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Chase County Kansas Obituaries
Whipkey, Sarah Jessipy Spiller
Mrs. M. E. Whipkey died at her home at Saffordville last Saturday afternoon, June 13th following an illness of several months. The funeral services were held at the Methodist Church in Saffordville at 2:00 o'clock Monday afternoon and interment was in the Toledo cemetery.
Mrs. Whipkey was in her 74th year. She had suffered a paralytic
stroke some months ago and her health had been very poor slues that
The Whipkey family, which is one of the best known families of the east part of the county, has lived in he Saffordville vicinity for the past forty-five years. For many years Mr. Whipkey was engaged in farming and the live-stock business and lived on what is now the Littler farm. In recent years Mr. and Mrs. Whipkey have made their home in Saffordville.
Mrs. Whipkey is survived by her husband and two sons, who are Ernest Whipkey, of Emporia, and Hugh Whipkey, who lives inConcordia. Before locating in Emporia, Ernest Whipkey was for many years engaged in business in Saffordville under the firm of Whipkey & Slater. Hugh Whipkey is an employee of the Santa Fe.
Chase County Leader News, Cottonwood Falls, Kansas, June 14 1931.
Resident of County for thirty years succumbed Saturday After Long Illness.
Mrs. M E Whipkey, a resident of Saffordville for the past thirty years died Saturday at her home after a long illness. Funeral services wer held Monday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock in the Methodist church at Saffordville and interment was in the Hillside cemetery. Rev. A. H. Christensen, pastor of the church, conducted the services.
Sarah Jessipy Spiller was born July 12, 1857, at Carbondale, Ill., the oldest of five children of Jessipy and William Spiller.; and departed this life June 13, 1931, at Saffordville, having reached the age of 73 years, 11 months, and 1 day.
In 1877 she was united in marriage to Marshall E. Whipkey of Murpheyshoro, Ill., and to this union were born two suns, Hugh E. of Concordia, Kans., and Ernest F. of Emporia.
In 1886 the family moved to Kansas and in the same year the family moved to Chase County, where they have resided continuously since. The home has been in Saffordville for nearly 30 years.
Besides her sons she leaves her husband, Marshall, a sister, Mrs. Theodice Will of Glencoe, Okla., three granddaughters, Mrs. Rosalind Ehrsam of Douglass, Kans., Mrs. Helen Ball. of Wichita, and Margaret Whipkey of Concordia, one grandson, Delbert Whipkey, of Concordia, and one great grandson, Billy Ernest Ball, of Wichita.
Grandma Whipkey was a loved and respected member of the church and community, having been a member of the Methodist church for many years, sacrificing unstintingly of herself and her time in the interests of her home and loved ones. She has made a place for herself in the hearts of her friends that can never be filled.
Early in the spring of 1929 she first noticed her health failing. With the dominant spirit that marked her entire Iife, she fought a good fight against this ill health. On July 8, 1929, she celebrated her golden wedding anniversary.
During the World War, Grandma showed her love for her country in that she was awarded a proficiency certificate from the government commending her for her knitting in behalf of the boys across the seas.
Chase County Leader News, Cottonwood Falls, Kansas, Jun 17 1931.
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