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Chase County Kansas Obituaries
McCallum, Peter
Peter McCallum was born December 25, 1856, near Janesville, Rock County, Wisconsin his parents having come from Scotland some time before to make a home for their children in a new country, he being one of six children. He died April 9, 1926, at the age
of 69 years, 3 months, and 15 days. When but a few months old, his parents emigrated to Fillmore County, Minn., where they settled on a homestead, other relatives having blazed a trail in this newer country.
At the age of 22 he came to Kansas, arriving here March 21, and made his home with his uncle, George McNee, for a short time,
after which he established himself on a farm near Elmdale, where he engaged in farming and stock raising.
It was during his early residence here under the pastorate of the Rev. E. M. Randall in 1886, Mr. McCallum became a member of the first M. E. church organized in Elmdale and has been officially connected with this church ever since.
Shortly after this organization was effected, a church was erected on the site where the present building stands, it having become necessary in the course of years to erect two church buildings. The first was in 1890 under the pastorate of the Rev. R. E. McLean when Mr. McCallum, together with J. R. Holmes and William Sullivan served on the building committee. Again in 1919, the congregation having outgrown the capacity of the old church, a new building was planned and erected under the pastorate of the Rev. F. C. Johnson, when Mr. McCallum was again chosen a member of the building committee, and together with H. L. Prather, D. C. Morris and P. C. Jeffrey labored untiringly to bring the church to its completion. His friends feel that through Mr. McCallum's efforts the church was saved during the years of hard times.
In October, 1895, he purchased the farm that has since been his home. He has continued to add to his holdings until now he is one of the large land owners of this county. He has been extensively engaged in farming and stock raising.
Peter McCallum was united in marriage to Mary J. McNiven of Cottonwood Falls, October 10, 1894. To this union were born nine children, five boys and four girls: R. Donald, of Matfield Green; Agnes D. Wells, of Elmdale; Ruth M. Colmar, of Indianapolis, Ind.; Rodney H., J. Keith, M. Elizabeth, George A., Neil P, and Janette 1., who together with his wife and three grandchildren survive him. He is also survived by an older sister, Mrs. Margaret Cathcart, of Harmony, Minn., and a younger brother, J. G. McCallum, of Riverside, Wash.
Chase County Leader-News, Cottonwood Falls, Kansas, April 14, 1926
Peter McCallum, prominent farmer and stockman, who died Friday moming at 4:40 at his home on Middle Creek, was buried Sunday afternoon, following the funeral services at the Methodist church. Interment was in the Elmdale cemetery. The Rev. H. A. Fintel conducted the services.
Mr. McCallum has been in poor health since last September when he visited his brother in Minnesota. He underwent an operation at the Axtell hospital in Newton, December 17, and returned home the day before Christmas. He gradually regained his strength until Thursday, March 25, when he contracted sickness which later developed into pneumonia with complications.
The term "a self made man" is especially applicable to Mr. McCallum, for he came here almost penniless, and when he died he was one of the largest land owners in Chase County. In accumulating his wealth, however, his unselfishness was noticeable. His maxim was "service for others," and he often said, "What I do is for you."
Among the out-of-town people who attended the funeral were: R. 0. Morris and P. C. Jeffrey of Emporia; Mr. and Mrs. Levi Jones, Mrs. Arthur Sheehan, and Virgil Jones of Matfield Green; Mr. and Mrs. Jim McNee, Miss Janet McNee, and Mrs. George Drummond,of Cottonwood Falls.
The active pall-bearers were: T. R Wells, C. A. Nicoll, H. R. Hayden, J. A. Holmes, Ed Thurston, and J. M. Miller. Honorary pallbearers were: P C. Jeffrey, William Drummond, Sr., J. F. Campbell, E. P Allen, J. H. Frey, H. C. Faris, A. W. Dean, and D. A. Ward.
In spite of the almost impassable roads, the church was filled for the funeral services. Because of the condition of the roads, it was requested that only the family and the pall-bearers go to the cemetery.
The passing of Peter McCallum from the community of Elmdale, marks an epoch in the history of the making of the community both in its sense of growing from a pioneer settlement into progressive, modern, wide awake community, abreast of the times to an unusual extent; and also as to the making of the community one of sturdy characteral worth.
The impress of Peter McCallum will long be felt as a rock of strength-a Gibraltar, as it were, for right.
His influence in his home resembled the picturesque father of Burns' "Cotter's Saturday Night" and will even so be felt in the sturdy character of his sons and daughters.
They have a right to their great pride in their father's character and standing, for it is a great heritage.
As a community we are grateful for the example of this great soul, and are ready to agree again with the poet that, "An honest man's the noblest work of God."
While Mr. McCallum may be remembered by the majority for these sterling, sturdy, staunch qualities, there are some who will remember him best and longest as an angel of mercy in the days when nurses and doctors were scarce and the roads long.
He certainly bore well his rugged cross and has thereby gained his crown.
Mrs. C. A. Nicol.
The Elmdale News, Elmdale, Kansas, April 15, 1926
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