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Chase County Kansas Obituaries
West, Ashael McGee
Mr. A. M. West died at the home
of his daughter, Mrs. E. H. Finley, in this city Saturday, November 3. He had made his home with his daughter for several years and for some time had been in poor health, suffering from creeping paralysis.
Thursday of last week, when he was returning from a walk he fell on the steps of the Finley home and broke his hip. The shock from this was too great and he passed away Saturday.
Mr. West was born in Seneca county, Ohio, July 4, 1846, and died in Cottonwood Falls, Novernber 3, 1923, aged 77 years. In 1902 he united with the Christian church of Hutchinson, later transfering his membership to Cottonwood Falls and then to the Hartford M. E. church when he moved to his farm near that city, remaining a member of that church until his death. His wife, Anna A., preceeded him to the "Better Land" four years ago.
Three sons and one daughter are left to mourn the loss of a loving father: C. T. West of Hartford; W. W. West of Emporia; F. M. West of Hartford and Mrs. Blanche Finley of Cottonwood Falls. Other near relatives are: a brother, A. F. West, of Smith Center, Kansas; a sister, Mrs. R. M. Rhey, of Hutchinson, Kansas.
Mr. West spent his early boyhood in Ohio, moving from there first to Missouri and then to Colorado. In his early manhood he moved to the then new town of Hutchinson, Kansas. He was one of the pioneer young businessmen of that community being interested in the milling and salt industry.
In 1901 Mr. West moved to Cottonwood Falls, where, with two of his sons he was interested in the lumber and hardware business. From here he moved to Texas where he lived for a few years and then to a farm near Hartford, Kansas, where he lived until he came to make his home with his daughter.
Chase County Leader News, Cottonwood Falls, Kansas, Nov 02 1923.
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