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Chase County Kansas Obituaries
Stenzel, William Charles W. C. STENZEL
William Charles Stenzel was born in Milwaukee, Wisc., April 27, 1876, and departed this life January 3, 1940, at the age of 63 years, 8 months and 7 days.
He married Lula May. in April, 1901. To this union two sons and three daughters were born. She preceded him in death November, 22, 1917. He married Mrs. Myrtle Durham, January 23, 1936.
He joined the Lutheran church in early life and was active in church and community work, in his later years, and was especially fond of music. He was an artist in his musical ability on the violin. He also had made many beautiful things in scroll work.
He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Myrtle Stenzel, and five children, Lee C. Stenzel, Belle Plaine, Kans.; Vernon D. Stenzel, Goodman, Mo.; Mrs. Erma Phillips, Great Bend; Mrs. Bessie Bherendt, Independence; Mrs. Cleo Sheppard, Wichita; four grandchildren and two sisters, Mrs. Kate Schneider, Sterling, Colo., and Mrs. Tillie Englert, Garnett, and many other relatives and friends.
The pall-bearers at the Elmdale services were P. S. Thurston, T. R. Wells, F. W. Schneider, O. L.
Frey, J. W. Way and George Mc-Callum.
S C News, Jan 17, 1940
Funeral services for William C Stenzel were held at 2:30 last Saturday afternoon at Elmdale. Interment was made in the Elmdale cemetery. Mr. Stenzel who for many years was a resident of this county died at his home at Goodwin, Arkansas, Thursday, Jan. 4, following a brief illness from pneumonia. Rev. E. K. Resler, pastor of the Strong City Methodist church, preached the sermon. A previous service had been held at Goodwin, Arkansas, before the remains were brought here for interment.
Mr. Stenzel was eight years of age when his parents moved to Collet's Branch in the northwest part of this county. His parents, Mr. and Mrs William Stenzel were early residents of the county. He engaged in farming and the livestock business here the greater part of his life and owned a farm on Middle Creek near the Union school house, now belonging to J. W. Myser.
The Stenzel family moved from this county to Arkansas fifteen or twenty years ago, where Mr. Stenzel had made his home. Besides his wife he is survived by five children, Lee Stenzel, of Belle Plain, Kansas; Vernon Stenzel, of Arkansas; Mrs. Erma Phillips, of Great Bend; Mrs. Bessie Behrendt, of Independence, Kansas, and Mrs. Cleo Shepard, of Wichita. He also leaves four grand-children.
He was 63 years of age and was widely known in the west part of the county. His widow before her marriage was Miss Myrtle Simpson.
Chase County Leader News, Cottonwood Falls, Kansas, Feb 17, 1940
Emdale Cemetery Inscriptions
Stenzel Walter S. July 10. 1881 Nov. 28. 1915
Stenzel Sophia H. 1884 1982
Stenzel Leroy W. 1904 1990
Stenzel Rhoda E. 1906 1974
Stenzel Lula M. Feb. 27. 1880 Nov. 22. 1917 Wife of W. C. Stenzel
Stenzel Wm. C. 1875 1940
Stenzel Minnie 1842 1917 Mother
Stenzel William May 30. 1839 May 1. 1914 Father
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