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Chase County Kansas Obituaries
Montgomery, Sarah Jane Brooks Sarah Jane Brooks was born at Batavia, N. Y., Oct.. 15th, 1844, and passed away at her home in Manhattan, Kans., Jan. 16th, 1921 being at the time of her death, 76 years, 3 months and 1 day of age.
When she was still a small child her parents moved to Charlotte, Mich., where she grew to womanhood.
After her marriage her home was
on a farm near Cedar Point until
1903, when she moved to Manhattan,
where she resided until her death.
She was united in marriage to
Capt. P. D. Montgomery Feb, 12th,
1881. To this union three children
were born, a daughter who lived but
a few hours, and two sons, Grove E. Montgomery who was killed by lightning at the age of eleven, and Joe S. Montgomery of St. Paul, Minn., who survives her. She had also two step children, to whom she gave the same love and care as to her own, receiving in return their life-long love and devotion. The step son, Charles D. Montgomery, died in 1902, the step daughter, Mrs. W. P. Brickell lives to mourn her loss.
Mrs. Montgomery's death was very sudden coming as a great shock to her family and friends. It was due to a sudden heart failure following a two days illness from on attack of indigestion, such as she had been subject to at times for years. Her grandson, Joe Brickell, was with her at Manhattan.
Frail and delicate when a child, she had never known robust health, yet she lived a long and useful life, giving freely of her limited strength to help others and blessing and cheer-
ing all with whom she came in contact.
She had known much of sorrow from early childhood, the loss of her entire family one by one from tuberculosis�father, mother and three sisters, later the death of her first born baby, the tragic death of her
oldest son, the death of her well
loved step-son, and lastly her husband who died in 1911. But she never brooded over her sorrows nor allowed them to embitter her life. Instead they developed in her a wonderful understanding and sympathy with the sorrows of others, so that people turned to her instinctively for help in time of trouble.
Very early in life she became a Christian and united with the M. E. Church and continued a consistent member till her death. In later years she had taken an active part in church work having more time and strength than earlier. She not only studied the Word of God, she lived it day by day.
Beside her son and daughter and their families, she leaves a very few near relatives and a host of friends, who for a long time to come will miss this gentle loving Christain character.
The funeral was held at the old home polace four and one-half miles north of Cedar Point, where Mr. W P Brickell now lives. The service was held Jan 19th 11:00 a.m. with Rev. C Z Allsbury of Strong City officiating. She was laid to rest in the private cemetery where rests the other members of her family who had preceeded her to the Great Beyond.
Chase County Leader News, Cottonwood Falls, Kansas, Jan 16, 1921.
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