during the past several years.
Besides his parents, Walter leaves his brothers, . Ernest, Clarence and Albert Matti; also his half brother, Herbert Danhour, and sister, Miss Loretta.
The funeral services were held at the Matti home at 2:30 o'clock Wednesday. afternoon, Rev. Frank Porter formerly M. E. pastor of this city, but now pastor of the Methodist Church of Eureka, officiating. interment was made in the Prairie Grove cemetery west of this city.
Chase County Leader News, Cottonwood Falls, Kansas, 1927
The recent passing of Walter Matti from your midst removes a young man of fine worth and as regards good citizenship, of great promise. His death was a distinct loss, not only to his own immediate loved ones, but to the surrounding country. His whole life in its tendency was of constructive habit. While for a dozen years he was handicapped with an increasing malady, yet he was to the last a source of sound counsel to those about him and manifested a helpful interest in all business affairs, I am informed.
How patiently he endured in the battle for health to the very end. Speaking once of his relation to God and the future world, he said, "I have given
all into the hands of God, it is all right." Just as he had been faithful to his
parental relationship,
and just as he had sought to maintain right attitude in all earthly relations, so he did not fail to adjust all with his Creator.
And therefore, let us, who knew him and thought so well of him, not now think of him as having been cut down in his prime, but rather as having taken up his life of faithfulness and helpfulness in the other life; to come, for us, but to him, that now is.
His life here for parental loyalty was ideal, for faithfulness to duty and helpfulness toward others was most exemplary, and for Christian patience in suffering is rarely equaled. These Christian virtues are far more priceless than all the legacies of gold and silver, and like a star of hope point toward the day when we shall see him again in the Sweet bye and bye, where the cords of human affection will be cemented again, never to be severed while the eternal ages roll on,
Frank Porter, Eureka, Kans.
Walter Carl Matti was born April 24, 1888. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Matti.
During his entire life he lived on the Matti farm, six miles southeast of Cottonwood Falls. He was a graduate of the Chase County High School, and took Work in the Agricultural College.
He had been in ill health for eleven years and for the last few months had been confined to his bed. He died Jan. 3, 1927, at the age of 38 years, 8 months and 9 days.
He is survived by his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Matti, one sister, Lauretta Matti, three brothers, C. A. Matti, Ernest Matti, and Herbert Danhour: also his betrothed, Miss Nan Merritt.
Walter was held in highest esteem by all who knew him. He possessed those sterling qualities that make for splendid manhood. His patience and fortitude were shown in the manner in which he endured the pain of his last illness. His life was an example to all. Death released him from a world of pain and opened the gates into a world that knows no pain.
Chase County Leader News, Cottonwood Falls, Kansas, 1927.
by Lorna Marvin
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