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Chase County Kansas Obituaries
Whitson, Julia Jackson
On May 31st, 1883, Mrs. Julia A. Whitson, consort of Judge Whitson, of our county, was laid to rest in the family lot,
Spring Grove Cemetery, near Cincinnati, Ohio. The deceased was born in Cincinnati, May 6th, 1823, being at date of her death 60 years and 12 days old.
Her father was David Jackson, a man of considerable prominence in his day. One of the first masons of the city and state, in which order he rose to the head.
The daughter was a great sufferer, having inherited the disease of asthma from the
mother, but during her Kansas life was
troubled but little until her return home
from a trip to California, whither she
went in search of health. About the lst
of November, 1882 she was attacked with
the disease in the most virulent form,
from which she never fully recovered.
About the last of April the Judge went
with her to Columbus, Ohio, where the
physicians soon discovered Bright's disease, in a very advanced state, and which ended her earthly career.
The subject of this sketch was truly a Christian woman, aud none worthy were over turned away from her door without proper relief. For the soldier she had a particularly warm heart, having expended much time and money in behalf of the sick aud wounded, as well as provided liberally for many of the enlisted boys whose parents and relatives were unable to provide for their wants. She was the mother of eight children by her first husband, four of whom
survives her. She was a kind, indulgent mother, a faithful and loving wife, and died with the full assurance of immortality beyond the grave.
June 11th, 1883.
At a regular meeting of Angola Lodge, No. 58, I. 0. 0. F., the following resolutions were offered and unanimously adopted.
Whereas: We have learned of the recent bereavement of our worthy secretary, Bro. Whitson, in the death of his wife, therefore,
Resolved, that we, the officers and members of Angola Lodge, No. 58, I. 0. 0. F., tender to Bro. Whitson our heartfelt sympathy in this, his great sorrow, realizing how weak are any words of sympathy which we can offer to assuage grief, or comfort the sorrowing, and that we can only commend him to the merciful Father above, to whom we may all flee for refuge in trouble.
Resolved, that these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of this Lodge, and that a copy of the same, under the seal of the Lodge, be sent to Bro. Whitson, and also that a copy bo sent to each of the papers in this vicinity, for publication.
W. A. Parker, Recording Sec'ry, pro tem.
Oh sister, traveling hand in hand,
On life's long road again we pause,
And here in grief and mourning stand,
As one more from the ranks withdraws.
With us she shared the pains and joys
That rise along our pleasant ways;
The labor which our strength employes,
The toil and trials of the days.
And now she quits our weary train
And marches o'er the heavenly heights,
But we shall work with her again
And share her rest, and her delight.
God comfort us, our sister bless,
While this dear friend thy love receives;
Raise the sad mourner from distress
And gladden every heart that grieves.
Chase County Leader News, Cottonwood Falls, Kansas, May 31 1883.
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