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Chase County Kansas Obituaries
Whitney, Harriet Phebe Davis
The sudden death of Mrs. D. E. Whitney came as great shock to her relatives and friends Sunday. Apparently uncomplaining of any previous illness, she suffered a stroke of apoplexy and passed away about 6 o�clock Sunday evening.
Harriet Phebe Davis was born at Iowa City, Iowa, October 2, 1860.
She was united in marriage with David E. Whitney, May 1887, at Elk Point, S. D. To this union three children were born: Carl A. Whitney of Cedar Point, Joe P. Whitney of Cedar Point and Ralph E. Whitney of Florence.
Besides being survived by her three sons, she is also survived by a sister, Miss Henrietta Davis of Decatur, Ark.
Mr. and Mrs. Whitney came to Kansas about 34 years ago, and since that time have resided at Strong City, Cedar Point and Florence. Mr. Whitney preceded her in death, February 28, 1927, while they were living at Strong City.
Mrs. Whitney died at the home of her son, Ralph, following stroke of apoplexy, from which she never rallied, Sunday evening, December 3, 6:14 p.m. An injury received in a fall some years ago had left her partially a cripple and may have had something to do with her sudden passing. In her youth Mrs. Whitney united with the Methodist church in
South Dakota.
The funeral service was held at the residence of her son, Ralph A. Whitney, in Florence, Tuesday, December 5, at 1 p.m. The service was in charge of Rev. A. L. Hughes, pastor of the Methodist church. Burial was in the cemetery at McPherson, where her husband was buried.
A mixed quartet, Mrs. O�Bryon, Mrs. Stamp, Mr. Stromberg and Mr. Severns, sang three appropriate songs.--Florence Bulletin.
Florence Bulletin, Florence, Kansas, Dec. 3, 1933.
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